Chapter 5: Drunk Fail

KandaxYokoxGrell: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the last chapter! It was so fun to write! Here's Chapter 5! And as a thanks for reviews, Yomi does kiss Baltigoa :3 Now here's Yomi himself with the disclaimer!

Yomi: FINALLY I GET SCREENTIME! Anyways KandaxYokoxGrell doesn't own Yu Yu Hakusho! Only Baltigoa! Please rate and review!

*About Two Months Later; At a Lord's Party In Demon World*

~Baltigoa's POV~

I slowly sip the alcoholic beverage in my glass, glancing sideways at Yomi every once in a while.

'Why'd Yoko have to put me on look out and distraction duty with Yomi...' I groan in my head.

Yomi isn't a bad guy or anything, just really reckless, and not the best person when drunk... Which he is at the moment...

I sigh, causing Yomi to look over at me.

"Something wrong?" He questions.

"No, it's nothing..." I mutter, shaking my head slowly. I tug on my long, dark purple evening gown. 'I hate dresses...'I can still feel Yomi looking at me. I begin feeling really uncomfortable under his gaze. Slowly, I take another sip of my drink, hoping it'll calm my nerves.

"Hey Balti..." Yomi mutters.

"Yeah?" I answer, gazing over the balcony at the starless midnight sky. Suddenly, I feel him wrap his arms around me, pinning my arms to my sides! He slowly brings his lips to my right ear, licking it slowly. My body begins to tremble. He moves so only one of his arms are wrapped around me tightly, using his other hand to lightly turn my head to face him, placing his lips against my own! My mind starts racing, the alcohol beginning to mess with my head... And then...

Something is forced down my throat...

I nearly choke on the thick liquid, but Yomi forces his tongue into my mouth to keep me from spitting it out! I reluctantly swallow, the liquid burning my throat and mouth. Yomi then parts from my lips and smirks down at my panting form.

"What the HELL did you force me to swallow?!" I demand. Yomi just smirks for a moment.

"Just an aphrodisiac..." He whispers in my ear.

Right after he says that, I feel my entire body go hot... My breasts and lower body throbbing with want and need! I bite my lip to told back a moan.

"We're on a mission, dumbass! This isn't the time!" I growl.

He brings his lips to my neck, kissing along my collarbone.

"Who cares?" He replies, smirking as I struggle.

"Stop this immediately, Yomi!" I demand.

"What's gonna stop me?" Yomi chuckles.

My mind races, thinking of something that'll make him stop... Then...

"I can tell you a secret about Yoko and Kuronue!" I blurt out quickly.

Yomi stops and looks me in the eyes.

"Oh really? Tell me then..."

I quickly glance around to make sure no one can hear. Seeing no one, I take a deep breath and let it out.

"I caught them having sex with each other a couple of months ago..." I admit.

Yomi just stares for a moment before laughing. Thankfully he releases me and I move as far from him as possible.

"That's some great dirt, Balti!" Yomi laughs, " Can't wait to tell everyone!"

My eyes widen in realization of what I've done.

"DON'T TELL ANYONE!" I yell. "I'll kill you if you do!"

"Fine, fine... It'll be our little secret." Yomi laughs before walking off.

Once he's gone, I lean back against the balcony railing and sigh loudly.

"I'm so screwed..." I grumble.

KandaxYokoxGrell: Well, as thanks for your reviews, Yomi kissed Baltigoa, in a way...


*gets punched by Baltigoa*

Baltigoa: Anyways rate and review...