Annie P.O.V.

I was alone in a dark room staring a wall.

I couldn't move I tried moving my head but my mind wasn't controlling my limbs. After a few minutes of struggling with moving my body my head finally turned. I looked down and stared at my hands. It seems that I have change…I looked younger. I heard a door open behind me two people walked in behind them I saw flames and I couldn't tell what was happening until I realized. It was the day my life had changed.

The person running through the door was my father and mother they held my closely. They were crying telling me everything was going to be ok and they hugged me they sounded scared,they were trembling. I heard the ambulance outside I turned and shook out of my parents grasp, I saw the window and walked over to it. I opened the window and waved and cried for help. The firefighters put a ladder up and I felt my mother's hands pick me up and handed me over to a firefighter who was on the latter.

Then the wood began to crack. I stared into my mother's eyes before going down. She was scared as my father held her closely. I was crying kicking and shoving as the ladder moved down I wanted to scream I wanted to cry out, "HELP THEM! DON'T JUST LEAVE THEM UP THERE!" Because I knew what was going to happen.

Her lips moved and whispered "I love you." she reached for my hand. I held out mine. The wood began to crack more.

I was now standing on solid ground as I saw the house crumble. I stood there and noticed I changed to present day self still holding out my hand.

Wishing I could have pulled her out of the flames. Wishing I could have known what to do. I clutched my hand and whispered, "Stop." I closed my eyes and opened them again to notice I was farther away from the accident.

I fell backwards. I was floating in an endless pitch black hole, still clutching my hand unable to wake up from this terrible nightmare. My head started hurting I began to scream. The terrible pain was unbearable.

I woke up to a bright room I saw April staring at me. I whispered, "Hi." She looked at me and smiled kindly and responded, "How was your long nap?" I softly laughed. I reached for my phone and turned it on and looked if I received any messages, none. Mikey handed me a glass of water I took one sip and sat up. Mikey concernedly asked, "You sure you should be sitting up?" I got annoyed because I felt fine. I snapped at him, "Don't tell me what to do."

Master Splinter walked out of his room. He commanded, "Time for training, students." Everyone got up and began to walk over to the dojo but me.

When everyone left I started to cry silently. I feared that burden I had to carry. I used to dream that nightmare almost every night and it haunted me for three years. Now it was back and I had forgotten about that day.

I slowly got up and walked over to where everyone else was training. I saw Raph on the floor rubbing his head and Mikey walking over to sit back down. When Raph sat down he punched Leos head when he heard him laugh. I began to giggle. I walked over to Mikey and high fived him. I started to watch April train with Master Splinter. I turned my head to see that Raph was staring at me. I looked at him funny. When he realized I noticed he quickly looked away and began watching April train.

After training I joined Leo in watching this show that he liked. Leo told me it was about a captain who faces all these obstacles but always finds a way to get over them and wins in the end. It was cheesy and stupid but I guess it reminded me of Leo I guess he looked up to Captain Ryan in a way.

I heard Mikey yell, "INCOMING!" I quickly ducked my head and saw Leo get hit in the face by a red water balloon. I cried out laughing as Mikey was running away from Leo. I haven't had a good laugh like that in a while. I went over to Mikey and whispered. "Hey can I have a water balloon?" I quietly giggled as I pointed at Raph. Mikey quickly handed me a blue water balloon. I threw it at him aiming for his head. When it hit him he sharply turned and gave me death eyes. He wiped the rubber balloon pieces off his face and marched over to me.

He looked me straight in the eyes and yelled, "What you think this is funny?" I nodded my head and began to laugh. "Raph you really out' a take it down a notch, I mean it's just a water balloon." I suggested. I looked over to Donnie and mentioned, "You guys should really make an anger issue class and sign him up for it." Raph grunted behind me, "I can hear you ya know." I shrugged.

Even though I was having a great time with the guys but I really needed to go think about things. I have so much on my mind. I needed to be alone. I loved being around the Turtles but I needed some time to think and get my mind straightened out. I looked over to Mikey and asked him, "You think it's ok if I could go walk around for a little bit I need to think about something." Mikey looked at me funny. "Well not without me I don't want you to accidently hurt yourself again." I sighed…I wanted to be alone but maybe Mikey's a good listener I think I can trust him.

Mikey and I began to walk in the sewers. He turned to me and asked, "So what is it that you need to talk about?" I sighed and put my hands on my head. "Well….A long time ago when I was about six…there was an accident in my house. I left the stove on, and a fire started threw out the house we couldn't get out because we were trapped inside….I was in my room at the time. I didn't know what was happening but my parents came in my room and held me in there arms. I was the only one who came out of the fire alive…I've had to live with that. That burden of not being able to save my parents. It was difficult to grow up because….everyone felt sorry. Everyone….all they did at the time was say sorry and didn't really do anything else. So I left to live with my aunt down here in new York…but the strangest thing is….when I was knocked out….I relived that e-experience." I began to cry. I stopped and sobbed. Mikey turned to me and hugged me.

I understood the jester. I respect Mikey. I wouldn't know what to say if it was the other way around either.

When we got back to the lair, everyone was asleep. I went and sat down on the couch Mikey got a pillow and laid on the floor besides me. I stared at his back side until I fell asleep.