Here is the second part 3 Sorry it took so long to update eue!

Hope you like it 3

Lauren Lavender was walking down a dark hallway, trying to find the other students that were suppose to be in the school. She had heard the faint sound of talking awhile back, but she took a wrong turn and was currently lost. Ugh...where is everyone?! she thought to herself as she sighed loudly. Lauren stopped under a wall light and took off her glasses to clean them, while figuring out what her next move should be. Just as she laid her back against the cold wall, a thought came racing into her mind. Oh crap...I really have to go pee! she nearly yelled. Lauren remember that she passed a bathroom a few turns ago, and turned around, zooming back down the hall. Her lime-green eyes lit up as she saw the girls restroom sign a few feet away, the way the hall light was shining on it almost made it seem as if it was glowing. Lauren ran into the bathroom, and slammed the stall door behind her. A few minutes later she unlocked the door and walked out while stretching. Letting out a loud yawn she walked up to a row of sinks.

Lauren let out a small gasp when she looked into the mirror right in front of her "Oh my gosh! My hair is a mess!" She took off her grey beanie, and started to play with her two light-brown ponytails. After fixing her pigtails, Lauren looked at her reflection and gave a nod of approval. Right as she turned the knob of the sink, the water came blasting out at a rapid speed, splashing all over her button up shirt, thus revealing her black tank top underneath. "You have to be kidding me," she mumbled as she forcefully shut off the water. Lauren slowly walked over to the paper towel dispenser and began the task of drying off her arms and legs. Her black skirt was the only thing that didn't get soaked, strangely enough, but Lauren just shrugged and threw away the last towel as she walked out of the bathroom. I will have to bring this up with the principal she thought, trudging down the dark hallway once more.

As she clung to the walls of a short, colorful hallway, she noticed that one of the doors were cracked a light was shining brightly into the hallway. When she got closer, her ears picked up a faint whisper as if people were talking. However, right as she got to the door she heard a hushed voice. "Shhh, I think I heard someone outside"

Lauren froze right in her place, as footsteps approached the door. The door flew open, and it slammed against the wall next to it. A girl with shoulder length, light brown hair stood at the door and stared at Lauren with her solid brown eyes. "Hey guys! Looks like another classmate has arrived." the girl yelled across the room to the others who were scattered around the large room behind her.

"The name is Milla Rosales!" smiled Milla as she raised her hand to give a high five. Her thee heart container bracelet charms made a jingling sound as they hit against her long pale arm. "Super High School Level Let's player at your service! Oh my god you also have freckles! I thought I was going to be the only one," laughed Milla as she fixed her xbox controller earrings. Milla yawned loudly and stretched, revealing a silver necklace with a playstation controller charm. It laid just short of her blue polo which had thick white stripes with mini pink strips inside.

"Hey! Miss gamer girl. Why don't you let some of us introduce ourselves?" said a boy near the back who wore a brown fedora on top of his golden brown hair. Milla pouted as she stuffed her hands into her pale pink jeans, and took a step away from the door.

The boy looked at Lauren with a crooked smile on his face. "The name is Landon Faucher, and I am the Super High School Level Technician," he said in a smooth voice."And what lovely name did your parents give you? I mean they would have to give a pretty name to such a pretty girl." Landon had on a blue dress shirt that fell slightly over his navy blue jeans. He should be the Super High School Level Flirt thought Lauren as she stared at Landon with a baffled expression. "My name is Lauren Lavender, the Super High School Level Good Luck. You know, the girl who got picked by a random number generator during enrollment time."

A slight chuckle came from the back of the room where three other students were sitting, two boys and a small, frail girl.

"Now that definitely proves that you are good luck," smiled one of the boys. He had fluffy curly brown hair, which laid under a white tennis visor turned sideways. The rest of his clothes consisted of popular sports brands such as Nike and Babolat. " I mean, you only had like a one in two thousand chance to get picked Congrats."

Lauren scratched the back of her head awkwardly. "Thanks, I guess. I was quite surprised when I got the letter. I swear… I probably had a mini heart attack,"

Milla let out a little gasp, as she overreacted to Lauren's exaggeration "Oh noes! That isn't good at all," She started to walk around the room until Landon told her to sit down and shut up.

"Hm...Anyways my name is Matt Roberts, the Super High School Level Tennis Pro," he held out his hand and shook Lauren's.

As they shook hands Lauren looked over Matt's shoulder, and looked at the girl who sat directly across from him. She had white-blonde hair that fell right above her shoulders which were covered by a white shawl. Her solid green eyes were focused on a small porcelain doll that sat on top of her dark pink dress. She looked up to meet Lauren's gaze and smiled sweetly. "Oh..Hello there," she said in an almost whisper but sweet voice. "My name is Dawn Annelise Thomas.. um i'm the Super High School Level Dollmaker," she looked away breifly."And it is very nice to meet you,"

"No need to be so shy, Dawn! We won't bite." A plump, yet cheerful boy with black hair smiled. He wore an ocean blue sail uniform with a petite sailors hat placed gently on top of his head.

Dawn blushed and tightened her grip on the doll. The boy laughed a little bit and patted her on the head gently. "Anyways, my name is Rowan Sawyer. The Super High School Level Sailor." He sent Lauren a smile. She smiled back. "Esther, it's your turn." Sawyer gestured at and innocent looking girl with aquamarine eyes, freckles, and black bangs hanging across her face.

Esther turned around, as her airy white blouse flew gently around her. "My name is Esther Cunningham, and I'm the Super High School Level Indie Musician." She said with a relaxed tone. She smiled at Lauren, triggering an awkward pause

"Attention all students," a nagging voice from the intercom at the back of the room pierced the silence."Please make your way to the gym in 5 minutes," The voice behind the speaker laughed a sinister chuck. Suddenly, the transmission was cut.

Finally got this chapter done /craissss. Sorry that it may seemed rushed o3o!

My editor said it was fine so /shrugs

enjoy XD