So, I've never written for this Fandom before and probably won't ever again, but this just came to me... and I really like Death Note, so I thought 'Why not?'

The moment that pen hit the paper, before he had even written a character he felt an explosion of feeling.

The first thing he noticed? It felt good - Brilliant. Of course, this book was probably a fake, a prank from his classmates… acquaintances, but knowing that he had at least tried to make a difference, that he was trying to save the world… amazing.

It was when he had finished the name that the other feeling set it.

A slight emptiness, a slight dread, but that was easily pushed aside, he didn't have any time for that dribble and dread was not him.

Then the news announced that the man had died - and that feeling came back, much, much stronger than before.

This time it took longer to push back.

It was quickly replaced by accomplishment, a great feeling of power, of joy.

He had done something to help the world and although the dirty deed was nothing less than evil, what the man was going to do was worse - those children didn't deserve to die.

Again, another feeling crashed that party - he was unsure. He needed to test it.

So soon enough his pen was in his hand, writing out another name, this time scribbling down a cause of death, something to mark it as his doing… and it all played out, just like he had wrote.

This was no prank, this book was real - very, very real.

A feeling shivered down his spine - horror. He had killed somebody, killed two people, he was a murderer… and suddenly, he didn't care, both men got what was coming to them.

His mind blanked out for a second, before the last feelings sat in - determination… determination and satisfaction.

Yes, he would rid the world of its filth… and he would be its God.

What did you think? *Covers face with hands* I know, it's probably horrible.

Review and/or PM me,

- Cat =^.^=