My gaze flickered between the clock and the door. Time felt frozen, I felt frozen. I was left waiting for a guy I barely knew but felt more connected to than anyone else around me. People were coming after me, and I did not know why. I think I want answers, but my brain is conflicted. Maybe it would just be better if I didn't remember. Maybe there was a reason that my memories are gone, that my brain was protecting me from something I don't want to remember. I was so lost in my thoughts that I did not realize how tired my body felt. My mind was racing and yet my eyelids grew heavy. Before I knew it, I drifted off to sleep.
"Ah, there you are!" a voice called out in the darkness. My body trembled, I held my breath and cowered hoping that if I got small enough, I could slip away. The door opened and light streamed in through the doorway. I pressed my face between the crack of the cardboard boxes in front of me. A young boy with brown hair kneeled next to me and offered his hand. I smiled and tried reaching for the hand when a large dark figured batted the boy out of the way and clamped down hard onto my arms. He covered my mouth so I could not scream and then everything went black.
Knock! Knock! the noise boomed from my front door jolting me awake. My forehead was coated in sweat and my body was covered in goosebumps. The noise continued more frantic with each knock. In my sleepy daze, I made my way to the door. Looking through the peephole was a black shirt and messy blonde hair. Slowly opening the door, I peeked around it. Ludwig sighed with relief as I opened it further. "Are you alright _? I've been knocking for a while I got worried you didn't make it home." Ludwig said smoothing his hair back. I shook my head. "I had a very strange dream," I replied sleepily. "A new dream?" Ludwig asked in a confused tone. I nodded as I made my way back to my sofa. Ludwig sat down next to me and held my hand. "Do you want to talk about it?" Ludwig asked, his voice smooth like silk. Nodding I took a deep breath to try and collect my thoughts. "It was dark, but someone was calling out to me. The voice felt familiar, but I still hid from them. I remember peeking through some boxes and that is when I saw a boy with brown hair. He came over to me and offered his hand. I wanted to take it but before I could a dark figured pushed him out of the way and grabbed on to me. Then I woke up." my voice was calm, but my body trembled. "The boy you described; did you recognize him?" Ludwig asked. I bit the inside of my cheek afraid to give my answer. "He looked like the Italian man I met earlier today, the one who tried to kidnap me," I replied in a soft voice. Ludwig was silent for a moment. I squeezed his hand "Do you know what this means? Can you help me understand exactly what's happening?" I pleaded. "Her memory is coming back quicker than we anticipated." Ludwig thought to himself. Ludwig's gaze felt icy and gave me goosebumps. "Your family was once well regarded for having a high social standing. This puts a big target on your back. The two boys you met today are a part of a group of radicalists who are trying to make sure your memory stays hidden." Ludwig said. I could feel my head spinning. "Why do you want my memories hidden?" I asked sheepishly. Ludwig looked away. "You are the lest a member of your family and if you gain your memory back then you can take what is rightfully yours." He said in a sad tone. I tried to keep my breathing under control, but I could not stop the tears. I was the last of my family. Even if I got my memories back, I would have no one left to return to. "So, I am the only living member of my family?" I asked my voice cracking. Ludwig's face tightened. "Your parents died in a car accident when you were a toddler, and your grandfather went missing a year ago, but he has been presumed dead." My mouth felt dry. I tried to find the words to reply but there were not any. Ludwig held me in his strong arms.
Ludwig's arm felt like it was going numb. Craning his neck to look down at _'s face it was clear that they were fast asleep. Gently picking up _'s small body he carried them into the bedroom, gently laying them on the bed. He gave a quick kiss on the forehead and headed out. Quietly shutting the door to _'s apartment Ludwig pulled out his cell phone. "Father, _ is gaining their memory back faster than we intended. What if they start to piece things together and my story just doesn't add up?" Ludwig replied in a worried tone. "You dummkopf!" The man yelled slamming his fists onto the table. "I raised you better than that! If only you had the same tactical charm that your brother had, we wouldn't be having this problem!" Ludwig stayed silent drooping this head. "Ja Vader…" Ludwig replied clicking his heels together heading toward his car.