Like always, I have to apologize for my tardiness. Exams are now officially over so I wanted to wipe this up quickly for you guys! So, excuse my any vocab or gram drama you find in here!
And again thank you for your support!
The bell dinged when Ichigo entered the small café just a bit outside Osaka's city center. He ignored the waitress who came up to him with a smile and strode further in. He stopped at the table on the farthest corner of the shop; dimmed and dipped in the shadows, green eyes stared up at him.
"Of all the places there are..." Ichigo muttered as he settled on the opposite chair, removing his coat, "And you pick here. Miles away and shit coffee." The waitress gave him a hard look but he ignored her, ordering coffee –black with no sugar, "You have a crappy taste, Ulquiorra."
The pale man said nothing as he returned to his book, "The pie is to die for." He ignored Ichigo's snort and continued, "Besides it's perfect for our little arrangement, don't you think?"
Ulquiorra raised a brow as he took a small ship from his tea, Ichigo just scowled back at him taking the mug offered by a still glaring waitress, "Yeah. It is." He raised his gloved hand but Ulquiorra's voice stopped him in time.
"Stop." Ichigo raised a brow, "If you were to remove your hat, everyone will know that we are here." He saw Ichigo's hands tighten on his mug and the vein that popped on his temple.
"Fuck you."
"Ah, vulgar so soon?" Ulquiorra said starring emotionlessly, "It's been what? A minute?"
"I've been driving for over three hours, you bastard. Cut me some slack." Ichigo hissed out, "Look can we cut to the chase here? It's quite urgent." He really tried to keep his voice into a civilized tone, but honestly when it came confronting this man it never really worked.
"Ah, yes. Of course." Dead eyes stared at his, "Inoue Orihime, right? Worry not; she's not in imminent danger." It wasn't a problem for Ulquiorra resisting an eye roll when Ichigo stared and blinked.
"W-What?" his eyes widened for the slightest, "What do you mean by that? She was kidnapped, you asshole." Ichigo clenched his jaw, "How can she not be in danger?!"
Ulquiorra merely shipped his tea, "There are orders to not harm Inoue Orihime. My Boss was very stern on that." He looked at Ichigo again, "We are not to harm her, but to watch her."
"Watch her?" Ichigo narrowed his eyes, "…why? Why her?"
"Don't you know who she is? Who she really is?" he cut Ichigo off before he could retaliate. Ulquiorra sighed, "You really are as dense as they say." He ignored the doctor's growl and set his book down, "Let me enlighten you then."
He took a breath, "The woman is the only living, immediate relative of Stark. If something was ever to happen to Coyote Stark, who do you think will step up and take over? He has no other family; he doesn't trust his board; his partners are all vultures waiting for him to die… He has already renewed his will."
Ichigo scowled, "So what? You took her as a proxy?"
"Something like that." Ulquiorra threaded his fingers, "Before Stark Coyote became who he is now he worked for my Boss. To be more specific, he was doing the same thing I do for my Boss." Dead green eyes steeled, "He was the right hand." Ichigo's eyes hardened as Ulquiorra leaned back at his chair, "He was my Boss's best and he was very disappointed to lose him. Coyote Stark is a dangerous man. He erased any information on my Boss's archives and disappeared. We couldn't find him then and with no information to move, it was like chasing a ghost. But he came back and he did mistakes. Seeing his niece was one of it."
"I don't get it." Ichigo said, "Your crap is with him, why involve Orihime? She barely knew he existed till a month ago." The orange haired doctor frowned, "It's really stupid. You could have easily hacked into his computers and steal confidential record to blackmail him." He shrugged at Ulquiorra's raised brow, "What? I've done my research. You could easily destroy him like that."
"And that's where you are mistaken, Kurosaki. While I'm impressed with your high intellect on blackmailing, what my Boss is after is not the destruction of Coyote Stark. He is trying to recruit him again." Ichigo's eyes widened, "Stark's company is expanding and is already all over the planet. If my Boss manages a deal with Stark, do you imagine what is going to happen? My Boss will be able to have unlimited fire power, access to every military compound and he'd be able to do whatever he pleases without being bothered. He could as well start a war and no one would say a thing."
Ichigo didn't say anything. He merely scowled and lowered his gaze to his cup. He had done his research on Coyote Stark; genius, multibillionaire and CEO of his own company, who has made major breakthroughs on military with advance weapons and defensive technology. Ichigo wasn't stupid; if a man like him ever gained such power, the world would be –to put it lightly– over. Though he doesn't give a fuck about the rest of the world, he only worried for one in particular. Orihime…
"Of course, imminent destruction was plan B. We already have everything concerning Stark Industries." Ulquiorra said as he sipped his tea.
"Right." Ichigo said and looked around them; the customers were scarce tonight and being far deep into the shadows gave the two enough cover. A soft click made Ulquiorra to look up at him.
"Don't be a fool, Kurosaki. Losing your degree over murder is not really worth it." The pale man said, staring blankly at the doctor.
"That's where you're wrong, Schiffer. I don't give a fuck about my degree, my license, my future, Stark, your boss or anyone else." Ichigo's glare intensified, "Tell me where she is and I might not blow your brains out. You owe me at least that."
Ulquiorra stared at Ichigo. His eyes were intense, barring possible holes at his head. Ichigo didn't flinch nor backed down. The man was dead serious about this, Ulquiorra noted. The pale man let out a sigh, "You are impossible sometimes." A scowl marred his face, "I'll disappoint you though. I do not know where the woman is held."
"Don't fuck with me." Ichigo hissed.
"I'm not. My orders come directly from the top, Kurosaki, and they were clear; observe with minimum contact. It was not my Boss's idea kidnapping the woman."
Ichigo clicked his tongue, "Don't give me that crap, Ulquiorra. That was a top-coming order. Who else would have–"
At the sudden silence, Ulquiorra merely reopened his book, "I congratulate you. You know how to pick your women."
Orihime woke up with a start. Bright eyes wide opened as sear pain erupted from her neck. She bit her lip and held back a whimper as the needle left her neck.
"Ah, finally, the princess is awake!" Orihime's eyes widened; she knew that voice.
"Y-You… Why?"
Bright amber eyes glinted back at her, the sunlight making them almost look gold –the sunlight… Orihime turned her head around and took notice of her surroundings. She wasn't in that basement anymore, but a room dull and with scarce furniture; it was no better than the basement actually. At least here she could be able to see properly.
"Oi." Her head was turned roughly and saw those bright orbs glare with passion, "It's really hard being a good hostess when you ignore me, Hime-chan."
"S-Senna-san… why are you here?" Orihime gulped, "Why am I here?"
Senna merely laughed, "Ah, and there's that legendary stupidity, I knew. I wonder why Ichi is so taken by you." She tilted her head, black locks falling to her shoulders, eyes stern and piercing, "Hm… maybe you are a good fuck?"
"Oh, now I'm curious. Maybe I'll have Nnoitra test you out. You remember Nnoitra, do you?" From behind Senna she saw a man coming closer; the same man who had abducted and held her in that basement.
"Yo, puppet. Missed me?" Long greasy hair, wide grin, long tongue coming out; Orihime flinched, trying to edge away.
Senna turned back with a scowl, "You're not touching her." Ignoring the curse from the man she turned back to Orihime, a slow grin growing to her lips, "You are my toy at the moment, Hime-chan."
Looking over at the woman, Orihime took a breath, "S-Senna-san… please. I don't understand." As Senna took a step, Orihime blurted out, "Why are you doing this?"
"Oh, come on. You can't be that stupid." She came at her, lips to a frown and eyes narrow like darts, "It's all part of the plan."
"P-Plan? You mean revenge? On K-Kurosaki-kun?" biting her lip, Orihime took a breath; she was going to regret this one…
"I don't think you are at any position to act over someone who's now out of your reach."
"Well… Yes. You are quite right about that."
Orihime blinked, "Eh?"
"But you are wrong about one specific detail, Hime-chan." Senna grabbed her chin, her nails biting her skin, "This is about revenge, but not on Ichigo. Hell, I wouldn't give a damn about him right now." She smirk at the wide, questioning eyes in front of her, "Ah, you are really stupid. And here I thought last time we talked you would have guessed my game already." She clicked her tongue, "I expected a little bit more from you, Princess."
"W-What… did you say…"
Senna smirked, "We have more in common than fucking the same guy, Hime-chan…" she tilted her head, "You have a rich businessman right outside your doorstep, one that can and will do anything for you including using his own recourses to find your crazy ass, but oh… don't trust him, ever." Senna bit her lip, "He's doing nothing but over his own benefit. Such a dangerous man."
"What are you saying, Senna-san…" Orihime said, her eyes watering, anything than that, please… "W-Who are…"
"Why!" Senna blinked, "I'm talking about Inoue Kayate, or Coyote Stark. Your uncle…" a smirk came on, "…and my father."
Wow… did you see that coming? Cause even I didn't…
Like excuse you, brain what the hell did you come up with?
Next chapter is probably coming tomorrow morning so stay tuned!