Hey guys long time, no story updates. Well, I might not do that story becuase I'm swamped with story ideas and my life. But if you want to do that story, the idea and summary are up for adoption, on one condition... You have to PM me abut the story becuase I will read it and I personally think It would be better if someone else who actually had the time and consideration to write it. Anyways, I might continue making one-shots, but give me some ideas! They can be as wacky as you want, and they cna be as wacky as you want, plus I will mention your name, like always I guess. On the plus side, I am still trying to work on a chapter for my truth or dare story. Anyways, happy late holidays and happy New Years. Cant wait for what 2014 will bring us and have a great ending of 2013!
Fly on,
Mariposa Dyanna (who will probably change her username soon, so be aware of it!) :D