Yay! Some random Drabbles on Robin. I know what some of you guys might be thinking 'Write more Enigmas!' Well, I'm sorry, but right now the computer to which that lastest chapter was on (I was almost finished, gah) is being reimaged, as it wouldn't turn on. So you'll have to wait a little longer, I'm typing on a replacement computer right now.
So, I hope you guys like this!
The way that smile just spread around the room… the way it just infected everybody like one of Poison Ivy's spores… it was addictive. Although many didn't see it, because he would never let anybody see, Batman did coo over his little eight year old – the boy was his life, something he could hold onto and protect, almost to make up for his own parents and how he couldn't save them.
Richard was his son, his family along with Alfred – he loved the boy. Whenever the other heroes would glance upon the Batman and his Protégé, they would never detect that tiny smile that wormed its way onto Batman's face, curling onto his lips in on an almost nanoscopic scale. That type of smile that simply spoke of how proud he was to call the child his son.
He was the child that had picked up the pieces of Batman's smashed heart and put them together.
… It was just his smile.
The man of Steel often told people he was never surprised – never, ever. That was a lie, a huge lie. Superman was often surprised – Did Batman's glare just go up a level? Was that a flying Christmas tree? Did Lois's slap just… hurt?
The latest one of these caused him to ask himself: How did I get beaten by an eight year old?
That one puzzled him – the boy might have been trained by Batman, but being able to beat Superman senseless was almost an impossible feat. How did a child, a child with barley a year's training, mange to completely total him?
What he failed to notice was that little slither of Green rock sliding back into the boy's belt.
If one thing separated the Dark Knight from the Dark Squire, it wasn't the costumes or the age difference… it was the laugh.
Robin's costume could be changed, made darker and more Batman-ish and it wouldn't really make a difference.
Batman had been de-aged before and let me tell you, nobody wanted to mess with him, even then.
But Batman's laugh was almost a sadistic chuckle, a dark sound that came from deep in his throat, while Robin's was a full-blown insane cackle that rebounded off every wall and in the eardrums of whoever heard it, sounding so much like the Joker that some would beg for mercy.
Batman would never be able to sound like that – not that he would ever try.
Robin could be an angel and a demon – he could make you smile and make your heart melt, but boy, did he have a heck of a good right hook. It was almost magic to how quickly he could go serious then childish – like a spell was cast over him in a matter of seconds.
A battle was not a hard task, but nor was making Batman's almost stone heart flake to reveal gold under the black crust.
It wasn't hard for the boy to smash a man's face in and break his nose, but it also wasn't hard to have some of the most powerful people in the world, the Justice League, on their knees and doing anything for him.
Forget Zatara, Robin was the real Magician.
When Robin was sick, Batman's patrolling seemed to slump in the amount of time that he was out and about in his Bat suit for patrol – of course, he wasn't the only one.
The public and started to notice strange disappearances of the JLA and had started to put together elaborate reasoning's as to why; some people thought that the League had been attacked by aliens and had been taken over, planning the destruction of Earth, others thought that they were training harder and some even had the nerve to believe that they were slacking off.
Well, what the public didn't know wouldn't hurt them and they certainly wouldn't want them to find out that they were sitting around their Baby Bird calming him after each sneeze.
So, what do you guys think? Want some more? Write a word in a Review and I'll try to write a Robin Drabble on it!
I hope you liked these! Review and/or PM me,
- Cat =^.^=