After 400 years of being asleep, I wake only to figure out that my father and half mothers are dead and not only them but also my half siblings, and the remains of my great half niece Anna sweet girl been protecting her since she was born, but at least my sister Ravenna is still alive.
"Come and awaken my sister I believe it's time we finish what father has failed." I said as I brushed my mid-thigh long, deep crimson red locks, "but how do we sister we have no husbands, or did you forget how protective father was and how he ranted that we could not go outside because it was too dangerous for his precious Halflings, because he feared that god might try to destroy us even though we are the left hand of god and the descendants of thy devil." said Ravenna who was braiding her waist length, black/red hair.
Both our hair looked like hells fire in the light, and where her eyes were purple, mine were a deep blood red rimed with deep sapphire, we are both almost as pale as the moon and stand a good 5'3, finely curved with a bit too generous bust. I was wearing a black corset top and black leather pants, and a deep red coat (similar to a female pirate coat),while Ravenna wore a black corset top and a deep royal purple and gold above the knee skirt, we both wore black leather knee high boots with heels.
"I know this which is why over the years I have found a new solution, instead of using the dreaded machine, we carry our children in our womb like any other woman, now the only thing we are missing are husbands, and I know who I want." I said with a devious smirk on my blood red lips. Ravenna smirked "Now dear sister do you think we can share him, and might I ask who you have in mind?" I walked over to the window that over looked Transylvania.
"Van Helsing." Is the last thing said before lightning streaked across the sky.