Disclaimer: I Do not Own Kim possible or any other characters in this story, they like the rest of the world belong to Disney, I am writing this for my own enjoyment and not for profit

A/N: This story is a continuation of a story written by Capt H.M Murdock. Chapters 1-5 were written by Capt H.M Murdock NOT by me. Chapters 6+ however are mine

As Taps Play- KIA

Ron has joined the U.S Marines. This story is being reworked because as I read through it I wanted to kick myself for the mistakes I made.

Kim Possible, teen hero extraordinaire, sat on a porch swing on the front porch of the Possible house with her best friend since Pre-K Ron stoppable. Ron sat next to her wearing the fatigues of a United States Marine, to which he so proudly joined, and fiddling with his dog tags. The two sat in silence till Kim decided it was time to break the ice.

"Ron do you really have to go? I mean I know you probably would have been drafted eventually but we could have talked to Dr. Director and gotten you out of it or something. " Kim stated as she looked at her blonde haired best friend.

"I'm sorry Kim, but duty calls. I can't shun away from this like I have so many other things. It is my duty to protect my family, friends, and this country. You an I have gone all over the world saving people on mission after mission. Well this time I have to fly this mission solo."

Ron turned to Kim and saw tears forming in her eyes. He reached over and brushed the tears away.

"Don't worry KP. I'll be back and then we can go look at colleges together"

The two teens embraced each other for a moment before Kim let go and reached into the pocket of her jacket. She pulled out a small brown package and handed it to Ron. Ron smiled and opened it to reveal a picture of Kim down by lack Middleton. The sun had been setting that day and Ron said the light gave a nice back light shot. The perfect shot. Kim had told him she was going to use it as her senior photo for the yearbook but, after find out Ron was leaving, decided to give it to him instead.

"That's so I'll always be with you when you're over there." Kim sniffed

"Thanks KP" Ron smiled and embraced his best friend/crush. There moment was interrupted but the honking of a horn on the street. Ron's ride to the airport had arrived.

With a sigh Ron stood up, grabbed his bag, and walked down the steps to the jeep. As he got into the jeep he looked back and gave Kim a reassuring smile. Ron turned to the driver and they were off.

Kim stood on the porch for hours after Ron left. Just sitting and thinking about all that had transpired that day.

"I should have told him." Kim thought shaking her head "I should have told him I liked...no not liked… loved him" She sighed." Well I'll just have to tell him when he gets back. Yeah that's what I'll do. The moment Ron gets back I'm going to tell him how in love with him I am."

With that last though Kim walked into the house and up to her room where she found a note on her bed with her name on it. She picked it up and recognized Ron's messy handwriting. Whit a smile She opened it and it read.


If you are reading this then I have probably already left without telling you how I feel. That was very stupid and cowardly of me. The truth is Kim. I love you. I have loved you since …well forever. Since the first day we met and I tried to talk to bullies into giving up with a speech about the rules of the playground. At first I thought it was admiration for all the things you do for everyone around you as I got older I realized that my feeling went beyond admiration. I realized that I was truly in love with

Kim Possible. I hope that you will wait for me so I can come home and say these again to you. In person. I love you.

Yours always,


Kim sat there on her bed and read the letter again. Her heart started to flutter and may have skipped a beat or two.

He loves me too! Kim was so happy she just started dance. She couldn't wait for Ron to come home. Then they could finally be together.

Almost a year later a man appeared on the Possible doorstep. Kim and Ron's families were planning a big Welcome home party because Ron who was to come home in just two days. The man knocked on the front door and waited. Kim, being in the kitchen preparing a banner, went to see who was at the door. She looked out to see a man wearing a Marine dress uniform and Rabbi Katz. Kim slowly opened the door. A look of confusion etched on her face. Before she could say anything the man, who appeared to be a sergeant by the look of the striped on his arm, spoke.

"Are you a family member of Lieutenant Ronald D. Stoppable?"

Kim, becoming worried stuttered our "Um... n-no hang on"

Kim went to the back yard and called to Mr. and Mrs. Stoppable. They came into the house and Kim brought them to the front door..

"Can we help you?" Mr. Stoppable asked the sergeant.

"Are you the family of Lieutenant Ronald D. Stoppable?"

Mr. and Mrs. Stoppable nodded. The mans face became softer and he produced a box from behind his back.

"I regret to inform you that Lieutenant Stoppable was killed in action this morning.