Arriving at the small house on the outskirts of London, just as the sun set, Bellatrix mentally prepared herself for the act she was about to commit. Even though she had done this before, a small sense of guilt filled her, considering the life that she was going to take, her conscience reminding her that this person may have their own family, there were people who would miss and grieve for this small piece of her power puzzle. However, these consequences were soon dismissed from her mind, the rush of ecstasy she gained afterwards made it worth it, the fact that she was in control of the situation, commanding everything around her, it simply thrilled her. She contemplated how she would claim the life of her most recent victim, she liked to vary her method of killing, otherwise it became less fun and too repetative. Sometimes, a simple 'Avada Kedavra' was just not enough. She decided that she would torture her victim first, a mixture between repeated 'Crucio' curses, and the more orthodox method of torture, using a knife she always kept in her left shoe, a knife with a blade as sharp as they came, that almost appeared to glint brighter with more and more fear emitted from the victim. She would carve the word 'Muggle' into their arm, reminding them that they were inferior to wizards, putting them in their place, permanently marking them, her own type of Dark Mark.
Instead of apparating right outside the door, she chose to walk up to the house, as this created as little suspicion as possible, and Bellatrix also enjoyed how it prolonged the event that was about to take place. Walking up the dimly lit street, with the street lamps flickering due to the magic surrounding her interrupting the electricity circuits, she took in her surroundings for once. She could see into some of the windows of the small houses, and her eyes focused in onto a family of three daughters, all aged between 3 and 10, reminding Bellatrix of her own sisters and her childhood, forcing her into thinking about the two of them. She seemed quite sure of what Narcissa would be doing, playing the dutiful newlywed wife to Lucius, hanging off of his every word, looking at him with an expression full of adoration. Then, more reluctantly, she thought of Andromeda, who was leading a completely different life, having chosen love over family, and sadness began to fill her. She did not like to admit it, but she did miss her, as no matter what, she was still her sister, and had been a big part of her life for a long time. She had respect for both of her sisters, in some perspectives they were more mature than she was, they were both married women with responsibilities, responsibilities that Bellatrix did not have herself. At that moment, she felt lonely, realising how alone she was, and felt a longing to be loved for who she was, not what other people wanted her to be.
Quickly, after pulling herself together, she continued down the street and arrived at her desired destination. The house appeared dark, and to begin with Bellatrix assumed that her victim was not at home, prompting her to come up with a plan to hide in the house, and make a surprise attack when they arrived. However, possibly unfortunately, a light in the front room was turned on, almost startling her, as she had been caught up in her own thoughts and had not expected it. That was the first tim she saw him.
His name was Daniel, an intelligent yet somewhat ordinary Muggle. Highly attractive, with short, light brown hair, emerald green eyes, with a tall muscular frame, although not appearing like a body builder that picked a fight at any corner, he still looked very powerful. Still dressed in his work clothes, his tie slightly pulled down away from his collar, the top button on his shirt undone, he sank down onto the sofa and appeared to just sit there, staring into space, caught up in his own thoughts as well. This intrigued Bellatrix, every other time that she had attacked, the Muggle had been watching television, reading a book, talking on the phone, they had been doing something. But not Daniel, a man who was wearing an exasperated look on his face, appearing to be fed up with the world he was living in. Taking a seat on the bus shelter bench across the road, face hidden in the shadows, Bellatrix sat there and watched him.
They both stayed in their respective positions for at least half an hour, the man staring into space, the woman staring at him. All of a sudden, Bellatrix seemed to remember her reason for being there, and began to rise from her seated position, her face entering the light once more, preparing to approach the house. Until Daniel turned around and looked out of the window, straight in the direction of Bellatrix. Green eyes locked with dark brown. Emerald locked with onyx. And she ran, ran as fast as she could, heart beating quicker than ever before.
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