Chap. 15
Fairy Tail was loud and destructive like always. It is really sad really. As soon as I opened the door, a chair came flying at me. I grabbed it and threw it right back at the person who threw it at me. Then it got quiet.
I was all by myself because everyone else wanted to go and visit their boyfriends, and Caelum had a meeting in the Celestial World.
"Oh look who came by, Lucy and her puny exceeds. Why do you even have them? What do you want? What are you going to do, scare us to death with your outfit?" Natsu really shouldn't be talking especially when his magic power is not its best.
"Oh shut up Natsu. I came her to tell Wendy something. Why do you care anyway?"
"Oh I don't, I just don't like having trash walking into the guild. Besides, why would Wendy talk to you?"
I ignored his comment and went of to Wendy. Star put an invisible sound and physical barrier around us. I decided to tell her what I want to tell her. She gave me a hug.
"I missed you so much. I hope you have been good. I have been praying for you to be happy."
"I have been good, how about you Wendy?"
"Well...I was forced to be their servant healer. They all hate me and Carla because we helped you. They tried to kill her, right in front of me Lucy. She had stood up for me and th-theyy just snapped. They almost succeeded. When Happy got kicked of the team, he yelled and threatened to tell the magic counsel about Carla. H-He is going to be killed too... They keep them in the storage room. They barely feed them. I try to sneak them food sometimes but I barely have enough for myself.
Panterlilly ran away because he didn't want to get killed. I know where he is but they won't let me go after him. Gajeel is really sad about it and he is the only reason one who cares about me here. They want to kill me though. Levy doesn't even care anymore. She used to feel bad that she wasn't there to stop them from hurting you something happen to them.
Lisanna is in charge, I am sure. I think she corrupted their minds someway or another. They still act the same but they lost their kindness. C-Can I please come with you? I don't wan to stay here, ask Gajeel too. Help me rescue everyone. Even Romeo doesn't care. He is just like the rest of them. Natsu is the most under her control. You can sense the dark disturbing energy sometimes. Master had no idea what is happening. He has been really busy. Whenever"
I gasped in shock. Kat began to cry, while Star shook her head in disgust. This is what they have put her through? I have to help all of them right now! Fairy Tail has taken a turn for the worst. I was just their first victim. I grabbed Wendy close to me." I promise to take care of you. Come On."
We walked towards Gajeel and pulled him into the barrier. All that was left was Carla and Happy. We headed to the storage. I opened it to see an insalubrious Happy and Carla. They are going to die of starvation if this continues. As soon as everyone was rescued, I headed out of the guild.
"Do you still want to be considered members of Fairy Tail?"
"No" I removed Wendy's guild mark.
"No" I erased Gajeel's guild mark.
"No" I removed Happy's guild mark.
"No" I took away Carla's guild mark.
"Come on. Do you want to join my guild? It is nothing like Fairy Tail is now."
Wendy, Carla and Happy nodded but Gajeel didn't.
"I would like to join your guild but first I would like to go on an adventure. I will come back someday. Where is it?"
"It is the city called Onyx but before you go, I would like you to revisit your dragon."
"You know where Metallica is?"
"Yeah, that was what I came to tell Wendy and you. Come on. First, I think Happy and Carla need some fish."
We went to the market to get them some fish to enjoy. They ate like crazy. I feel sorry for them. Then, we went to the Dragon world. Gradine was there and so was Metallica. While they had their hugging and kissing, I went of to find Panther Lilly and brought him back to his slayer. Gajeel laughed in happiness. I am glad I could help them with something. Gajeel waved me good bye and headed off on his adventure. Wendy and Carla have decided to stay in the Dragon World to complete here training. Happy wants to stay also so he can train in one dragon-slaying magic and learn how to transform like Panther-Lilly. He is no longer Natsu's Exceed.
I headed home since I knew the dragons will make them feel at home. Caelum was back but everyone else were gone.
"What do you want to do?" He asked when I sat down besides him.
"Well, I would like to watch a horror movie."
"How about…the furry monster?"
"That sound so suckish." I had to stop myself from laughing.
"Come on, it couldn't be that bad."
"How much you want to bet?"
"Hmm… how about a 100 jewels.
"I can't till I get that."
The movie did suck. It was way too cheesy and cracked me up to an extent. I did get my money. It was a good night.
I got to know Caelum better. I eventually feel asleep though I don't remember that ever happening. I woke up in my bed.
I stretched out and got ready for the day. I freaked out when I sw what time it was. I quickly took a shower and requiped into thesimply pale blue dress that ended at my thighs. I wore white leggings. To finish off the look, I had on black flats. My guild mark light up in a black color on my face as I changed into my shadow dragon slayer form.
I teleported to the arena happy to see they were just finishing with the preshow of a magic show where the participants have fun with their magic. I took a seat by Caelum and sighed.
"Why in the world didn't someone wake me up?"
"Because, you tend to hurt people who wake you up and I would like to stay alive." I shot him a cross look.
"Whatever, as long as I didn't miss anything, I don't care." He ruffled my hair and I laughed.