Red-Back: Son of the Spider #5: "Class Acts"

Open: Xaveir Institute- inside a high-tech lab, a tall, skinny kid of about 14 with short, spikey blonde hair is tinkering with some sort of electronic equipment. He is hard at work, building some sort of gizmo. Dr. McCoy
is in the background looking at something under a microscope. A tapping sound is coming from the top of some large machine near-by.

Mccoy/Beast: "While you're up there, would you mind checking the wiring? The SEM has been acting like it's shorting out lately- which is why I'm using the old scope."

Voice from ceiling: "No problem, sir. I'm almost done with these adjustments, anyway."

Pan up to show Hunter sitting up-side-down on the ceiling, putting a panel back on what appears to be some sort of scanning device.

Hunter: "Dr. McCoy? You mind if I take a break first? I'm starved, and it's almost time for lunch anyway."

Beast: "Of course. I hadn't even noticed. A sound mind in a sound body, eh?"

Blonde kid: "Sheesh, Hunter, you're ALWAYS hungry!"

Hunter drops down and gives the other boy a noogie playfully. "And YOU never eat, Robbie! C'mon, let's go raid the kitchen. You look like a poster boy for some famine-torn third-world nation. Man, ya need to get out of this lab once in a while, Gadget. Get some sun, live a little..."

Robbie: "Thanks, but I'd rather be inventing. Besides, you know this is the only place Jason won't bother
me, since he never comes down here."

Hunter shakes his head, and starts to physically carry "Gadget" out.

Robbie: "Hey! Put me down!"

Hunter: "You need to stand up to him, man. Anyway, he won't dare mess with you if I'm around. Jealous jerk knows better. Now, c'mon- you need to EAT! Dr. McCoy? Would you please tell him to take a break?"

Beast: "Hmm. I'm inclined to agree. Go on boys. The work will still be here. I'd like a change of scenery myself at the moment."

Hunter smirks, as he sets Robbie down and pulls him along. "See? Dr.'s orders!"

Later- in the kitchen...

The two boys are having sandwiches when an older boy enters. It's Jason, aka "Gecko". He sees the others and sneers, flicking out his long tongue.

Gecko: "Well, if it isn't McCoy's two pet geeks! How's it going, Bug-Boy? When's Gizmo here ever gonna hit
puberty?" he laughs.

Hunter stands up, glaring. He flexes all three pairs of arms menacingly. Hunter: "Stuff it, Gecko. You wanna tangle? You'd lose." The new-comer looks a bit uneasy, but pretends not to care.

Jason: "Ah, he's not worth my time anyway. Too scrawny. Maybe I'll just go see that pretty little 'Alchmene' and ask her out. Can't understand what she sees in YOU, 'Handy'!" He laughs loudly on his way out.

Hunter(to self, with fists clenched at sides, gritting his teeth): "With great power..." Robbie looks up at him, frowning. He grabs his friend's shoulder, and gives him a little shake.

Robbie: "Easy, man. He's just trying to push your buttons. (He cocks his head for a moment.) Actually, I kinda hope you DO tangle with him one of these days. I'd love to see that! He'd sure shut up if you did!"
Hunter picks up his sandwich and finishes it off, leaning on the counter.

Hunter: "Nah. Dad always taught me not to fight unless there's a really good reason, and only if I have to. I'd wipe the floor with that moron in a heart-beat. Probably hurt him pretty bad, too, 'less I pulled my punches. We may both climb walls, but he's nowhere near as strong. Oh well, guess we should finish up and get back
to work. You done?"

Robbie: "Uh-huh. And now you see why I like it better down there. Jerks like Jason don't go near stuff they can't spell, let alone understand!" They leave the kitchen laughing.


Hunter is sitting under a tree outside on the grounds, reading a book alone. It's a copy of The Lord of the Rings. It's cold outside, with leaves falling from the trees, and ice already forming on the distant pond, but he seems engrossed, hardly noticing that an attractive older girl, who resembles a cat with grey fur, pointed ears, and a tail, has come up beside him. She stands watching him for a moment, then sits down to peek over at the book. He finally looks up at her, and smiles nervously.

Hunter: "Uh, hi, Whisker- I mean, Sara."

He flushes a bit. Her green-gold eyes meet his black ones, and she has an odd expression, half-puzzled, half-amused. She seems to be sniffing him, like a cat. Suddenly, she grabs him, and smothers the young teen in a kiss. He falls back in surprise, dropping the book and missing the tree to hit the ground instead. His eyes are wide in sheer panic.

Hunter: "Hu-mmmph!"

He starts to flounder around, arms flailing until he finally recovers enough to try to pry her off. He pushes the cat-girl back, and scoots backward on the ground until he can get out from under her. His hair is full of fallen
leaves and dirt. "Wha- What was THAT for?!"

Sara: "Hmm? Oh, I was just curious. I've always wondered what a spider would taste like!" She laughs impishly, and he realizes she is making an odd noise, like purring. The girl grins like a cat that just ate a canary.

Hunter: "B-b- but... Aw, geez. Uh..." He can't think of a response. She starts to crawl toward him, and he scuttles backward, only to bump into the tree. He finally realizes she has him cornered, and gulps.

Sara: "Relax! I'm not going to bite you, little spider. I was just playing with you!"

Hunter(embarrassed): "But- aren't you going out with Tommy? B-besides, w-why would you be interested i-in me? I'm only fourteen!"

Sara: "Grease? Please, don't make me laugh. He's almost as big a jerk as Jason! And I'm thinking maybe a younger guy might be nice for a change. I'm tired of guys who are too busy trying to impress every female they see to appreciate what's right in front of them."

He just stares for a moment, unsure how to answer. She cocks her head a bit, looking at him curiously, then starts to chuckle.

Sara: "Oh, I get it! You've never kissed a girl before, have you?"

Hunter(bright red): "...N-..."

Sara: "Hmm, no wonder it was so weak. Guess maybe I should have realized it, though. I've never seen you with any of the other girls, except your sister. Well, maybe Elaine, but you seem to spend more time with Robbie than anyone. Hey- you're not, um, you know- ARE you?"

Hunter(uncomprehending): "Huh? What do you-..." She gives him a knowing look, and he suddenly looks stricken.

H: "Oh! N-no! Of course not- I'm just- uh,..." He stammers, at a loss how to explain. Please, somebody- help me!

Sara: "Oh. Let me guess- shy?" She giggles, and moves closer. He gulps, and simply nods, unable to speak. Suddenly a bell rings from the school, and they both glance back toward the building. She looks annoyed, but Hunter just seems relieved. Sara stands up, giving him a coquettish smirk as she runs off.

Hunter (looking relieved): Thank GOD!

Sara calls back over her shoulder. "This isn't over YET, little spider! I'll see YOU later!"

Hunter watches her leave, then slowly picks up his book, brushes all the leaves off of himself, and heads back
to the mansion. "Oh-boy. I'll never understand girls..."

Early the next day...

Hunter sits at the table in the dining room with Robbie, Elaine, and Terra. They are having breakfast. At the other end of the table are Gecko, Grease, and Hothead. They are arguing over who will get the last slice of ham. Gecko tries to snag it with his tongue, but Hothead grabs it and burns it, while Grease uses the distraction to spear it off the plate with a fork. The others look at him while he gives them a smug grin and scarfs it before they can react.

Elaine: "Gross. Those guys have no manners! Ugh, how can anyone be so rude?"

Robbie: "You said it. Especially Jason. That was just disgusting. Why don't the teachers do anything about those jerks?"

Hunter munches quietly on a muffin without joining in. He is about to pour a glass of orange juice, when he notices Sara watching him from across the table, near Grease. She winks, and he freezes, still holding the muffin and the pitcher of juice. Elaine notices his expression, and frowns.

Elaine: "What's the matter, Handy? You look like you just saw a ghost!"

Hunter(snapping out of it): "Uh, nothing. I was just- thinking, that's all."

Robbie: "Uh-huh. I've seen that look before. You've been really quiet since yesterday. Did something happen you wanna tell us about?"

Hunter: "N-no. Everything's cool, guys- really!"

Terra looks at him knowingly. "Huh. Big bro, did anyone ever tell you you're a lousy liar? Come on, what's up?"

He starts to say something, but just then, Randy, the big ape-boy known as Silverback, sits down beside him. He accidentally bumps Hunter's still raised hand, and splashes orange juice all over him.

Hunter: "Crap! Ah, now I'm gonna smell like oranges all day!" Thank you, Randy. You just saved my butt without realizing it, pal...

Randy: "Oops! Sorry! Keep forgetting to leave myself extra room!"

From down the table, Gecko and his cronies notice the commotion, and start laughing.

Gecko: "Aww, what happened, Bug-Boy? Thought you had an extra sense to warn you about stuff like that! Guess IT sucks almost as much $$ as YOU do!"

Hunter's expression turns hard for a moment, as he turns on the lizard-boy with a snarl. "$crew you, Lizard-breath! Why don't you go lick a frozen flag-pole, #&%*- head!"

Gecko stands quickly, ready to spring at the younger teen, while everyone stares in silence. Hunter doesn't
notice that Whisker is watching him with intense interest, and perhaps a bit of admiration. Suddenly, a voice from the doorway interrupts.

Voice: "What's all this ruckus? You kids had better not be about to trash my breakfast, or I'm gonna start bustin' some heads!"

Everyone turns to look, to see Logan standing in the doorway, with his claws out. At the sight of him, Gecko
pauses, then slowly sits down, with a pointed glare in Hunter's direction. Hunter just gives him a challenging smirk, as if daring him to continue. He cracks all his knuckles, and goes back to his breakfast.


Hunter and Robbie are walking down the hall to a classroom. Sara is following along behind them at a distance, her gaze locked on Hunter.

Hunter(whispers): "Is she still back there?"

Robbie: "Huh? Who?" He glances back, and sees Sara. "Um, oh- yeah. What gives?"

Hunter: "She's been tailing me all day. No pun intended. She sort of- ambushed me yesterday, and she's been hanging around ever since. I don't know why..."

Robbie: "Ambushed? Like how?"

Hunter(embarrassed): "Like- well, she kissed me. She's dating Tommy, and she kissed ME!"

Robbie suddenly grins. "Whoa. You DOG! I didn't think you had it IN you!"

Hunter: "What?! NO! It- wasn't like that. I was just minding my own business, and she came up and just- well, she practically attacked me! And now she keeps following me around, and I have NO IDEA what she wants!"

Robbie chuckles: "Man, if you can't figure THAT out, you're not as smart as everyone thinks you are, haha!"

Hunter grimaces. "Can it, Gadget. She's older than I am, and anyway, I'm not sure if I LIKE this sudden attention. It's- unnerving..."

Robbie(musing): "Heck- I say as long as she's interested, why not take advantage of the opportunity? You know, for, uh- educational purposes?"

Hunter stops cold, grabbing his friend, and turns to him in shock. He sputters. "Y-You mean...?!"

Robbie: "Well, DUH. What did you THINK I meant? Seriously- just because she's older doesn't mean a thing.
At least ONE of us is starting to get noticed by the girls."

Hunter starts to reply, but glances back at Sara, who is pretending to look at the floor, and he just gets a thoughtful look, and turns away, suddenly turning red for a reason he can't quite understand...

Lunch. Same day.

Grease is sitting at the table next to Sara, who instead of enjoying his company, is looking irritated. She keeps brushing off his arm as he tries to put it around her, while Gecko and Hothead are across the table making smooching noises and egging their crony to lay one on her. Finally, the annoyed cat-girl gets up and
moves down to the other end of the table with Hunter and his friends.

Sara: "Can I sit with you guys? Tommy and the others are being idiots."

Elaine and Terra look happy to have the older girl to talk to.

Terra: "Sure! I'm surprised you put up with them THIS long, Sara!"

Elaine: "No kidding. What do you see in Tommy anyway? He's a jerk just like Jason and Tyler."

The cat-girl grins. "Oh, they have their good points, too. You just have to know how to handle guys like that. Ignore them long enough, and they'll eventually get the point."

Hunter is sitting quietly beside her, enjoying his usual big lunch, when her tail flips into his lap, and twitches enticingly against his leg. He stiffens, dropping his fork, and mumbles a nervous apology when the others turn to him with puzzled looks. Sara leans closer, talking to Terra across the table.

Sara: "Terra, could you pass me another roll?"

She brushes against him as Terra hands her the basket of rolls. suddenly he can't stand the tension anymore; he jumps up quickly, nearly bumping into Slink, who is coming over to the table.

Slink: "Hey!"

Hunter: "Uh, 'scuse me, guys- I just remembered I left a burner on in the lab! Whoa- sorry, Danny!"

Elaine shakes her head. "What's up with him?!"

Robbie(confused): "But- we didn't USE any burners in the lab today..."

Hunter races down a hallway to the lounge, narrowly misses tripping over Lockheed. Kitty, who is watching a
movie with Piotr, turns on hearing the dragon's surprised squawk.

Kitty: "What?! Oh, it's just Parker. Uh- is something wrong? You look a little freaked." He leans against the wall, staring straight ahead, while Lockheed hovers beside him, nudging the young teen with a questioning chirp. Kitty notes his panicky expression, and comes over to shake him.

Kitty: "Hey- you okay? Hello-o?!"

He feels the dragon tugging at his sleeve, and finally snaps out of it. "Uh, can I stay in here with you guys?
I'm being stalked by a cat!"

Piotr looks confused. "Hepzibah? I thought she and Warpath were visiting the SWORD station?"

Hunter shakes his head, still feeling jittery. "N- no. Her daughter- Sara. Sh- she..."

He slides down the wall, sitting down heavily. Man, what's WRONG with me?! A pretty girl shows an interest, and I'm shaking like a leaf! Stupid- now she's gonna think I'm just some dumb little kid...

Kitty: "Whisker? Okay, what happened?"

He takes a deep breath, and hesitantly stammers out everything that has happened. He doesn't even notice that he has taken a small ring puzzle out of his pocket and is nervously toying with it. He finally starts to calm
down, just as Robbie comes in looking for him. His friend takes one look at him sitting and fidgeting with the little rings, and chuckles.

Robbie: "Huh, so THAT's it. You never do that unless something's up. Is it HER? You sure took off fast."

Hunter nods. "Yeah, this time I had her tail twitching in my lap!"

Kitty and Piotr glance at each other and grin. Kitty: "Girl troubles. Ah, I think I'll let Colossus here help you on this one. Although, it sounds a bit like she's just playing with you. That girl is about as subtle as an alley cat! Got roughly the same morals, too..."

Colossus snickers. "Da. No wonder you were scared off. Guess she must be getting bored with that slimy little punk Grease. Honestly, Katya, I do not know why Scott does not simply expel those three. Hothead and Gecko especially. They do nothing but cause trouble, and they have no respect for authority."

Kitty bends down, offering a hand to help Hunter back up. "Hmm. Maybe you should just try TALKING to her?"

Hunter pauses, looking confused. "About WHAT? I- I mean, what do I say? I'm not even sure what she really wants!"

Robbie laughs. "Yeah, I think that one's pretty obvious! Come on, Cyrano, we need to get back to class." He grabs one of Hunter's hands, and pulls him along. Lockheed nudges him with an encouraging chirp, looking oddly amused.


They are in Storm's class, studying. Gecko sits not far away, using his tongue to surripitously lift Elaine's skirt from behind, while his cohorts watch, snickering. She catches him, and grabs hold of it and freezes it, her eyes turning golden for a moment. Elaine(whispering): "Try that again, creep, and I'll turn it to stone!"

Jason: "Gaaahhh, thorry..."

Hunter chuckles, giving Gecko a smug grin. "Serves you right, scale-face..." The older boy glares at him. Just then, Storm glances up.

Storm: "Is there a problem, children?"

All: "No, Ms. Munroe..."

Storm: "Good." A few minutes pass in silence, when Hunter's cell phone starts to vibrate in his pocket. He takes it out, and sees a text message.

Text: "Meet me on path in woods l8tr. C u there, lttl spdr! -Wskr"

He stares at it for a moment, then glances over at her. She gives him a side-long smile, her tail swishing slowly. He gulps. Oboy. What do I do? Should I go? Man, girls are such a pain...

After classes...

He is bounding along in the trees, swinging like a monkey from branch to branch, bouncing off of tree trunks, and flipping through the cold fall air. Low clouds hang in the sky, and it is beginning to snow, but he hardly notices in a jacket and thin gloves. He spots the path, and lands, looking around for the cat-girl. He seems to be alone.

Hunter: "Hello? Uh, Whisker? You here?" Maybe she's down the path somewhere? I hope she didn't get me out her for some prank. Yeah, an X-Men's version of 'Punked' That would be my luck.

His spider-sense goes off, just as he hears a rustling from some bushes. He turns, and leaps up, just as Sara springs out from behind the bush. He realizes she was about to tackle him. "HEY! What's the IDEA?!"

She lands, and pouts. "Oh, pooh. You spoiled my surprise. Can't you turn that off?"

He frowns, puzzled, and shakes his head. "No. What surprise?"

She giggles "This!" She leaps at him again, and he barely manages to jump back in time. Growling in frustration, the older girl charges, then at the last moment, ducks low, sweeping out her leg to knock him down. As soon as he hits the ground, she is on top of him, laughing.

Sara: "HA! Gotcha. I ALWAYS get my prey!"

Hunter: "Um, could you maybe get off of me? There's a big stick or something poking me in the back."

Sara: "Nope."

He starts to get annoyed now. "What's this all about? Why have you been stalking me?"

She grins, looking pleased with herself for having caught him. "Like I said, I'm bored with those idiots. But
you're different. So I thought it might be time for a change in taste. Say, a little arachnid, maybe? Besides, after that poor showing yesterday, I decided that YOU could use a little educating. You kiss like a little kid!"

She laughs, and lightly runs her claws down his cheek to his neck, purring again. He gulps, stunned. She starts to lean down to kiss him, and he feels her other hand sliding under his sweater.

Hunter: Huh? What is she...?! Oh. Oh-boy...She takes one of his hands, placing it against her chest,
but he panics and tosses her off. He leaps up, and lands on the trunk of a tree, staring down at her.

Hunter: "N- no offence, but I'm NOT ready for that! We barely even know each other! Y- you d- don't just-"

Now she stands. "Oh, come ON! It's not like I'm going to BITE! Then again, maybe I was right- maybe you ARE still just a kid..."

Hunter looks indignant "HEY! I'm NOT a little kid- I just- uh, don't believe in getting THAT friendly with someone before I've even gone on a date with them!"

She smirks, shaking her head. "It figures. Well, maybe some other time, then. Call me when you're ready, little spider, and we'll see!" She turns and takes off, laughing.

Hunter stares after her, bewildered. "Oh, brother. Girls..."

One looong walk back to the mansion later...

He enters the kitchen, only to see Grease standing in the middle of the room, staring at him with a scowl, his
arms folded. The older boy storms over, and tries to grab him by his sweater-neck. Hunter flings the other's hands aside, suddenly getting defensive.

Hunter: "HEY! What's the idea?! "

Tommy: "I should be asking YOU that, you little creep! I SAW you go out there after Sara. You trying to butt in on MY girl?! What makes you think she'll even LOOK at a pint-sized weirdo like you? Stay away from her, ya little egg-head Rem!"

Now Hunter glares at him, his temper flaring. He straightens, and steps right up to the other teen menacingly. "Now wait just one friggin minute, 'Slick'! SHE was chasing after ME! Something about being bored with guys like you... Anyway, I don't think it's any of your business. So back off! And don't EVER call me that again, or I'll rip your arms off!"

Grease, shoves him, and smirks. "Yeah, just try it, twirp."

Hunter snarls. He starts to punch at the older boy, only to have him melt into a large black puddle on the floor. It runs under his feet, making him slip. "Wh- aagh!"

He falls on his rear, sliding into the island counter. As he starts to get up, he hears laughter behind him, and turns to see Grease kicking out at him. He realizes too late that he's in no position to avoid Tommy's foot. He takes it, grunting as he gets slammed into the side of the counter again. Real dumb move, Parker...

Just then, he hears someone entering the kitchen. He turns to look; suddenly, his heart drops, seeing Gecko and Hothead. Perfect. Just what I need, the other two stooges...

He sees Jason get a wicked look in his eyes, and sighs to himself, just as the older boy's tongue wraps around his neck and yanks. But Hunter has had enough. He grabs hold of it, and pulls back, tripping the lizard-boy up. He falls into Grease, who goes liquid to avoid a fall- with the result of Gecko slipping on the suddenly slick floor and bringing Tyler down with him as he flails to regain his balance.

Hunter stands up, laughing. "Now who's laughing, jerk-wads? Don't mess with me again, less you want more of the same."

Now Tyler cusses at him, and starts to bring up a small fireball. His eyes are glowing red, and his hair has turned into small flames on his head.

Hunter looks at them with a disgusted expression. "Uh, I wouldn't do that if I were you..."

Hothead: "$*rew you, runt!" He lets loose with the fireball at Hunter's face, but he ducks it, and it fizzles harmlessly against the steel door of the refrigerator behind him. But meanwhile, Hothead's hair has ignited the puddle that is Tommy. It flares in an instant, and soon all three boys yelp and jump up, with Gecko and Grease slapping at the flames.

Grease: "You IDIOT! You know better than to flame up when I take grease-form!"

Hunter howls with laughter now, and pulls out his cell phone to take a quick photo with the camera. "Hahaha! You should see yourself! The way you're jumping around, you look like a monkey- a GREASE-monkey!"

He turns around and heads back outside, deciding to re-enter the house through the front doors rather than pass by his three angry rivals. He wanders into the library, hoping to get away for a while. He finds his friend Randy already there, reading a book on philosophy.

Randy: "So, what was that ruckus in the kitchen about? I heard screaming."

Hunter shrugs, grinning. "Oh, y'know- just teaching those clowns about fire safty around flammable liquids... Is that Socrates?"

Randy: "Plato."

Hunter shrugs again, unconcerned. "Oh. Never could keep them all straight. It's all Greek to me!" He chuckles, then reconsiders when the huge ape-like teen gives him a sour look. Finally, he sighs, and goes to pick up a book on African myths. He is reading quietly when Terra comes in and finds him. She has a puzzled look on her face.

Terra: "Hey, have you guys seen Jason and Tommy? they just came out of the kitchen all singed and smelling like smoke! Tyler was with them, and he had a black eye!"

Hunter chuckles. "Aww, too bad I didn't stick around for that part. I got a picture of those idiots dancing around on fire, though! It's going on the Net!"

She turns to him, gaping. "PLEASE don't tell me YOU had something to do with that?!"

Hunter(shrugging): "Okay, I won't."

She gives him a pointed stare. "What did you do?"

He looks up at her innocently. "Nothing! I just let them do it to themselves! I bet they'll listen next time
someone tells them not to throw fireballs around when there's a grease-slick on the floor!"

Randy snorts. "Hmph. Not likely. They aren't too bright."

Terra rolls her eyes. "You males are all HOPELESS! Geez, 'Handy', you're as bad as they are!"

He frowns and puts down the book. "No- they started that little fracas. But it was a lot of fun to watch them
trying to put out the fire! And I DID warn Hothead that firing up while he was sitting on Tommy the oil-slick was a bad idea."

She rolls her eyes again, shaking her head. "Oh, brother..." She walks out in disgust.

Hunter stretches, and decides to go upstairs to his dorm room to study. Along the way, he passes the others. They give him dirty looks as they head to the elevator to the infirmary.

Hunter: "Hope you enjoyed the cooking lesson, guys. Say, does anyone ELSE smell barbequed lizard? Hahaha!" Gecko lunges at him, but his friends hold him back.

Grease: "Come on, man- that shrimp ain't worth it!"

Gecko: "Next time, Bug-boy! I'll squash you like the little insect you are!"

Hunter shoots back a glare of his own. "Bring it!"

The others pull him away, still seething. Tyler tosses Hunter a smoldering glare, and gestures rudely at him. Hunter just cracks his knuckles, smirking.

Hunter: "Yeah, back at ya times six, 'Sterno-boy'!" He continues to his room, ignoring the threats from the three older boys. He pauses inside by his desk to check on his pet tarantula. He pulls it out, idly letting it climb up to his shoulder while he does homework, even pulling a small worm out of a can to feed the large, hairy arachnid. After a while he holds a hand up for her to crawl onto, and watches her contentedly finishing her meal. He sighs, setting aside his work. He doesn't notice the door open behind him.

Hunter: "You're lucky, Anansi. Life's simple for you. The only thing you ever have to worry about is whether you're hungry for a worm or a cricket. No homework, no confusing relationships, and no one trying to bully you. Se, MY life's so complicated, I'm sitting here talking to a spider just cause I'm going out of my mind trying to figure it all out!"

Elaine giggles from the doorway. She's wearing a simple martial-arts outfit. He turns around, startled, jostling his pet. She bites him.

Hunter: "Yow! KNOCK next time, will ya? I almost dropped her!"

Elaine: "You two looked like you were so deep in conversation I didn't want to interrupt. Should I leave you alone with your girlfriend there?"

He puts the tarantula back in her cage. "Ha, ha. Funny. So is there any particular reason you came in without ASKING?"

Elaine sighs. "Yeah- I wondered if you were coming down to practice with me. Or did you forget it was time for our lessons with Logan?"

He glances over at a clock on the wall. "Yikes! Guess it's later than I thought. This is just what I need to let
off some steam. Be ready in a second!" He comes out a few moments later in a uniform much like hers; they head for their lesson, chatting amiably.

The next day- Thursday, 11:15 AM.

Hunter is sitting in Beast's class, working quietly with Robbie and Randy on a chemistry project, while other students are doing the same at other tables around the room. At a table right behind him, Gecko and his cohorts are playing with the burner, with Hothead dropping little fireballs over the gas, and watching it flare up. Grease is tossing blobs of his black "grease" into the flames, just to make them explode with little pops.

Hunter(aside- to Robbie): "How long do you give those morons before they blow up the lab?"

Robbie(whispers back): "About ten minutes, if Mr. McCoy doesn't catch them."

Randy: "I give it five."

Hunter sniggers. "Idiots. They should know better. Half the stuff in this room is volatile..."

Gecko and his friends are whispering now, and sniggering softly, staring over at Hunter's group. His spider-sense flares for a moment, just as Tommy pulls up a blob and Tyler lights it. Tommy throws the flaming
grease-ball at Hunter; he ducks, and it misses him, hitting Randy instead. The big ape-boy bats out the flames, and glares at the three. They shrink down, still laughing nervously. Beast is at a board writing out a formula. He glances over to see what the commotion is, and clears his throat noisily. The boys pretend to be working innocently.

A few minutes go by, and Gecko decides to pull a prank on Hunter. His tongue reaches out to grab a beaker, just as Hunter is about to pick it up. He glances down to look for the missing beaker, and turns when he hears the tell-tale chuckle from behind.

Hunter glares at him in annoyance. "Hand it over, 'Snake-eyes'. Do that again, and I'll strangle you with you own tongue."

Gecko sneers. "Go ahead, Arachno-geek! I'd like to see you try! You're a bigger freak than your Dad- at least he LOOKS normal! You're not even a REAL mutant, ya half-breed!"

Hunter bristles. "Take. That. Back. Now."

Gecko: "Pfft. Whatever, Bug-boy. Your whole family are freaks. I even heard your old man got himself turned into some giant bug once. Somebody should have squashed him!"

Hunter's temper is boiling now. His face turns red, teeth gritted and veins standing out in his neck and forehead. He launches at Gecko from across the table with a savage yell, sending containers crashing to spill all over the floor. Everyone suddenly stops what they are doing to watch in amazement.

Hunter: "YOU SON-OF-A-...!"

He tackles Gecko, knocking him into the next table, his fists already pounding at the older boy. He lands on top of him, grabbing hold of him with one hand while he punches Gecko's face and stomach with the others. Gecko is frantically trying to ward off the blows with his arms, screaming in fear and pain. Now the other two get into the fray, trying to pull Hunter off of their leader. He brushes them off, throwing Hothead into one of the tables, and Tommy is forced to change form to avoid being slammed into the ground when Hunter grabs him, too.

Gecko: "Get this psycho off me! HELP!"

Hunter snarls in fury. "Psycho, huh?! I'LL SHOW YOU PSYCHO, $$hole!"

He punches Gecko in the head, knocking him out. Meanwhile, Robbie, Beast, and Randy have waded into the fight as well. Randy and Beast finally manage to drag Hunter off his rival, who is bloody, with large bruises already beginning to form all over his face and body. Robbie pulls him away, while Grease has re-formed to pull a dazed Hothead back to his feet.

It takes a few minutes before Beast and Randy can calm the enraged teen. McCoy has shed his lab-coat and glasses, and Silverback is holding Hunter off the ground, a sour look on his black-furred features. Randy: "Mr.
Summers and Ms. Frost are not going to like this. Calm down, pal! It's over."

Hunter is still spitting mad. "It's not over till those creeps apologize! YOU heard what he said! And the others are no better!"

Robbie steps up to his friend. "And what does that make you for trying to kill them? Cool down, man!"

Hunter snarls. "I don't wanna kill them- just maim them a little."

Robbie glances over at Gecko, who is still on the floor, groaning and only half-conscious. "Yeah, I think you already DID that, buddy."

Hunter follows his gaze, and sees the damage to the room and Gecko curled up whimpering in pain. He slowly comes to his senses, realizing what he's done. He glances around the room, seeing everyone starting at him in shock and horror. Even Sara is looking at him like he is some kind of monster. His stomach starts to churn, and he suddenly runs out of the lab, eyes wide, feeling bile rising up in his throat.

Hunter: Oh, God. Why did I DO that?! What's wrong with me?! He races for the nearest bathroom, and barely makes it to a trash can before his nerves give way to a fit of retching...

Inside the lab-room...

Elaine stares after him, with Terra beside her shaking her head. Terra groans. "Oh, man. Dad's gonna KILL him
when he finds out about this..."

Elaine turns to her worriedly. "You don't think they'll expel him, do you?"

Terra: "I hope not. I don't think he'd take it very well. He tries so hard to be perfect all the time. I think maybe the stress is getting to him."

Elaine: "No kidding. Ya think?"

Robbie comes over to them. "Think someone should go look for him? Y'know- before the headmasters hear
about this?"

Terra shakes her head. "Uh, something tells me he's gonna want to be alone for a while..."


He is standing in the middle of his room, looking guilty and cowed. Emma is at the doorway with Scott, who has his arms folded, a stern look on his face. Hunter can't see his eyes for the ruby glasses he wears, but he knows they are staring him down. Emma has a look of disgust and annoyance, as is she smells something unpleasant.

Emma: "Parker, I'm appalled at your behavior today. You DO realize Jason is going to be in the infirmary for the next month. I hope you're satisfied."

Scott: "I've already called your parents. Peter gave me quite an earful when I told him. Never heard that man USE that kind of language before..."

Hunter gulps, his stomach sinking. He feels a hint of nausea coming on again. He pulls the ring-puzzle out of his pocket, fidgeting nervously. "Wh- what are you going to do, sir?"

Scott: "We haven't decided yet. But you are not to leave this room for the rest of the day unless called for by Emma or me. Is that understood?"

He nods silently, tears in his eyes.. They leave, and the door closes behind them. He shuffles to the edge of the bed and sinks down on it, his face in his hands.

Hunter: That's it. I'm finished. Might as well start packing- they're gonna expel me for sure after this...

Xaviers. 2:30 pm, Thursday.

A loud voice can be heard coming from the headmaster's office, shouting. It's Peter, scolding his son. "I cannot BELIEVE you did this! How could you? Do you realize you could have KILLED him? Now I have to TRY to smooth things over with Jason's parents, and hope we don't end up getting sued for your irresponsible temper tantrum."

Hunter: "But Dad, I..."

Peter: "I don't want excuses. I don't care WHAT he said or did, that's no reason for this kind of behavior. I'm very disappointed in you, son. Scott says you've been suspended for a week. You're lucky he didn't just expel you outright. I thought I taught you better than this..."

The boy looks down, hurt by his father's harsh words. He watches in silence as Peter leaves the room, slamming the door behind him. Hunter sighs, and slumps down on one of the office chairs, staring down at the floor. He doesn't even notice the tears that have started rolling down his cheek...

Later. Queens.

Hunter is in his room, lying on the bed staring at the ceiling. Great. Just great. Grounded for a month.
What ELSE can go wrong today? I don't care what they said- Jason deserved what he got. Okay, so maybe I went a little overboard- should've pulled those punches- but at least they could have listened to my side of things. That jerk has been on me since I was eight! And did anyone EVER say anything about his bullying then? I get into ONE fight, and suddenly I'M the bad guy. There is a knock on the door. He ignores it. Another knock, louder this time. He glances at the clock by his bed, and realizes it's time for dinner.

Voice outside(M-J): "Honey, are you hungry? Dinner's ready, if you want it." He gets up and goes to the door. He opens it to find her standing there with a plate of macaroni and some ham and peas. He shrugs.

Hunter: (mumbling) "Thanks, Mom. I'll eat in here, if it's okay with you. I'd rather not deal with Dad's silent treatment right now."

M-J: "Hmm, well, maybe you should have thought of that before you broke Jason's nose, arm, and ribs. His parents are pretty angry about it- we just might go into debt again from the hospital bill we're going to get. Was it worth it?"

He takes the plate and shoves it down on his desk, suddenly angry. "Okay, I SAID I was SORRY already! What more does everyone WANT from me?!" He starts to pace, hands held rigid at his sides, trying to keep from hitting something. She stares at him for a moment, then turns to leave.

M-J: "Maybe we just wanted something better for you than this. You always say how much you want to be treated like an adult- it's time you started acting like one." She closes the door behind her, leaving him to
stew in solitude.

Hunter: "$#*&!" He glances over at the dinner-plate, then flops back down on the bed, staring at the ceiling again.