Authors note:
This is what happens when me and a friend get bored over skype. My friend play both L and B and I play Sylvain. There will be grammar and spelling mistakes cause i couldn't be bothered to edit it.
Sylvain: I HAZ CAKE!
Sylvain: no mine
Sylvain: L i love you but the cake is not for sale
L: AHH FAN GIRL *runs away screaming*
Sylvain: *srug* oh well theres still Beyond Birthday
L: *walks back to you* canz i PLZ haz some cake ;-;
Sylvain: *sigh* here
L: *gasp* CAAAAIIKKEE! *eats*
Sylvain: aww L your so cute
L: O\\\O
Sylvain: don't worry your not my type. Beyond on the other hand
L: *phew* *eats the cake*
Sylvain: hey can you give me Beyond's cell number?
L: beyond kinda killed his phone cuz SOMEBODY wouldnt stop callling him, and those somebodys were fan girls
L: *looks up beyond on google for no reason* WHY ARE PEOPLE XING ME AND BEYOND!?ugh! ITS DISCUSTING! I DONT EVEN LIKE BEYOND :c
Sylvain: *sigh* when will we learn? anyway i wasn't asking for his phone number i'm after his actual cell number. you know where he's being held
L: ohh well...I cant tell you that...classified info
Sylvain: awww plz *puppy eyes*
L: I cant!
Sylvain: plz *puppy eyes increase*
L: I-I cant!
Sylvain: plz *puppy eyes reach maximum level of adorablness*
Sylvain: plz *eyes start to tear up*
L: I cant!
Sylvain: *crys*
L: I CANT! ;-;
Sylvain: *crys more* plz L
L: DAAA 64!
Sylvain: *happy again* YAY! THANK YOU L *kisses cheek*
L: o\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\o your welcome?
Sylvain: *hug* bye! :) *runns of to find Beyond*
Sylvain: *runs to Beyonds cell* HI BEYOND! :3
B: hi?
Sylvain: i've heard so much about you B
B: thats nice?
Sylvain: yeah is it true you have a split personality disorder and thats why you cimited your crimes?
B: maybe...
Sylvain: don't worry i don't look down on you. You fasinate me
Sylvain: i find you interesting. such a complex character how could someone not be fasinated
B: ...your just like all the others...*laughs*
Sylvain: what do you mean
B: nothing...
Sylvain: plz tell me BB
B: its...nothing
B: but ill tell you if you can get me out of this place
Sylvain: okay *pulls out keys from pocket*
B: *inside mind "finally ima get outta this place!"*
Sylvain: curiouse as to how i got these?
B: no...just open the gate...
Sylvain: okay then i wont tell you how i pick pocketed L *opens cell*
B: pick pocketed L?
Sylvain: yep i hugged him when he told me what number your cell was and stole the keys
B: you hugged L?...
Sylvain: yes
B:...o..k then...
Sylvain: he hugged me first so
B:...thats nice...*walks out of cell*
Sylvain: *smiles* so what was it you ment when you said i was like all the others?
B: whoops..i lied...
B: *kills the guard*
Sylvain: hey awnser my question
B: why should i
Sylvain: *pulls out knife* cause i'm not someone you wanna f*ck with
B: phh! *laughs* *wipes away tears* ok ok ohhh im soo scared help me hhheeellppp mee!
Sylvain: *pushs him agaist the wall and holds knife to his throat* i wasn't kidding
B: *laughs* go ahead
Sylvain: not just yet i want awnser out of you but... *makes small slash across his throat leaving a shallow cut and a line of blood* i'm willing to do the work
B: *pushes you off and laughs your not getting anything out of me
Sylvain: *knees him in the groin* wanna bet?
b: *falls the ground* you b $t rd...
Sylvain: *grabs him from behind and hold knife to his troat again* now tell me what you ment
B: i just mean the others who think im "fasinating" there done now let me go!
Sylvain: *releases him* i'm sure you know now i'm not like anyone you've met before B
B: *rubs my neck* i guess not.
Sylvain: *smirks* i thought you of all people would know looks can be deciveing
B: heh you think i didnt already know that?
Sylvain: yet you seem to have miss juded me. Interesting
B: who said ive miss judged you?
Sylvain: well you seemed to belive you had me figured out earlier and are now proven wrong. Now come on before guards show up. *runs toward exit*
B: i kinda like it here but ok *runs after*
Sylvain: if you stayed you would have ended up back in that cell and i don't think i could get the keys off of L a second time
B: i could have gotten out my self...i just chose not to.
Sylvain: sure...
B: never underestmate
Sylvain: i know what you are capable of. I've resurched enough for that much
B: O-O
Sylvain: i know all about your crimes, your methods, what you hoped to acheive and what got you caught in the end
B: shut up
Sylvain: what? afraid cause i know so much about you?
B: noo...
Sylvain: then what
B: nothing...
Sylvain: you tell me to shut up when i comment on just how much i know about you, that's not nothing
B: your just annoying now
Sylvain: if i'm such an annoyance then do something about it
B: why should i?...
Sylvain: i think why shouldn't you is a better question
B: because i dont want to
Sylvain: whatever. are all Whammy kids like this?
B: i dont know are they?
Sylvain: you should know them better than i do your a Whammy kid
B: well you seem to know me pretty well. so shouldn't you know?...
Sylvain: what i know is through reaserch. you would know the other like little sheep Near on a personal level
B: really do know alot about me
Sylvain: thats what i've been saying this whole time
B: you stalker
Sylvain: i think you would have seen me if i was stalking you. after all you've been in a cell for the last few years
B: i know
Sylvain: plus i'm younger than you by ten years i highly dout i could have stalked you
b: so you know how old i am too? prove it
Sylvain: your 25
B: i guess your right...
Sylvain: *smirk* of course i am
B: *walks off*
Sylvain: hey! *follows*
B: your still gonna follow me?
Sylvain: someones gotta keep an eye on you. your a deranged phyco after all
B: *ignores and keeps walking*
Sylvain: *keeps following*
B: aand your still following me
Sylvain: i'm not letting you out of my sight. besides i could help you
B: help me with what
Sylvain: you want to surpase L right? that was your motivation in the first place and now that your free your gonna want to continue that.
B: why would i want help
Sylvain: because at the moment im still on L's good side and i can help get information out of him you may need
B: but it wouldn't be fun that way
Sylvain: look i can inform you if he's catching on to what your going to do. would that be helpful to you?
B: *sigh* yeah ok why dont you go see, i need to friggin kill someone...its been a rreeaallly long time
Sylvain: sure just don't try suicide like you did last time. *walks off to find L*
B: *runs off to find someone to kill*
L: *runs to you* hey have you seen my keys?
Sylvain: no...why
L: *sigh* they were the keys to someones cell
Sylvain: really? well how about i help you look for them? *kind smile*
L: nah im good
Sylvain: are you sure?
L: yup
Sylvain: okay *walks off and drops keys in a pot plant*
L: *looks in the pot plant* FOUND EM!
Sylvain: *turns around* great! don't want a criminal escaping
L: well i know beyonds already escaped
Sylvain: Beyond? was it his cell the keys were for?
L: no. but i know hes escaped
Sylvain: really? when did this happen and how do you know about it?
L: aproximetly 9:22...classified.
Sylvain: okay...well see you around L *walks off*
L: bye...
Sylvain: *in my mind - i gotta contact B somehow*
B: *is walking on the street covered in blood*
Sylvain: *sees him through a window* idiot *races out of the building*
B: *licks his knife* *sigh* im bored...
Sylvain: *walks up behind him and smacks him upside the head* for a smart guy you sure are stupid. Do you want to get caught?!
B: oi! maybe...
Sylvain: And how pray tell are you going to surpase L from a cell?
B: somehow
Sylvain: *sigh* you are the dumbest genious i've ever met *grabbs arm and starts walking* come on
B: b-but i wanna kill someone elsseee! DX
Sylvain: one per day you need to be smart about this. Your carlessness is what got you caught the first time
B: UGH! :C
Sylvain: aww come on B. Look i'll even bring you your next victim okay/ hows that sound?
B: okai :3
Sylvain: *smiles* good now lets get you somewhere to hide. L already knows you've escaped so it wont take long to find you if we don't
B: okaiiii
Sylvain: *pats blood crusted hair* good boy
B: :3 i want an appleee!
Sylvain: okay but place to hid first
B: okai
Sylvain: *sees old abandond house* that should do for now come on
b:*walks in*
Sylvain: *hand apple* here you go BB
B: :3 *eats*
Sylvain: *smiles* aww cute
B: im not cooottee!
Sylvain: daww so cute
Sylvain: i could hand you over to L and have no regrets. do you want that?
B: nooooo..
Sylvain: then say your cute
B: nao!
Sylvain: I warned you *walks over to window* HEY L I FOUND BEYOND BIRTHDAY
Sylvain: SORRY L FALSE ALARM *turns to face B* yes you are
B: ;-;
Sylvain: awww *hugs B*
B: *hugs back*
Sylvain: better?
B: ;-;
Sylvain: aww look how about i get you your next victim early huh? hows that sound?
B: :3
Sylvain: *smiles* okay i'll got get you someone to kill *patts head*
B: : D
Sylvain: i'll be back soon, don't go anywhere *leaves*
B: okai :3
Sylvain: *comes back 30 mins later with a person following behind* here you go Beyond. Have fun
B: *grabs the person goes in another room. comes back 3 minutes later covered in more blood*
Sylvain: *sigh* you need a shower and some new cloths
B: :c
Sylvain: i know you like blood but it's too obvious. if someone walked in and saw you they'd know you were a serial killer
B: :c
Sylvain: how about i give you another apple? or how about some Jam/
B: appllee
Sylvain: *hands apple*
B: :DD
Sylvain: *patts head* better?
B: :3
Sylvain: good
B: :33
Sylvain: *hugs him*
B: : D
Sylvain: now go take a shower
B: :c
Sylvain: go on
B: :c
Sylvain: i can always tell L your here
B: ffiinneee! *walks to the bathroom*
Sylvain: good boy
B: *comes back after two hours*...yeah this part in my hair is figgin stained...
Sylvain: aww do you need help getting the blood out/
B: i dunno
Sylvain: well heres some fresh clothes for you *hands him black long sleeve shirt and jeans
B: *takes them and walks to the bathroom and comes back dressed in his new clothes* ...My hair is still staaaiinneeedd!
Sylvain: here *hands shampoo* that should help
B: *takes it and comes back after 3 hours*...its still stained and it WONT come off! :c
Sylvain: *starts running hand through hair and scrubbing blood out*
B: o\\\O
Sylvain: there that helped
B: y-ya-
Sylvain: :3
B: o\\\o
Sylvain: *continues scrubbing till all the blood is gone* there all gone
B: O\\\\\\O
Sylvain: better?
Sylvain: what?
B: O\\\O
Sylvain: you okay B?
B: O\\\\O...
Sylvain: *looks out window to see the sun has set* it's getting late, you should get some rest
B: O\\\\O -is broken-
Sylvain: uh oh...think think think... B i got a new victim for you
B: ... O\\\O
Sylvain: *waves hand in front of face* B?
B: O\\\O
Sylvain: *sigh* good night B *walks into bedroom