Chapter one
Hello my lovely Paric shippers,
So after watching the seasons ending episode I went nuts...PARIC WENT CANON...for 6 years we have been looked down upon, cussed, and called disgusting but Sunday night that all changed. Though the episode ended on the note that Pam and Eric are MIA 6 months from warlows many of you I don't think there dead...but in their own little heaven away from everything.
This takes place 3 days after the magic blood of Warlow is depleted...and will work its was up to 6 months. Now some of this might be a little AU...sorry...and also sorry for any grammar and spelling errors... I don't own nothing if I did...the walking vampires would kill everyone and Pam and Eric would move to Sweden away from the shit.
Chapter one: Finding happiness in the darkness
He was beautifully naked, as he sat among the breathtaking view that only Sweden could offer. His pale skin and bright hair making him seem like a snow angle, but that all changed. Suddenly a strange red mist poured from his mouth, causing his face to turn from pleasance to pour pain. Then it started to happen, his beautiful milky skin started to turn a bright angry red. He was in pain so much pain as he tried to stand from his spot, but the sun was taking its toll weakening him until…a bright flash caught his eyes as he was engulfed in flames… "No!," he screamed as he tried to fight the pain to hide, but it was too late as he feel to his knees.
Her eyes flew open but somehow some way she managed to hold the scream she could feel fighting to leave her lips. "Eric…" She whispered the name before gently sitting up. Leaning over she took a minute before turning on her bedside lamp. Looking around she saw the bedroom she had shared with Eric for 30 years before moving to Shreveport. Everything was still in place…nothing was missing and no extra noise which caused her to sigh in defeat.
"Damn it." She had intended the words to be angry, but she knew that they were merely desperate. She wanted to be angry; she wanted to be angry with him. It had been 3 days since Eric had flown away from her, 3 days since the magic blood wore off, three days of searching his castle in Scotland, his Villa in France, to finally end up in the windy shit hole she hated so much.
It had also been the start of the tormenting dream of her Eric…her everything burn in the snow and sun. Instead of trying to relax she had been working herself to dawn lately, even those she knew it would likely lead to a number of disturbances in her sleep. With a weary body and mind she cupped her face and it was only then that Pam could feel the tears rolling down her cheek on onto the duvet below her.
Taking some deep unneeded breaths she tried to push the dream from her head, but no matter how hard she tried, or how much she calmed herself. The tears wouldn't stop. The images of him burning, of him screaming out, still haunting her. She may have woken up from the nightmare, but the reality still existed. She had almost died when the magic blood disappeared. She had been walking through the garden at the Scottish Castle where her and Eric use to set and read when it happen.
It felt as if she had been stricken ill and then the heat, the pain raced through her like nothing she had ever felt. Quickly she managed to find a place to hide in the old rum cellar. She had been lucky, but she couldn't be thankful especially knowing what happen to her and wondering if Eric had been so lucky. Taking a shaking hand she opened the drawer of the table beside her bed. It was still there. In the place she had left it so many years ago was a large stake of letters. Running her hands over the yellowing and old paper she couldn't help the tear that fell from her eyes as she read one of the letters. "Pamela...I know things are hard now, but I will come home to you…I promise and then I will never leave your side again."
Sighing she wiped the tears from her eyes. She settled herself back down before rest the huge stake on her lab and begins to read them, afraid if she closed her eyes she would have to watch her love burning in the sun.
Pam broke into tears as soon as she woke up. She couldn't stop the dreams…she couldn't stop losing Eric. She had fallen asleep, only to suffer the same nightmare. Pam rubbed a weary hand over her face and swung her legs over the edge of the bed as she made a move to stand. Only to pause and cock her head, listening to the silence around her…or rather, the near-silence, save a faint echo on the marble floors throughout.
Pam was the only one there, by all rights, and on bare feet, sprinted across the carpet trying to see what had made the noise. However, she didn't need to hear much to know. Someone was in her house.
Opening her cracked bedroom door, she peaked out allow her fangs to snap down in defense. The sun had long set and the dim moonlight shining through the double-height windows were all she had to guide her.
The echo grew closer and turned into the soft foot-falls of bare feet, heading steadily in her direction. Ready for attack Pam plastered herself against a wall, and waited. Her mind raced as to who had tracked her down here, why, and what they wanted.
A dark shape loomed in the shadows and Pam reacted instantly, crouching and sweeping her foot out, catching the intruder in the back of the knees and sending them toppling backward. But her agresser was just as good, as he twisted to the side, throwing his hands out to catch himself, and Pam threw herself at him, trying to contain his hands and gaining the upper hand. However, he quickly evaded her attempt and grabbed her wrists, rolling them over so that she was on her stomach and her aggressor was on top of her.
Pam grunted and jerked her elbow to slam it into his face. The man had the audacity to chuckle when he moved his head out of range, but then she went still. That chuckle… No it couldn't be…could it.
Rolling them over, Pam straddled the intruder and glanced in the bright eyes of no one other then. Eric's arrogant smirk His blue-gray eyes sparkled up at her as he raised his hands to the side of his face in mock-surrender. "Well hello, Pamela. I always thought you hated this place."
Pam scowled and her hand tightened into fist as she threatens to kill him herself for his antics. Damn it all to hell. "Eric..." she sighed. "I've been looking all over for you?" Pam made a move to get up, but Eric's hands descended upon her waist, keeping her straddled on top of him. "No, no, please don't get up.," he murmured as he shifted subtly underneath her.
"Eric!" Pam slapped his cheek hard. "Did you think it was funny to run away like that." She snapped her anger boiling forward.
Let out a huffed she pulled herself up and started walking away. "No…of course not" he said a little taken back by his progenies remark. "I was worried about you Pamela…after I almost-," he paused and watched as her eyes widen. "What I did was wrong…I should have never left you…but I had to get away." Eric hesitantly took her hand into his. Holding it with both hands, he peered into her eyes. "When the blood wore off I was exposed and scared…I had no place to run, but I thought of losing you and my will to live took over." He blinked. "All I could do was picture you burning in the sun"
His words made Pam's eyes water as tears rose to the surface. Biting her lip, she looked away. His hand, warm against her own, anchored her against the flood of emotions rising up in her. "I thought that if I got away, it would help. But after the high wore off…I felt alone. I searched for you Eric everywhere, all I saw in my dream was your face, " Pam sniffed, shifted her gaze to the ceiling, trying not to cry. "I thought I lost you" Pam's face began to crumble as Erics in flamed body danced behind her eyes lids. "And I would never get to tell you the truth." She began to sob.
Eric swallowed a lump in his throat at watching her shatter. Wordlessly, he gathered Pam in his arms, tightening them as her face buried itself in the crook of his neck and cried cold scarlet tears. "Jag är ledsen mitt barn." He whispered softly into her ear.
He wrapped one arm around her waist, steadying her against him while he used the other to rub circles on her back, sliding up to tangle his fingers in those blond curls. Eric closed his own eyes, heart breaking as Pamela's body shook with sobs against his own. And he wondered about what she thought she would never get to tell him.
Pam's muffled sobs echoed in the marble hallways of the empty home and Eric turned his head to plant a comforting kiss against her hair. Jag menade inte att såra dig," he finished, burying his nose in her curls.
A few minutes in Eric's strong comforting embrace and Pam began to quiet down, full of heartache, but out of tears. Sniffling lightly, Pam gently broke away and smiled wanly at Eric. "I missed you…missed this," She hiccupped lightly. Pulling back slightly, she looked into his eyes sincerely before dropping to the collar of his blue dress shirt, wet and marked with blood. "But I've ruined your shirt. And I must look like shit." Pam began wiping at her face.
Eric stopped her by catching her hands with his. He shook his head and gazed at her with soft eyes. "You always look beautiful to me, Pam." He offered with a genuine tender smile. "But now," he took a deep breath, "what was this thing you wanted to tell me"
Pam laughed quietly. "We can talk about it some other time...right now I just want you to hold me"
There was no doubting the love, friendship, and loyalty between them. The two of them were a perfect match in wits, skill, and arrogance. She was his legacy is one great accomplishment, and he was her hero and prince charming rescuing her from the deepest pits of hell. And now as she rested her head on his shoulder her eyes closed, she was lighter than she had in days…Hell years…and if she had a choice she would stay there forever. The thought made Pam smiled as she weaved her fingers through those of the man who was the reason for it.