The night was too peaceful for what Gou is feeling, in her opinion it should have been raining, maybe a little thunder, to add dramatic effect. But no, the soundtrack to her turbulent thoughts is the steady hum of her AC and crickets. If she strains her ears, she can just about hear the sea.
Groaning, Gou turns over and buries her head in her pillow in a similar manner that she wants to do to her previously said words, bury them to non-existence. She knows she shouldn't have been that rude but then again it was his fault for bringing up the subject…
It's annoying click in the steady rhythm of her soundtrack that breaks out of her thoughts. Lifting her head she brushes some of the strands that had stuck to her forward and looks sideways, frowning as she does so. Were those pale things on her floor stones?
Her suspicions are confirmed when another one lands on her floor through her window - is too hot to keep it closed - and it bounces off the floor with an audible sound.
Getting off her bed, she carefully makes her way to the window, being sure not to step on any of the stones littering her floor (she would rather not be in a fouler mood). Though, the sight of the person below almost wants to make her throw the stones back at him.
"Gou," the blonde hisses looking warily at the window next to hers, Rin's darkened room. "Gou," he says again a bit louder.
"It's Kou and what do you want?" Gou whispers sharply and bites her lip immediately. That was a bit harsh. "Why are you here?" she says in a softer tone.
Nagisa doesn't seem affected or didn't hear the initial tone in her voice, "I'm sorry," he says looking down at the ground scuffing his shoes on the pebbles. "I shouldn't have mentioned it," sighing he looks up, "Please forgive me."
Gou leans further out of the window, scrutinising him. Is he joking? She has been tricked before, which ended up in an unfortunate dip for her and ice cream in his hair.
"No," she says firmly and Nagisa pouts and she falters. Would it really hurt to let go of her pride this once?
"I wrote a haiku," Nagisa says quickly and searches his pockets to bring out a piece of rumpled paper. A haiku? This has caught Gou's attention and instead of following her initial plan of shutting the window (despite the heat), she leans out further, intrigued.
"Gou," he freezes and clears throat, "Kou Matsuoka, I know I was very," he stops and looks at the number of syllables on his fingers, "very sorry, please forgive me."
Gou struggles to stop herself from smiling, "the last line was 4 syllables," she corrects strictly though the tone of her voice doesn't match.
Nagisa frowns, "So please for-give-me." Smiling he holds up his five fingers and Gou can't help herself from laughing.
"You know, you're an idiot sometimes," Gou leans on her hands and furrows her brow, "Where did you get that many stones?" she asks, talking about the small pile at Nagisa's feet.
Nagisa laughs awkwardly, "I sort of picked them up along the way, though I'm glad I got your room on the second try."
Gou leans forward further, looking on either side of her window, "Second?" she questions.
Nagisa points, thankfully not at Rin's room, "That one, I thought you might be asleep."
Gou sighs in relief, it was her mother's room and Nagisa was lucky that she's night shift tonight. Gou makes a mental note to clean up the mess before she gets back, "Thankfully that's not Onii-chan's room."
Gou is pretty sure she jinxed herself because before Nagisa can speak, the window of her brother's room, slides open and a very sleepy Rin appears. Gou smiles sweetly at her brother, hoping that he's half asleep enough not to look down.
To their misfortune, Rin looks down and the sight of Nagisa outside Gou's window at ten pm, wakes him up, completely.
"Nagisa," Rin growls, "why are you outside Gou's room?"
Nagisa gulps, "I just needed to know about some homework," he lies and he doesn't wait for Rin's reply.
"Anyway, bye Gou-chan," he calls out running very smartly away from the Matsuoka's home.
Gou is finding the situation hilarious but recovers enough to shout out, "IT'S KOU," after him. Realising how embarrassing, shouting out into the night after someone is, she covers her mouth and blushes, not even meeting Rin's curious gaze.
Rin doesn't run after Nagisa, it's too late in the night for that. Gou seemed to have scared him off just fine. Smiling at his younger sister's achievement, he shuts his window.
Hearing the click of Rin's window, Gou looks up from her hands and sighs. Pushing herself off the ledge, she shuts the window. Blocking out the soundtrack that now matched her thoughts.
Helloooooooooo , long time no see XD yeah I was busy but I have to excuse for this long an update OTL Anyway it can be mostly blamed for my stupid planning for 4D and my own incapbility to finish things. Though I did write this in one session hmm...
Anyway 4D has been up for a year *woooot* , I sort of hoped to get 52 chapters by this point but we're almost halfway there XD Thanks so much guys for supporting this fic.
Hopefully see you soon XD
P.S this could have also been called Gou to the window -shot- (I did not come up with this btw)