Hey guys sorry this one is so short and that it took so long. I've had a crazy few months, between Christmas, New year, my birthday and starting college I've had very little time to write.
This is really just a mini chapter to say I'm still alive and I plan on continuing this story. I'm already starting on the next chapter so it should be up a hell of a lot quicker than this one took.
Anyway enough of me babbling, on with the story.
Disclaimer: I still don't own anything.
Edward burst into his dorm room which he shared with Alphonse, startling his little brother. He quickly closed the door behind him and leaned against it, panting. His mind still raced with questions after what happened in Colonel Mustang's office.
"Brother, are you okay?" Alphonse asked concerned.
Ed got his breathing under control and looked up at the very human face of his younger brother. To this day he still couldn't believe that he had managed to bring his brother's body back. The joy on Al's face when he was brought back to the flesh more than made up for him still having his automail.
"I'm fine Al, just some crazy stuff happened in the office today."
"Really? Like what?"
Ed didn't want to discuss what happened with the Colonel so he instead he mentioned the other strange occurrence of the day. "Mustang has a daughter."
"WHAT! Brother are you messing with me?"
"No Al. He really has a daughter. She's 5, her name is Vicki and she has dark hair and green eyes."
"Whoa never thought of the Colonel as the father type."
Ed thought back to when he saw the Colonel make that stuffed toy for Vicki."I know what you mean but he was really different with her around."
"What do you mean?"
"When he's with her a whole other side of him comes out. He's no longer the bastard that sits behind his desk and makes short jokes at me. He's kind, comforting and protective, at least to her. And his eyes...when he looked at her it was like...how mum would look at us...like he was looking at the only thing in the world that mattered but there was a sadness mixed in as well."
"I take it something happened to the girl's mother then."
"Hughes said she was dead. He didn't say anymore."
"That's really sad."
A depressing silence hung between the two brothers. Ed was looking down at his hand which were folded in front of him and Alphones was watching him carefully.
Finally Al broke the silence. "That's not all that happened today is it, brother?"
Ed's head shot up in surprise but he didn't say anything.
"It's okay brother, you don't have to tell me." Al said with a knowing smile.
That's all folks!