Okay, this issue jumps ahead again- I promise there won't be much more of that- a few months. Hunter is fifteen, only one birthday away from being a licensed (in accordance with the SHRA) hero. Naturally, he's a bit impatient to get started in the "family business", and join his dad in saving the world- or at least New York. Also, I should mention that there is one character mentioned here that belongs to a friend of mine, and is used with her permission. So for those wondering who the heck Karrie Stark is, she's the wife of Tony "Iron Man" Stark, and they have two kids- Guri (the adopted Asgardian, daughter of Loki- yes, THAT Loki) and Alexander (who is their son together, and is Hunter's age.) The two Stark kids will show up in a couple of tales later on, so this is just a head-s up to warn readers that while they are NOT mine, they are here because I've done some co-writing with their creator, who goes by Feral Female on Mickey's Comic and the Marvel boards. Cheers, and Happy Holidays!
Issue # 6: "Christmas with the Parker Family"
Open: Forest Hills, Queens- Dec. 15, 2:45 PM:
A picturesque old two-story house, the roof and lawn beautifully covered with snow- with one disturbing detail- a trio of dismembered snow-people, with a fourth holding a chainsaw, and a gleeful face stuck on, while two snowmen done up as police hold toy guns on him.
Voice: "What do you think, Dad? Have we outdone ourselves this time, or what?"
A drown-haired, early middle-aged man puts down a snow-shovel. He turns to his companion, a fifteen-year-old boy with six arms, black eyes, and a roguish grin.
Man: "Well son, it definitely tops last year, that's for sure! That maniacal grin was a nice touch, by the way. What say we go in and get Terra and your mother and show them our handiwork?"
Just as the boy is about to answer, they both get startled worried looks. They turn toward some bushes between the lawns, and are suddenly pelted by a barrage of snowballs. A red-haired pair of women, one older, the other a young teen, pop up from behind the bushes, laughing.
Woman: "Gotcha, Tiger!"
Girl: Hunter, you should see the look on your face! You too, Dad!"
Hunter: "Pbbft- Terra! You got snow in my ear!"
She laughs, then pegs him with another. The older woman tries to hit the man, but he ducks it easily.
Man: "Ha-ha! M-J, I hate to say it, but Bullseye you're NOT! You girls are SO going to get it!"
Hunter: "You said it, DAD! Let's get 'em!"
He leaps over the bushes, dodging snow-balls in mid-air, to tackle his younger sister. He knocks her down, and grabs several handfuls of snow at once to smash them into her face.
Terra: "Huh- hay! Pft- no fair- you have more hands than me!"
He grins, laughing. Heh, heh- I know- that's the POINT!"
M-J starts to run, only to be grabbed from behind by the man. she squeals in mock terror, as he pulls her down and tickles her in the snow.
M_J: "P- P-Peter! Hahaha- s-stop! I'm freezing on this wet ground!"
Peter(grinning): "Should'a thought of that before you tried to snowball a couple of super-heroes! Now it's OUR turn!"
M-J holds up her hands, laughing hysterically. "Okay- I surrender- I'm at your mercy!"
Peter stops tickling her and gets up. He helps her up, hiding a handful of snow in his other hand; he drops it down the back of her sweater, dancing back toward the house as she shrieks and chases after him.
M-J: "Peter Benjamin Parker, you are a dead man!"
Peter: "Uh-oh, kids- she used my MIDDLE name! She means business!"
He runs back into the house, past the twisted snowmen, with M-J hot on his heels. The two teens stop wrestling and smothering each other with snow, and give each other a knowing look. They get up, brushing snow out of their hair and clothes.
Terra: " Great. Looks like they're gonna be busy for a while. Wanna go for a walk?"
Hunter pauses, with a disgusted look. "Yeah- that's not a scene we want to walk in on. Heh, you think maybe we could end up with a little brother or sister? That could be fun!"
She snorts. "Yeah, like having a brother as annoying as you isn't bad enough! Hey, let's go into the city and do some Christmas shopping!"
He brightens at the thought. "Okay, but we'd better go get some money first. My allowance is in my room. You have yours?"
Terra shakes her head. "No, it's in my little purse on my dresser. Will you grab it while you're in there?"
He nods. "You mean you're actually letting me in your room? Sure, I"ll get it. BRB!"
He leaps up to a window on one side of the house, opens the window, and climbs in. A few moments later, he climbs back out, with a small purse hanging from one hand, and a long black duster draped over another arm. He drops back down in front of his sister and hands her the purse as he puts on the coat.
Hunter: "Yup, They're at it, alright. You think we should leave a note?"
She shrugs. "Knowing Dad? Nah, we'll be back LONG before they come up for air!"
Later- Manhattan- Midtown:
They are strolling down Madison Avenue, amid throngs of people enjoying the crisp winter day while they shop. Hunter is wearing the coat to hide his extra arms. "So, what should we get them? It's not like we have a lot of money for gifts."
Terra thinks for a moment. Then she smiles. "I know! Let's give them a surprise Christmas party! We'll invite all their friends over, and make a really big dinner! What do you think?"
He grins. "That would be great! I'll do the cooking- and you take care of the decorations and planning. You always like that stuff anyway."
Terra: "Okay, but don't experiment this time- no weird sushi balls or lima bean soup."
He gives her a wounded look. "Hey, those were pretty good! I didn't hear any complaints!"
Terra laughs. "Well, okay, but next time, lay off the cayenne and curry! You always go overboard with the spices, and WE end up paying for it later. Just 'cause you have a steel stomach doesn't mean the rest of us do!"
He slumps a little. "Well, okay, but it's only 'cause I like to try new recipes. You know, for someone who's so good at chemistry, I'm surprised Dad's not a better cook. Remember the last time he tried to make omelets for breakfast?"
She laughs, as they stop in front of a grocery store. "Yeah! I STILL can't figure out how he managed to burn the outside and still have them runny in the middle! And I remember the look on his face when you just dumped them all, then walked into the kitchen and made new ones in less than ten minutes!"
Hunter sniggers: "Heh, I know. I kinda felt sorry for him. It must have been hard being shown up by a thirteen-year-old. Oh well, let's go get our supplies."
They go into the store to buy what they need for the party. They are wheeling a cart down the frozen food aisle looking for the perfect turkey when they hear a commotion at the front. They both feel their spider-sense tingling, and exchange concerned looks.
Hunter: "Uh-oh. Something tells me there's trouble afoot, Watson!"
Terra: "Hey- I'm a PARKER, remember? Think we should call Dad?"
He shakes his head as they see several armed men holding up the two cashiers. "No. He'd never get here in time. Same goes for Murdoch. Felicia, maybe, but I don't have her number in my phone. And I was referring to Sherlock Holmes's sidekick. Besides, technically, we're both WATSONS, too!"
Terra watches as one of the men starts robbing customers, taking wallets, watches, and other valuables. "So what should we do? The Avengers?"
Hunter turns to her with a grin, pulling a frozen turkey out of a cooler. "Want to have some fun with these turkeys? And I don't mean the birds!"
She eyes the bird, then the gang of thieves. "Oh, yeah. What's the plan, brother mine?"
He laughs wickedly. "When I give the signal, draw all the power from the lights!"
She nods. "What's the signal?"
In answer, be picks up two more turkeys, and pulls them all back in an under-hand arc, takes a step, then lets fly the huge birds at three of the robbers. One hits a man in the back of the knees with a loud thud; the robber yelps in pain, and stumbles to his knees, dropping his weapon. Two others are felled by the remaining turkeys.
Hunter: "Strike! Your lane, sis!"
All eyes turn to the young mutant, who grins and tosses off his coat. The thugs exchange glances.
Thug #1: "$#*%! It's a cape! Boys, grab a shopper and let's split!"
Hunter looks around with a mock-startled expression. "A CAPE?! Where?! Oh, wait- you mean ME. Well, sorry to disappoint, fellas, but I'm no 'cape'- YET."
At that, he waves a hand; on cue, Terra begins to pull all the surrounding electrical energy into a small, bright orb above her. Her green eyes begin to glow, and her hair blows as if in a wind. The store goes dark except for the light from the windows and her own energy-ball. Hunter takes advantage of the confusion to tackle the first thug, dropping him with a single punch. He leaps right over to land on a check-out counter next to a second robber, and kicks him in the face, knocking him back into a third. Then Hunter flips over them both to land behind them. He grabs them both, and drops to roll backward, flipping them over him to send the two flying up-side-down, and continues his roll by driving his feet into their backs as they fly into a shopping cart.
Meanwhile, Terra is using the power from the store's electric system to form a crackling blue-white cage over the two remaining thieves. Hunter gets up, with a look of smug satisfaction. "Nice field, sis. You're getting pretty good!"
She grins. "Guess the time we spent sneaking into the 'Danger Room' was worth it. Can't wait ' til I can join you in there for real."
Just then they hear the sound of sirens from outside. Terra gives him a sour look. "Now we're in for it. Using powers without a license? Dad's gonna KILL us!"
Hunter shrugs. "What were we SUPPOSED to do? Let them get away with it? Anyway, it's only because we're not old enough to register yet. But I've only got six months to go. And it's not like we haven't had training."
He watches with a smug smirk while the police enter and begin rounding up the would-be robbers. One officer- a veteran with a badge reading V. Gonzales- glances at the downed thugs and grimaces.
Vin: "What the...? Oh, great- I smell a cape. Okay, who did all this?"
As one, a dozen hands all point at the teens. Vin takes one look at the two, and gets a sour look.
Vin: "No, I was wrong. It's WORSE that a cape- it's a PARKER."
Terra: "Well, brother, I guess sneaking out is out of the question now," she says sourly.
Peter answers a knock on the door, still only half-dressed. He sees Vin and the two teens, and raises an eyebrow questioningly. "Uh- hi, Vin. I-is something wrong?"
Vin(sourly): "I think these belong to you. I found them at an EZ-Mart in Midtown- bowling for robbers, if those witness accounts were accurate."
Peter's jaw drops. "they were WHAT?! Kids, you'd BETTER have a good explanation for this."
Hunter winces and shrugs sheepishly. "Uh- 'Parker Luck'?"
Peter just glares at him, and opens the door wider, pointing at the stairs behind him. "Rooms. Now."
Terra(mutters): "We are SOOOO busted..."
Three days later (Dec. 18):
Hunter is lying on his bed, propped up with a couple of pillows to read, while he absently teases Anansi with a small piece of meat tied to a string. He tugs it, waiting for the tarantula to pounce, then pulls it out of her grasp to try again. His door is open; M-J comes in, sees the morbid game of tag, and gets a look of nervous disgust.
M-J: "Ugh. Son, can't you keep that thing in its cage? I don't know why we ever let you have it!"
He glances up, frowning, and finally lets his pet have her meal. "She needed some exercise, Mom. Anyway, I think she's getting ready to molt again; she's been kinda sluggish lately. Could i get her a mate?"
She recoils. "Absolutely NOT! I won't have a million of those things getting loose in the house!"
He looks disappointed as he gets up and puts Anansi back in her cage. M-J holds up a mug with a large black and yellow "X" symbol on it, and sets it on his desk. "I made you some hot cocoa- with marshmallows, just like you like it."
Hunter glances over at her nervously. "Is Dad still mad about the other day?"
M-J: " No. He muttered something this morning about that being his punishment for encouraging you kids to take an interest in his 'work'. Anyway, you're both ungrounded now. But PLEASE don't do anything like that again- at least not until you're licensed for it!"
He laughs. "Deal!"
He and Terra are walking in Central Park. They stop at a spot on a large stone bridge over a small stream, and throw breadcrumbs for the ducks waddling about on the frozen water. Suddenly a flaming figure streaks toward them from the sky, with a small air-borne car beside it. The figure lands, and the car stops to hover near them. The flames die down to reveal a man a little older than Peter, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a boyish grin.
Hunter: "Hi, Uncle Johnny! Hi Sue, Ben! yo, Franklin- what's up? Hi Val."
Johnny: "How're my two favorite godchildren? What's Pete been up to lately? I haven't seen him in a while."
Terra: "The usual. Busting Electro- again- and shocker, and... Well, you get the idea."
Sue steps down from the Fantasticar. "I heard you two had some excitement. Starting a bit early, aren't you?"
Hunter groans. "Uh, yeah- about that, it was just bad luck. Who would have known we'd shop at the ONE place that was about to be robbed? That's kinda why we called you guys. Terra and I want to give Mom and Dad a surprise Christmas party. We were hoping you would all come."
sue smiles warmly, putting her arms around the teens. Ben gives them a rocky grin.
Sue: "Oh, of course we will! And we won't tell them a thing- WILL we, Johnny?"
He gives her a confused look. "WHAT?! Why are you all looking at ME?!"
Hunter: "Great! Now we need to invite Cap, Tony, Logan, Carol, Luke, Danny, and Jess."
Terra: "Oh, and I'll invite Mom's friends, too. Let's see- Millie, Patsy, Flash- can we get his wheelchair in the house? And um, wow, that's a lot of guests. Hunter, will we have enough to feed everyone?"
He shrugs. "I'll think of something."
Ben: "Aw, don't worry 'bout all that, kids. We'll talk to the Avengers for ya's. I'll personally make sure Pete don't hear ONE WORD about the party, or my name ain't Benjamin J Grimm!"
Sue: "And I'll bring some extra food just in case. This will be fun!"
Hunter: "Thanks, Ben, Sue!"
Later- Hell's Kitchen:
A man in red shades and a suit sits at a desk in a small office; the phone rings. He answers with a bored expression. "Nelson and Murdoch, Attorneys- this is Matthew Murdoch speaking...Oh, yes, I remember you. Wait- you're WHERE?"
Voice: Just look out your window, sir. Terra's in SoHo looking for Ms. Hardy.
The man opens the window, to find Hunter standing sideways on the building, while a pair of pigeons fly by. The teen shrugs and waves at him.
Hunter: "Hi! Can I come in? It'll only take a minute."
The man puts one hand to his head with a look of shocked annoyance, and groans. "Alright, but hurry up. I DO still have a secret identity to keep up, you know..."
Hunter climbs in. "Some secret.- I hear it's been pretty much common knowledge ever since you trounced Fisk in that pool hall several years ago."
Matt shakes his head, looking slightly perturbed. "Ahem- yes, well, that was a mistake, but officially, the public still doesn't know I'm Daredevil, and I'd like to keep it that way."
Hunter leans against the wall, arms folded. "Right- no legal evidence, no proof- it's just hearsay. Must be nice. Me, I'm pretty much a walking ad for Dad's being Spidey. It the Bugle hadn't already outted him, I'd be a dead give-away."
Matt taps his foot, impatient. "Was there an actual reason for this visit, or is it just a social call?"
Hunter looks startled for a moment, then remembers why he came. "Oh, yeah! Uh, Terra and I were planning a surprise party for Mom and Dad for Christmas. Will you come? The avengers will be there, and Reed's family, too. And I thought you could talk to Strange for me- I don't really know him that well- and ask him to come, too."
Matt considers. "I suppose you've invited Felicia? Hmm, does that mean Misty and Colleen are coming?"
Hunter shrugs. Well, I don't know. Mostly we just invited thier close friends, but sure, why not? Oh, some of them are civilians, so you might not want to come in uniform. But that's your choice."
Matt: Well, I suppose it could be a nice change. And you said it was a SURPRISE?"
Hunter(grins): "Yup! Totally!"
Matt finally smiles a little. "In that case, I never saw you- plausible deniability. I'll be there!"
Hunter starts to climb back out the window. "Gotcha! Thanks!"
Matt(pointing): "Ahem- use the DOOR, please- some of us DO still have SECRET identities!"
Hunter looks chagrined. "Oh! Right. Oops- sorry." He exits by the door, as Murdoch shakes his head with a wry grin.
Five days later(Dec. 23)- Queens:
The two teens are helping Peter put the finishing touches on decorating the tree, while M-J puts out various Christmas knick-knacks, including a little angel statue that has apparently been broken and glued back together. She looks up at a mantle clock. It's late.
M-J: "Okay, kids- bedtime. Tomorrow's a busy day!"
Hunter turns in the middle of stringing garland on the tree. He has a deer-in-the-headlights expression. "What...? Uh, why- what makes you say that?!"
She laughs, and ruffles his hair. She goes to hug Terra, who glances at Hunter with a questioning look over M-J's shoulder. He shrugs.
M-J: "Well, it IS Christmas! Besides, your father and I still have some last-minute wrapping to do. So scram!"
Hunter/Terra: "Okay, Mom!"
They race up the stairs. M-J turns to Peter. He exchanges glances with her, and grins.
Peter: "Think they suspect anything?"
M-J: "Not a chance, Tiger. but are you SURE they're ready for it?"
Peter looks dubious, but thoughtful. He taps his chin, pacing a bit.
Peter: "Well, if nothing else, that little stunt they pulled last week proves that it's time, whether they're ready or not. Especially Hunter. Seems like he's practically chomping at the bit to get licensed for that sort of thing. Sometimes I think maybe I should have tried harder to steer him AWAY from the hero biz. I'm afraid that some day he's going to get himself seriously hurt- or worse."
His wife frowns, and moves closer to hug him. She looks up to meet his gaze, and smiles fondly. She kisses his cheek. "Relax, Tiger. He just wants to know you're proud of him. You know how he looks up to you!"
Peter sighs. He goes to the sofa and pulls two boxes out from under it. One is larger, but both are made of dark-stained wood with a spider engraved on top. He opens the bigger one. Inside its padded interior are two gleaming pairs of web-shooters.
Peter:" You think they'll like these?"
She takes the boxes from him, setting them down on the coffee table, and pulls him closer. She points up to a sprig of mistletoe hanging from a light above them.
M-J: "I know they will. Now let's not let that mistletoe go to waste, hmm? The kids will still be here- but I want your FULL attention for a few minutes, Mr. Parker!"
She kisses him deeply. He wraps his arms around her.
Peter: "Mmmfokay..."
Christmas Eve- 8:15 AM:
Hunter is in the kitchen, already deep in his task of cooking the enormous dinner. He checks the turkey in the oven, while mixing up a casserole at the same time, and chopping veggies for a salad. Terra comes in a little while later, still in a robe and pink pajamas with little hearts on them.
Terra: "Parental alert- they're coming down the stairs!"
Hunter: "Don't worry, sis. The turkey's already in. I could use some help with the potatoes, though- peel these while I chop the onions for the stuffing and mix the filling for the pies."
She sniffs the casserole and starts on a potato. "What kind are you doing this year?"
He pours some sugar into a bowl with a creamy yellow liquid in it, and grins.
Hunter: "Buttermilk! I'm doing a pumpkin one, too. But I've always wanted to try one of these. Hope it turns out okay."
Just then Peter enters the kitchen, and stops cold, with a look of surprise. "Uh- what ARE you kids doing?! It's only a little after eight! What's all this?"
Hunter looks a little guilty. He grabs a whisk and some eggs and starts to mix them into the bowl while he chops an onion and adds it to the stuffing mix.
Hunter: "Um, you weren't supposed to see this yet. It's for dinner later."
Peter looks around at all the dishes in various stages of completion, puzzled. "Son, you DO realize there's only FOUR of us, right? There's enough here for a small army! (sniffs) Is that a turkey I'm smelling?"
Hunter grins. "Yup! I'm doing scalloped potatoes, too! And we've got pea salad, and garlic French bread, and-"
Peter: "HOLD it! Going overboard, much? Exactly WHAT is all this FOR?!"
Terra exchanges glances with her brother, just as M-J enters, seemingly oblivious to all the food. She's still half-asleep.
M-J: "Something smells good. Don't make a big mess, kids. I hope you plan to clean up after yourselves."
She grabs a coffee pot and pours herself a cup. Peter gawks. "Well? Still waiting."
Hunter sighs. "I was hoping you wouldn't catch on. We- we wanted to do something nice for you both for Christmas."
M-J: "That's sweet. Have fun! Oh, your- whatever- is boiling over."
Hunter: "Yikes!"
A little later- 12:25 PM:
Hunter and Terra have just finished setting the table when Peter walks back in. He stares at the settings, dumbfounded. "Expecting company? Okay, something's DEFINITELY up here. WHY did you pull out ALL of Aunt May's good dishes?"
Hunter tries to act innocent- and fails miserably. "Uh, well, we just, um-"
At that moment, they are interrupted by the doorbell.
Fx: Ding-ding-ding-dong-ding-ding-dong-dong (To tune of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas")
They hear M-J opening the door.
M-J: "Hello- Sue?! And Johnny! Reed, Ben, Val! Franklin?! Wha- ?!"
Peter raises an eyebrow, arms folded, and taps his foot. Hunter shrugs. "Heh. Surprise, Dad!"
They all go into the living room, where Reed and family are piling in, arms loaded with gifts and containers of still more food.
Peter: "Hey- Storm! What's shaking, buddy?"
Johnny: "Merry Christmas, Pete! M-J. you're still with this clown? sure you don't want to trade up?"
Peter: "O-kay, Matchstick- quit hitting on my wife! Aren't you and Lyja still a thing?"
Johnny sighs, putting down a load of packages, then takes a bowl of punch to the kitchen. "Yeah, but she's away on a diplomatic trip to Beta Centauri Four. Some sort of border dispute between the Skrulls and the Kree."
Hunter is helping with the food. "Again?! Geez, don't those guys EVER stop?"
Johnny: "I WISH!"
The bell rings again, and Terra answers this time. "Oh, hi Felicia! Hi Patsy, Millie, Flash, Mr. Murdoch, Mr. Robertson! Uh, Dr. Strange- come on in!"
M-J: "Okay, what is all this? Did you kids invite all of new York?"
Terra laughs. "Nope! Just the half you and Dad know!"
The bell rings again; this time Peter opens the door, only to see Cap, Logan, Iron Fist, Luke and Jess Cage, and Ms. Marvel and Tony and Karrie Stark and their kids.* (*This one's for you, Feral!)
Peter: "Holy-! Uh, kids, I don't think we're going to have room for everyone!"
Terra: "Relax, Dad! I borrowed plenty of chairs from Mr. and Mrs. Stark here!"
Reed claps Peter on the back. "It's okay, Peter- I came prepared. Observe."
He pulls out a small device, and taps a few buttons on it. Suddenly, the room seems to be five times its previous size. Peter gapes. "What- ?"
Reed smiles. "I just transported the entire lower floor of your house into a pocket dimension. It's great for having extra space. "
Peter just stares at him, unable to respond. Tony comes over, holding a folding chair. "Wow- Peter, speechless?! Never thought I'd see the day."
Reed pulls several more chairs- all miniaturized- out of a box, and points another device at them. They grow to full size in moments. Hunter glances over, impressed.
Hunter: "Wow, that's convenient."
A little later:
Everyone is sitting around the table, laughing and chatting. The table- which has somehow been enlarged by Strange to accommodate everyone- is covered with various bowls and platters, all of them nearly empty. After a while, Peter stands and taps on his glass with a spoon. "Okay, everyone- it's time for the gifts! We would usually do this tomorrow morning, but since everyone's here, I want you all to enjoy this too."
They all file back into the living room, some taking chairs with them, and start sorting through the gifts. Ms Marvel hands them out, while Cap plays Santa, with a red cap and big red bag. Peter, M-J, and the two teen sit on the sofa, while Reed's family sits near-by. Everyone is passing the boxes around, until they have all been handed out. Tony and Karrie get matching red-and-gold i-Phones from Reed, While Matt gets a cane warmer and an expensive pair of shades from the Starks. Cap's gift is a holster and pearl-handled pistol, with his name engraved on the side of the barrel. Ms. Marvel has a new leather jacket from Danny, who is opening a box-set of kung-fu movies. Peter has a set of chemistry equipment, with various small bottles. He is grinning like a Cheshire cat.
Peter: "Great! This will keep me in webs for a WHILE! Thanks, Reed. And speaking of- I think it's time to give out MY gifts to the two rascals who orchestrated this little get-together. Merry Christmas, kids- you've earned these."
He pulls two wrapped boxes from under the tree, and hands them to the teens. They grin at each other, then race to open theirs first. Hunter beats his sister by a few seconds, then stares at the wooden box for a long moment.
Hunter: "What's this mean, Dad?"
Peter smiles at his children warmly. "Congratulations, kids- I think it's time you joined the family business OFFICIALLY. But use them wisely, please- this is a privilege, not a right."
Hunter opens the box hesitantly, and suddenly his eyes open wide, and he looks up at Peter and grins. He leaps off the sofa and tackles him, crushing Peter in a bear-hug. "THANKS, Dad! Wow- my own shooters! This is AWESOME!"
Peter is turning slightly red from the hug. "Son- co- could you please let go? You're killin' your old man here!"
Hunter looks chagrined. "Whoops! Forgot my strength there for a moment!" Then he pauses for a moment, letting go. "But why only two pairs? Why not three?"
Peter chuckles. "Well, to be honest, I thought it would be better this way. Plus, I kind of ran out of parts."
Terra opens hers, and finds a pair of web-shooters, as well- this set painted white. "Thanks, Dad. So why are mine white?"
He shrugs. "How else are you going to tell them apart? It was easier than trying to engrave your names on them."
Hunter is still grinning, while all the heroes and others look on, smiling. "Thanks, Dad. We'll put them to GOOD use, I promise! This is the BEST Christmas EVER!" He jumps up, doing a flip in mid-air to land on the ceiling. "WHOO-HOOOO!"