Hey everyone, long time no see. I can't apologize for abandoning this site, as I found it to be unimportant to my life what with all my college and school and scholarship stress….I'm heading off to college in less than a month and I thought this would be a nice hobby until it came time for my freshman year at UWF. I've had a tough year up until now, but I'm glad to be back, however long it may be! I'm not sure how many have stuck around to be honest though and it's all completely understandable. Love you all.

Chapter 2:

Kagome's POV

We all slowly made our way towards the school's lockers after retrieving our finalized schedules at the front of the school.

"It's a fucking pain that we had to wait so long to get our schedules," grumbled Inuyasha.

"Calm down Inuyasha, the school had a huge influx of students this year and had to hire new staff last minute and rework everyone's schedules."

"Sango is right, they wouldn't have been able to mail everything in time before the school year began Inu," I said patting his back.

"Keh, its still dumb."

"Anyways," Miroku intervenes, "What classes do you guys have! I need to know if the lovely Sango and I will be sharing a class together. Maybe we can be study partners my dear Sango?"

Sango smacks Miroku's hand as it tries to close in on her ass. "I pray to Kami we won't, I'd rather be tortured by Inuyasha's voice all day and night until I die than be your study partner you fucking pervert."

"What the hell Sango there's nothing wrong with my voice," Inuyasha yells as he crosses his arms across his chest.

We finally reach the lockers and I head to mine while they're all arguing, Inuyasha defending himself and standing very close behind me.

"Sure there isn't, tell yourself that again Takahashi if it makes you feel better," Sango laughs.

"You like my voice right Kagome," Inuyasha turns to me as I'm turning the dial on my lock.

I'm forced against my locker and all thoughts of my combination fly out through the window. Inuyasha doesn't seem to realize our close proximity and I flush momentarily as Inu pulls his puppy dog eyes. It helps that he is actually part dog because his face is quite effective. Those golden eyes and fluffy white ears and pouty face can get him out of any situation or make anyone follow his orders. That face saved his ass from so many speeding tickets.

"Of course Inuyasha," I say and decide to patronize him by rubbing one of his ears. Inuyasha's face relaxes and his eyes close in bliss as I rub the appendages on top his head.

Sango giggles from behind Inuyasha and that makes him realize what just transpired and he blushes and just turns away mumbling that he's going to find his locker.

Once we all put away what we didn't need, we sat down at the benches by the lockers.

"As I was saying before I was interrupted by Inuyasha, what classes do you guys have?"

"Shut up Miroku, it's all Sango's fault," Inuyasha teases, jokingly sticking his tongue out for effect.

"Put that tongue back or Sango will rip it out Inuyasha," I joked.

"Well my first class is Physics with Mr. Hakudoshi."

"Same here San!" I chimed. We both smiled happily at this small discovery.

"Me too."

"I as well," adds Miroku.

"This is awesome, this might be a good sign for a great year guys!"

"Enthusiastic as ever Kagome." Inuyasha smirked, his crooked smile was so attractive…shit stop it Kagome, don't think like that!

"She wasn't this morning," Sango laughed, "I guess this is a good sign then!"

"Well we have about half an hour till class starts and I have to make sure my textbooks are in order since I have classes that changed on my schedule. So I'm heading to the book room, anyone else need to go?"

"I'm okay for my first set of classes till lunch so I'm going to see if there are any beautiful ladies in our Physics class, bye guys!"

"I think I should go and keep his lecherous ways in check so no innocent girls are groped, see you in class guys," Sango smiled and began running down the hall after an all too eager Miroku.

"I'm coming with you Kagome, I have to return this government book and pick up an economics one."

Inuyasha and I slowly made our way to the book room and when returning I was carrying a stack of three very heavy textbooks.

"Damn Kagome, I didn't think you'd have to get so many." Inuyasha extended out his hands, "Here give them to me." I gave him two textbooks to hold.

"Thanks Yasha, my original schedule was all basically elective classes when I picked it up at orientation. I'm just glad they fixed it, otherwise I wouldn't be on track to graduate," I sighed in relief. My mom was worried when I had come home with a schedule stating I had; Gym, Pottery, Music Appreciation, Composition 1, and Gym for a second time, along with a few other needless classes.

We made our way back to the lockers so I could put the textbooks I wouldn't need for the first half of classes away and then quickly hurried to Physics so we wouldn't be late.

Walking into the classroom we could see a man in about his late 20s with lilac hair and matching eyes, he was a demon by the looks of it. He was at the front of the room arranging papers on his desk, I had never seen Mr. Hakudoshi in school before but I heard rumors he was a formidable teacher that did not play games. The tables were set up into groups of four with each table having its own materials for a lab. I saw Sango and Miroku were seated in the middle of the far left in the classroom, Sango having her feet planted in the seat to the right of her while Roku was sulking in the seat across from her, he was probably upset to not be sitting next to San. I took my seat next to Sango and Inuyasha sat next to Miroku. Within the next few seconds the class bell rang and Mr. Hakudoshi got up from his desk and closed the classroom door. Right as he turned to face the class someone was knocking to be let in, a young girl.

"Hello, can I come in? I'm sorry I'm late, this is my first time at the school and I got lost." The girl looked to her feet in fear.

"I don't tolerate tardiness young lady no matter what, you've had plenty time. But I will forgive you this one time so you may come in." Mr. Hakudoshi moved aside and the frightened student basically bolted to a seat, I guess she knew of his reputation, word travels even outside school then.

"What just transpired a few moments ago should never happen again. I do not tolerate tardiness for any reason, I will dock your grade if you come late to class or don't show up without a proper excuse to back up your absence. firmly with a stare that could make anyone shudder.

"Do we understand?" he raised his eyebrow and looked around, everyone in the classroom nodded quickly.

"Very well then, there are some things about my class that you should know before we begin the school year." He sat on the edge of his desk and crossed his arm across his chest. "All work is to be turned in on time, I will never accept any late work unless you missed a day of school. When you miss a day of school then you will have a day to make up the work, if you miss two days then you'll have two days to make it up and so on. Anything that I do not assign as group work will be completed independently, I do not want to see you working with anyone on an independent assignment. You all must sign a lab safety agreement if you want to participate in the Labs, otherwise you will do book work. Copying is prohibited on any account unless it's an assignment that only requires one paper from a group of students. The rest of them are a pretty general rule of thumb that you should all understand at your age. Now, are we all in understanding or do I have to repeat myself, mind you that I hate to repeat myself."

Each of us students quickly replied that we understood and Mr. Hakudoshi then smiled kindly, "I can be nice if you all behave, I can be a fun teacher if you all behave, but if you behave badly then it will no longer be a fun class like physics normally should be."

We all nodded. He's terrifying.

"Now for your first assignment, I want you to complete this packet which will inform me of how much you learned the previous year. This is so I can adjust my assignments for the year to make sure everyone is where they should be by the end. One person come pick up the papers for your group."

Sango got our set of papers for us and we all quickly began to work, it was simple enough questions asking us what material our previous science related teacher covered and if it was covered then how confident did we feel in our understanding of it all. Within the span of half an hour I was done and felt slightly brain dead. Over summer I barley had to rack my brain for anything and now here I was trying to think all the way back a whole year, my lazy summer brain needs to get its ass back into gear for next period. You hear me brain, time to wake the fuck up.

Inuyasha was already asleep even though it was only the first day and the first period, though his paper was complete at least. Inuyasha was always that student that got his work done quickly and then went right to sleep, strangely enough he has never had anything lower than a C considering he never does homework.

Sango finished soon after but Miroku worked till the bell signaled the end of the period, Inuyasha was woken up quickly due to his sensitive hearing.

"Guess I forgot my earplugs." Inuyasha complained as we all made our way out of the classroom.

"I have Composition 1 for my next class, you guys?"

"Same here Kags!" Sango chimed happily.

"I've got Government, I shall miss you my dear Sango. I cannot bear the thought of not seeing you next period."

"Spare me Miroku." She turned away, "what about you Inuyasha?"

"College Algebra," he groaned, "I hate math."

Truthfully, Inuyasha was a math genius. Even though he always complains about the subject itself, I'd kill for his skills since math was my weakness.

"Shut up Inuyasha, you know math like the back of your hand," smiled Sango.

"He know his hands well, especially his right one." Miroku raised his eyebrows in amusement.

Sango simply kept her mouth shut and knocked Miroku upside his head with her Physics book.

I just laughed since Miroku always finds a way to make anything filthy.

"Serves you right Miroku." Inuyasha simply waved goodbye and headed down the hall to class.

"Come on Sango we have to go too, we can't be late."

Sango and I walked the opposite direction of Inuyasha to class while a much distorted Miroku with a now obvious bump on his head stumbled dizzily down the hall to his class.

Mrs. Yamato was the teacher for the Composition 1 class, also known as a college English class, she was my first human teacher in a long time. The last time I had a human for a teacher it was back over two years ago.

English was thankfully my strong suit and I enjoyed writing quite a lot. There was something about being able to create a world of your own and express yourself through words that made me very passionate about it. Sango was also a wonderful writer and we often loved to read each other's writings since our style was similar.

Where is this teacher, the bell rang already.

Right after a few minutes in came a very young woman, she couldn't have been more than twenty years old, and she was very beautiful. That was dually noted by the guys in our class who seemed to sit up straighter in their chairs the second she entered.

"Hello everyone, sorry I'm late I just couldn't start the day without a cup of coffee in my system."

She made us all stand up and introduce ourselves and state what our favorite class subjects were. Then she asked us all to write about a subject we felt strongly about and why we felt that way. The minimum being three pages, no less and it was due at the end of class. Sango and I looked at each other happily that we'd get to write on our very first day and diligently got to work with our papers. I wonder how the boys were doing in their classes?

Miroku's POV

I miss my dear Sango.

Inuyasha's POV

Keh, this is a breeze. I scribbled down the answer to the next few problems, not even straining my brain.

Kagome's POV

The class ended quickly so Sango and I gathered our things for the next period which we found we had together and talked about what the other had written on the way there.

Third period was crowded with many familiar faces from previous years, I was able to spot Ayame, Kouga, a kid named Memomaru that I shared a class with last year and of course there was Inuyasha with Miroku laughing about something. Sango and I found seats next to each other in the back but still close to Inuyasha and Miroku who were a few seats away.

Our teacher Ms. Kanta, who was also beautiful, seems like this school is full of beautiful teachers. She was a demon with bright white hair and sapphire eyes and red markings along her face. She smiled very warmly at us and it made me happy that my kind to intimidating teacher ratio was in my favor so far.

"Welcome to Demon-Human History 101, this is the first year that a class like this will be taught to you all in a blended front. Normally the history classes you've had in the past were separated between humans and demons so that you would learn your own respective histories. But now the purpose is for you to see how the history of humans and demons has overlapped through the ages."

"Who gives a shit about humans, they're worthless."

The class turned their heads to the culprit, some of the humans in the class were glaring at Menomaru. He was always speaking out of turn, it always got him kicked out of class.

"You want to know what is worthless," stated Ms. Kanta, "its opinions like yours that are completely barbaric. I won't stand for that kind of attitude so you many take your ass down to the principal and tell him that you will not be taking this class any longer until your attitude shapes up."

Menomaru simply got up since he didn't have anything with him and walked towards the door, he began to open it but before he could walk out, Ms. Kanta spoke again.

"Don't try to skip out by going somewhere else, I have sensory skills that rival anyone's in this entire school and I will know where you are if you don't report to the principal, just letting you know. You may leave now."

"Whatever," Menomaru mumbled and scoffed as he shut the door harshly.

"Now that the caveman is out of the room, we may continue with the fun." She smiled and the class laughed at her remark.

"Okay, well the only thing I've got for today is a syllabus stating all that we will cover and when the tests for each chapter will be. At the end of the year we will have one final that will cover everything that you have learned."

The class groaned at the mention of a test.

"But don't panic because I will give you a study guide two weeks prior to help you review."

That seemed to calm everyone more.

"My rules for the class are laid out as well but they're quite simple. The most important rule I've got is regarding respect. In this class we are all equals no matter who is demon and who is a human, etch that into your brains and make it your mantra even. The supplies you will need for the class are also here. Read this thoroughly for the next ten minutes and then I want you all to mingle and get to know one another for rest the period, that's all."

She picked a student to hand out the syllabuses and we all began reading, when the time was up Ms. Kanta told us we can all talk amongst ourselves as long as we don't become too loud or rowdy.

I turned to Sango, "She might be my favorite teacher so far."

Sango nodded in agreement, "She's really cool and relaxed, I just hope this isn't her being nice for the first day though."

"Yeah I'd hate to come back tomorrow and her act like a total bitch," Inuyasha added as he and Miroku pulled up chairs to sit in front of our desks.

"They're the worst kind of teacher, luring you into a false sense of security."

"I totally agree with you Kagome."

I turned my head to the voice and sure enough Kouga was leaning on my desk smiling boldly, his pearly white fangs revealed. "Looks like we have this class together."

"Hey Kouga, how are you," I asked smiling at him.

"Get the fuck away Kouga, no one wants you here," Inuyasha growled at Kouga.

Kouga was a wolf demon that I met when in middle school, he came up to me during our gym period and said that he really liked me. I didn't feel the same way and tried to let Kouga down nicely, which was soon followed by Inuyasha intervening angrily telling Kouga to leave me alone. It was also the beginning of the loathing Inuyasha now has for Kouga.

"Butt out mutt, I was talking to my lovely Kagome."

"She's not yours!" Inuyasha raised his voice and Sango smacked him in order to calm him.

"I was thinking if you need any private tutoring about demon history that I would be happy to help in any way I can," Kouga smirked and put and hand on mine.

"Thanks Kouga, I'll make sure to keep that in mind," I replied.

"Take your hand off her and leave now mangy wolf."

"Inuyasha, be peaceful my friend. Kouga was just offering his services of knowledge to Kagome."

"Miroku stop playing monk you buffoon," Sango stared at Miroku knowingly.

"No biggie, Inutrasha doesn't faze me. See you later Kagome," Kouga smiled and walked over to a group of girls and began flirting. All the while I notice Ayame looking at Kouga longingly.

"Hey San, look at Ayame." I pointed to the fiery redhead who was also a wolf demon like Kouga, she was sadly watching Kouga's flirtatious advances on a group of girls across from her.

"She really likes Kouga, even I can see that." Inuyasha stated and leaned back in his seat observing Ayame.

"They've been friends for the longest time but the poor thing is too scared to make a move and Kouga is too fucking dense in his head to notice how Ayame looks at him ninety-nine point nine percent of the time," Sango sighed.

"They'd be amazing together, he and Ayame are a perfect match." I shook my head as I saw Kouga give his phone to one of the girls and Ayame look down at the floor.

Ayame was a beautiful soul that you hardly get a chance to meet in this world. She was so kind to everyone that she met, unless they piss her off then she becomes a completely different person. She has the biggest fighting and competitive spirit that even rivals Kouga's. Ayame is smart and very athletic with amazing green eyes that show all her emotions. She was the funniest person I know and loves to make everyone smile. Kouga is an absolute idiot to not want Ayame.

"We need to find a way to get them together, I'm tired of seeing Ayame stare at Kouga like that," Inuyasha states.

"What do you have in mind Inuyasha?" Sango looks away from Kouga to Inuyasha.

"What about a surprise date?" I add. "I can ask Kouga out and invite Ayame to secretly meet up with us as an accident right as I make some kind of excuse to leave abruptly, therefore leaving Ayame and Kouga together and Ayame can make him fall for her!" I exclaimed excitedly, this plan was perfection.

"I love it Kagome!"

"Thanks Sango!"

"One problem ladies," Miroku chimes in and my excitement deflates a bit.

"What is it Miroku?"

"Ayame is too shy to do anything, even if she was left with Kouga she'd be too chicken to do anything."

"Wow Roku, didn't think you were so smart."

"I can contribute once in a while my dear Inuyasha."

"Please keep the 'dear' title to Sango only."

"Please don't." Sango interjects.

"Well I guess we'll have to make Ayame a little more confident and then carry out the plan," I asked. "I'm sure once we get her out of her shell then she'll get Kouga to see that she is his dream girl."

"Sounds like a great plan!" Sango exclaims and we both high-five one another.

The rest of class was just ideal chatter to pass the time till the bell rang and we all separate to our next classes. I headed to Economics, I hope this class is easy, I'm not too into business.

Sango's POV

Fuck you pre-calculus and all your numbers and letters. Who the hell assigns this much work on the first day of class. I'm doomed. I dropped my head to the desk and sighed in frustration.

Miroku's POV

"Inuyasha, what is all this on the board?" I asked regarding to all the page numbers written on the board, there must be at least fifteen pages assigned. Absolutely wonderful….this is my luck when my lovely Sango isn't around.

"What the hell is wrong with this teacher," Inuyasha groans as we both take a seat next to one another.

Just as the bell rings a very old man walks in and introduces himself as Mr. Senju and assigns us to take notes on the pages written on the board, "They are due at the end of class, no excuses." He takes his seat and pulls out a book, everyone groans in annoyance, what a prick of a teacher.

This sucks.

Kagome's POV

I. Understand. Nothing.


"You have no clue how happy I am to be out of class and enjoying my food."

"I agreed Kags, nothing beats lunchtime," Inuyasha sighs and begins to eat one of his three slices of pizza.

"I'm surprised you only got three slices Yasha, cutting back or something?" I joked and took another bite of my burger, so fucking delicious.

"They wouldn't give me more slices."

Sango laughs, "figures, you'd never cut back on food."

"This is surprisingly good food, I thought cafeteria food was supposed to suck."

"I'm as surprised as you Roku, but I sure as hell am not complaining." I tried some macaroni and again loved the taste it provided.

I noticed Inuyasha was pretty through with his meal and noticed the mess he was making, such a pig. I grabbed one of his fuzzy ears since he was close enough to where I could reach and pulled enough to cause some pain.

He yelped in pain, "Ouch Kagome! That fucking hurts wench."

"Stop being a damn pig and eat like a normal person with manners, your food isn't running away anywhere," I scolded. "Lunch isn't even halfway over."

"Keh," he scoffed and began to eat again, neater this time.


I smiled to myself and continued to eat and chatted about our classes. Sango complained how she'd have to go to the book room at the end if the day due to the long line and how her Pre-Calculus teacher was a prick.

"Screw Pre-Cal, I can't stand my teacher. He is such as ass, he gave us homework on the first day!"

"Dang that sucks Sango, I'm sorry."

"I'd be happy to do your homework for you my love, if it'll make you happier." Miroku smiled his signature smile and I knew what was about to happen after that Miroku smirk plasters itself on his face. Within seconds Sango's expression changed from a smile to anger to absolutely nothing. A second of silence occurred before she yelled angrily at Miroku and a slap echoed throughout the lunchroom.

"You fucking lecher, why did I let you sit next to me."

"I just cannot help it my lovely Sango, your body is such a beautiful temple that deserves to be caressed nonstop."

Inuyasha shook his head and laughed. "You're an idiot."

Aside from Miroku and what he calls his 'Cursed Hand' constantly attempting to grope Sango throughout lunch, it was uneventful and relaxing.

"Let's hit up a movie tonight." Inuyasha says as we all walk out of the lunchroom after discarding our lunches.

"How about Alice in Wonderland in 3-D, I'm feeling some Johnny Depp," smiles Sango happily.

We all nodded in agreement. We all stopped at our lockers to retrieve our things for the next half of classes.

The rest of the school day was very routine aside from the make out session we all saw between Inuyasha's older brother Sesshomaru and his longtime girlfriend Rin.

We were all heading to Gym class and right as we all turned the corner there they both were in full lip locking mode.

Inuyasha did nothing to hide his disgust when he saw them both. "They might as well swallow each other," he had stated and I smacked him stating that Sesshomaru and Rin were in love and could do as they please.

Inuyasha's brother Sesshomaru was a year older than Inuyasha and a senior at the high school. He was very cold and stoic normally, but thanks to meeting Rin back about five years ago he was transformed into a more normal individual. Whereas Inuyasha is very riled up by his emotions and acts very reckless, Sesshomaru is the opposite. Inuyasha is more fitting as a jock and Sesshomaru is more of an intellectual though he has a fit physic too. He is very rational and assess everything around him, he hides his emotions very well and you can never know what he is truly thinking. Though Rin is able to read him like a book. Sesshomaru is a full demon where Inuyasha is a hanyou, they have different mothers. Sesshomaru has very pointed elf-like ears that sit on his face like a human's normal human ears would. He has the matching bright golden eyes like Inuyasha and the long silver hair. Though Sesshomaru has red markings on his face that look very regal on him.

Rin was a very kind hearted person, she'd never say anything mean about anyone unless they made her an enemy. She is also very persistent, she set her eyes on Sesshomaru and wouldn't let him go till he finally fell for her. Rin is always willing to lend a helping hand, she may be short but she has a fire within her and so much love in that small frame. She looks very young but she is actually older than Sesshomaru by a year, though you'd think she was sixteen or something and not nineteen. Her big doe brown eyes and beautiful smile make her appear so innocent and trustworthy, she can just give you a look of such understanding to where you want to tell her everything about your life, and Rin being herself would listen to every word. I absolutely adore her, she is the best person Sesshomaru could've met in his life.

At the end of class we all made our way to the lockers laughing at the fact that Miroku fell flat on his face during sprints in gym class. Sango was raving about it. We all agreed that we'd meet at Inuyasha's to drive to the movie since his father had texted him that his car was finally back from the shop.

We all walked home together, splitting up at our houses.

I took off my shoes as I got into the house and walked to the kitchen to greet my mom who was cleaning the kitchen countertop.

"Hey mama, is it okay to go see a movie tonight with Sango, Inuyasha and Miroku?"

"Of course dear, do you have any homework?"

"No, not any today thankfully!"

"Alright, be home by eleven since it's a school night."

"Thanks so much mama." I kissed her cheek and made my way upstairs to unpack my things and organize all my syllabuses to see what I needed and how my binders are to be set up. Once all my things were organized I decided to take a nap till it was time to get ready, we had agreed to leave for the 8:20 showing so I had plenty time till then. I woke up at seven to the sound of my alarm ringing loudly. I was slightly upset my phone interrupted me in the middle of my Grammy awards speech, it had such bad timing. Well at least I beat out Jennifer Lawrence.

I got up and washed my face to wake myself up again and brushed my teeth in case my breath was maybe kicking a bit. I then planted myself in front of my closet unable to pick something to wear. After about ten minutes I decided to wear my most loved pair of ripped skinny jeans and a loose tank top crop top with an adorable white cartoon kitten on it with a black bandeau underneath. My shoes consisted of white sandals and I fixed my face up with a bit of concealer to hide a few blemishes I didn't take care of this morning and mascara with and addition of my favorite lip balm.

As I was grabbing my things and putting them into my purse Sango walked through the door and sat herself on my bed. Sango was wearing a pair of black high-waisted skinny jeans, a maroon t-shirt tucked into it with her black converse, her hair in her high ponytail and makeup done simply with an addition of a black eyeliner cat eye on her top lid.

"Looking hot San," I winked and she laughed.

"Same to you babe," she waggled her eyebrows and I couldn't help but laugh at her facial expression.

"You learned that from Roku," I pointed to her and she blushed mumbling something along the lines of Miroku being a bad influence.

I grabbed a jacket from the closet in case it got colder in the theater and we both headed downstairs. My mom gave me twenty bucks for a ticket, food and drink. She complimented Sango and I, also hugged us both and wished we have a great time. We thanked her and said bye as we walked out the door.

"I'm really excited to see the movie, its going to be great!"

"Johnny Depp is in it so it has to be," Sango agreed.

We got to Inuyasha's house in no time and he was there waiting for us in his driveway with the car looking like it had never been hit, it's red paint now perfectly glossy.

We waited for Miroku who made his way slowly down the sidewalk until Sango yelled for him to hurry up. He then practically sprinted to try and hug her, though Sango smacked his suggestive hands away.

When we got to the theater we parked and made our way to the ticket booth. We all paid for our tickets and made our way to the snack stand. I got myself a medium popcorn with butter, Sango got herself nachos and so did Miroku, Inuyasha obviously ordered himself a few pizza slices. We also got drinks and walked to theater 12 to enjoy the excitement of Alice and her wonderland.

"The film was amazing." Sango said making a happy exit and throwing away her trash.

I followed suit and threw mine away too, "Johnny Depp was so good as the Mad Hatter, he nailed that role."

"He's really good at playing dark characters," added Miroku.

"Hey look a photo booth, lets go take pictures!" I pointed to the small booth that probably wouldn't fit us all in there properly.

"Kags, we all can't fit."

"What can we do Sango?"

"Why don't you guys just sit in our laps. I can hold Kagome and Miroku you hold Sango?" Inuyasha looked between us all, Miroku's face lit up at the opportunity.

"I'm in," he said excitedly.

"Of course you are Miroku," I laughed.

"No way in hell will I sit in that perv's lap, I refuse." Sango shook her head and crossed her arms across her chest.

"I promise to keep my hands to myself my dear Sango," Miroku raised his hands admitting defeat.

"Alright, I'll trust you Miroku, but if I feel your hand wandering I swear I'll knock you into next month."

I smiled at the interaction between the two, they both like one another and Sango is just too chicken to admit to the fact that she enjoys Miroku's gropings. Miroku used to grab on all the girls, but now he just does it to Sango, its cute but in a lecherous way.

"Okay you lovebirds, lets do this." Inuyasha pushed us all towards the booth.

The space was pretty cramped as it's only a space made for two, I sat myself on Inuyasha's lap and flushed when I felt his hands on my thighs. I'd never been in Inuyasha's lap in all the years I've known him. Inuyasha put in the three dollars the machine needed and sango picked a best friends theme for the picture.

First we all decided to smile really big, we looked so we started to laugh because of the pain from smiling so much and the camera took our picture before we could regain our composure. After that we all pulled a funny face, I decided to give Inuyasha bunny ears and put them behind his head. At that moment I saw how close Inuyasha's face was to mine and we both just stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity, the camera took our last picture we took involved me hugging Sango tightly and the boys put their hands up to make a rock on type of sign. Within minutes we were all laughing at the end result of our photos.

"Wait, did Miroku grab your ass or something Sango, look at your face!"

Inuyasha was laughing and point to the third set of pictures, sure enough it did look that way.

"Oh I know he did, but I couldn't do anything because all of us we cramped in there, but now that we're free…" She devilishly stared at Miroku who immediately backed up.

"I couldn't help myself Sango, your beautiful and plump bum was calling out to my cursed hand."

Sango paused for a moment and took a breath, her facial expression changed and she began to chase Miroku, "I'M GOING TO KNOCK YOU INTO NEXT YEAR YOU FUCKING PERVERT."


"Ma'am, PLEASE DON'T CHASE THAT MAN IT'S AGAINST POLICY," the usher at the door began to chase Sango as she was running after Miroku.

Inuyasha and I looked at one another and burst out into laughter,

Sango chased Miroku for a good five minutes before tackling him and pounding him once on top his head.

Long story short we were all kicked out.

"Way to get us kicked out San," Inuyasha joked.

"It was the pervert's fault, I gave him what he deserved." Sango simply shrugged as we walked to Inuyasha's car.

I nodded in agreement and saw Miroku who was rubbing his head, Sango is eventually going to deform his skull with all those punches. Inuyasha drove us all home and I wished him a goodbye when he got to my house.

"Thanks for the ride Yasha, goodnight!"

"Night Kags!" He yelled back as he drove off.

I hope you guys enjoyed it, I hope my writing has improved from the last chapter! Let me know what you think and what you'd like to see happen between Kagome and Inuyasha. PM me you suggestions and I'll let you know if I use them.




Love you all…xoxo