Hey everybody! I know this probably isn't the best story but it's my first fanfiction on this site. Please tell me what you think! If you think she's a Mary Sue please tell me! Thanks for reading!
Disclaimer: Yes I totally own Ouran High school host club and soul eater. That's why I'm putting this story on fanfiction. Yeah no. sorry I'm just a poor girl I don't own crap.
A deranged moon hangs in the sky as a lone figure sits atop a roof. The figures long black hair sways in the gentle wind as she takes in the scene of the city at night. Suddenly two more figures appear out of the shadows, silently stalking towards first figure. One of the approaching figures motions to her partner to stay silent. As they reach the figure near the edge of the roof, she suddenly jumps back. Seeing the shadowy figures the dark-haired girl jumps in between them from behind.
The two nearly identical figures look around hastily with similar looks of 'What the heck?' when from behind comes a noise. As they turn around they come face to face with the raven-haired teen wearing a smirk.
"Did you really think you could sneak up on me girls? That is unwise. You may be able to sneak up on Soul but you can't sneak up on me. Surely you've tried enough times to realize that right?"
"Geez Louise! I never get used to that. What were you up here for anyway, Rika? Was it something your dad said over the phone?" One of the redheaded girls said.
Rika's face immediately darkened, smirk becoming a scowl. Her eyes hardened, "What do you think. My father no longer believes that me being here is beneficial to the company. He wants me to come home so that I will be in the public eye more. Apparently all me and my sister are good for is to be pawns in his whack chess game to further the company."
"What! He can't so that! We need you here! What would we do while you're gone? We wouldn't have a meister to use us. I guess we could use each other but it's not as effective without you. Will Lord Death even allow you to do that? What if a new Kishin appeared? How are you going to say goodbye to the others? What-" the other red head started saying with her Irish accent before her sister smacked her back making her cut off and making her lurch forward at the same time.
Reiley, the rambling girl, looked at her sister with a you-will-pay-for-that-later glare. Her twin just laughed and shot her an I-doubt-it look. Reiley hated it when Kaylie did that. She was worried and when she worried she rambled. It was a natural process. She couldn't stop it just like her sister couldn't stop hiding behind her sardonic attitude to cope with big changes. It was one of the identifiers of the twins besides their styles. Both girls had long red hair, emerald green eyes, and fair complexions. If both girls had their hair down you would be unable to tell which girl was which. This was the reason Kaylie wore her hair in an pony tail with her bangs messy while Reiley wore her hair down, bangs neat, and a pink head band. They hated to be mistaken for each other but many still did even with those well-known factors.
The girls' style was far from each other's as well. Reiley wore a black t-shirt with lord Death's skull on it over a pink long-sleeved shirt, gray slacks, and black dress shoes. In comparison Kaylie wore a red tank top under a blue and grey jacket, and a tan skirt reaching the middle of her thighs. Over the skirt diagonally is a dark brown leather belt that matched her mid-calf length high-heeled boots.
Seeing the twin's mind conversation, Rika was quite familiar with it seeing as she was a twin herself, the raven-haired girl sighed. "Look I talked with Lord Death and he said that I could return to Japan. He was sad that I had to go but my father would have dug too deeply into the academy. He was willing to let me go seeing as you two are now death-scythes and Asura has been defeated for two years. You guys should be fine. I can't ask you both to leave when you have so many things tying you to the city.
"Justin wouldn't mind if I went with you to Japan. At least I don't think he will anyways," Reiley said. Her emerald orbs shining with unshed tears, "Please don't leave us behind. You are our best friend; we won't just let you leave like this! We can ask for a transfer! He doesn't need us here anymore!"
"I don't have as many things keeping me here as Reiley does. I can just go with you as it is. We have money enough to get a plane ride to Japan and an apartment close to your house. We could even go to the same school." Kaylie added to her sister's statement totally not getting as misty eyed. She was too tough to do that.
"I would love for you girls to come with me but the decision is not up to me. I could ask my father to help you get into Ouran and you would have to get Lord Death's permission to come as well. We could still be the three musketeers that way. You guys were right there with me learning the culture here and that might make you valuable assets to my father. The cultural differences you bring with being Irish and living for three years in America would help the image of Ouran and by extension him because he is associated with the school. Girls this just might work!" Rika said getting slightly more excited and animated as she went along. "Now we just have one problem. How are we going to tell the others?"
"Awe dang!" called the voices of the twins mixing together.
Rika sat in front of her mirror brushing her hair before bed in the apartment she shared with the twins two days after the conversation on the roof. No matter how hard the Japanese girl tried, she just couldn't relax enough to fall asleep.
'I still can't believe that they can come. Now I won't have to be the only new girl when I start. I won't have to be alone in this. Well I wouldn't have been alone anyway, there is still my brother. *sigh* It's just nicer to have the twins coming with me. I love my brother but he's just doesn't know how to let loose. Well I didn't either until I came to the DWMA and met the gang.'
Looking into the mirror, Rika stared at her reflection with her gray eyes. She tried to pinpoint when within the past two years she had changed from the always formal and gentle girl from when she left Japan to the more relaxed and tough fighter that sat there now. Was it when she met Maka and Soul, after she met her weapon partners and learned to fight with their deceptively fragile and girly looking forms, or when she realized that it was okay to have actual friends and not just the socialite girls she had grown up with only calling her a friend to up their social standing? Whenever that was she was proud of all she had accomplished since coming to Death City. No longer did she care what people thought of her. The only people whose opinions mattered were hers and her friends.
Her style had changed since she was last in her home country. Now instead of school uniforms and sundresses Rika wore a three-quarter length, purple shirt that cut off just below her ribs showing off her fit build. Over that was a vest with no sleeves that she left unbuttoned. She also wore skinny jeans tucked into combat boots. To complete the look she wore biking gloves that cut off at the knuckles and a thin black belt.
Questions started swimming in her head. How had her brother coped with her being gone for two years? How would her father react to the new Rika? Had her brother found someone to be around in her absence? How was her only sister? Would Kid, Liz, and Patty visit like they told her they would? How would the James twins adjust to Japan?
Sighing once again, Rika put down her brush and went to lie down in her bed in Death City for the last time. She was going to miss her crazy friends. She had become particularly attached to Kid, Maka, and Tsubaki. They were the slightly more sane people she hung out with and by far the most difficult to say goodbye to.
Turning off her lamp and closing her eyes, Rika bit her lip. She could do this. She was doing this for her extremely calculating brother. 'I can only keep dwelling on this so long. Come tomorrow I have to accept this. The others are coming with us to the airport and I can tell them all one last goodbye then. Definitely an ending to kick off a great beginning. After all there is all beginnings start with an ending.'