Authors note: Just a few quick notes before I start;
1. Hughes is alive in my story because he's awesome.
2. Al has his body but Ed still has his Automail. I can't imagine him without it.
3. The whole thing with the homunculi never happened.
4. Yes I know Roy is OOC in this but I think we can all agree that if he had a child he would act differently around said child. I'll try my hardest to keep him as in character as possible when Vicki is around, and more so when she's not but that may not always happen so fair warning.
Warnings: OOCness, possible yaoi in later chapters and an overly adorable child.
Declaimers: I don't Fullmetal alchemist. If I did would have Ed and Roy getting together and Rose would go die in a hole somewhere.
"Hey everybody!" Maes Hughes yelled excited as he entered the office of Roy Mustangs team.
Breda, Havoc, Falman and Fuery were all there but Hawkeye was strangely absent from the room. No one payed much attention to his greeting, they were used to him barging in after all. Instead they focused on the small figure following behind him.
A little girl about the age of 5 stood slightly hidden behind Hughes, clutching his leg in one hand. She had shoulder-length wavy black hair that fell into her eyes slightly from her fringe and bright emerald green eyes. She wore a light blue t-shirt that had a bear on it and jeans.
She glanced nervously around the room before looking up at Hughes. "Uncle Maes where's Daddy?"
"Don't worry Vicki, we'll see him soon." She gave a small nod before continuing to take in the area around her.
Havoc was the first to speak after that. "Hughes who's this? Is she lost?"
"No, this is Vicki she-"
"I see Edward's here."
Before another word could be uttered the doors to Mustang's office banged open. All heads turned in the direction, revealing a pissed off Ed and an annoyed Colonel a few steps behind him.
"Fullmetal I'm not done-"
Roy was cut off by an excited squeal. "Daddy!"
He looked and saw Vicki pull away from Hughes and run pass Edward, towards him. Out of habit he picked her up when she was in reach and held her to his hip. Vicki wrapped her tiny arms securely around his neck. She smiled up at him brightly, her eyes shining happily. He looked to Hughes, the question clear in his eyes.
"Hughes why is Vicki here? I thought Gracia was taking care of her today."
"She was, but you know how stubborn your kid is. Gracia said Vicki wouldn't do anything she asked her to until she promised Vicki could come see you."
"Wait are you saying that girl is his kid?" Edward asked the question that had been on everyone's mind.
"Yes Fullmetal. This is my five year old daughter Vicki."
Everyone but Hughes stared in shock. None of them knew Roy Mustang had a child. Taking a closer look at the little girl in Roy's arms they began to notice the similarities between them.
A spark of recognition shone in Vicki's eyes as she recognised the title her father addressed the blond boy as. "Fullmetal? You're the Fullmetal alchemist?"
Ed puffed out his chest proudly. "Yep. In the flesh and robot bits." (AN: anyone who gets that reference I will send a virtual cookie to.)
"You're the shorty Daddy always talks about."
Ed froze then clenched his fist at the comment. The others laughed drawing Vicki's attention to them. "And you're the rest of Daddy's team."
"That's right. That's second lieutenant Jean Havoc, second lieutenant Heymans Breda, that's sergeant Kain Fuery and over there is Warrant officer Vato Falman." Roy told her pointing them out to her.
She gave them an enthusiastic wave that they returned.
Fuery stood up and walked over. "Hi Vicki. It's nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too Mr Fuery." Vicki said giving him one of her bright smiles.
This caused everyone to crowd around introducing themselves personally and try to get the little girls attention. And like a true Mustang, Vicki loved every second of the attention she was getting.
A female voice spoke and nearly everyone froze. "When did the party start and why wasn't I informed?"
Vicki let out another squeal of delight. "Auntie Riza!"
She tapped her father's shoulder signalling she wanted to be let down. As soon as her feet were on the ground she dashed towards the woman who knelt down to hug her.
Riza released Vicki and looked her over. "Look how big you have grown. At this rate you'll be as tall as Edward in no time."
The two females laughed. The four soldiers who had just met Vicki looked on open mouthed. None of them had seen Riza Hawkeye this un-professional before.
Vicki tried to hide a small yawn that escaped her but Roy saw it. He immediately entered parent mode.
"Vicki did you have your nap before Gracia brought you over?"
She began to nod but one look at her father's face showed he didn't believe her.
She sighed and shook her head. "No."
He picked her up and began walking into his office. "Come on princess."
"But Daddy, I'm not tired." Vicki protested but her head leaning on his shoulders sleepily said otherwise.
He laid her on one of the couches in his office. He slipped off his military jacket and set it over his daughter as a make-shift blanket. He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight."
"Can't you at least sing me my lullaby?"
"Mustang can sing?" came the disbelieving voice of Ed.
Roy gave him a quick glare before looking back down at his little girl who gazed back at him expectantly.
With a sigh he answered. "Okay princess."
He sat on the couch next to her and began singing.
"Lesson one, do not hide
Lesson two, there are right ways to fight
And if you have questions
We can talk through the night
Vicki wriggled around until she was comfortable then continued to listen to her father sing.
So you know who you are and you know what you want
I've been where you're going and it's not that far
It's too far to walk but you don't have to run
You'll get there in time
Lesson three, you're not alone
Not since I saw you start breathing on your own
You can leave, you can run
This will still be your home
So you know who you are and you know what you want
I've been where you're going and it's not that far
It's too far to walk but you don't have to run
You'll get there in time, get there in time
In time to wonder where the days have gone
In time to be old enough to wish that you were young
When good things are unravelling bad things come undone
You weather love and lose your innocence
Vicki's eyelids began to flutter as she was lulled to sleep
And there will be liars
And thieves who take from you
Not to undermine the consequence
But you are not what you do
And when you need it most
I have a hundred reasons why I love you
By now Vicki's eyes had fully closed and her breathing evened out. Roy kept singing.
So you know who you are and you know what you want
I've been where you're going and it's not that far
It's too far to walk but you don't have to run
You'll get there in time
So you know who you are and you know what you want
I've been where you're going and it's not that far
It's too far to walk but you don't have to run
You'll get there in time, get there in time
If you weather love and lose your innocence
Just remember lesson one
Goodnight princess."
Roy could feel the eyes of everyone in the other room watching him. As he suspected, when he looked up he saw all of them standing in the doorway, looking at him expectantly. Question shone in their eyes, just barely restrained. He assumed that had to do with the sleeping five year old next to him.
He left his office, closing the doors quietly, and spoke to his subordinate.
"I know you all have questions for me. Out with it."
And I'm going to stop it there. Sorry but I'm saving the questions for the next chapter so I can also answer some of yours when I explain thing a bit more. So don't forget to review and ask.