"Soo…" Raj sipped a beer as he sat on the couch. "This is awkward."
"Yeah," Howard answered. "They'll work it out, though." He added.
To work things out, the four protagonists of the problem had decided to talk alone. They'd divided themselves into two groups, Sheldon and Amy in Sheldon's room, and Penny and Leonard in Leonard's. So far, no voices had been raised, but the tension was getting to the breaking point out in the living room.
"Work it out," Raj mumbled slowly. "So if people have problems, they talk about it, right?"
"Yes…" Howard answered, uncertain where Raj was taking this.
"Even if it's an awkward subject?" Raj continued.
"Perhaps talking isn't always the best," Howard said.
"Maybe it is…"
"Do you guys-" Bernadette squinted suspiciously, "have something to talk about?"
"I don't know," Raj answered, turning to Howard. "Do we?"
"No, of course not!" Howard snapped.
"Anyone up for a board game?" The Doctor suddenly exclaimed. "How about TWISTER!?"
"Me!" Howard hurried up from his seat, eagerly trying to change the subject.
"Lovely! Absolutely brilliant!" The Doctor turned around, catching Rose's eyes. Somehow, his eyes told her everything she needed to know. In those eyes, she saw an attempt to calm everybody's nerves, to make everyone as comfortable as possible. Like she could read his mind… She grinned with her whole face, loving the man whose hand she was holding. Her Doctor, forever.
(In Leonard's room)
"Leonard, I'm sorry."
"Yeah I know." Leonard was sitting on his bed, Penny was hanging awkwardly around it. "You can sit," he added. She did. "So…" he started as she'd sat down. "I have something to tell you as well. I admit I overreacted, but it was just the last thing on my mind. You really surprised me there…" He shyly met her eye. "I should tell you, though. Me and Amy have gotten together since you left."
"Wha-" Penny laughed in disbelief. "You and Amy? Oh. Well… Best of luck to you two, I guess."
"You're not mad?"
"Well, maybe I'm mad at you for being mad at me, when you've done the exact same thing!"
"I was just so surprised. Besides, you left me!"
"I was abducted by that dude's weird spaceship!"
"His name is the Doctor!"
Penny chuckled. "You have no idea what I've been through."
"You have no idea how worried I've been."
"Leonard?" Penny asked, smiling slightly. "I love you."
"I love you too, Penny."
"The thing is, I love you as a friend. I think it's for the best anyways, don't you?"
Leonard chuckled slightly, then sighed. "I guess. It's just a bit weird to accept that my asexual friend gets the girl I've been with forever. I'm going to have some serious self-esteem issues if Amy dumps me now that he's back."
Penny smiled. "She won't. Trust me, I can't imagine anyone more suited for each other than you two."
"Not even you and Sheldon?"
"Me and Sheldon? Please! We're not suited for each other at all! That's why we're so perfect…" Penny didn't know where she was going, so she shut up before she hurt Leonard's feelings. "I believe this is where we should be, and I think we could all be happy this way."
"Do you know what?" Leonard said. "I think you're right."
(In Sheldon's room)
"You bastard," Amy exclaimed, hitting Sheldon with a pillow. "All those times you denied getting physical with me!"
"I'm sorry Amy, but I shouldn't be yelled at simply because I wasn't ready back then! You were just the wrong person apparently!"
"Sheldon!" Amy was unhappy in a confused kind of way. She didn't know what the problem was exactly, she was happier with Leonard now than she'd ever been with Sheldon. Still, she continued. "What is wrong with me? What is it about me that repels you so much?!"
"Amy, you are being unreasonable. I don't find you repelling, I'm merely not in love with you. I think it best you accept that."
"I have! I'm with Leonard now."
Sheldon's eyes widened slightly. "Then why are we having this conversation?" he asked.
"I don't know…" Amy supressed the urge to suck her thumb.
Many minutes passed, and Amy was trying to figure out what to say. Sheldon didn't do drama. Amy was frustrated at herself for spending so much time with him, frustrated at the relationship she'd thought they'd had. How could she express that to him? How could Penny have taken him from her? Of all people Penny should know how lonely Amy was. To take her first and only boyfriend filled Amy with an anger, and she wasn't sure how to cope. Confused tears angrily left her eyes, leaving salty trails down her cheeks.
"I'm not mad at you," she said. "I'm mad at Penny."
"Wha-" Sheldon had barely opened his mouth before Amy had left his room. Contemplating the words, he rushed after her, trying to interrupt her from confronting Penny. It was too late, and he'd never had high dexterity.
"Penny!" he heard Amy yelling in Leonard's room.
"What?" Penny answered. She was sitting on the bed, hands placed on Leonard's knee. Rage filled Amy, and she struggled to find words. She could hear Sheldon enter the room, but at this point she didn't care.
"You were my best friend," she started. "My best friend in the entire world. I've never had a best friend before, did you know that? And I'd never had a boyfriend before, either. Do you know how betrayed I feel right about now? Can your blonde brain comprehend-"
"Amy!" Sheldon yelled, Amy continued.
"Comprehend how you've taken a broken doll and stepped on it? Do you even care about me at all, or am I just another person to please you?"
"Amy, that's not true. You are my friend and I've missed you extremely much-"
"Do you know what, I can't even look at you right now. I gotta go."
(Later in the living room)
"What happened?" Howard asked as Penny, Sheldon and Leonard returned. "We saw Amy storm out of here," he continued.
"She freaked out," Penny said.
"Yeah well who could blame her," Raj mumbled. "If it'd been me, I'd eat so much pie, I'd die." He chuckled. "That rhymed!"
"Maybe you've had enough beer?" Bernadette tried to sneak the beer out of his reach, but he immediately grabbed it.
"Now it's your turn to tell us!" Bernadette said instead. "What happened to you?"
Amy's place
Amy felt stupid as she sat there on her couch, quietly sobbing about everything. Was all of this Penny's fault? She'd been stuck in a spaceship with Sheldon, and they'd fallen in love. Who could stand in the way of true love? What if Amy was overreacting, and they were all laughing at her right now? She wanted to hide away in a hole. How did her life get so messed up? Why couldn't she have stayed out of the drama?
"So, Doctor," Sheldon approached the table on which the Doctor was making himself a sandwich. It was past midnight, but people were too overwhelmed to sleep yet. A large can of coffee and a mug of sugar, and you almost couldn't feel the difference between this and midday. "I bet you're wondering how I got into your Tardis."
The Doctor ignored Sheldon's smug expression and took a large bite of his sandwich instead, the wait almost causing Sheldon's face to twitch. He continued to take his time, and right before Sheldon was about to rush him, he said, "I did wonder how you managed that."
"Well," Sheldon took a deep breath, "I made a 3D printer last year whilst I was experimenting on various hypotheses concerning different constellations." He stopped himself. "I should also inform you that I have an eidetic memory, so when I saw your Tardis, I merely memorised the keyhole's design and typed it into the 3D printer."
"Hmm," the Doctor took another bite of his sandwich. "And that would've worked," he mumbled, biting again.
"Would've?" Sheldon was getting impatient, but the Doctor kept eating. "What do you mean?"
"What I mean is," the Doctor smiled slightly, "my Tardis can't be broken into like that. If you got in, it's because the Tardis let you in."
"N-no, I made a key-"
"You made a key, correct. But if you try that exact key again, it won't work. The Tardis only responds to my key, and that's not because of the design." The Doctor fiddled in his pocket, longer than what seemed normal, then he threw a key Sheldon. "Look at it," he said, and Sheldon did. He studied the key until he'd memorised every single part of it. It seemed absolutely ordinary. Was this guy really a doctor? "See?" The Doctor continued.
"What am I looking at?" Sheldon let some of his annoyance hear.
"The key. The most ordinary key you'll see in your life, am I right?"
"Well, that's only because it's made of Hyedewns. Hyedewn is a material of disguise. Its sole purpose is to blend in. This particular Hyedewn is disguised as a key, just so I can find it again, and of course, so I know what it is for. The Tardis doesn't respond to the design of a key, it responds to the chemical reaction between the Hyedewn and the lock."
"So- if I am to believe you- what would this Hyedewn material be made of?"
"Oh, I couldn't tell you."
"Why not?"
"Because then I'd have to kill you," The Doctor grinned with his whole face.
"You're extremely arrogant, do you know that?" Sheldon said through gritted teeth.
"Why thank you, so are you!"
"So, how was it?"
"How was what?" Penny asked, distantly. Her thoughts were with Amy, desperately trying to figure out how to fix her friend's heartache. Amy didn't deserve this.
"The trip, ya goof!" Rose grinned. "I've been on the Tardis, I know what kind of adventures you must've had."
Rose nodded.
"Well…" Penny hesitated, then decided that she actually really wanted to share it with someone. Besides, it was great to talk to somebody who wasn't mad at her for leaving. Everybody else said they understood too, but in their eyes, Penny could still see disappointment. Rose's eyes were filled with a happy calm, and she genuinely seemed interested. Penny found herself immediately trusting this complete stranger. "It was so weird," she started. "Can you imagine not knowing anything about what's happening, and then suddenly finding yourself on a gigantic tree, thousands of years in the future? There were 3 planets in the sky, and they were huge!"
"You're kidding!"
"No! Turns out it was the human survivors of an ancient spaceship-crash that lived there. We met a guy who showed us around, he seemed nice. Until he tried to rape me."
"Oh my god-"
"Don't worry, I totally taught him a lesson! Sheldon had barely arrived when this guy was as good as dead."
"You killed him?"
"Oh no, honny, don't worry. I just left him unconscious, that's all!"
They both laughed. It was nice to talk to someone about. It didn't seem so bad anymore, it seemed like a story to laugh at.
"So you found the Tardis then and got home I hope?" Rose asked.
"Oh no, that was just the beginning of our trip…"
Knock, knock, knock.
Raj opened the door. It was Amy.
"Hey," she started nervously. Leonard immediately rose from his seat, hurrying to her side.
"I thought about coming over, it just seemed you wanted to be-"
"It's okay Leonard. Everything's actually okay." She looked around, found Penny's eyes. "You're back! How great!" And then Amy went over to hug her best friend, as if nothing had ever happened. A long while after, when they pulled apart, she looked Penny in the eye and said, "I'm sorry. I overreacted, and can't we just forget it?"
"I love you Amy," Penny said. "I'd never hurt you intentionally. Are we okay?"
"We are," Amy smiled. "Loverboy, give me a kiss."
"Your wish is my command!" Leonard happily planted a big wet kiss on Amy's mouth, and they both grinned adorably afterwards.
Penny felt Sheldon behind her. "I'd kiss you right now if I deemed it appropriate."
"Oh balls," Penny turned around and caught Sheldon's lips before he could stop her. Why were there rules for everything? Couldn't you kiss your boyfriend if you wanted to?
"Look at you," the Doctor said. "Living your fantastic lives surrounded by people you love. I am incredibly proud to say that Rose," he squeezed her hand, "has chosen me as her lifelong companion, and I must say, I've never been happier. But if you've learned anything about our way of life, you'll know that we don't stay for long."
"Will you come back?" Amy asked, eyes smiling sadly at Rose's.
"Yes," Rose answered. Somehow, she didn't need to ask the Doctor for permission. "We'll drop by once in a while, you can't get rid of us I'm afraid." She grinned.
"I know it sounds improbable, but I feel like I know them," Penny said.
Sheldon smirked, partly because he felt the same way, partly because she'd said 'improbable'. "Yes, it does feel odd having such a strong connection to people you haven't met. I suppose that's why the Doctor gave me his phone-number." His smirk grew. "That man is remarkable, do you know that? The first man to believe in my eidetic memory. He told me his number, didn't even write it down! That shows trust."
"Or that he didn't really want you to have his number…"
"Nothing," Penny smiled. Then she felt Sheldon's hand on her shoulder.
"Can you believe what's happened?" He asked.
"No," Penny giggled slightly. "But if it hadn't we'd never realised how we felt."
"Oh, I wouldn't say never…" Sheldon's hands went around her belly from behind, and his lips brushed against her hair.
"Do you think it'll all work out in the end?"
"Be more specific."
"The whole… Leonard and Amy thing."
"Oh," Sheldon thought for a while, his hands entwining with hers as he did so. "I can't imagine how it wouldn't be," he said. "They've found each other, and we've found each other. I've never been happier about things."
"You're so open, I love it."
"It was one hell of a quest the Tardis put me through."
"Must've been." A moment passed. "What about Raj? We have to find him someone."
"It could be like a project," Sheldon suggested.
"Not anything I'd participate, but you and Amy probably have the time."
Penny glared at him. "You're such an idiot sometimes," she smirked.
"Some things don't change," Sheldon smirked back, then leaned down to kiss her.
(In the Tardis)
"Hello sexy!" the Doctor exclaimed, arms flying all over the place as he practically danced around the console.
"You two need a room?" Rose laughed.
"Never! Any room without you is an empty room!" He was next to her in a matter of seconds, and his lips grabbed hers in an exciting tongue-duel. "Where do you want to go?" He asked, out of breath.
"Where ever the music takes us, darling!" she answered, smile apparent in her voice.
The Doctor slid his hands behind her back, humming a melody whilst kissing her forehead. "Good to be home," he mumbled.
Rose thought about the word 'home'. She had many homes. So many places, so many people to love. So many different sides of her allowing her to unfold all of her potential. In a weird way, Rose had never been happier. It felt like a lifelong story had finally ended well. But it wasn't the end, was it? It wasn't even the beginning of the end.
Perhaps, it was the end of the beginning.
Thank you so much for reading my story, I really appreciate it!
If you have any comments, let me know what you think, I take everything into consideration!
I'm definitely not done with fanfiction, so be sure to follow me if you want to read my upcoming stories!
(Could involve League of Legends, Pretty Little Liars, Charmed, Battlestar Galactica, and of course Doctor Who and Big bang Theory)