The Environment Exchange Paradigm
Pasadena, 2311 Los Robles, Laundry room
"You're doing it again Penny." Sheldon's tone was as usual condescending and omniscient. Penny, being used to Sheldon and his ways simply, looked at him with ever so much patience.
"What is it sweetie?"
Baffled, Sheldon stared at her. "Can you not see it?" … "My socks Penny, you're folding them incorrectly. You need to use my folder to fold them to sufficiency."
Penny just looked up at him with tired, yet amused eyes. How could she have spent so much time with this crazy without getting infected? Not too long ago she'd been a normal stupid blond with normal stupid blond friends and her even stupider and more violent blond boyfriend. Simpler times they were. But being controlled and suppressed by Kurt was not a life she'd ever have again. And truth be told, she was glad to have found a new way of living, a way in which fun wasn't sex and gossip. Or not just sex and gossip..
In the end Penny returned the socks to the damned whack-a-doodle whom they belonged to.
"Ya know they're just gonna get wrinkly when you wear 'em right?"
Sheldon merely stared derisively at her whilst slowly shaking his head. "I'm not even going to get into this with you." Irritated he quickly gathered his last laundry in his basket and began marching up to his apartment, 4A.
"Forgot something?" When he turned around she was widely smirking at him, holding his briefs.
"Penny, those are my.."
"Superman briefs, adorable!"
Penny's smile had grown even wider, and her comment had caused Sheldon's cheeks to burn. "Nobody touches my undergarments Penny," his voice was squeaky, clearly he was outside of his comfort zone.
Penny, ignoring this, continued. This was the most fun she'd had all day. "So not even Amy gets to touch your briefs? Ooh I feel so special!" Her voice had become teasing as she rocked his superman briefs from side to side. "Penny!" He exclaimed, cheeks bright red.
"We should be up on the roof, there's a meteor shower tonight," he stood there and tilted awkwardly from side to side until he abruptly grabbed his underpants back and hurried upstairs. Penny sighed, but followed him eventually. She had to admit that she was in the mood for a good meteor shower.
The Tardis
"Give it up Rose! That dress is beyond repair." The Doctor suppressed a smirk. He'd been right when he'd said it the first time, but Rose had insisted on having it fixed. He had to admit, though, it was a nice dress.
"Doctor, I cannot go on like this! I reckon I'll be outta clothes by the week! S'that what you want?" her teasing tongue poked out through her teeth as she smiled. The Doctor grinned back at her. So Rose, she was.
"Oh don't nag me, we can go shopping anytime anywhere!" He said.
"You said that the last time! Remember with the tele-the tele..?"
"Telepraks, Rose, and it wasn't my fault! They practically hauled the Tardis to them with their telepathic teleport."
Rose snickered. "Telepraks and their telepathic teleport, yeah?" the teasing tongue was back. The Doctor got disoriented.
"What? Oh yes, Telepraks and their telepathic teleports. Mind you the telepraks ne-"
"Doctor.." Rose put on her best stern expression, but it quickly faded as the Doctor laughed.
The Doctor tickled the Tardis' controls, ready to give her directions.
"I liked that place with the uhmn.. The big jumpers that turned into parachutes when you fell, where was that?" She flicked her fingers trying to come up with the name of the planet with the biggest shopping center she'd ever seen and with epic frozen waves. Beautiful place that was.
"Women Wept."
"That's right! Ooh Doctor, can we go there?" She touched his arm eager to persuade him to go. Besides, it had been so romantic last time. Midnight on top of a frozen stormy sea, oh yeah definitely.
"That's a great idea!" The Doctor's face lit up, just like Rose's.
Pasadena, 2311 Los Robles, Rooftop
"Ahh, This cosmic show makes even the most hardened astronomer gaze in awe at the thousands of streaking light strobes that pierce the night sky for an impressive celestial display." Raj took a sip of his beer. "It's chilly though," he added, looking around. Howard and Bernadette were getting cosy next to him, reminding him of how lonely he was.
But then again, he wasn't the only one alone tonight. Penny was alone. Leonard was alone. Amy was… what was Amy? She and Sheldon were 'together' although he couldn't deny viewing her as single. (Might as well since they weren't having coitus) Oh gosh he sounded just like Sheldon. Sheldon. He'd die single, of that he was sure.
"Watching a meteor shower on a clear, dark night is an unforgettable experience." Leonard chimed in. He sat between Raj and Amy, pondering the questions of the universe. Also, he'd like to know where Sheldon and Penny were. They always seemed to take their time doing laundry, but tonight a meteor shower was on, and he was certain Sheldon wouldn't want to miss that.
Pasadena, 2311 Los Robles
Penny sighed. Had she crossed the line? Oh, balls. She hated it when she did that. Always made her feel like the bitch of the group. Why couldn't she just be normal and not screw up? She had broken Leonard's heart several times, broken Howard's nose, kind of slept with Raj and teased Sheldon with his underwear.
Way to go, Penny, way to go! They had been nothing but kind to her, even though they had had ulterior motives. All except Sheldon of course. Despite Amy, Penny was pretty sure Sheldon had no deal. He was simply not into sex at all, weird as it may sound. Especially to Penny.
A quick flashback came to Penny's mind as she travelled up the stairs. The night she'd fallen in her bathtub. Lack of adhesive ducks, Sheldon's words exactly. Penny smiled even though it at the time had been irritating as hell. But her mind raised a point. He'd looked at her despite promising her he wouldn't. The hero always peeks, he'd said.
This is where her train of thought ended as she reached the door to 4A. She was most likely too late, Sheldon was probably already up on the roof with the others. But if she had a chance, she'd clear it out with him before everybody heard about the incident.. Was she over-thinking this? Not at all. In Nerd Ville things could escalate pretty quickly. If they hadn't already.
Oh balls.
The Tardis
"Uh, Doctor, I don't think we're in Women Wept," said Rose as she stepped outside the Tardis, looking at her surroundings.
They found themselves in a living room/kitchen with loads of geeky figures and posters everywhere.
"This is definitely earth," she turned to look at the Doctor. He looked just as confused as she felt.
"If you're gonna leave me, Doctor, I swear I'll-,"
"I won't leave you behind Rose, I wouldn't do that to you." The Doctor's gaze turned old as the universe and Rose was filled with reassurance that he wouldn't leave her behind.
They looked at each other and their serious expressions grew whimsical until they finally started laughing. Rose couldn't fathom that she of all people got to travel with this wonderful man. He was the best thing that had happened in her entire life. How could she ever show him this?
"Let's investigate our location," excitement flashed the Doctor's eyes like they did every time they went somewhere new.
"You lead the way, sailor. But if I had to guess I'd say we were on earth," she looked around, "approximately my time, right? Go on Doctor, tell me I'm wrong," tongue poking the back of her teeth.
"You're my Rose, how could you ever be wrong?" The Doctor beamed at his companion. "Besides, there's a calendar on that left wall," he pointed behind him.
"Saw that did ya?" Did he have eyes in the back of the neck? Jeez.
"Now that we've established year and.. planet, Doctor, d'you know why we're here in somebody's living room?" Rose giggled when she remembered last time. "Are we back so you can get another smack from my mum?"
The Doctor smiled. 900 years and he'd never been smacked by somebody's mother. Well except for Jackie.
"Let's get outside these walls, see where in the world we're at," The Doctor took Rose's hand and together they discovered that they were in a block with many flats. They left the Tardis in the living room and went upstairs to get a good view of the city, assuming they were in one. Even though she couldn't be sure, Rose had a suspicion they were in America. She'd only been in the USA once, but apparently once was enough.
Pasadena, Los Robles, 4A
Sheldon was baffled. What on earth was this? A big blue police box was placed in the middle of the room. Had he gone completely insane? No, his mother had him tested. His eyes told him that, for a fact, a blue box had parked in his living room.
Had somebody been in his house, his home? The door hadn't been broken into, of that he was sure. But how then?
"Oh dear lord!" Sheldon ran to his room. Relieved he found that nothing had been moved, hell, it didn't even seem like anyone had been in here. Thank god.
Now, who would break into a flat filled with collectable items and not take anything? Hell, they hadn't even stolen his series-two-Battlestar-Galactica-mint-in-box-Starbu ck-figurine! They had simply left a big blue box claiming it was associated with the police. Hokum, Sheldon thought.
Anyhow, he still had one task before attending to the long awaited meteor shower. He had to investigate the mysterious box. Oh dear.
Attempting the first method that came to mind, Sheldon concluded that the door was locked. Darn.
Sheldon was on the verge of giving up when he remembered his experiments with 3D scanning last summer. He opened the storage room behind the couch and, oh yes, there it was! He just needed coordinates for the key. He studied the keyhole for a while, memorizing the shape with his eidetic memory.
He'd typed the numbers into the machine when Penny stumbled in, looking unsure of herself. Sheldon deliberately ignored her, focusing on the production of the key. She'd been holding his underwear. That was a strike. Nobody touches his underwear.
"Sheldon..? I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable when I teased ya back there. Can you forgi- holy crap, what is that?" Penny's gaze had set on the blue box placed in the middle of the room. "Sheldon?" No answer. Realising not too long after that he was ignoring her, Penny went up to him and pinched his arm.
"Ouhh! What'd you do that for?!" Sheldon almost shouted, offensively.
"I'm sorry Sheldon, but I had to get your attention somehow! Look I know you're mad Sheldon, and I'm sorry, but right now I need to know what that blue box is!" Penny, once again, turned her attention to the old looking police box.
Sheldon shrugged. "I do not know Penny, but as I'm currently creating a key that will open the doors to it, I shall soon find out." This was adequate information for Penny, so she went straight to the other problem at hand.
"Are you mad at me?" Her voice was soft and unsure.
Sheldon barely looked at her. "You earned yourself a strike tonight, Penny." She sighed. Did she deserve it? She didn't know. With any other normal person it'd be no big deal, but with Sheldon? She really had no clue.
"Done!" He yelled suddenly, picking up the newly made key. His eyes were sparkling with the excitement he felt, all grudge against Penny forgotten.
"Let's see what's inside the mystery box!"
This story takes place:
DW: Before doomsday
TBBT: Pre season 6
They take their own direction from there
Since I've had like 3 people asking me, "But Sheldon would recognise the Tardis?"
I don't get that. How would the Doctor be real AND in a television program? Now THAT would be unrealistic xD I don't think timelords star in television shows, or is it just me?
In this universe DW and TBBT are in fact REAL, and not a television program.
I hope you understand...
Oh, and I'm half British, so I'll be writing 'realise' 'colour' and so on.^