Kakashi woke up and got dressed quickly since he wanted to see Rin and Obito before setting off with Jiraya at ten. He still didn't know what the mission was about and was extremely curious. After thanking Kushina for preparing a hearty breakfast as always, he made his way to Obito's first. The guards at the Uchiha Compound let him in without any trouble. A few people gave him curious looks but most have already gotten used to his presence in the compound because he had become a frequent visitor in his endeavors to get Obito to show up on time.

Once he made it to his teammate's house, he jumped onto the familiar balcony and snorted at the figure of Obito half sprawled on the floor while snoring loudly, a bubble of snot coming out his nose. Feeling his mischievous streak coming out, Kakashi invited himself inside the room, crept next to Obito's ear and made a loud popping noise before jumping away to avoid the crossfire. Obito's reaction was instantaneous as he jumped up and started gasping in complete shock. Obito started looking around widely for the source of the disturbance while breathing heavily. He never bothered to look up at Kakashi who was hanging upside down on the ceiling.

Kakashi couldn't help it and laughed. Obito's head snapped up and his confusion was replaced with anger. "I'm going to kill you, Bakashi!" Obito growled and jumped towards Kakashi, arms poised to punch him.

Kakashi simply side-stepped away, his face still flush with laughter, not that Obito could see it. "I couldn't help it," Kakashi apologized sounding anything but.

"It's not funny," Obito yelled folding his arms together. It looked like despite the mask, Obito could see that Kakashi was enjoying this too much.

"You need to have better situational awareness," Kakashi lectured.

Obito snorted but decided to jump back to the floor and Kakashi followed, "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I have a mission and wanted to see you and Rin before I left," Kakashi replied.

"I have a mission too," Obito looked shocked but excited "Maybe we have the same one!"

"Don't you have to prepare for this tournament coming up?" Kakashi wondered.

"Minato sensei said this mission is much more important and I'll have the opportunity to train after this mission. He said it's a political mission so I don't have to worry about getting injured and that I could work on my chakra control till I get back," Obito explained.

"Minato sensei is sending you, YOU, of ALL people, on a political mission?!" Kakashi looked incredulous "Has he gone senile? Has being Hokage addled his brains?"

"What's that supposed to mean!" Obito shouted annoyed.

"You're as blunt as a hammer," Kakashi replied cheekily "And you're also clueless most of the time. You'll probably insult them all without knowing it."

"I'll show you clueless!" Obito made a move to attack Kakashi again who dodged again. He could've grabbed it easily but that would have only infuriated Obito more since it was a reminder of Kakashi being a more skilled ninja. "I haven't woken up properly yet," Obito rattled of his excuse as to why he missed the punch.

"You also gave me a warning," Kakashi added "never tell your enemy where you are or what you're about to do."

"Training to be a sensei?" Obito scoffed. Kakashi faltered and then realized that he had been giving Obito pointers since he arrived. He chuckled nervously and Obito rolled his eyes. Kakashi was just glad Obito hadn't taken it the wrong way and thought that Kakashi was trying to show him up. Their friendship really had come a long way.

"So what's your mission?" Kakashi changed the topic.

"I'm not sure. All I know is that it's a political mission with Jiraya sama," Obito looked excited at the prospect.

"I also have a mission with Jiraya," Kakashi was shocked.

"Really!?" Obito's mouth split into a wide grin.

"Do you think Rin is also coming?" Kakashi wondered.

"One way to find out!" Obito rushed to the closet and took out his clothes before running to the bathroom and slamming the door behind him.

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"So you two are going on a mission together. Unfortunately, I don't have anything coming up this month since the tournament is coming up," sighed wistfully.

"Awww that sucks," Obito whined after finishing off a sandwich Rin's mother had offered them when they arrived. Kakashi refused politely having already had breakfast "I thought we were all going together on this political mission because we're the Fourth's students."

"It's probably why you and Kakashi were chosen," Rin smiled in agreement and internally wondered why she was left out. She always felt that she was the weakest link in the team and this decision only cemented that belief.

Kakashi was able to notice the slight haunch in Rin's shoulder and the strained smile. It's not that it was obvious; in fact, Kakashi complimented her mentally on her masking abilities. However, he was really observant and it was part of his fighting style to copy his enemy by studying their mental state. Compared to analyzing a complete stranger in the middle of fight, Rin was a piece of cake. "Minato sensei knows that you're busy healing the injured and learning life saving techniques," Kakashi reassured her "He doesn't think any less of you. I won't be surprised if Tsunade sama threatened him to keep you here. She can be quite scary."

"Of course Minato sensei doesn't think we're any better!" Obito yelled and gave a Kakashi a weird look for even bringing it up having not noticed Rin's internal distress "He probably likes you the most. Kakashi and I keep making trouble for him. You're the good one!"

"The angel," Kakashi added and winked at her. Rin blushed but still swatted Kakashi on the arm for bringing it up again. Obito bit the inside of his cheek as his heart ached.

"I don't know why I'm bothering with the tournament really," Rin changed the topic and was extremely grateful to her two teammates. "I'm a medic ninja. I'm more focused on my art than fighting."

"But you'll still do awesome!" Obito smiled widely and gave her two thumbs up, "isn't that what the senbon training is for?"

"I guess it would be good training to test it out in combat against different opponents," Rin conceded "it's just that I was learning this amazing technique that allows you to forcibly remove poison from someone's body. Unfortunately, Tsunade shishou wants to focus more on senbon and taijutsu training now because of this tournament. The technique is just incredible! I want to learn how to do it but now I'm going to spend most of this month doing other things. It's not fair," Rin sighed in annoyance.

"If you focus only on medical ninjutsu you'll end up stuck inside the village," Kakashi reminded her.

"That can't happen! We're going to be the best team ever!" Obito told her "We can't do that without you. We need you, Rin chan!"

"You're right," Rin smiled at them "It's just that I find it so inspiring that sometimes I forget the whole picture. Don't worry about me; I'm going to be practicing hard."

"Can't wait to see you fight when we get back," Kakashi nodded "I'm sure you'll do team Minato proud."

"We're totally gonna kick ass!" Obito fisted both hands and brought them near his chest while looking at his hands, determined to beat everyone with them. As such, he missed Rin's blush and shy smile directed at Kakashi and continued normally "Let's all reach the semifinals!"

"I'm not competing," Kakashi had a suspicion that his teammates didn't know.

"What?!" Obito looked heartbroken and Rin frowned.

"I'm a jounin, apparently it's not fair," Kakashi explained "I don't really mind you guys," he felt the need to add when Rin and Obito looked indigent on his behalf.

"We're probably not a good enough challenge anyway," Rin noted.

"I wouldn't say that," Kakashi chuckled lightly.

"Do you think any one of us can beat you right now?" Obito raised an eyebrow at Kakashi, agreeing with Rin.

"Maybe?" Kakashi shrugged and his teammates rolled their eyes at his 'newfound' modesty, "Besides, I have to fight an exhibition match so it's not like I'm completely not involved."

"Or really? Do you know who your opponent is?" Rin asked curiously.

"Uchiha Risaki," Kakashi replied.

"Risaki!" Obito exclaimed.

"You know him?" Kakashi turned to Obito. Sure they were related but Obito barely interacted with his clan.

"Not personally," Obito shock his head "He became a jounin last year when he was only fourteen. He's the pride of the Uchiha clan although Itachi and Shisui are starting to steal the spotlight even though they are still young."

Kakashi vaguely remembered Risaki as when he was young he was compared to him a few times despite never meeting him. He was sure that he had died before the massacre yet the when and how escaped him.

"Are you worried?" Rin asked.

"It's just for show," Kakashi shrugged.

"You're in for a surprise if you think Risaki won't take this seriously," Obito cautioned. Obito felt torn, he wanted to cheer his teammate on but his Uchiha pride insisted that Risaki should win. It would be a huge blow to the Uchiha if a clan-less person beat the pride of the Uchiha. The moment he thought that he felt sick. Wasn't the Uchiha pride the exact reason he was ostracized? And Kakashi wasn't just a clan-less person, he was his friend. Besides, Risaki was the epitome of the Uchiha Clan and Obito was trying to prove that he was just as good even if he wasn't the perfect Uchiha. What best way to show his clan that they are wrong than seeing Kakashi defeat the best of what the clan had to offer as of this moment? After all, Kakashi wasn't from a clan and didn't have a bloodline limit so it would prove that the sharingan wasn't the absolute judge of his skills.

"Obito are you alright?" Rin shock him slightly "You zoned out."

"Just thinking," Obito plastered a fake smile, "What were you saying?"

"I was wondering who the third person on the team is," Rin informed him, her eyes still glistening with unconcealed worry. She wasn't fooled at all with his fake smile.

"Since I know it's political now, it might be Raido," Kakashi replied "Then again, they are sending Obito so really anyone can be chosen."

"Shut up!" Obito turned red and Rin laughed, the small tension that built up in her stomach slowly started easing away.

"Unfortunately, he have to go to the debriefing now," Kakashi stated glancing at the clock in Rin's living room.

"Can't be late for that," Obito chuckled nervously as the two boys made their way out "We'll see you when we get back! Good luck, Rin chan!"

"Be careful!" Rin called out to them as they stared bounding away. Obito gave her a cheery wave in reply.

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"Obito you're on time," Minato smiled happily when his students walked inside his office.

"Of course he is, he was with me," Kakashi snorted.

"I could've come on time by myself if I wanted to," Obito scowled.

"He was sleeping when I found him," Kakashi ratted his teammate out.

"I still had an hour to get here!" Obito insisted.

"I'm sure Obito would have come on time," Minato's smile never faltered.

"You're assigning Obito a political mission and now you believe he would come on time, are you sure you're not sick, sensei?" Kakashi gave his sensei a worried look.

Minato let out a bark of laughter before answering "Epitome of health, Kakashi," he assured him.

"Who's the fourth member?" Obito asked curiously looking around the office.

"It's a three people mission," Minato informed them.

"Does that even work?" Obito looked confused.

"Depending on the nature of the mission the number of members can vary," Minato explained patiently "Solo and four-man missions are the most common though. After those, duo missions are the next most common. Those are usually for those masquerading as couples for infiltration missions. Three-man missions are the rarest. They usually happen when the forces are stretched thin."

"I didn't know that our ranks were that bad off after the war," Kakashi frowned.

"No that's not it," Minato smiled "Let me explain the mission and everything will be clear."

"Aren't we going to wait for Jiraya sama?" Obito asked.

"He'll meet you at the gates," Minato shook his head, "Now then, your mission is to go with Jiraya and establish a treaty with the Village Hidden in the Clouds. The Raikage and myself have already gone over the specifics so don't worry. This is just for formalities. We want to make sure that future generations also take part so that the treaty can last for a very long time. We all desire peace and if the main forces of the two strongest alliances sign a treaty, then others will surely follow."

"Why us?" Kakashi asked curiously. He was also wondering why the signing was in the lightening country and not in Konoha like the last time. Better yet, he was wondering why it was happening at all. In the past, it had happened a few years later. Not to mention that the entire Hyuga fiasco happened with the attempt to kidnap Hinata for the Byakugan. Was it because Konoha won sooner and that the Hidden Cloud where now more wary of their strength? If it meant that world peace could be achieved for even a couple of years, Kakashi felt proud of the way he changed things. He just hoped there were no hidden intentions behind the treaty this time. He decided to keep an extra eye open just in case. This also meant that he won't be able to have many more visions as he had already altered the past a lot that he was no longer confident that he could show them facts. It was something he had to think hard about that but now was not the time so Kakashi stopped his train of thought to focus to what his sensei was saying.

"Other than the fact that you are my students and that shows that Konoha is serious, you two, along with Rin of course, have inherited my will of fire. That's why I know that you are the best children in Konoha to represent me," Minato spoke resolutely.

"We won't let you down, Minato sensei!" Obito looked Minato directly in the eyes, his own shining with determination and adoration. Kakashi nodded in agreement and stood a bit taller. Both boys were touched by the faith their sensei had in them and vowed to do their very best.

"I know you won't," Minato nodded seriously "I had the liberty of extending the mission to around a month. The political mission is around two weeks so Jiraya will teach you two some things on the way back. Obito, I know that the tournament is coming, but I didn't want to send anyone else."

"Who cares about some stupid tournament when I can be an important part of a treaty that will secure peace for many years?" Obito exclaimed.

"You've matured a lot, Obito," Minato smiled at his student looking a bit shocked "I'm proud of you."

Obito smiled goofily and tears almost started flowing down his face. Yet, he remembered his previous thoughts and decided to mask his worry by lifting the goggles up and wiped them away quickly before speaking, his voice shaking, "Something got in my eye." Obito worried that if Minato sensei knew where his thoughts were wandering when he found out about Kakashi and Risaki's match, he would be disappointed.

After Obito composed himself, Kakashi and Obito packed quickly and headed to the gates to meet with Jiraya who was already waiting for them.

"Right on time, surprisingly," Jiraya greeted them, "from what I heard from Minato I expected to head out in an hour at the very least."

"I'm much better now!" Obito yelled indigently.

"That's great to hear kid," Jiraya laughed and ruffled his hair. Obito pushed Jiraya's hand away with a glower. "Let's go!"

When Obito and Kakashi fell in step with Jiraya, Obito immediately bombarded the toad Sannin with question, "Sensei said that you're going to teach us things, what are they going to be? Can you teach us how to summon toads? Was Minato sensei really strong when he was young? Is it true that Tsunade sama almost killed you once? Are you really best friends with Orochimaru? He's really creepy. When did you…"

"Calm down!" Jiraya interrupted him with a boisterous laugh, "I see that you're excited to meet my great and legendary self, I am the awesome Toad Sannin after all. I'm going to teach you a few things but most importantly how you two should combine attacks, think together and how to be offensive yet defend that Rin girl at the same time. Our team is formed in the same way so I am an expert about how your team dynamic should be."

"Rin's fighting style is really different from Tsunade sama's though," Obito pointed out.

"Rin is learning how to evade attacks from Tsunade sama so the movements should be relatively the same. The difference is that while Tsunade sama tries to approach the enemy to use taijutsu, Rin will back off for her senbon attacks," Kakashi explained "We'll have to cover more ground individually as well to make sure that they can't get to Rin so that she can attack more freely."

"The genius is correct," Jiraya clapped his hands loudly.

"We'll protect Rin with everything we've got," Obito vowed.

"Good job, Goggle kun," Jiraya patted him on the back hard causing Obito to stumble.

"As for summoning toads," Jiraya continued ignoring Obito's mutterings "I haven't thought about it but mini fang already has a contract so he definitely won't."

"Don't call me mini fang," Kakashi grumbled but like with Obito Jiraya completely ignored him.

"Minato kun was always special. A true genius! But when it came to the ladies he was always hopelessly lost," Jiraya chuckled good naturedly, his eyes glistening as he was lost in old memories "Many girls had a crush on him yet he never even realized! Thought they were just kind girls."

"He didn't notice the fan girls?" Kakashi looked dubious.

"Ah yes, as a genius you must have had fan girls as well, mini fang," Jiraya laughed.

"I think there was a club at some point," Obito remarked with a twinge of jealousy. Kakashi shuddered at the thought while smirked.

"Any special young lady capture your heart?" Jiraya wiggled his eyes suggestively

"No," Kakashi remained unfazed.

"What about Anko?" Obito interjected.

"I've already told you that there is nothing going on with Anko," Kakashi sighed.

"I think Goggle kun is on to something," Jiraya smiled playfully "I do see you two together a lot."

"That was one time and she's a friend, of course I'm going to hang out with her," Kakashi rolled his eyes.

"If a guy and a girl hangout by themselves then it's not as friends," Jiraya winked "Although, I did also see you and Rin sitting at the couple's section in 'Simply Japanese'. I'm so..."

"WHAT?! WHEN WAS THAT?" Obito looked extremely shocked.

"It was after the first jounin exam test, and contrary to Jiraya's belief, we were not on a date. We entered the place and the waiter didn't listen to us as we tried to explain that we were just friends. I'm never going back there again," Kakashi muttered.

"So you don't like Rin?" Obito asked glad for an opening to ask the question that has been on his mind for a while.

"She's like a sister to me," Kakashi shrugged and Obito felt himself relaxing.

"So you like her more than Anko," Jiraya smirked and Obito glared at Jiraya.

"Of course I do, we've known each other longer and had more interactions with one another," Kakashi was beginning to get annoyed at the interrogation "Anko and I just met awhile ago." In the future, Kakashi and Anko didn't talk outside of their roles as fellow ninja. He was pleased that Anko has now become a friend as they have become much closer now than they ever did in the future. "If you're so obsessed about my non-existent love life I'm sure you'll love Obito's. After all, he's madly in love with Rin but prefers stuttering from the sideline than doing anything about it."

"Oh do tell," Jiraya rounded onto Obito immediately.

"What...I don't stutter... I mean a bit yea... but Rin is so kind and nice and beautiful and..." Obito blushed madly.

"What did I tell you," Kakashi gave Jiraya a knowing look who started laughing loudly.

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Night fell and it was decided that Kakashi would take first watch, followed by Obito and finally Jiraya. Jiraya fell asleep almost instantly whispering about how sleep was essential to stay handsome, making Kakashi and Obito scoff quietly. As the night crept on, Obito still wasn't able to sleep, his guilty thoughts swirling in head.

"Are you alright, Obito?" Kakashi asked suddenly, startling Obito.

Obito shock away his surprise, got out of his sleeping bag, jumped onto the branch Kakashi was sitting on and sat beside him, his expression hesitant. The two boys didn't say anything as the wind gently rustled the leaves around them. Kakashi remained silent waiting for Obito to share if he wanted to knowing that no good would come out of pressuring him. Obito, on the other hand, was trying to collect his thoughts and was still not sure whether he should confide in Kakashi seeing as how he was worried about how he felt that he had betrayed their friendship.

After thirteen minutes had passed and Kakashi was beginning to think that Obito won't share anything, his teammate finally spoke up. "I've been thinking about your match with Risaki," Obito decided that this was a safe way to start.

"Are you worried that I'd lose or that he'd lose?" Kakashi asked bluntly. He knew that despite being the black sheep of the Uchiha and complained a lot, he still had a lot of pride in his clan.

"What? How did?!" Obito stammered.

"He's your family," Kakashi refused to give a straight honest answer.

".. yes... he's my family," Obito seemed hesitant as he said that. "It's just that, I can't bring myself to root for him. He's the exact opposite of me. He's the one everyone adores and I'm every the one they all look down on. Whenever they lecture me about being better they always tell me to be more like Risaki. I want him to lose to show them that the sharingan isn't everything and you're my friend but at the same time as an Uchiha I want him to win."

"I don't care if you cheer him on you know," Kakashi said without a care in the world. Kakashi would've liked it if Obito was rotting for him but he also knew that Obito was still emotionally conflicted when it came to the Uchiha and making him feel guilty about such matters was unfair. "Regardless, you have to decide what's more important to you."

"What's more important..." Obito mumbled thinking it over.

Silence descended over them once more as Obito swam in his thoughts. Kakashi let him be and went back to observing the nature around them.

"I want you to win!" Obito exclaimed startling Kakashi and a sleeping Jiraya. Jiraya was about to lecture Obito on the importance of letting him sleep when Kakashi spoke up.

"I've decided," Kakashi declared "I'm going to defeat Risaki."

"Weren't you going to do that anyway?" Obito looked at him as if he were crazy.

"I was planning on tanking the match to be honest," Kakashi chuckled.

"Why would you do that?" Obito gave him an incredulous look.

"Winning had more drawbacks," Kakashi stated.

"What?" Obito was still confused and unbeknownst to the two boys, so was Jiraya who decided to eavesdrop on their conversation when he realized that they didn't know that they had woke him up.

"If I win, the only benefit I get is bragging rights. On the other hand, people will probably call foul and accuse Minato sensei of giving me his files or telling me his weaknesses or something. To spare Minato from the annoying idiots, I wasn't planning on winning. But if it means so much to you, then I'll wipe the floor with your cousin. That's a promise," Kakashi explained ending his speech with a smile.

"You can't just promise that!" Obito spluttered.

"Why not?" Kakashi asked trying not to laugh at his teammate's bewilderment.

"He's three years older than you, he as the sharingan, he's probably stronger and faster with more experience!" Obito spoke urgently in front of Kakashi's face who scooted away.

"So?" Kakashi almost laughed out loud as Obito's mouth started to hang open.

"S. ?" Obito said once he picked up his jaw.

"So?" Kakashi repeated.

"You're pulling my leg aren't you?" Obito started to eye Kakashi suspiciously.

"Here am I declaring to win for your sake and you accuse me? I'm starting to change my mind," Kakashi chuckled.

"Bakashi!" Obito started laughing as he finally caught on.

"But seriously, I'll definitely go for the win now but I know it won't be easy," Kakashi stated.

"Thanks Kakashi," Obito gave him a huge smile which Kakashi returned although not as huge. "By the way, you said people won't pleased if you win right? I've been meaning to ask you but..." Obito let the question hang in the air.

Kakashi sighed knowing where Obito was going with this. He could see the curiosity in Obito's eyes whenever he mentioned someone badmouthing him. He decided to tell Obito knowing that it would make Obito understand him a bit better and maybe they can become even closer, "My dad was known as the White Fang," Kakashi started.

"The White Fang was your dad!" Obito exclaimed in shock.

"During our first mission you were wondering whether Minato sensei or the White Fang was stronger, remember?" Kakashi asked a fond smile on his lip.

"Then you jumped ahead, I was so confused then but if he was your dad then I guess it makes more sense. But why didn't you say anything then? " Obito asked.

"My father was on par with the Legendary Sannin, he was respected by everyone and lots of people looked up to him," Kakashi knew that the story would explain it to Obito. He was glad when Obito didn't interrupt and ask him why he avoided the question. "He got a very important mission when I had just turned six. People said that the success of the mission would prevent war, however, even that assumption wasn't completely true and it was just wishful thinking. Anyway, my dad and his team headed out but trouble soon started. I was never privy to the exact details but I know for a fact that my dad was faced with a difficult decision: abandon the mission and save a teammate or abandon a teammate and finish the mission."

"He chose the teammate, didn't he?" Obito figured out where this was going.

"He did," Kakashi nodded solemnly. "The mission failed and the war started, everyone blamed my dad. He... he didn't take it well."

"I think he made the right choice," Obito declared. Even though having already heard Obito proclaim the White Fang a hero, it still made him smile hearing Obito stand by his father's decision again.

"I think so too," Kakashi replied.

"Then the reason you were such a stickler to the rules...?" Obito felt an epiphany strike.

"Exactly," Kakashi sighed running a hand through his hair.

"But you just said that you agree with him," Obito said "or is it just recently that you started to feel that way?"

"It's a bit more complicated," Kakashi replied his voice going soft "Like I said he didn't take it well at all and eventually he... he decided to commit suicide." The atmosphere suddenly went quiet, Obito silenced by shock and Kakashi took a deep breath. It was hard to relay the events that have haunted him for so long. With Minato, at least he didn't have to explain the story but actually going over what happened was hard. He remembered the drunken episodes, the bursts of anger, the way his father's eyes slowly lost their light as the days passed, the angry words, the trash littering the compound entrance, the blood of his father coating his legs as he stood there in shock and anger with his father's cold dead body. He remembered it all vividly.

"Oh God Kakashi, I'm so sorry, I... I didn't know..." Obito finally spoke up but was still at a loss for words. He couldn't imagine what his teammate must have felt and might still be feeling.

"Of course you didn't know, after he died, the Hokage finally took action and banned anyone from tarnishing his memory," Kakashi gave a humorless laugh but Obito didn't comment on it. "That didn't stop the villagers from being angry though since the war was still going on. People... need an... outlet of sorts, for their anger. That outlet was my dad but after he died they started taking out their anger on me. I was angry at my dad for leaving me, leaving me with his mess, I was angry at the villagers for how they made a scapegoat of my dad, I was angry with how they were treating me... I was just so angry."

Obito was starting to get angry as well with every word Kakashi spoke too but he knew not to interrupt and just continued to listen with rapt attention.

"Anyway I've strayed off topic, so to answer your question, the villagers want me to lose because they feel vindictive pleasure when I suffer," Kakashi ended it there.

"That's... that's so stupid!" Obito was shaking with visible rage. He always felt bad for himself because of the way the Uchiha treated him but to have an entire village hate you, he couldn't even imagine it "Surely Hokage sama didn't let them get away with it?!"

"He did his best," Kakashi admitted "but there was a war going on so he couldn't punish offenders that much and he was really busy so he couldn't keep tabs on me all the time. But I had Minato sensei and Tsunade sama so it wasn't all bad."

"Tsunade sama?" Obito was confused.

"The doctors at the hospital sometimes mistreated me by 'accident'," Kakashi shuddered remembering the miserable times he had spent there as a child "When Minato sensei found out he was furious and demanded an explanation from Tsunade sama who was the head of the hospital at that time as well. Saying that Tsunade sama was livid is an understatement," at this Kakashi smiled as he recalled her outburst and threats to the entire staff "she made me promise to tell her if anyone so much as looked at me wrong." Regardless of Tsunade's protection that lasted even after her departure, Kakashi never felt comfortable in hospitals after that but it went from fear as a child to boredom as an adult.

"What about the police force?" Obito's voice was dangerously low "It's their job to protect the citizens of Konoha inside the walls. Where were they?"

"They stopped people a few times," Kakashi decided not to mention how they sometimes turned a blind eye on purpose. Kakashi knew how hard it was to be afraid for your own safety inside your own village. For that reason, once some villagers attempted to kill Naruto, Kakashi had snapped. He had killed anyone who tried to assassinate Naruto making others fear the same fate. As such, even if people were never friendly to Naruto, none of them actually dared to do anything too obvious or hurt the boy as they feared his and the Hokage's retaliation. It wasn't enough, Kakashi knew, but at least he managed to spare Naruto from that fate. He also knew that the Hokage was much more active in his protection of Naruto than he was for him. Kakashi never blamed the Third though, he had a war to win and he had understood that. And unlike Naruto, he at least had Minato sensei. Unfortunately, after the Kyuubi attack, Kakashi was depressed and was needed in ANBU. He didn't feel he was capable of taking care of Naruto as well and convinced himself that watching over him and giving him little gifts every now and then was enough. It was one of his biggest regrets.

Obito stood up and punched the tree bark strongly while breathing deeply, his expression morphed into one of unusual fury. "Those bastards!" Obito wasn't an idiot like people believed, he could see the contempt the Uchiha had for his teammate. When he had first joined team seven under Minato sensei he was overwhelmed with joy; he was on the same team as Rin and under the best jounin. It made him feel that the Hokage believed he could do great things. That was until his family explained it as the Hokage trying to fix the lost causes. He was a bit confused seeing as how Kakashi was a genius but it now made sense.

"Obito, the Uchiha never did anything to me," Kakashi tried to placate his teammate.

"But they disregarded their duty," Obito wasn't letting it slide "and here I was actually thinking about cheering on Risaki, the epitome of the clan. I always wear the clan symbol with pride but for the life of me I can't understand why. The Uchiha are a clan who'd kick down anyone they feel is unworthy of them. So what if I'm not a genius and I'm blow average in some areas, that doesn't give them an excuse to look down on me. So what if they think your dad is to blame for the war, what does that even have to do with you? They think they are better than everyone else but some of the best ninja in the village are the Sannin, Minato sensei, the Nara-Yamanaka-Akimichi trio and others. The Uchiha contribute to the village a lot I know, but they aren't the only ones. We're not better than anyone else, we're all Konoha shinobi!"

"Well said, Goggle kun," Jiraya knew he couldn't pretend to still be asleep after such an outburst. He knew he already had loads to inform his student when he got back.

"Jiraya sama!" Obito blushed "I'm so sorry I woke you up."

"It's not a problem," Jiraya smiled jovially. Kakashi looked at him suspiciously, Jiraya was too perky for having supposedly just woken up. Jiraya sent a sheepish look his way and Kakashi rolled his eyes, his suspicions confirmed.

"How long were you listening it?" Kakashi wondered.

"Goggle kun is really loud, I woke up to you saying that you'll win," Jiraya laughed "I'm pretty sure Minato doesn't know about your plans to lose on purpose or he would have stopped you. If Orochimaru got a hint of your thoughts, he'd have buried you already. "

"I was going to put up a good fight," Kakashi gulped at the thought of what Orochimaru would do to him if he lost on purpose. Heck, he was worried about what Orochimaru was going to do when he lost even if Orochimaru got the indication that he'd done his best.

"I'll make you a deal," Jiraya smirked "I won't tell Orochimaru about what you were planning to do if you win."

"I already said that I'm going to go for the win," Kakashi mumbled "You don't need to blackmail me."

"It's more fun that way," Jiraya laughed "You two should go to bed I'll take care of the rest of the watches for today."

"But..." Obito started but he was cut off.

"You guys are distracted and I don't want to die," Jiraya said.

"On the other hand..." Kakashi pretended to contemplate the idea making Jiraya laugh even louder.

"I think everyone heard us by now, maybe we should move?" Kakashi wondered.

"We're still in Konoha territory, don't worry," Jiraya dismissed the concerns.

With that, Kakashi and Obito bid each other and Jiraya good night and went to sleep. The night finally went quiet as Jiraya relaxed. He wondered whether Minato ever knew how bad it had gotten for Kakashi and vowed to ask him. Kakashi seemed so well-adjusted but he feared that Kakashi was hiding some sort of trauma and hoped that it wasn't the case.

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"I see the gates!" Obito exclaimed excitedly while pointing at the five meter gate that would grant entry into Kumo. Kakashi hmmed in response and took note of the entourage awaiting them at the gate. He could make out the Third Raikage, the future Raikage Ai, the Kumo jinchuriki Bee, a female whom he guessed was the Kage's assistant and two children, one of which who was Darui. Behind them rows of people stood at the side of the street peering excitedly at them.

"Greetings," the Third Raikage spoke first, his voice booming "Welcome to Kumo!"

"It's an honor to be here," Jiraya gave a short bow which was followed by Kakashi and Obito. Kakashi and Darui made eye contact and Kakashi gave him a cheerful wave which Darui returned.

"You two know each other?" the Raikage asked curiously.

"We meet during a mission," Kakashi nodded.

"The one in the Ice country," Darui elaborated.

"You must be the ninja who helped Darui here," Ai spoke.

"I guess," Kakashi nodded.

"You saved a young one in distress, fool ya fool. You should…" Bee began rappinging but the Third cut him off.

"Now is not the time for your enka, Bee," he ordered sternly "let's go to my office and finalize the treaty."

"Sounds like a plan," Jiraya smiled as they began walking "It's about time we all strived for peace."

People started cheering for them as they walked down the street, everyone filled with happiness and relief now that the war will officially be over. Obito waved back exuberantly, his smile radiating. Jiraya smiled back to the people while Kakashi simply nodded.

"Kumo has much better weather than Suna," Obito commented happily.

"Anything is better than those scorching deserts," Ai noted.

"Maybe Darui, Masuri and Bee can give you a tour," the Third suggested.

"Really? Thanks Raikage sama, you're the best!" Obito cheered. Some of the onlookers laughed while Jiraya apologized on Obito's behalf.

"He's just excited," Jiraya explained "Peace is something these children have never known."

"Hopefully the next generations will grow up without a war," the Raikage didn't seem to mind and was actually enjoying Obito's antics. "Lots of children grew up quickly in times of war so it was always refreshing to see them acting their age," he added.

"You can count on us to keep the peace," Obito gave him a thumbs up. Bee seemed to decide that Obito was like him and started rapping with Obito.

"Try to keep up, fool ya fool

You want peace, fool ya fool

It's not that easy, you have to stay strong, fool ya fool

But don't give up because that's when you lose, oh yeeaaah"

Obito looked at Bee with admiration "That's sooooo good!" Everyone sweat-dropped as Obito continued to shower Bee with praise who was basking in the glow of someone enjoying his enka.

"You're teammate is really…. energetic," Darui commented.

"You get used to him;" Kakashi shrugged "He can be serious sometimes although those times are few and far between. He's also a good ninja once you get passed the antics."

"Bee san is amazing but a bit much as well," Darui nodded in understanding.

"They make things interesting though," Kakashi chuckled.

"True," Darui agreed.

"How's your leg?" Darui asked curiously.

"Oh you heard about that from your teammate," Kakashi remarked "It's as good as new although my other teammate won't agree."

"Why?" Darui asked.

"She's a mother hen of a medic ninja," Kakashi replied fondly.

"Oh," Darui didn't know what to say.

"So what are you up to?" Kakashi asked in order to keep the friendly conversation going.

"I'm training and hanging out with my friends mostly," Darui replied.

"Same," Kakashi smiled "It's nice to just kick back and relax after the war."

"But we mustn't become complacent," Darui commented.

"Hence the training," Kakashi replied.

"You're the Fourth Hokage's student right?" Darui asked curiously.

"Both Obito and I are yes," Kakashi nodded.

"You must learn tons of cool things then," Darui looked awed.

"Minato sensei doesn't have time to teach us anymore," Kakashi informed him "Too busy signing paperwork and sitting in boring council meetings."

"The work of a Kage is very important," The Raikage suddenly commented startling both children, having not known that anyone was listening in to their conversation.

"Unless there is an attack, you don't see any action; that seems dull to me all the time," Kakashi quickly regained composure.

"I used to be a man of action to, but being a Kage is much more than administrative work," the Raikage lectured.

"As the genius student of the Fourth, it is likely for you to take the tile next," Ai commented. Obito's face fell at the prospect of losing the Hokage title.

"I won't be caught dead in that position if I can help it," Kakashi shuddered remembering how Shikaku told him that he only lost the position to Danzo. Although he would prefer to be Hokage rather than have Danzo take up the position, he would prefer that the situation would never get dire enough from him to end up as Hokage. "Obito, on the other hand, dreams of succeeding Minato sensei. If they want a Hokage's student, they have one willing to take the job."

"A worthy dream," the Raikage acknowledged and Obito grinned. The finally made the final turn to the Kage's building.

"It looks really similar to our Kage building!" Obito commented.

"It's a well-thought-out design to make the best of a small space while also giving it a grandeur look," Kakashi informed him "a famous neutral architect by the name of Tanzaki Arata designed it when the First Hokage first established Konoha. Once other clans adopted the village system, they also hired Arata san to design the Kage building. Having a good design already, he just made them all the same. The villages didn't interact at the beginning so Arata san, already having reached old age, died before anyone found out. Nobody is sure whether Arata san swindled them all or whether he was clueless about security protocols. Then again, he designed many palaces so my money is on that he swindled the villages. Anyway, after the news came out that the buildings were all the same, it became a security nightmare. After all, your enemies had the blueprint of the most important building. As such, all villages began making some changes to the inside but the main general structure remained to be the same."

"You are well-read," the female aide noted.

"Kakashi is always reading," Obito said before going back to the matter at hand as they entered the building, "The question is, why would you read something like that?"

"I didn't read a book specifically about architecture, it came up in a history book," Kakashi rolled his eyes.

"What kind of books do you read?" Darui asked curiously.

"Ninjutsu, mystery, history, kinjutsu, mathematics... just anything that catches my attention really," Kakashi shrugged.

"Everything catches your attention," Obito laughed remembering something Minato sensei told him once he asked him about finding a specialty. Kakashi simply learned anything that interested him and with his mind, nothing was off limits. Obito was happy to note that he no longer felt jealous about it rather pride. One of his teammate's role was to be the knowledge warehouse and he was good at it. It just made their team more awesome and allowed him to focus on his skills more.

As they entered a conference, Kakashi looked at an official fancy looking scroll in front of the Raikage's seat. Jiraya and Ai sat closest to the Raikage while Kakashi, Darui Masuri and Obito sat the farthest. Kakashi was curious about Masuri who up until now hadn't said a word.

Once everyone was seated, the Raikage began to speak, "The terms have already been agreed upon. This session is only for verification and to make the treaty official. I shall read clause by clause and Tsukino san will officially record the acceptance of both myself and Jiraya san to the terms. Is that acceptable?"

Everyone agreed and the long meeting began. Obito had clearly lost interest after the fifth clause and was probably day dreaming. Darui and Masuri, although better than Obito, kept dozing off every few minutes before they jumped back to reality. Kakashi was the only one who hung on to every word, and realized that although Konoha should have gotten more benefits, Minato was more focused on peace and made sure that everything was balanced. Kakashi was proud of his sensei for putting materialistic benefits aside and looking at the bigger more important picture. After three long hours in which Kakashi had to kick Obito once lest he fall asleep, the Raikage rolled the scroll shut once more and declared the peace treaty official.

"Let's go to the roof and announce it to the country publicly," the Raikage stated.

"What did you two think?" Jiraya asked them as they made their way up "Or maybe I should just ask Kakashi since I'm sure you didn't listen to most of what was said, Obito kun." Jiraya laughed at Obito's embarrassed chuckle as he admitted to having not focused at all.

"The treaty doesn't favor either side and hopefully that means that the peace will hold," Kakashi replied.

"That's the plan," Jiraya ruffled his hair.

As the group made their way to the edge of the Kage roof, the crowd began cheering madly. Jiraya and the Raikage took turns giving speeches and it was finally over. The group headed into an inviting room and was served dinner to which everyone was looking forward to.

"I need to run or something," Obito groaned feeling restless as he piled some meat on his plate.

"If you want we can spar tomorrow," Masuri suggested "Darui and I can pick you up."

"That sounds great!" Obito agreed immediately.

"Not what I had in mind but it would be a good opportunity to fight you again," Darui looked at Kakashi to see what he thought of the suggestion.

"I wouldn't call that a fight but sure," Kakashi smirked making Darui glare at him.

"That's the spirit!" Bee seemed just as excited. "I'll be the judge, fools you fools!"

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I wanted to apologize for not updating in a long long time. I know a lot of you sent me messages wondering whether I was going to update. I've just been so busy taking numerous workshops to beef up my CV and I was swamped with studying for them as well studying and doing projects for university work. I haven't had a break in a year! Literally! Anyway, I'm back for now :) Life is getting more busy so I don't want to promise a specific update rate but I'll do my best! Without further ado, the response to reviews. There are so many reviews (Thanks so much btw! =D ) so I think I'll start to respond to each one directly and then address the main questions only next time.

Who Gives A Care: Kakashi will be in a exhibition match of sorts so he'll get his chance to shine as well but he won't have a chance to win the competition. That is a funny coincidence though, what are the odds!

Greysh: I'll definitely have Minato and Orochimaru featured in the POVs! I'm glad you don't find that the POC chapter will give away something but I'll also be sure to leave anything to revealing and important out just in case ;) I always worry when I write Orochimaru so you saying that reassures me :D

asvaldson: I'm so happy to hear you say that because that's exactly how I want to portray Orochimaru. Just because he won't betray Konoha (for now and as far as you know :P ) doesn't mean he's nice all of a sudden. He's still a vindictive and an overall mean person.

Nebelkind: I'm not going to make pairing an important part of the story but eventually they'll grow up and it's a natural part of growing up. Regardless of who ends up with who it won't turn into a sappy soap drama or anything so don't worry.

Randon: I haven't actually thought of including Kabuto but now that you mention it I can just see the possibilities! I can't promise he'll come up but now there is a chance! I just need to think about it carefully.

Anime Princess: I don't plan on having Kakashi tell anyone anything for a very long time if ever. I've never really liked how the truth in time travel fics is revealed so quickly and accepted so easily. It makes more sense for someone as cautious as Kakashi to hold the secret close for more reason than one. I'll make sure to include a part where Kakashi goes over the idea so that you can see his train of thought on the matter. Thank you so much for your review and I'll be sure to add more team bonding so look forward to that!

PumpkinSkeleton: I'm so glad you took the time to review to give me your thoughts on the matter. I used to update every month but I got caught up with life as I mentioned above. Thanks again! =D

Skarrow: I'm so happy that you like the story this much! Orochimaru as a teacher for Kakashi just had to happen because like you said, Orochimaru can teach Kakashi loads as they have a similar style of fighting and masteries. I had a blast writing the Minato and Hiruzen VS Danzo and I'm glad you liked it :D

Obnoxious Mouse: I love ramblings! I laughed so much when I read ' I'm looking forward to him training with Jiraya too, God forbid if his ways do rub off on to sweet innocent untainted Kakashi!' Poor Minato, he's going to have his hands full when Kakashi starts reading porn again :') As I told asvaldson , I'm so happy to hear you say that because that's exactly how I want to portray Orochimaru. Just because he won't betray Konoha (for now and as far as you know :P ) doesn't mean he's nice all of a sudden. He's still a vindictive and an overall mean person.

Sailor Pandabear: Obito won't turn evil but he won't be a saint either so don't worry :P Danzo must be eliminated indeed!

hisoka's Luver and mavow1: I also don't like all-knowing and all-powerful time travelers so I'm happy to find someone who shares my opinion :)

kakashifan7: Thanks for saying that! I struggle while writing fighting scenes and it makes me smile when someone compliments them so that I know that they're turning out good :D I feel Orochimaru makes stories more interesting.

Yukihime but not really a hime: It was hard killing Asuka but like you said, I want this story to be realistic and having everyone live and have a perfect ending won't do that. I don't feel that Kakashi is afraid of medics or Rin, but with Rin, it's probably just easier to go along with her. I can't make any promises , you'll just have to read and find out ;) Itachi will come into the story soon so don't worry and Obito will slowly prove himself. Thank you for reviewing!

FangirlYaoiLover: It does make for a more homey and happy story if Kakashi would stay wouldn't it ") I actually contemplated the second option but had to go with another direction. It's not completely off the table though!

lactionfan: I always try to make the chapters as long as I can but sometimes it gets hard. I'll do my best to make them longer :D I always wanted to see a loyal Orochimaru and decided to write him myself :) I hope you keep enjoying how I go with it.

Sparksofrandomness: Thanks so much for reviewing! Everyone is mostly asking for Minato's POV so it'll probably be the one that goes into the most depth :D

Namika: First of all, thanks for taking the time to review! As for Orochimaru, I want to make sure that everyone understands that just because he's going to be loyal, he's in no way kind or nice. Maybe I went a bit too far :) But don't worry, I already planned on having Orochimaru ease up after a while, I guess I'll have to transition into that sooner :P Thirdly, I plan to have Kakashi know loads about his mother and go into her history. Obito's sharingan will be tackled really soon so you don't have to worry about that. I don't plan on having Kakashi tell anyone anything for a very long time if ever. I've never really liked how the truth in time travel fics is revealed so quickly and accepted so easily. Thanks again for reviewing!

Dulemina: I'm so honored that you read my story in one day :3 I do proof read but for some reason I always keep missing some mistakes :/ Your review was so heartwarming! Thank you so much =D

KwonnieAdorableCheeks: Thank you very very very very very much!

LoireLoa: Hahahaha that's one way of looking at it ;) Orochimaru will warm up to him eventually :D

Elise: Thank you for reviewing as always! The more people tell me that I'm doing Orochimaru justice, the more happy I feel!

The Supreme Kitsune Sage: Thanks for the advise! I have already thought and taken that into account but I was happy to see you mention that! I was worried people would not approve of stopping the visions but your review really reassured me!

GameAndAnimeFreak: Thanks for the kind words! I don't think they'll believe it if they knew what Kakashi was like :P I don't plan on having Kakashi end up with the same personality as before. First of all, he no longer feels obligated to honor Obito's memory as he's alive and well. He's also more hardworking, open and dedicated now since he knows how precious what he has is and how easy it is to lose it. Orochimaru will always be a sadist no matter where his allegiance lay xD I love rambling so don't worry! There is something sweet about Kaka x Rin and Kaka x Anko so it's hard to chose. Good thing it's not the point of the story or I'd be a terrible writer not knowing where my own story is going :P

Ocicat: I'm sure Kakashi knows it as well and I didn't mean for him to come off as surprised by the results. Like you said, I just meant it as a way for him to blow off steam especially since Orochimaru can be a bit nicer about it :P

Prescripto13: As always, thanks for always reviewing for every chapter :D I always look forward to your reviews and the little insights you always give me :D

Yungsun: It would be cool I admit but I have Kakashi focusing on other branches of ninja for now :D

shirokage218: I plan on having Kakashi and Orochimaru's relationship grow and I already have a list of certain conversations to do just that :) It's like you said, they are bound to grow on each other and Kakashi will eventually have to stop thinking of the future Orochimaru. Thank you so much for always giving thoughtful reviews! =D

urs-v: Since this is a generation fic I always try to include everyone of all ages which makes everyone happy in the end I guess =D That's the point in the end after all!

VampireDoll666: Indeed it does and it'll keep producing results!

fluffpenguin: Thank you for reviewing as always! Don't worry, there is going to be loads of Orochimaru! I agree with you, even if Kakashi's chakra levels and physical strength went down once he travelled, he still retained his stealth and can still kill high level opponents easily if the cards are played correctly. I actually didn't know that there was a difference between chidori and raikiri until somebody pointed it out so I think I'll just go with chidori :P The backtalk is out of character for a grown up Kakashi but this Kakashi sometimes slips into a child's temperament and unlike how rule loving he was in the past, this Kakashi isn't the type to back down easily. I hope that makes sense!

unknown: This story is mostly centered around team 7 so I won't push them into the background :D The vision Kakashi showed was a meeting discussing the event afterwards. Kakashi did this to escape having to show the exact event as he wasn't sure what happened. I know now that Kakashi knew Kushina was a jinchuriki but when I started writing the story, that part was not known or I hadn't watched that far. Thanks for the review and I hope I made everything clear!

Anne Camp aka Obi-quiet: I agree with you that both Orochimaru and Jiraya have very different teaching styles. Although Kakashi can do well with either I see him as working better with Jiraya's style as well as he likes to work at his own pace and figure things out himself. What do you think?

Lauranthalasah: Orochimaru has many sides but we only see the bad one in the anime. Nobody can be completely evil right? I hope more people will start to warm up to the Orochimaru of this story eventually. PS your English is good =D

Agent Frank Underwood: I think you hit the nail on the head. I also like Rin more as a character but Obito's obsession will make things weird and full of drama and I don't want that so it's hard to chose :P

CarlitaM: Thank you =D I think I'll do the filler chapter as that's what most people are agreeing to as well! Thanks for your awesome review as always :D

Jleath1234: No Orochimaru is just her sensei. I can't imagine Orochimaru being a father to anyone although that kid from the Baruto movie seems legit xD

Asalea: Just the fact that you actually reviewed at 3 am is heartwarming!

Guest: Like you said, I don't plant to have anyone from this generation learn Sage mode as it'll diminish its value in a sense. Naruto will learn it though so no worried there :D As for Kushina, I think she's easy to write because her character is really straightforward which also makes it fun to do so. Thanks for all the ideas I'll be sure to take up a few of them sometime when the story allows it. I especially like the one about Gai's love life xD

Thank you everyone so much! Rika 24, Orange3WhiteSkew and everyone else thank you so very much! I apologize again for the late update and hope you pick up the story again :D