Hey all, I've been talking about this on the forum for a while but I wanted to try my hand at writing an alternate fourth year where Archie finds himself at Hogwarts for reasons and shenanigans ensue. I understand the premise is a tad contrived and unlikely to happen in V's fic but that is precisely why I'm indulging - I don't have a complicated plot with consequences I need to worry about.
The aim was to get better at writing a 5K piece where I cover an extended piece of time i.e. a year. Of course that miserably failed and I found myself with a chapter that reached 25K *facepalm* full of non relevant bits I didn't want to cut.
I was advised to split the chapter up so this is the first part (some of it is in the forum but I've tweaked it a bit) and the second part will be up when I'm done with a rough edit, definitely today.
As usual, all thanks to Violet and her sister for this story and the updates as well as Killerfuzzel and her polite but repeated reminders which made me buckle down and write when it seemed this thing would never end.
As always, I enjoy constructive criticism especially as this is a new style for me and I'd like to know which scenes were unnecessary and what edits to make once I go over it again.
Chapter 4i - Masks and Masquerades
In which Draco grapples with jealousy, Rigel assaults a professor, Harry is given ominous warnings from all sides and Archie decides to buy a speedier owl.
Archie only stopped his pacing once the door opened and Harry rushed into the Room of Requirements. The school robes Sirius had bought were askew and there was a fearsome frown on her face. It relaxed, slightly, when she saw him already at their meeting place. He got his second surprise of the day as she flashed forward and hugged him tightly, head hidden in the crook of his neck. He was usually the one that initiated with Harry but he squeezed back all the same and realised he had needed this gesture of comfort after all. They remained silent a moment longer before Harry lifted her head, eyes stressed.
"I don't know what to do Arch. I don't how to circumvent fate this time. Or well, the goblet. It's an ancient artefact and has really impenetrable magic. I tried tonight, but my magic shied away from it. And -"
Archie realised it hadn't hit his cousin yet as she continued to ramble about magical artefacts. He felt a hot rush of anger and powerlessness at the odds they faced.
But of course she just continued rambling about magical theories so he grasped her shoulders firmly and shook them until she blinked to a stop.
"Harry! The goblet called your name out."
Frowning, she stared at the sick expression on his face. He swallowed.
"Despite all our subterfuge and facades, you are Harry Potter. Magic does not lie. I think, I think you're the one that will have to compete."
Harry blinked. There is a pause as he watched her think of the repercussions. His eyes narrowed. He knew how to read Harry better than anyone else and he spotted the hidden relief lurking in her eyes. Of course Harry would prefer to be the one risking her life once again. As he would have preferred to risk his. She had already sacrificed too much for the sake of this ruse.
Harry had always imagined herself his older sister and had an odd sort of naiveté about people. She had trouble seeing people's ill intentions, those that would want to harm her or take advantage because the thoughts were so alien in herself. She saw Archie as someone pure, trusting, even innocent. That somehow he was too good to face danger or terrible things. But she forgot, that as much as his father had shielded him from it and as carefree as he acted, he was still a Black. He inherently knew something about darkness Harry would never grasp.
"No Harry," he said firmly, "We'll figure something out. You're not risking your life. Not anymore."
He saw the stubborn expression on her face.
"We'll expose the scheme. I reveal that I've been studying at AIM and that you're in Diagon Alley. They'll figure out the goblet has gone wonky after so many years and cancel the tournament."
Harry shook her head. "You know that won't work Arch. We can't point out our deception to the whole wizarding world so bluntly. And you know the consequences if I don't participate."
"Think of everything you've had to survive-"
"Don't you see this is exactly why I have to do this? If this is what strips my magic and prevents me from becoming the potions master I wish to be, then what was it all for? What was standing up to Pettigrew's torture for? Or surviving Tom Riddle's possession? No. I think we must dance to fate's irony once again."
Archie found his arguments withered before they were even voiced as he saw the determination in her eyes.
Harry continued, "We're going to have to be damn near perfect for this to work though. You still need to work on your aura, and duelling. Those are the two main fallacies at the moment. We'll also have to anticipate the unexpected. Snape might get suspicious so I need to make sure your potions are also up to date. I'll also need to know details about the students you came with. We should be able to switch to each others created persona smoothly and without suspicion if I'm going to attend the tasks as Harry Potter."
Archie let the flow of words wash over him but something else had gripped his mind.
"You don't think…" the words died in his throat. Somehow, it hit him just how crazily dangerous Hogwarts was. And this was what Harry dealt with every year.
"Yes I do. I think someone is trying to kill you. Or well, Harry Potter.
The phrase soaked in for a minute. Archie had always known their ruse was reckless and dangerous. But that was subterfuge. This tournament was a whole different level. There were a million ways this year could go wrong but he grasped Harry's face with both his hands. Despite all the problems they faced, he was still glad that for once he was at her side, facing the danger and risk.
Determined green clashed with silver.
"Then we beat the odds once again. Together."
Even as he stared at the small smile she gave him - an Archie smile as he had named the one only he could ever put on her face - he cursed the series of events that led them to this.
He hadn't realised how badly things were going to go when his Headmaster had announced AIM had received a historical invitation to enter a student name in Europe's tournament as part of a trans-Atlantic trial programme.
Archie had grinned and muttered to Hermione they'd obviously have to change the name if four schools were participating. Hermione had ignored him with long practice before she frowned and asked for more details about the tournament. It was one of the few moments when his true status as a pureblood wizard stood stark in his mind. American wizards often grew through a mishmash of magical and muggle upbringing, the rules being more relaxed on this side of the pond. Meanwhile muggleborns from Britain had little to no details of the wizarding culture in their birth countries. And then there was him who had grown up in a home filled with dark objects and magical portraits. The fully magical upbringing – barring that unfortunate visit to Aunt Lily's muggle relatives – had given him an education he hadn't even noticed he had acquired until he heard a muggleborn ask such questions.
He hadn't had time to reply though before Dean Fuller continued by announcing only half-bloods or purebloods would be allowed to put their names forward per the British Ministry of Magic's regulations. He winced at the outcry from angered student even as he marvelled at the reaction– students in America really were treated equally at school and he loved the fact that blood inequality here came as an unpleasant shock to students.
"Yes, I was also disgusted," the Dean raised his voice, "but what better way to show them up than by having one of our students win that tournament?"
Archie thought the Dean could have been a very shrewd politician even as he listened to Hermione's rant all the way back to their classes. Of course a half-blood winning the tournament would be a strong riposte but the Dean hadn't mentioned the kind of international profile AIM would be getting with this and it was too good of an opportunity to pass up, whatever the racist restrictions placed by the COW party. And he would bet his wand arm they were behind this.
Hermione's rant did not die away over the next three days until Archie, in a rare fit of impatience with his best friend, told her it was irrelevant to him either way as he wasn't going to the bigoted power-play as she called it.
He felt a twinge of guilt as he saw Hermione's eyes soften, obviously attributing righteous reasons for his refusal to volunteer his name. He'd like to think he would refuse whatever the circumstances but he knew his primary motivation was the utter nightmare of a situation he would be in if he showed up at Hogwarts.
Of course, things had to get complicated.
Their shrewd Dean tried to advise him into volunteering. He could even admire the Dean's reasoning. Harry Potter was the only member of the British nobility at AIM and despite her mixed blood, parading her in front of the purebloods at Hogwarts was a good way of showing them they had lost the heir of House Potter to the Americans because of their stupid restrictions. Archie somehow doubted his reasoning was solid, but he could admire the sheer pettiness of it.
It became his main pass time to avoid the Dean. By the time the AIM delegation was getting ready to leave, Archie had congratulated himself on his evasive manoeuvres and reminded himself to tell Harry about it - she would enjoy the anecdote.
Alas, he had spoken too soon on that bleary morning as the Dean announced the delegation was too heavily tilted towards sixth and seventh years and wouldn't it be a great culturally enriching experience for younger students? As a result, the top student in fourth and fifth year would be joining the trip to Britain. He and Hermione looked at each other as they came to the same conclusion and she didn't even object when he growled a swear word. He strode out of the hall, Hermione on his heels.
There was no way he would let Dean Fuller ruin all their careful plans. He startled when the object of his ire stood blocking his path to the Headmaster's office.
"Mr Potter, I really do not understand your stubbornness in the face of this great honour."
"No I didn't think you would. But you can go choose another puppet Dean Fuller because it won't bloody well be me."
Hermione gave a small gasp, no doubt at the rudeness he was showing a teacher, or perhaps the absence of his habitual playfulness.
"Mr Potter, I hope you're not insinuating that I would-"
"I don't give a rat's arse what you're insinuating. I'm not going to Hogwarts and there's very little you can do about it."
Archie continued before Dean could interrupt, "You want to remove my privileges, dock marks, give me detention? Go ahead, but I won't be participating in this farce. I'm here to learn how to heal, and this is what I'm going to do. In any case, parading me in front of the British nobility is not going to give you the reaction you're hoping for."
"Mr Potter! I don't care for your insinuations. But you are correct, I can't force you to go even if I cannot fathom why you are rejecting the opportunity to visit one of the most ancient magical schools in the world.
Archie's shoulders slumped in relief.
"Of course, I shall be writing your parents about your atrocious behaviour."
Shit. Archie had to think fast. The last thing he wanted was unsupervised communication between one of his professors and the Potters. There was too much at risk, the least of which would be the gender confusion. His dread mounted as he realised Harry Potter refusing to join a delegation that would allow her to see her precious professor Snape would send alarm bells ringing. Uncle James and Aunt Lily weren't idiots.
"Dean Fuller… I apologise for my behaviour, it is inexcusable, I think it's my teenage hormones," he spun wildly. "I would be honoured to be in the delegation. I was just afraid of participating in the tournament. I've heard it's very dangerous and I'm only good at healing. But… surely I can go and just cheer my team mates on?" He smiled winningly at the surprised Dean and ignored Hermione's growing scowl.
"Well, yes… I suppose so, of course," the Dean said bemused.
"Wonderful, I'll go pack and we'll forget all about this conversation. Surely my parents don't even need to be informed?"
"Yes, yes, go on, off with you. You should be in the breakfast hall with the rest of the delegation in thirty minutes.
Archie started jogging towards his room. He knew he was going to face a furious Hermione, would need to figure out a way to grow invisible at Hogwarts and face a whole host of issues he probably hadn't realised yet.
By the time Archie could spot the Hogwarts turrets he had calmed Hermione to manageable levels, sent a letter for damage control to Harry's parents and to convince them he just wanted a chance to meet Master Snape and see Hogwarts. He was now doing a great imitation of someone who was absolutely not nervous.
He really hoped the owl he had sent to Harry had travelled faster than AIM's magically adapted plane.
Like the older students, he gazed at the castle with wide eyes as Professor McGonagall led them to the Great Hall. He hadn't missed the look she had given him and Archie knew he must look quite like a miniature James Potter in her eyes, especially with the boyish robes and hair cut. But most of his attention was on the sheer ancientness this castle reeked with. This was where his father had grown up, where he, Uncle James, Remus and Pettigrew had created the Marauders. Where he would have lived for the past three years if he and Harry hadn't hatched their mad mad plan.
Then they were in the Great Hall and despite all the stares currently directed in their direction, he had no trouble pinpointing Harry. He inwardly winced at the look of shock she was sporting amidst the sea of green.
That was a no to owl speed then.
"Surprise?" he tried once they were finally alone outside, on the outskirts of the forbidden forest.
The AIM delegation had arrived a day earlier than Hogwarts had expected and the students had quickly been divided between the four house tables for dinner. Archie had been so busy trying to avoid the Slytherin table until he and Harry could set their stories straight that he didn't notice the Weasley twins until they had grasped both his arms and led him with matching grins to a gaggle of curious Gryffindors.
"Rigel twin!" they exclaimed, "Why didn't you tell us you would be gracing us with your majestic presence."
Before he could reply, Fred whispered in his ear, "Although it seemed it was quite a surprise for Rigel too, hmm."
The Weasleys twins could be overwhelming on a normal day and with a flurry of introductions from curious Gryffindors wondering how he knew the Weasleys it was all he could do to keep track of the conversations while ignoring the stares digging into his back.
His reprieve came to an end as the plates were cleared and he felt Harry's presence behind him.
He gulped as he saw the serene smile on her face and next to him, both twins shivered wisely.
He didn't have time to prevaricate as she said: "Fred, George, please excuse my cousin, I am going to escort her back to her accommodations so we have time to catch up."
He gave a distracted nod to the Weasleys and didn't try to get out of Harry's iron grip as she led them outside. Of course Harry would have this conversation in front of the dark and ominous forest. Perhaps there was an implied threat of stunning and throwing him in there if she didn't like his answers. But as scary as his cousin could be, he was rather immune to it by now.
Seeing Harry's unamused expression, he waved his wand and created a more secure privacy charm he had learnt from the Black library and sighed.
"I know, I know, this comes as a complete shock and it's reckless as hell but I didn't have a choice –"
"You could have warned me at least! As it is, I have to figure out what to tell a bunch of Slytherins who are very curious about why I looked so unhappy to see you."
"I sent an owl as soon as I could but obviously-"
"I also need to explain to the same Slytherins why the AIM students sitting on our table casually referred to you as a guy," she continued over him.
Archie winced, "I didn't think about that."
"And do you know the scrutiny the contenders will be under? Not to mention how dangerous the tournament -"
"Harry I'm not entering the tournament!" That seemed to calm her down a little as she frowned and nodded at him to continue.
The moon was bright in the sky by the time they were done talking but at least Harry was appeased.
"We'll need to stay away from each other as much as possible so people don't get suspicious. This whole façade was not meant to survive us being in the same place all year. I don't think you should stay under Slytherin scrutiny for too long and you definitely can't survive Snape if he gets curious. Our appearance will raise too many questions as it is."
Archie scratched his head, he felt calmer now that Harry was by his side and they could work on hatching counter plans. "We'll need a place to meet though, when we need to plot."
Harry nodded, her hand rubbing her forehead. "I'll show you how to get into the Room of Requirements. And I'll give you our fathers' map so you can understand the lay out of the castle quickly. We'll probably need a faster way to communicate too. The Weasleys have two notebooks that allow them to exchange messages in class, something similar perhaps?"
"I don't know where we could find those but it sounds like a linking charm. Let me see what I can create once I get into the library – I'm pretty handy at charms," Archie grinned but it died the next second, "What about auras? Snape has spent time with both of us. Or at least, with both Rigel and Harry."
Harry paled. "You're right. You need to learn to imitate the Harry signature I showed Snape." She glanced at the darkness around them, "But it's getting late, you should probably get back to your plane for now."
Archie agreed and cancelled the privacy charm before heading in the general direction of the plane. It had landed on the other side of the lake and was rather hard to miss.
"Arch," Harry called back from the edge of the forest, "Please don't get caught pranking the whole of the Hogwarts population while you're here. You're already going to get enough attention because you're related to Rigel Black and look very much like him."
Archie winked, "You overestimate my school mates intelligence, they might not find out my 'true' gender all year. I don't see many snotty purebloods willingly talking to them. Besides… it might be nice not being a guy pretending to be a girl pretending to be a guy. See you later cuz."
He made sure to whistle a jaunty spy tune from that muggle moving picture Aunt Lily had shown them about an impossible mission as he got back to the plane.
Draco Malfoy was worried. Well, Malfoys didn't get worried; Malfoys got concerned when their closest friend endured such hardships and then came back with a mask smoother than any they had previously worn.
Rigel remained as brilliant as ever in class, his spells always came at first try - sometimes even before he'd finished waving his wand. He was still reclusive yet annoyingly nice to all random students that encroached upon his life. He laughed with the Weasley twins, teased Pansy, suffered Aldon's teasing in return and continued to follow Snape around like he was in love with the Potion Master's brain.
And yet… Draco was an empath. As good as Rigel was at controlling his emotions, he could feel it when his friend's warm smiles didn't sync with the shades of his emotions. He knew their other friends were worried too, but none except for Pansy even knew about those two weeks imprisoned in that dark hole.
There had always been something fragile about Rigel. But this year, he could taste tangs of melancholy when Rigel thought no one was paying attention. His emotions fluctuated abruptly at turns of phrases or seemingly innocuous objects. The most recent time being while Blaise was tracing runes for his assignment. There had been a sharp claw of panic before Rigel forcibly layered himself into calmness. Draco didn't know anyone else who controlled their emotions in such a way.
So he continued to drag his best friend all over the castle, berated him and pushed him into reactions because that was the only way he knew how to deal with this. Confronting him had failed after all and he knew the more he pushed, the more Rigel would dig his heels in.
Despite these changes, events at Hogwarts this year made it nearly easy to forget awful things had happened to his friend. Draco has known there would be a tournament and has promised his father he wouldn't enter despite how tempted he was. The age line had been refused by the party as an insult to the ancient traditions of the game; but he knew his father didn't want to risk his only son in the dangerous competition. He didn't think he stood a chance even if he had entered though - it was usually always a seventh or sixth year that received all the glory.
Then there was the new Defence against the Dark Arts professor who set Draco's teeth on edge. Alastor Moody, a self-styled dark-wizard hunter, strong opponent to all his father's political actions as well as a Dumbledore peon. There were rumours he had lost his leg catching followers of Grindlewald that had survived the Dark Lord's fall and that the only reason he still had both his eyes was because Dumbledore himself had rescued him from torture.
The school seemed divided about his classes, with half the students claiming him to be the most 'real' DADA professor even while tales of horrified first years and traumatised fifth years echoed through the Hogwarts rumour mill. Surprisingly the Weasley twins, firm supporters of all things Light and chaotic, disliked Professor Moody and had warned the Defence Association about him.
"He may have been a great Auror, but after getting used to Lupin standards, well... he just goes too far."
The weeks flowed by and then one night during dinner, Blaise idly commented on the fact that the American Institute of Magic had been invited through a trial programme to the tournament. Of course he had timed it spectacularly for at least three of their friends to choke on their food. Even Draco had hastily lowered his cup of water to stare at a very smug Blaise. Then he turned to Rigel who of course just blinked calmly.
"You knew." Draco stated more than asked.
Rigel smiled slightly at his exaggerated outrage. "I do have my cousin at AIM Dray. She mentioned something about it in her last letter."
"Can we expect Miss Potter in a few weeks time then?" Blaise asked, "I would enjoy an opportunity to know her better. The rumours about her grow more spectacular with every year."
Rigel frowned, "No, neither Harry or I consider the tournament a useful endeavour. Besides, Harry is concentrating on her healing this year so she won't volunteer to come."
"Wait," Theo interrupted, "how did a muggleborn school get invited to the triwizard tournament?"
"There are halfbloods and even American purebloods at AIM Theo," Pansy said delicately.
"And I believe this came from the Minister of Magic's office, not the Headmaster as some may assume," Blaise added.
Draco had considered the matter concluded. It wasn't like he would have any contact with the AIM students. He'd just have to make sure their friends didn't insult muggleborns in Rigel's presence. Pansy had at least taught him that much.
With things settled, he hadn't even raised his head, weeks later, from the strawberry tart he was demolishing when the Headmaster announced the AIM delegation had arrived. At least, not until he heard Rigel choke, a wave of disbelief rushing over him – the strongest emotion he'd felt from Rigel since the start of the year - just as Aldon said, "Didn't you say your cousin wasn't coming to Hogwarts Rigel?"
Draco followed Rigel's shocked eyes to the AIM students. It wasn't hard to spot the Potter heir as she was a head shorter than any of the other arrivals. She was gazing curiously at the simulated night sky in the hall and doing a very good impression of not seeing Rigel. He watched as the Weasley twins accosted her and dragged her willingly to the Gryffindor table – and how did the Weasley twins even know Potter? She obviously belonged to Rigel and Rigel belonged to them so she should have sat with the Slytherins. Brushing that uncomfortable thought aside, Draco shared a glance with Pansy, as he wondered what she thought about the mysterious Potter Heir at Hogwarts.
Meanwhile, Rigel had been holding his emotions tightly in check, a manically calm expression on his face as he replied to curious Slytherins - no, he had not known Harry would be coming, no he did not know if she would be chosen, and yes, she was a good student. Twenty minutes later, just enough time for Potter to have eaten, Rigel stood abruptly, "I'll see you in the common room Draco, Pansy." No doubt seeing Draco's mulish expression, Rigel added, "I just need to escort my cousin to her room. I have a few questions." The last part was said through gritted teeth and Draco wisely just nodded.
He observed as his friend made his way to the Gryffindors and smoothly extracted his wayward cousin. He wasn't the only one watching as they made their way out. The two made an eerie pair, features so similar they really did look closer to twins than siblings, never mind distantly related cousins. Glancing around at the observing Slytherins, he wondered how many knew about Rigel being a possible Metamorphmagus.
As promised, Rigel made it back into the dorm room unscathed, a deep frown in place as if solving a complex alchemical equation and only absent mindedly replying to Blaise's question. The latter gave him a look full of significance before going to sleep but Draco had never been good at interpreting Blaise's range of significant to ominous looks.
Somehow, Draco expected things to change with Potter's presence. After all, she had been Rigel's only companion before them and he was still jealous curious about how close they seemed to be based on little throwaway comments Rigel sometimes made. He was prepared to employ his considerable skills to not let Rigel be stolen away by his cousin for the rest of the year.
Yet… Heiress Potter didn't approach, remaining elusive even to Slytherins who did seek to know her better like Aldon, Blaise and even Pans. She sat with the Weasleys for meals most of the time – and that was still an affront to his sensibilities – before performing her vanishing act. AIM students had classes on the muggle contraption they had travelled in. But otherwise, like the Durmstrang and Beauxbaton students, they were all over the castle, constantly getting in their way. Not Potter though, she just seemed to disappear.
He had spotted her once in the library but otherwise he was most aware of her when Rigel went missing and Draco knew he was in her company.
Aldon had once taken advantage of Rigel's absence to ask two nearby AIM students about the Potter Heir. They looked rightly surprised at being addressed by the group of Slytherins but did not even consider keeping their school mates life private – probably would have been Gryffindors at Hogwarts Draco inwardly scoffed, all the while listening attentively.
"Harry Potter? Well, he keeps to himself? I mean, the guy's a genius in all his classes, but he doesn't really talk to other students much," the brown haired boy with a twitch under his left eye replied.
"He hangs out with that British girl, Granger, though," the other lanky boy with glasses said in a thoughtful voice, before explaining, "she's often top of their classes."
Aldon managed to keep his face smooth and idly interested at the fact that Potter's own schoolmates believed her to be a boy but even Blaise's eyebrows were raised. It was rather odd she hadn't corrected anyone. Potter did have androgynous looks, much like Rigel, but surely people could see she was a girl. Besides everyone knew the Potter heir was a girl. Though perhaps he couldn't expect ruffians in America to keep up with pureblood houses.
"Potter seems rather young to enter the tournament," Aldon commented silkily. In fact, Potter looked ridiculous compared to the other AIM students. Draco hadn't seen her putting her name in the Goblet either, although considering her near invisibility that didn't mean much.
"Well," glasses said looking at his friend, "there are rumours it wasn't willing."
"What do you mean?" Draco said sharply and regretted his tone as they both looked at him in surprise.
Blaise rolled his eyes at him, "What my friend means to say is that surely it would be unwise to have an unwilling champion."
Twitchy obviously liked gossiping too much and said, "I heard Potter had a shouting match with the Dean in the middle of the hallway. Refused to go until the Dean was ready to complain to his parents."
"Well, he obviously agreed in the end. I don't know why the Dean was so adamant he come in the first place. Even after Potter said he wouldn't be entering. At least that's what I heard from Maisie," Glasses said.
"Maisie?" Aldon asked.
"Oh she's the red head who came with us. She's had a crush on Harry since second year poor girl. It's not like he's going to notice her. That boy is far too in love with his studies."
The similarities were really too eerie, Draco mused once they left the AIM students. But he couldn't find anything out with Potter staying away from Rigel and therefore him.
He couldn't quite decide why it irritated him so much. Did Rigel not trust they would behave around her? Well, the ball had been awkward but Pansy had told him what not to do the next time. Was he ashamed of her? Surely not Rigel, he didn't care what people thought. Unless he was worried about her feelings being hurt? But how would she survive by Rigel's side if a bunch of students intimidated her. Draco huffed and resolved to put Potter out of his head. That wasn't difficult since they were heading to their next DADA class.
Draco had mixed feelings about Professor Moody. On the one hand, he was against anything that was Dark. Yet they'd never had such exposure to dark magic and dangerous spells. It was exhilarating. It was easy to see the man was a born Auror – not a teacher.
Despite previous classes, he hadn't expected to come to DADA and see the Unforgivables performed on the three puppies that played on the professor's desk.
He clenched his fists at the avalanche of disgusthorrorinterest he felt from the class of Slytherins and Gryffindors as he tried to bring his shields back up while comforting a horrified Pansy.
How had this lesson plan been approved by the board, let alone the Headmaster?
"…You never know when you will be faced with death. That is why, I've been given permission to put your class under the Imperius curse. You need to practice fighting against it before you find yourself in a situation where you have no choice."
Draco's eyes widened and he heard Pansy gasp next to him. This was unprecedented and he couldn't quite decide if he was looking forward or dreading the opportunity to learn how to fight the curse. Did it have to be in front of all the Gryffindorks though? He was slightly reassured as he watched the students – of course, the lions had volunteered to go first – do a number of ridiculous feats from cartwheeling around the class to jumping on desks.
Smiling slightly at seeing Weasley resisting valiantly for seven seconds before imitating a squirrel he turned his gaze towards the Slytherins. Despite the ridiculousness, they looked eager to take on the challenge. Or at least, most of them. Rigel looked unusually pale, hands curled up into fists as he looked at the imperio'd students with revulsion.
"Rigel?" he asked softly, not wanting to alert any others.
Rigel turned to him, a forced smile appeared his lips, "I'm fine Draco, just debating the wisdom of acting like a chipmunk in front of my year mates."
Draco didn't think pressing would help so he just observed as a muscle in Blaise's forehead twitched. He lasted a record 15 seconds before jumping on the table as ordered. Draco couldn't understand why he looked so annoyed at his impressive performance. Pansy lifted her chin and walked defiantly to the middle of the class. She lasted five seconds, the current best score behind Blaise and Weasley.
Then it was his turn and he tuned the class out as he took a deep breath, facing the professor.
Draco felt a split second of anger at how weak willed he felt before he couldn't remember why there was anything to be angry about in the first place.
Everything was wonderful, all was shining and he'd never felt so at peace.
"Do a handstand… Handstand Mr Malfoy… now…"
Why of course, a handstand sounded perfect, it would allow everything to remain perfect.
Draco obeyed and he felt a rush of pleasure. Until – suddenly - he was on the floor, no feeling of happiness to be found while a rush of embarrassment threatened to overcome him.
"Ah well, better luck next time Mr Malfoy, who's next?"
Draco gritted his teeth. Thankfully none of the Slytherins were amused and he saw Pansy and Rigel looking at him with twin expressions of worry. But he couldn't quench the anger. He hadn't even lasted a second.
"It's not your fault," Rigel said quietly, "I think your gifts could be a handicap in this situation." Draco knew he meant his empathy was making him an easier target but that wasn't acceptable.
"We'll just have to practice more," Pansy soothed, "perhaps- "
She was interrupted by Professor Moody, "Right, is that everyone?"
Draco frowned as Rigel stayed silent, despite not having tried. None of the Slytherins called his name out and Draco remembered once again how glad he was to be in this House. He'd figure out what Rigel had against this exercise once they were out of class.
Unfortunately the Professor had a good memory and he barked, "Mr Black!"
Rigel sighed.
"I didn't see you under my wand. Surely you're not afraid of acting ridiculous in front of your classmates."
Draco knew some of the students would consider it only fair if everyone was embarrassed, a sort of mutually assured destruction.
"I'm not feeling very well professor, I think I'm going to sit this one out," Rigel said, a frown in place most likely at being the centre of attention once again.
The professor barked, "Come now Black, your father was one of my best Aurors before he left. You going to make me tell him his son is a coward?"
Rigel took two steps forward, "Professor I really don't care –"
Moody ignored Draco's furious glare as he interrupted, "Enough, they'll be no quitters in my class. You need to get over that fear before you find yourself at wand point."
Rigel interrupted, "Professor, I am allowed to refuse-"
But Rigel didn't get to finish his sentence when, to Draco's outrage, the professor pointed his wand and intoned, "Imperio."
Draco's didn't even realise he had his wand out before he said, "That was out of line professor! End the spell!"
He heard multiple students gasp but Alastor Moody only glanced at him dismissively before he chuckled.
"Put that wand away before I turn you into a ferret Mr Malfoy. Black! Jump on the chair."
Draco didn't have time to retort before Weasley – Weasley! - was at his side, wand also out.
"Rigel refused, professor."
Moody hmphed, "Black doesn't need your protection. Look how well he's resisting the curse."
Draco frowned, because it was true. It had been at least five seconds and Rigel was still, murmuring under his breath. Draco didn't let himself be sidetracked. Something was wrong, he could knew it even as a breeze that had no right to be in a class with closed windows ruffled through the classroom, scattering papers in its wake.
"Ha, that's a strong mind, look at that will power," Moody said, then frowned and repeated louder, "On the desk now Mr Black!"
The class watched breathless as beads of sweat formed on Rigel's forehead. But still he remained frozen in place, eyes unseeing and mumbling.
Draco took a step closer. "No, not again, my mind is my own," Rigel was whispering feverishly.
Draco had had enough and raised his wand towards his professor – he could already feel the house points dropping – "This is ridiculous professor, take the curse off. Now!"
Moody didn't reply though as Rigel fell into a crouch, eyes wide and unblinking while he said in a tone of glacial calmness, "My mind is my own."
Moody raised his wand in surprise but did not have time to issue a spell as a he was swung back into the wall by a blast of pure magic and he fell into an undignified heap.
There was silence in the room as the students stared between their unconscious Auror-trained professor and the hyperventilating Rigel.
Draco didn't waste any time on the idiot as he rushed to his friend, Pansy hot on his heels.
"Rigel? Are you okay?" he asked as he crouched and grasped his friend's shoulders, ignoring the rest of their classmates.
Blaise had already called for order while Weasley was asking for someone to fetch Madam Pomfrey.
"Draco? What – I was?" Rigel's eyes were still distracted and he could feel the tremors that shook Rigel's body. He cursed the retired Auror once again in his mind.
"It's okay, there's been a small accident, you're in class, we're all here with you. You're safe."
Rigel's eyes slowly focused, looking at his and Pansy's faces before her eyes widened, "The Imperius! I - The professor!"
"He's fine," Draco lied but Rigel had already shrugged him off and rushed to the professor's side. One of the stupider Gryffindors raised his wand but Longbottom was dragging it down before Draco could even react.
"Don't be stupid, Rigel didn't mean to hit him."
Rigel gave a distracted smile towards Neville but her wand was already moving to perform diagnostic spells on the professor. Not that the moron deserved the healing, Draco thought uncharitably.
Rigel breathed a sigh of relief, "He's going to be fine. Just some mild bruising I'm taking care of right now."
Finally turning around, Rigel eyed the range of expressions facing him and sighed.
"Right, I think I'm just going to save time and go to the Headmaster's office. Professor Moody should be fine, sorry for disturbing the class."
Draco huffed as Rigel tried to exit the classroom alone, "I'm coming with you. You're probably going to ridiculously blame yourself for everything, including the professor's idiocy."
Draco had never been to the Headmaster's but the door opened as if the old man already knew and was awaiting them. Draco gazed curiously around the admittedly fascinating room as Rigel stuttered an explanation with a few corrections from him.
Draco felt vindicated when the Headmaster didn't give any form of punishment after taking into account Rigel's recent history. Draco gave a satisfied smirk as they tumbled out of the Headmaster's office with advice to take the afternoon off while Dumbledore sorted things out with the Professor at the infirmary.
Rigel rubbed his face tiredly, "Whatever I meant or didn't mean, I still think I should have –"
Draco looked up as his friend came to a sudden stop outside the office.
Harriet Potter was lounging against the corridor wall inspecting her nails, "An Imperio, cuz?"
Draco watched quietly as Rigel huffed, "It wasn't like that, I over reacted. How did you even get here so fast?"
Potter scoffed as she came closer, ignoring Draco completely, "You underestimate the interschool rumour mill."
She placed a hand on Rigel's forehead, green eyes serious - "How are you really feeling? You know repressing things is only going to make it worse."
Rigel swallowed dryly before he grasped the hand still on his forehead and squeezed it affectionately, "I'm fine. Yes, I thought I was back in that hole again, but you know I've dealt with all that already. I just didn't expect it then. It won't happen again."
Potter sighed, "Fine, this isn't the time anyways. But you need to take a break."
Rigel made to protest but Harry just raised an eyebrow, "Shut up, you're not getting a vote, come on, we're going flying."
Rigel smiled, "You do know flying doesn't fix everything."
"Well it should, including that frown on your friend's face." Snagging Rigel's arm she turned to him with a curious look in her eyes, "Mr Malfoy, feel like joining?"
He paused for a split second before nodding silently. He needed to make sure Rigel was really fine and was in no way accompanying them to see if Potter had inherited any of her father's famed Quidditch skills.
Draco optimistically believed they would manage a year of normal, on the sideline, as all attention stayed on the tournament. Or at least, as normal as Hogwarts could get.
Then of course, Harriet Potter had to get herself chosen as the AIM champion. He wasn't sure who seemed more stunned the night the champions were announced. Potter or Rigel.
He had flinched at the burst of potent panic – stronger even than when Rigel had spotted his cousin at Hogwarts – when the name Harry Potter had been read out loud.
At the very least it had stomped out his irritation at the Hogwarts champion being Albright. Rigel had actually half risen; eyes locked with his cousin before Draco dragged him back down. He wasn't sure either why Rigel had immediately snapped, "She didn't put her name in," when Aldon had unwisely congratulated Rigel on his cousin's selection when they got back to the common room. How could he sound so sure, without even talking to his cousin first? Besides, that was the only way it worked. No one could or would put someone else's name and pass the glory to another.
All their friends had noticed the foul mood Rigel was uncharacteristically in and gave him a wide berth even as Draco tried ineffectually to calm him down.
The tournament was dangerous after all but the Potter chit should obviously not have entered her name if Rigel was this worried about her chances. Soon after the curfew Rigel had left the common room, ignoring Draco's call.
"Let him go," Pansy had said quietly, restraining his arm, "he needs to go check on her, he won't calm down otherwise."
Draco sighed but knew Pansy was right as usual. Perhaps this would help get things back to normal.
Things had not returned to normal.
Rigel had retained his calm and placid persona through a mind-grasping sickness, a giant basilisk hunting on the Hogwarts grounds and even after being kidnapped by a lunatic time travelling professor.
But Harry Potter's name came out of the Goblet of Fire and Rigel suddenly had trouble keeping his famed cool.
The howler appeared to have been the breaking point.
Draco had been in a foul mood that morning, a headache coalescing from the hundred additional students testing his empathy's control. Harry Potter had been sitting at the Ravenclaw table during one her rare appearances in the Great Hall when she received the Howler from her father.
Draco had nearly winced in sympathy as Head Auror James Potter's voice boomed out of the flaming red envelope.
Draco watched in shock as the envelope gave a shriek and burst into flames before turning to ashes. For a second he thought the magic had malfunctioned but then he saw Rigel was up, wand stretched out, hand slightly shaking. Draco could feel a maelstrom of anger, guilt, resentment and sadness.
Once again, he felt helpless in his ignorance. He had enough of a hard time understanding Lord Black's relationship with his son, let alone what Rigel felt towards Lord Potter. His second of indecision cost him as Rigel's cousin approached first.
Heiress Potter's face had been rueful as she listened to the Howler but then she took in her cousin's features and the utter silence in the hall. She sighed, stood up and gently taking her cousin's arm, she had led him out and away from the stares in the Great Hall.
"Well shit," Theo had whistled before being poked on the head by Millicent. The Slytherins stayed relatively quiet as the other Houses giggled and gossiped. Fortunately, someone had pranked the pudding and attention was quickly diverted to avoiding the custard projectiles.
Draco only swallowed and exchanged a look with Pansy. More secrets to contend with.
Somehow, without intending to, he felt a surge of protectiveness towards Harriet Potter. Whether she had put her name in the Goblet or not, it really seemed like only Rigel supported her in her life. He resolved to make greater efforts in befriending her. Besides, it wasn't like he wanted to cheer Albright on as the Hogwarts champion.
By the time Rigel returned to the dorm, his features looked calm but the veneer was paper thin and his beautifully crafted emotions a mockery of imitation as he avoided Draco's pointed remarks about the Howler and his mood.
"Just stop Draco," Rigel finally said quietly, eyes closed as he lay over his bed spread in the empty dorm. "I… over reacted. James never approved of… our potions and his disapproval has always been a bit of a sore spot." He paused for a moment and said as if half to himself, "I just didn't think I wouldn't be believed by my own family."
"Fine, I'll let this go. I just can't help but notice how stressed you are. I wish she hadn't entered…" Draco trailed off warily but Rigel didn't get angry as he cracked one eye open from where he'd fallen unceremoniously onto his bed.
"Draco, trust me on this, Harry didn't put her name in."
"Fine. Let's assume the Goblet of Fire has chosen now after so many centuries to go wonky – "
Rigel got up in burst of nervous energy. "No. You don't get it. She didn't put her name in. But someone must have. Someone put her name in. Someone must be trying –" Rigel cut himself off but it was too late.
"You think someone is trying to kill your cousin," Draco said blankly. He could see it make make sense in a twisted elaborate overly complicated kind of way. What better way to assassinate the Potter Heir and declare it accidental than the tournament. He nearly admired the absurdity of the plot.
"But why?" He wondered out loud.
Who would gain? Lord Potter had a second child so it couldn't be a distant relation wanting to inherit. Draco thought about members of the SOW party for split second but no. They wouldn't. And even if someone wanted to attack Dumbledore's faction, they would attack Lord Potter directly. Draco paled as he thought of another reason. One that made more sense with every passing year.
"Rigel," he eyed his closest friend with concern, "you don't think this has to do with the engagement?"
"What?" Rigel asked, bemused.
Draco hesitated, "Well… you're a very good potential match. I could see some families take … drastic action to ensure you are available again. Everyone's heard of the engagement by now." His father had been quite displeased when he had found out and he knew he wasn't the only one. He wasn't completely ignorant about his father's intentions to drag Rigel, with all his skills and potential, to their political side. Harriet Potter's engagement to him had been very unwelcome news. He would bet his Quidditch position many families with young daughters would have also been very unhappy.
Rigel blinked, as if he had forgotten he was engaged in the first place. Then he cursed. Loudly.
Draco nearly jumped. Rigel never cursed. Aaand he had resumed his pacing.
"For every possible plot I came up with, breaking Harriet Potter's engagement to Arcturus Rigel Black was not one of them! Don't they realise the engagement is a sham? I have no interest in getting married anyways. And for this, someone could want to hurt, to kill my cousin? Of all the threats against us, of course Fate would choose to strike the Blacks with danger of their own making."
At that point Theo's bed burst into flames and Rigel angrily waved his hand and repaired the damage without even a glance as he continued pacing.
Draco remained frozen; he wasn't sure if he should be more shocked at finally witnessing Rigel's loss of temper, having his best friend casually admitting he never intended to get married to his betrothed or even the casual display of wandless magic.
Deciding to shelve all these issues for later thought, he set himself to soothing his friend all the while increasing the tally of things he really should discuss with Pansy.
Weeks slipped by and Draco's good will towards Harriet Potter diminished in direct correlation with the increase in Rigel's disappearances. The latter remained non-committal about the absences but always came back exhausted, sometimes smelling of explosions or with ink smeared all over his fingers. It felt like their first year all over again - when Rigel would remain silent and ignore their queries.
"I'm just helping Harry practice, Dray. Can we not go over this again?" Rigel brushed his hair back with his hand in exasperation. It was getting a bit unruly and Draco absently thought Pansy would no doubt take matters in her own hands soon.
"I just graciously offered to also help her practice."
"Harry… prefers to practice… alone."
"You mean she doesn't trust us!" Draco had snapped back waspishly.
Rigel had sighed, looking weary and Draco immediately felt remorseful.
Meanwhile, many Slytherins seemed torn over which champion to support. On the one hand, Albright was rightly hated by most of their families - but he was the Hogwarts champion. On the other hand Harriet Potter was a half blood from another school – but she was officially engaged to the Slytherin heir of House Black.
"I think most of the House remains undecided over their support," Draco muttered as he hurriedly took a seat next to Pansy in the stands, patting down any mussed hair."
"Where were you?" She hissed quietly, "First task is about to begin!"
"I was looking for Rigel but I couldn't find him anywhere. Not even his potions lab. Surely he wouldn't miss his cousin's first task?"
Pansy smiled, "For once, it's not his fault. Dumbledore summoned him. It had to do with the task." She nodded towards the large screens hovering in the air and Draco finally paid attention to where they were seated. The organisers had set the first task in front of the Forbidden Forest. The stands for all thespectators were curved to form a half circle. Four screens had been placed strategically in front of them, no doubt to follow the four champions through the task.
There was a second, smaller set up for ministry officials and staff in the centre of the semi circle. Draco spotted Snape's disgruntled expression as well as Crouch Sr., the prime minister's representative and Bagman, head of the Department of Magical Games.
Draco only half listened as the presenter welcomed everyone to the tournament as he finally spotted Rigel on the screen.
Hovering in a bubble at least fifty metres above the lake.
"What the hell is Rigel doing?" he muttered to Pansy.
A Hovercam – a recent American invention but useful in capturing details in real time - moved and he saw three other youths in their own translucent golden bubbles. The closest bubble to Rigel held a little girl with golden hair, likely to be Delacours' sister, giggling as Rigel made faces and distracted her.
Honestly, didn't he know the tournament was recorded?
A tiny boy in Hogwarts robes, probably Albright's younger brother who had been sorted in Hufflepuff this year looked rather queasy in his how own bubble as he eyed the water so far underneath him. The last one held a dark and scowling older boy, perhaps a friend of the Bulgarian champion.
"… each champion must retrieve what they hold most dear before the clock runs out. To do so they will venture through the perilous woods and vanquish various creatures, following a own golden snitch."
Draco watched as the Hovercams zoomed in on the small winged balls and then back to the four contestants. The Durmstrang, Beauxbatons and Hogwarts champions were all richly dressed in bright duelling robes. Albright's ones were an obnoxious shade of pale blue but his eyes were drawn to the fourth champion, still looking comically younger and less experienced and who was dressed in a loose white blouse, trousers tucked into a pair of brown boots.
Draco nearly felt embarrassed for her at the snickers in the crowd. It wasn't quite a muggle outfit but on such a day, with all eyes on each champion, she looked decidedly… less than the other contestants.
"I will need to find that girl before the next task and dress her," Pansy mumbled exasperatedly. Draco knew she was already invested over Potter's place in their lives.
His attention wavered back to the screens as the bell sounded and the champions set off running after the flying snitches, Hovercams following each down different paths.
Twenty minutes in and Draco admitted to himself grudgingly that Rigel's cousin was ingenious and the most interesting champion to observe as she made her way through the forest. The interest was understandable- the Bulgarian seeker had run away from the cockatrice and lost his snitch, the blonde half Veela was having trouble with a group of Hinkypunks and he half wished the Acromantula Albright was fighting against would just swallow the boy up.
Meanwhile Potter had already successfully battled a Blast-ended Skrewt, knocked out a troll (she hadn't even flinched) and was currently running behind her snitch.
It wasn't even the smooth way she had dispatched the creatures without permanently harming them that intrigued him. It was the calm expression she wore through all of it. No worry, no stress, just determination. She wasn't even breathing loudly despite covering the ground quickly with easy strides. Her outfit allowing her to run more easily than the other three champions.
"She's making it look easy," Aldon commented from behind him, and Draco didn't need his empathy to feel the intrigue in his tone.
A few minutes later she hesitated when when Albright's wounded Acromantula crashed into her path.
The giant spider had two leg missing and the creature and the girl both froze for a moment before she slashed her wand and the spider was bisected into two. She hesitated then, the indecision on her face clear as she eyed the Hovercam, her face filling the screen. Then she murmured a spell and a glass tube appeared in her hand.
"What in the world is she doing?" Theo asked. With a quick glance, Draco realised most of the Slytherins were focused on Potter's screen instead of Albright's.
"She's… collecting Acromantula venom," Rookwood said, amused.
Sure enough, Potter had filled the tube with dripping venom before she vanished it away with a wave of her wand.
"If there was any doubt she was related to Rigel, I think that resolved them," Blaise drawled.
Draco ignored him as Harriet Potter whirled around, wand raised at the rustling noise behind her. The Hovercam followed the moment smoothly and showed the Centaur that had approached.
Potter lowered back her wand and Draco's eyebrows rose in surprise as she gave a short bow. He heard a few uneasy mutters. A witch bending her head to a creature? It just wasn't done.
"I did not think the Centaurs would participate in the tournament," Blaise said, a certain oddness in his tone.
Potter spoke for the first time since the start of the task, her words captured easily by the Hovercam as she stared at the creature in front of her, "Greetings, my name is Harriet Potter. My apologies for being so far in your territory."
"My name is Firenze," the centaur replied calmly, ignoring the Hovercam completely. After a pause, he continued, "My tribe has agreed not to interfere in this tournament but you will always be welcome in this forest, daughter of magic. Venus smiles upon you and all creatures in this forest owes your blood a debt we will not soon forget."
Potter frowned, "That was not-" She stopped and Draco knew it was because of the floating Hovercam. He felt Pansy squeezing his hand tightly and they shared a worried look. No one knew about Rigel's near death in the Forbidden Forrest and he doubted Rigel would appreciate an interfering centaur talking about it in front of the whole school.
Potter seemed to be of the same mind. "There is no debt to be repaid but I thank you for your welcome."
The centaur, Firenze, nodded in agreement but as Potter turned away, he added, "You play a dangerous game Harry Potter, be careful not to get lost in the shadows through your quest."
Draco frowned, unsure why the vague words caused a sliver of uneasiness to pass over Potter's face. Centaurs were notoriously vague. In the next moment her face was calm and with a short nod of thanks, she was back in pursuit of the snitch.
The sand in the huge hourglass next to the judges continued to trickle down. Albright, curse that family, was now in the lead after Potter's distraction but he was still stuck on the final challenge. Draco didn't know how they had gotten a Sphinx to agree to participate; they were after all notoriously hard to work with.
The Sphinx laid redolent in front of the lake and the bubble-imprisoned hostages. Draco smirked as Albright lost his temper, baffled by the riddle, and paced back and forth near the lake while the Sphinx eyed him like he was a particularly repellent insect.
Draco had to admit he had not figured the answer out to the riddle himself. He repeated the words to himself.
With potent, flowery words speak I,
Of something common, vulgar, dry;
I weave webs of pedantic prose,
In effort to befuddle those,
Who think I wile time away,
In lofty things, above all day
The common kind that linger where
Monadic beings live and fare;
Practical I may not be,
But life, it seems, is full of me.
Surely the seventh year Ravenclaw should be able to figure out though. They had to answer a riddle to get into their common room everyday from what he'd heard.
And it would be nice to reinforce the fact that Hogwarts was the best school out there and that not even Durmstrang was in the same league. Hence why he was not actively engaged in sabotage against Albright. Then again, he couldn't fathom how Albright had been found the most worthy to represent the school and it was literally impossible for Draco to cheer the boy on without being sick all over his robes.
He switched his attention back to Potter as she jogged the final metres to the Sphinx and paused hesitantly. He could understand the caution. He'd never seen a Sphinx outside pictures before but they were intimidating creatures. Its lazy pose did not hide the powerful muscles, it's body larger than any natural lion's. It had the head of a woman, tan and middle-eastern looking, dark kohl around half lidded eyes and black tresses falling to her shoulders.
It sniffed, as Potter got closer.
"You smell more interesting boy… girl… fleshlings are hard to sort out."
"What do I have to do to pass through then Oh Ancient One?" Draco couldn't tell if Potter was mad enough to be mocking the dangerous and powerful creature.
The Sphinx took it as it's due however and smiled down, with teeth too sharp to ever pass for human.
"One may pass freely if they wish. But to release the enchantment and receive what was stolen, one must answer the riddle."
"What is the riddle then?"
"Have care fleshling. Answer wrong and your treasures will softly sink deep in the darkness below."
Draco knew the hostages would not suffer more than a cold bath and it seemed Potter didn't seem to be unduly worried either. Her face only showed a vague thoughtfulness as she looked out towards the lake before rolling her eyes. Another Hovercam showed Rigel had just given her an exaggerated thumbs up with a grin.
Really, Draco groaned inwardly, you'd think his friend could be a bit more worried about being held up so high over a freezing lake.
"A cold shower might do him good," she half murmured, the sound amplified by the Hovercam. Raising her voice she called out, "May I hear the riddle then, Oh Supreme One?"
The sphinx took a breath.
"Tool of thief, toy of queen.
Always used to be unseen.
Sign of joy, sign of sorrow.
Giving all likeness borrowed."
The sphinx gave another wide smile as it finished and eyed the girl mouthing the words to herself. Draco was stumped again and he was pleased to see no other spectator shouting the answer.
But barely a second later she raised her head, looking straight at the sphinx with a small grin. "I've always wanted to meet a sphinx. When I was young child, I read that whomever answered a sphinx's riddle would get an answer to a question in return. Is that true?"
The Sphinx's smile widened, "We may decide you are worthy, if you answer correctly. Or perhaps we shall take three secrets from you if you are wrong."
"What is she doing?" Pansy hissed, and Draco could understand her frustration. The two other champions were rapidly gaining ground while Albright was busy drawing squiggles in the sand, perhaps trying to figure out his riddle. Meanwhile, Potter would once again lose her lead because of random conversations with creatures. There was just no focus on winning.
Potter smiled. It was a sad sort of smile that didn't seem to reach her eyes but her voice was clear. "It's a mask. The answer to the riddle is a mask." There was no uncertainty in her voice and the Sphinx's smile disappeared.
"You are sharp tiny one, ask me your question if you dare."
Potter eyed the Sphinx and appeared to be choosing her words carefully, "Why was I picked?"
The question was both simple yet unclear. Draco realised Potter must have purposely left it vague due to those watching. He guessed the question established she hadn't put her name in the Goblet of Fire though. And most watching would assume she was asking what qualities made her the AIM champion.
The Sphinx's speech was no longer playful, voice cold and ancient, "You have many enemies fleshling, but this arrow was not meant for you."
Harry nodded, "Thank you oh Most Gracious one. If you would now return what I've misplaced, I would be most grateful."
The Sphinx majestically rose to its paws and turned away even as Rigel's bubble slowly began descending.
There were cheers from where the AIM cohort was sitting and some polite clapping from the professors. But then the Weasley clan began cheering and waving banners, encouraging the rest of their house into rousing cheers. That was unacceptable. Draco stood up and clapped slowly. After a surprised silence around him his year mates joined in. Theo even waved his wand and spelled a large rainbow of sparks to shoot out distracting all and Draco nearly missed the Sphinx's final words.
"Oh and fleshling," the Sphinx called out as it padded further away, "do tell your friend it's far too soon for him to ever return to Egypt."
Draco frowned and wondered once again why Potter looked so stunned.
She shook it off and after glancing at Rigel who was still slowly descending in his bubble, her attention was captured by the scowling Albright, still furiously scribbling with his stick. It seemed like even his Hovercam had gotten bored as his screen was now showing the mating patterns of a pair of lake Grindylows.
Potter's Hovercam however, followed carefully as she approached.
"Hey, Albright, isn't it? Do you need any help answering the riddle?"
Theo sighed, "I really see the family resemblance. Why the hell would she help the competition?"
Albright appeared to be wondering the same thing. He didn't even look up as he snapped, "I don't need help, go away Potter. Besides, what kind of idiot would help their adversaries?"
Potter's eyes were running over whatever Albright had scribbled down and she answered absent mindedly, "The kind of idiot who's already done with the task. Call it an odd fondness for this school." She paused and a frown appeared.
"Albright this alchemy… do you understand what it will do?" she asked, her hand ruffling her short hair worriedly.
Of course Albright would show off his family's specialty. But how in the world would Harriet Potter the AIM student recognise alchemy? It was ridiculous; the teachings of alchemy were a rare and coveted thing, not taught at every second tier school.
"Don't talk about things you don't understand Potter. I'm an Albright, I know exactly what this is going to do," he drawled and waved his wand.
As much as Draco hated the family, he had to admit building an alchemical array of that size on sand with a stick while still a student was impressive.
Potter didn't seem to be as pleased as she took hold of his shoulder and shouted, "Albright stop! You have no gradient rune - the hostages are too high up – the magic will just fail!"
But whatever Albright had traced had already been activated as the runes all around the circle shone in brilliant blue light.
There was a collective gasp from the crowd and Draco felt a twinge of horror as he understood just what Albright had done.
The alchemical array had stripped the lake from enchantments.
With a pop the four bubbles vanished and the hostages were in freefall, three of them fifty metres above water. Immediately ministry organisers and professors rushed towards the lake, unable to Apparate on Hogwarts grounds.
Time seemed to be moving in slow motion. Draco realised no professor or game maker was close enough to save them. It took another fraction of a second to notice Rigel wasn't even over the water anymore but across land - the fall could kill him.
He felt paralysed as he saw the catastrophe unfold.
But Harriet Potter had not frozen and he watched numbly as she threw out a desperate hand, not even a wand in place. Impossibly, the plummeting students slowed down to a halt.
The Hovercams glided around, broadcasting the sweat trickling down Potter's forehead, those focused green eyes, her hand trembling as the students continued to drop but slowly.
Draco felt disbelief as he noticed the array was still alight and that the lunatic girl was fighting an active alchemical array designed to break enchantments and spells.
Meanwhile beside her, Albright had fallen to his knees in panic.
The three youths were still five metres above the lake while Rigel had just touched the ground when it happened. Potter fell to one knee in exhaustion, both hands still held aloft but her foot accidentally swept past the circle and a rune was brushed away in the sand.
The effect was immediate as the array turned on her. She was thrown backwards in the air, blue light lancing around her and concentration broken, the three hostages dropped into the water like rocks.
Draco breath caught in his throat as he saw her land in a broken heap a distance away.
"Harry!" Draco heard Rigel's desperate shout as he ran towards her.
The officials were finally reaching the lake and the larger group diverged to the three drowning children in the lake. Head Auror Potter however, completely ignored them as he ran towards his daughter, panicked expression on his face.
Rigel already had his wand out and was murmuring spells, his cousin's head in his lap. But none of the commotion stopped the Hovercam from broadcasting the scene and Potter's unconscious face.
Only she didn't look like Harriet Potter anymore.
1. First riddle comes from the Geek Native website under Ride the Riddles.
2. Second riddle comes from Dragon Diaries: Ascension by Selena Drake (I haven't actually read the book).
3. I borrowed the workings of alchemy from the Full Metal Alchemist anime because it looked cool even though I know V's alchemy will probably develop very differently.
4. Really excited about posting the second part and started to edit it already so it shall be up very soon.