R.I.P Wally West...
Nightwing was freaking out. There was no other way to put it.
Wally… he couldn't even think it. He wanted to think that this was just one of his plans, another fake death… but it wasn't. Wally… no, no, no. Wally wasn't dead. He just wasn't.
Nightwing would find him and kick him where the sun don't shine, screaming at him for being such a idiot.
Yeah… Yeah, this time next month, they would be sitting at the manor eating Alfred's cookies and drinking Hot Chocolate with Barb and Artie.
"Nightwing, are you O-" Beast Boy asked, reaching up for his shoulder.
"Nu! Nu, nu sunt bine! Eu nu sunt bine! Nu-mi pasă - Wally este mort și e numai vina mea, eu ar fi fost un lider mai bun, aș fi spus să nu! Dar nu și știam că a plecat! E numai vina mea și I. .. Am fost ... Nu pot ... du-te departe Beast Boy. Lasă-mă în pace. Sunt un criminal." (No! No, I am not okay! I am not fine! I don't care - Wally is dead and it's all my fault, I should have been a better leader, I should have told him no! But I didn't and now he's gone! It's all my fault and I... I've been... I can't... go away Beast Boy. Leave me alone. I'm a murderer.)
Beast Boy blinked, looking shocked. He had never seen Nightwing lose control - that was like Batman grinning, prancing around in a ballerina costume, throwing flower petals and confetti in the air.
It didn't happen.
Beast Boy didn't really know the Speedster, the teen… man had quit before he had joined, but he still felt like he was connected to him. Maybe not as much as Nightwing Kid Flash were, he heard they were called the troublesome duo for a reason, but he still liked the speedster.
"Ți-am spus să pleci!" (I told you to go away!) Nightwing snarled, sounding so much like the Bat that is was uncanny. Beast Boy didn't know what he had said, but it sounded as if he was telling him to do something, an order.
Beast Boy took a step away from his leader, before turning and leaving the room.
Nightwing let his guard down, he was only human… he was alone.
"De ce Wally? De ce? Îmi pare rău că nu ai putut salva. Heh ... Cred că mereu ai fost repede pe picioare ... mai repede decât am fost ... Mi-e dor, Barry e dor de tine, dor de Artemis tu ... te rog, te rog spune-mi că nu ești mort " (Why Wally? Why? I'm sorry I couldn't save you. Heh... I guess you always were fast on your feet... faster than I was... I miss you, Barry misses you, Artemis misses you... please, please tell me you're not dead)
Nightwing gave a watery smile.
"Idiotule mare." (You big idiot.)
Wally... *Sobs* Why?
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- Cat =^.^=