Disclaimer: As you all know, I do not own Twilight, that's all Meyer just like everything else you recognize in this story.

I apologize for the bad grammar beforehand. English is not my first language, but let's see how it goes…

Prologue: Numb – Linkin Park

I was paralyzed with fear as the Doctor strapped me to the chair while he was whistling some classical music like the one he hummed by the train when we arrived and he sorted us from the others. His assistant with the grim expression was strapping my twin brother Tom to a similar chair. He was trembling unlike me. I couldn't do much other than stare empty into space. I knew we were as good as dead the moment the train stopped, but close to death was not something we were unfamiliar with. We had been packed into that wagon for days like cattle without water or food. Many of the little children and elderly had died. They were the lucky ones. We had all heard stories of the place we were going, but no one believed those stories. Why would we? No human being could be that cruel! No human could do such horrid things to others as if they were cockroaches or worse!

We were wrong.

As the train stopped and the doors opened, we knew. The SS-soldiers had shouted for us to move out, and they had sorted men from women and children from parents – most mothers had refused to leave their young ones and had been sorted out with the children. Tom and I wasn't guided away with the other groups. The Doctor – whistling along to his classical music as if it was all just a walk in the park - had spotted us. You see, he was looking for twins, and now we were here, in his laboratory. We weren't the only ones, nor were we the first. Many had come here to die in the name of science. We did not know science like we knew the feeling of being shunned from society, being reduced to something less than human. Our lives weren't our own. They were in the hands of someone who did not see the human we once were. As I sat there in paralyzing fear, I wondered if there even existed a worse way to die than in the name of science. I couldn't think of any.

I heard my brother murmur my name over and over again, but I couldn't bring myself to look at him. I feared if I tried to move, the fear would eat me up and I would begin to scream and beg for mercy. It would be so futile. There was no mercy here. After all, mercy does not exist in Hell or in the hearts of demons. It had been a long time since I last believed in mercy.

"Andrea, Andrea, Andrea" I faintly heard my brother's broken voice. It pained me to hear the emptiness in his voice. It used to be so cheerful and warm – now it was as empty as everything else in this place. Empty voices. Empty hearts. Empty souls. Empty lives. But never empty guns nor empty threats. No one paid any attention to my brother's fearful mutterings. We weren't human in this place. We had no feelings to be considerate of here. We were lower than the lowest in their eyes, barely humans. I didn't even feel human anymore and I had started to believe there were no humans here. I couldn't remember the feeling of warmth or a full stomach. Pain and hopelessness was something we were used to by now. Death and nothingness could only be considered a blessing.

The Doctor stuck a needle into my arm - the skin thin as paper clung to my bones. The needle was connected to a tube and a bag with some kind of silver fluid. How was he going to kill me? I heard he had used rat poison on some of the other twins. He wanted to see the effect on human bodies, you see, that is why he liked to use twins, to compare the result. One twin would get poison the other wouldn't, but both would die in the end. There was no hope of getting out of this hell alive. Maybe that would be for the best anyway. Whatever you were after you had survived Hell and crawled out, it wasn't human and what was there to live for anymore if it wasn't our own humanity or the little faith we still clung to? Faith… What is faith? Believing in a God who forsakes you in your darkest hour. No, thank you. Death is my God now.

A tear streamed down my hallow cheek. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the assistant sticking a similar needle into my dear Tom's arm – he was just as malnourished as me, and it seemed like such a cruelty to stick the needled into his bony arm -, but his tube wasn't connected to any bag, it simply ended in a bucked by his chair. Another needle was stuck into his other arm. What were they going to do to us? Would we suffer much longer before we could welcome Death? Oh, sweet Death, you aren't far behind now, are you?

I closed my eyes as the Doctor stopped his whistling and humming. This was it. Only a few more moments and it would all be over. Right? I could hear Tom whimper by my side and more tears streamed down my hallow cheeks. I wished I could take his hand one last time, but even if we weren't strapped, I would still not have the strength. He broke my heart and burned holes in my soul. I wished he wouldn't cry. I wished he wouldn't suffer, but God hadn't heard any of my prayers so far, so it didn't really surprise me when he didn't hear my final ones either. At least I was the one getting the poison and not Tom.

I could see the fluid slowly moving down the tube. It seemed so thick like melted silver. It moved so dreadfully slow, but at the same time, it moved all too fast. It was almost odd in a very morbid way to observe the fluid crawl towards me in that tube, but wasn't it always odd to look at the different faces of Death? As soon as the fluid entered my body, pain took over. I was burning from the inside. Screams of agony echoed through the air and I didn't even realize at first that I was the one making such a horrid sound, but God, make it stop! Make the fire cease! Kill me now and be over with it! Where were you, Death?! Why weren't you coming to take me away?! Why would you forsake me in this agony?!