Honks (Short One-Shot)
by Stormbringer117

Harry apathetically waved farewell to his crying mother, and boarded the Hogwarts express. He silently conversed through the train, examining each of the cabin's occupants, his hair a neutral black colour. He paused and everything slowed, passing words turn to blurs of sound, movement stopped as if frozen in time, his body fill itself with a burning pumping sound flowing from his heart. He saw her. A girl sitting at the window by herself, her hair flowed with a symphonies of colours. 'Someone else like me? someone who can reflect reality in her own image?!'. He then realised he had been standing in the shadow of the window for a minute and she hadn't noticed him yet. He slowly opened the door and when and sat down, and tried not to stare.
"Hi, my name is Tonks" she spoke "what's your name?"
Harry looked down 'oh shit, what do I say, der I say my name, what was my name again, why is it so hard to think?' He his hair turned a deep red mirroring the blush on his cheeks. "Er-erm, My na-me is H-arry, It's n-ice to m-eet you t-onks!" he looked up to see her reaction. Her Hair when white and her wide 'oh great, there goes my first impression.
"You're Metamorph?!" she exclaimed, I looked up at my Hair it had turned a burning red colour 'stupid hair'.
"Shoot, not five minutes on the Train, and I have all ready been found out." I said, she giggled
"Want to be friends?" With a happy simile
"Okay, It's a Start."

A one shot preview at an alternate meeting between Harry and Tonks in their first year at Hogwarts. I am working on the plot of the main story, and adding and mixing Ideas. I read this old Idea and thought 'it's gotta go, but not to the bin'.

Thanks for reading, Stormbringer117