What happens when thieves steal each others food?

KandaxYokoxGrell: just something random I typed up! Rate and review please! I'll give you cookies and Yoko plushies! Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho, only Baltigoa :3 Enjoy!

Food fight!

Yoko's PoV

I'm sitting in the dining hall, peacefully eating my fish and chips, when suddenly a hand reaches across, dips a fish into my ketchup and pulls away!

I glare to my left at Kuronue, who's happily eating my fish. He glances at me and smirks.

"I didn't do it!" He smirks.

"Oh really... Then you wouldn't mind me doing this!"

I pick up his pizza and take a huge bite out of it before returning it to his plate, a victorious smile gracing my face.

Kuronue glares at me...

"Oh, it's on!" He growls, picking up my little dish of ketchup and dropping it upside down on my head!

"You're so gonna pay for that!" I hiss, picking up his pizza.

I glance from it to Kuronue, smirking deviously. Then, I smash it against his cheek!

Yomi, who's sitting across from us, notices what we're doing and gets this really wide grin on his face before standing up and hollering "FOOD FIGHT!" to the other thieves in the hall!

And after that chaos occurs...

B's PoV

I walk down the hall, yawning. The second I get within 50 feet of the dining hall, loud screams and arguments can be heard.

From what I can tell, there's a food fight.

I quickly slip into the kitchen, grab some pies and walk back into the hallway.

I walk into the dining hall to find everyone covered in miscellaneous food and still throwing more at eachother.

I loudly clear my throat loudly and put on my best 'pissed-off-as-hell' face.

They all pause and turn to look at me fearfully.

"What do you think you're doing having a good fight...?!" I begin, pausing for drama "WITHOUT TELLING ME!"

I pull out my pies and throw em at Yoko, Yomi and Kuronue; hitting them all flat in their faces!

"It's so on!" They yell at me.

I quickly dodged their incoming lasagna...

"Then what happened?!" Yusuke and Kuwabara ask eagerly.

I giggle a bit.

"I kicked everyone's ass and yelled at them for making a mess of the dining hall again..." I inform with a big smirk adorning my face.

"Damn..." Yusuke whispers.

"Remind me never to get in a food fight with you..." Kuwabara mutters.

I laugh before heading to my room. I flop onto my bed and run a hand through my hair, but then my finger catches on something... I manage to fish out the offending object, only to pull out...

A pepperoni...

Oh shit...