Okay. So I know it's been almost six months since I updated this. And I'm sorry. But I took a class all of July, went to Disney World the first week of August, and moved back on campus/had auditions/started classes and preparing for rehearsals all within two weeks after I got back from Florida. And now I'm in a show here at my university, playing a principle role, and just closed another show last month. So sadly I have had little to no writing time, which really sucks because besides this book, I have two other fan fictions I need to update, and I'm trying to write an original book of my very own at the moment as well. And I'm a little brain dead for all of them, which breaks my heart. Talk about writer's block. But this chapter was already all but written by my cousin and myself a while back, so I figured I would fill in the gaps and publish it. I'm sorry if it's not perfect... I'm really struggling with writing right now and that makes me very sad. But. I'm trying. I'm rather (very) shaky on my Fanfiction legs. But I hope this is enjoyed. Let me know what you think?


Chapter Eleven:

The following morning found little Enjolras snuggled up to his older friend's side, as fast asleep as Combeferre was. The early morning sun shone brightly in through the thin curtains, and the blue birds outside chirped happily in the tree outside Etienne's window. Little Julien's wild blond hair was more messy than usual, falling across his face as he slept, and Etienne held the small boy to his side protectively, even in sleep. When the door opened, neither boy stirred, and Monsieur Combeferre stood in the doorway smiling softly at the duo for a moment before gingerly going over to shake the boys awake, ever so gently. "Good morning, Etienne and Julien," he spoke softly, unable to keep the fond smile off his face. "Breakfast is ready if you want to come down."

Little Julien opened wide blue eyes and for a brief moment panic flashed across his face at seeing a big man looming down at him. But when he realized it was Monsieur Combeferre, however, he relaxed a little as he sat up, rubbing his eyes sleepily. "Thank you very much, Monsieur," he mumbled through a tired voice, stretching a little as Combeferre sat up at his side, reaching to the nightstand to put on his glasses.

"Yes, thank you papa! We'll be down in a few minutes," Etienne grinned up at his papa, laughing as his hair was ruffled before his father left the room once again, shutting the door behind him.

Enjolras was rubbing his eyes again, trying to wake up, yawning a little and stretching sleepily. Combeferre smiled at him fondly, reaching over to try and tame one of the blond's wild locks. "Good morning."

"Morning," Julien smiled up at him, terrors of the previous night seemingly forgotten. "It's cold."

"Well maybe we should get dressed then," Combeferre offered him a smile as he got to his feet, pulling Enjolras up as well. "It is getting colder in the mornings anymore."

Julien nodded happily at the prospect of getting out of the too-big nightshirt, and as Combeferre got his clothes and went behind the changing curtain, Enjolras quickly set about pulling on his own pants and shirt, slipping his shoes on his feet and then looking down at the undone laces, biting his lip before trying to lace them, focusing on the steps Combeferre had told him about less than a week ago. You make the loop, then you make the other... No, that's not right... Wait...! You make the loops, then you knot them like this...!

"Ferre!" a happy little squeal brought the older boy out from behind the changing curtain just as he was putting his glasses back on. Julien pointed happily to his shoe, where a perfect bow was made with the laces. "Ferre look! I did it!"

Combeferre's face lit up like the sun and he ran over to embrace his little friend. "I am so proud of you, Julien! It's perfect!"

Enjorlas grinned widely, unable to help himself. He was so unused to this kind of praise... To be honest, unused to any praise unless it was from his mother, and he rarely got to see her. Combeferre's joy over his accomplishment made Julien all but bounce in delight, and the tiny blond looked as if nothing in the world could touch him for the first time since Etienne met him.

"How about we go down to breakfast and tell my parents, hmm? They'll be so proud!" Combeferre offered with a grin.

Julien's smile faltered ever so slightly, and he bit his lip, shaking his head a little. "I don't want to drop another spoon."

Combeferre chuckled fondly and pressed his friend's hand. "Julien, spoons get dropped here all the time. Last week my sister accidentally broke one of my mother's favorite dishes and my parents weren't even mad because they knew it was an accident. They won't be angry if you drop something. I promise."

Enjolras looked up with his wide blue eyes, and Etienne couldn't help the pang in his heart when he saw the fear in Julien's gaze. "When I drop something around my father he makes me go to bed without supper."

The bespectacled boy frowned deeply and he spoke softly. "Well I promise that will never happen in this house."

Julien smiled a tiny bit, biting his lip. "I think I like this house better than mine."

Ferre frowned deeper now, but then smiled and took his friend's hand again. "Well you are always welcome here."

"But I can't stay here forever. It doesn't work like that."

"But you can always come back," Combeferre spoke earnestly, before kissing blond curls and rising to his feet. "Come on. Let's go eat breakfast, okay?"

Enjolras wavered for a moment, looking up at his friend with those wide blue eyes. "Okay, but Etienne? I... Can you promise that... Can you promise it's safe here? Because... Because I don't think I'm supposed to say this but I... I like it better here because I feel safe here. And I don't... I don't feel safe at my house."

Etienne frowned deeply before enveloping his friend in another tight and loving embrace. "I promise you, Julien Enjolras. Nothing and nobody is going to hurt you here. You are safe. I promise."

And as Julien smiled up trustingly at his friend, a block away, Monsieur Enjolras was putting on his coat to go to the Combeferre's house to claim his son.

And there's a chapter! FINALLY. I know it took me forever, but I do feel so much better now this is written! Catch Me I'm Falling should also be updated soon, and to be honest, it's almost done! Only about three or four more chapters left! Then The End will be updated, and it's still very new, but I gotta say I'm the most excited about that one.

Please, please review? It gives me incentive to update much sooner!

Stay Revolutionary,
