Author's Note: Sorry, but there is no continuation of Tsunade's letter from the last'll have to fill that in for yourself. Here we are, though! Chapter six! The final installment of this story! Honestly, I feel like this chapter could stand on its own, but for some reason back in 2014 I felt the need to write 7k words of already well-known background to support it? Anyway…enjoy this last chapter!
Chapter Six
Weeks after the Invasion of Pein, Konoha was re-building. Frames of newly constructed houses dotted the land, and builders from far away lands had arrived to assist the villagers in their reconstruction.
When Tsunade awakened for the first time in weeks, she found herself in a hastily made wooden building with a worried-looking Shizune kneeling beside her.
"Lady Tsunade!" exclaimed Shizune when Tsunade's eyes opened. "Oh, you're alright!"
Shizune enthusiastically filled in Tsunade on what she had missed. The Hokage was amazed to learn what had happened during the time she was unconscious. Naruto had defeated Pein's Six Paths, as well as Nagato.
"How is Naruto doing after all of that?" asked Tsunade.
"Well, he's certainly getting a lot of recognition now," said Shizune, "even from people you wouldn't expect. Even Konan gave Naruto a bouquet of paper flowers for Jiraiya's memorial."
"What memorial?"
"Oh, right. Naruto made one, just outside the village. It's nothing fancy, really, but of course it's significant to him. He left a copy of Jiraiya's first book there, and of course Konan contributed the flowers…"
Amazingly, the paper-strewn state of Tsunade's desk was one of the few things that had remained unchanged by the momentous events that had shaken Konoha. Yet, despite the multitude of papers covering her desk, Tsunade quickly found the one she was looking for. She left the lights on in her office as she took the scroll in her hand and headed out.
The sky was darkening; clouds loomed on the horizon, drifting across the moon and giving it a veil. Rain was threatening and thunder rumbled in the distance. Tsunade hurried down the darkened streets of Konoha, green robes billowing out behind her as she passed half-built houses and storefronts. Soon, she was on the village outskirts. She slowed a bit as the forest appeared before her, then plunged forward. She made her way through the trees, headed in a definite direction. It was only when she reached her destination that she realized she wasn't alone.
She could see his spiky blonde hair and bright orange attire peeking through the trees that surrounded the clearing. He stood before the memorial shrine, head bowed. For a moment he seemed completely unaware of her presence, but then Naruto turned around and looked at her through the trees, his eyes tired.
"Granny Tsunade?" he asked, as she stepped forward. "What are you doing here?"
"Same thing as you," she said, gripping the scroll tighter.
"Paying your respects?"
Tsunade slowly walked forward and gently placed her scroll at the foot of the shrine, below where Naruto had etched the word "teacher" into it. Stepping back, she and Naruto stood together staring at the shrine as the thunder, drawing closer, roared.
"I'm sorry, Naruto," said Tsunade finally. Naruto just nodded. He had the collar of his jacket slightly unzipped, and the necklace she had given him glinted in the faint moonlight.
Tsunade remembered the first time she had met Jiraiya. She remembered them fighting side-by-side, she remembered them training side-by-side. She even remembered the time he spied on her in the bathhouse. She recalled how he, along with Naruto, had brought her back to the village, and in a way, back to her senses.
She remembered their bets. She'd won both of them. People always thought she was a loser at gambling, or the very least, lacking in luck. But maybe it was really Jiraiya who was the unlucky one.
Naruto finally broke the silence that had descended between them.
"Did you love him?"
"What?" asked Tsunade, suddenly jolted from her inner musings.
"Did you love Jiraiya?" said Naruto.
It took Tsunade a while to answer. "I suppose so."
"Then why didn't you tell him, damnit!" Naruto turned to her, his blue eyes managing to express both anger and sadness.
Once again, Tsunade was not quick to form words. "Because I was the real idiot."
And then the first drop hit the ground, right in front of her. And then another. The sky opened up, drenching the two in seconds. And still they stood there, in front of Jiraiya's simple memorial.
Tsunade was glad for the rain. Because when it rains, no one can see your tears.
A/N: There you have it! Sorry it's not a happy ending, but...that's how it played out, and I didn't want to change that. Also, I'm kind of a sucker for tragedies. Even though it took me years to get this whole thing uploaded, I'd still really appreciate your comments and feedback! Did you like it? As I said, I know there was way too much exposition...but otherwise, how'd I do?