Hello Paric shippers,
First of all let me say thank you to every single one of you that has took the time to read, review, follow and favorite…it really means a lot to me. I know it has been a while since an update and I'm so so so sorry.
Anyway this is installment number seven, and for all my wonderful people it is full of lemony goodness. Thank of it as a apology…again sorry for mistakes in everything English (grammar, spelling, and all that jazz) I don't own anything if I did, a lot of things would have been different…a lot….a lot, a lot…anyway enjoy my fellow shippers.
Chapter 7 Night at the Market and Breakfast in bed
Wiping the blood from the stone tile floor, he brought it up to his mouth tasting it essences, before pulling out his phone. "They got away, and seem to kill one of our men as well." The man barked in Russian. Before he ran a hand down his face and sank to the floor.
"How did this happen?" the voice over the phone barked back. "You promised me that the bitch would be in custody and the male would be dead." He finished causing the other man to sigh.
He hadn't slept in three days, trying to solve and contain the recent problems plaguing his mission. "I'm not sure Sir, but I promise they will be fou- "
"Oh I know they will be found! Don't try to lecture me, boy!" the voice roared. "Everything that we worked for rest with them and I promise you if they are not found you will take their place." The man sighed, before agreeing and hanging the phone up.
"Insolent old man," the mumbled before placing the phone back in his pocket. "Ivan!" he called and watched as a twenty-eight year old man stepped inside the home. "They couldn't have gone far and Luka is pissed…I need you to get your men and track them down."
Eric clasped Loren's hand. "Thank you again, Loren. You are truly an angel." He offered with one of those infamous smiles of his. "It is nothing." The Swedish teenager blushed at the praise. "I am merely helping to turn a bad situation around."
"Yes, you have and we have never been so thankful." Eric added taking a holding of their bags. "Yes, thank you for your kindness, young lady." Pam added giving her a soft smile. The girl blushed again before offering one final wave, before head back down the road.
"So where to now Prince Charming?" Pam added mockingly as she glance in his direction. Watching as he gave her a 'really' look, Pam couldn't help but smile. "You know I might have been a prince, but who's to say I was charming." Pam shrugged, before turning to see a bunch of people coming from down the street.
"I wonder what's going on?" Pam asked more to herself then anything, before Eric walked over placing his hand on her waist. "It's a festival I believe, that or a market." He confirmed causing Pam to glance over at him. "We should go. We might be able to find a place to stay there."
"Eric, we just got attacked, I'm sure that walking casually through a market is not the smartest thing to do." Pam stated matter-factly, but Eric just grinned as he headed toward the crowed. "Eric!" Pam called after him, but he didn't turn back to her. "Damn it," she cooed before lifted her bags and heading toward him.
Once she caught up, he could sense her testiness, so he looped her arm around his in apology. "Incorrigible brat," Pam muttered, knowing that he heard her. Glancing up she watched as a smirk shinned on his face. She didn't know how he managed it.
Though it might have been his kisses or his soft touches or his sexily charming glances...Hell, she was certain even without his vampric powers, Eric Northman was the most dangerous man in the world.
It was his fault they were strolling down one of the many busy streets in the town's center, where a vast flea market had been set up. The two, dressed in some of their newly-acquired clothes - her in a bright spring green, cotton dress with a thin deep blue cardigan over top, him in a crisp white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and dark blue dress pants. They held hands as they walked, peering into stalls and, in Eric's case, making smart ass remarks about everything in sight.
Time was of the essence, but Eric had convinced her that there was no proof that whomever was after them was still on their tail. For all their hired killer knew, Eric proclaimed earlier, they were halfway on their way to out of the country by now. They had no clue as to what direction they had fled. And so, they were safe to just relax for one day.
All this, was said while his arms were wrapped around her and he was nuzzling her neck. Pam blamed the fog in her mind for her easy capitulation.
Still, she was enjoying herself. Pam had been to Sweden many times, but had never really ventured beyond their shit hole and the small town for supplies.
There was one stall selling vintage toys while another sold old books that lit upon her interest. All around her, people buzzed and the smell of food wafted in the air. Eric's grip on Pam's hand remained firm.
It was his hand that persistently led her, amused, over to a shop that showcased nothing but Viking memorabilia. The ecstasy on his face made her want to laugh, but Pam admonished him, "Eric, in case you've forgotten, we're not exactly on vacation here. Does the phrase 'traveling light' mean anything to you?"
Eric, like a man entranced by a wonderful electric show, pushed through the door, saying, "There's no need to pass by the finer things in life, love." He flashed her a grin before a man wearing glasses greeted them in Swedish.
"Finer things," Pam muttered. "Yes, like living." But she offered no resistance to the man tugging at her hand like a little boy visiting the zoo for the first time.
Watching him enjoy himself, Pam couldn't help smiling. After living for over a century, it was impossible not to feel like your humanity was draining away, losing the zest for life. She had felt it more than once. But with Eric, Pam felt like the naive young girl she had been so long ago. He made her feel alive. And it made her love him more than possible.
Surprisingly, the store owner was not put off by Eric's arrogance; perhaps delighting in finding one so educated in the Viking object his shop sold. It was with a smile, a hearty goodbye, and wave that he saw them from his shop. Eric emerged triumphant, carrying a cloth bag with in which a model Viking ship in a bottle rested.
Helen let out a laugh at Eric's satisfied sigh as they continued walking down the busy street, with people calling out to entice customers to peruse their wares.
She lingered over an antique chair from the Victorian era designed as part of the Gothic revival. "This reminds me of a chair I had in my old bedroom." She caressed the fabric, sternly reminding herself of what she had just admonished Eric for.
"I wouldn't know. I never saw your bedroom, to my disappointment." Eric wrapped his arm around her waist, seeing the longing on her face. "Perhaps when we come back, it'll still be here." It was unspoken that Eric was in firm belief that they would survive this latest trouble and that they would come back together.
Pam looked at him thoughtfully before pulling away from the chair, giving a polite smile to the vendor. She leaned into Eric, but said nothing as they continued to walk.
Their eyes wandered over the market wares, but somehow always managed to lead back to one another. Eric marveled at how right it felt, holding Pam in his arm, strolling in Sweden. He had always dreamed of showing her this place but everything seemed to come between it. Maybe that was the reason she hated his farm? Every time he brought her here he had to leave on business and she spent her time alone. He pressed a kiss to her hair.
A smile lit Pam's face at Eric's affection. It was as if this was a whole new woman from the one he knew, but no, Eric acknowledged that the Pam he was seeing was the one she kept hidden from the world. And he felt so honored, knowing that he was one of the few that the cold woman could be unguarded around.
Her blue eyes suddenly caught sight of something that made her gasp with surprise, and this time, it was her who was tugging Eric's hand toward a stall.
Even before she reached the quiet stall that had no customers, Pam couldn't help her laughter. The stall had old and new paintings of landscapes and other assorted scenes hanging from every inch of its small space, but it was the basket holding black-and-red photos in protective plastic slips set on the table that had caught her eyes.
With a smile stretched widely, Pam giggled as she snatched up what had her erupting into a laughing fit. One that had a frankly concerned Eric staring at her until his eyes flicked to what she held in her hand.
He scowled in annoyance.
"I must have this!" Pam exclaimed, already fishing through her pockets for money.
Nikola growled lowly. "Pam..." He wanted to take the black-and-red photo of himself, and rip it up. Eric remembered sitting for that photo in the late 1900's, when the paper wanted a picture of the man building the huge farm. He had hating every minute of it, and the photographer trying vainly to coax him into looking friendly. He hated sitting still, and what was he thinking with that hair? He unconsciously ran his hand through his hair, as if it the long matte looking locks was still there.
Pam was gushing, with laughs escaping every so often to the undoubtedly puzzled seller. "This great man holds an immense fascination with me. Sweden owes him so much." She handed over her money and Pam stared fondly at the photo clutched in her hands. "I absolutely love this man." She laughed again.
Eric snapped his head towards Pam. Did she just...? His mouth parted slightly in surprise and he earnestly searched her face, only to be stunned even more when Pam looked up at him still with that ridiculously joyous smile and her feelings shining bright in her eyes. His heart leaped. He knew he didn't deserve her kindness and love but it still felt…like nothing else.
"I really do," Pam repeated steadily, holding his eyes for a long minute before thanking the woman and pulling a silently stupefied Eric along.
Gently holding the picture to her chest, Pam peeked at it and laughed again. Not only because it positively hilarious to be walking next to the man himself, so physically different, with his electrified hair, clean-shaven face, and casual clothes, but because those had truly been happier times.
It was their golden years. He would later leave to come to America, and find her, and from there on out they would start a new life. It was few minutes later, Pam had gotten over her fit, that Eric came out of his daze and asked quietly, "So, you really love that man...do you?"
Pam peered up at him, but Eric was looking forward, appearing composed for the entire world to see. She didn't know that if his heart was still beating it would be pounding loudly. She licked her lips. "I do." Her answer was firm and Pam turned back to look at her picture. "It's not a recent development," she started "In fact I have loved him since the day I met him. But he was hard to read, and even though I knew I should of feared him," she paused and rubbing her finger over the image.
"I couldn't help but feel like I was staring at the only man I would be willing to spend my life with." Pam spoke loftily. "I have never considered myself good at discerning people, but I believe that even in the darkest of times I'd be a fool not to fall in love with him." She blinked her eyes at the sudden onslaught of tears. "I have watched as what I had with him fallen away, watched as things changed, but one thing hasn't. I've fallen in love with him." Pam smiled softly, composing herself, before adding, "Besides, he's one hell of a vampire."
Eric didn't laugh. Instead, he plucked the picture from Pam's arm and stared at it. He too, thought back to that time, but only dwelt in his memories before fast-forwarding to the many years afterward. Years that held not so many good memories. "This man exists no more," he stated almost dismissively. "He's changed and done many things that hurt you." Eric handed the picture back to her, waiting for her to respond to his answer.
"You're right," Pam agreed. "And you're wrong too." Eric's eyes flicked towards her. "Yes, he's done things that hurt me, and he has changed, but this man," she pointed to the picture, "Still exists. I know, because I've seen him. And despite whatever he does, I am still in love with him."
Swallowing a lump in his throat, Eric stopped walked and finally turned to look at her. His blue-gray eyes explored her beautiful face. "This man's also possessive, and if you're willing to love him, you should know that he'd probably never be able to let you go. He has never been a perfect person" It was him giving her one last chance to walk away, though every fiber in his being yearned for the opposite.
Pam stepped closer to him. "I never asked for perfect."
And Eric finally smiled, his entire countenance changing into an unbelievably happy man. He cupped her cheek and bent his head to bring their lips together, halting only to say, "And yes," his smile turned into a grin, "I am one hell of a vampire, but I have nothing on you."
The crowd jostled around them. Mixed reactions were voiced about the couple locked in an embrace, lips tangling, standing on the street.
The two broke apart to glance down at their stomachs. "Was that yours or mine?"
"Both. Come on, let's find somewhere to eat." Pam looked around, until she found two young females trying to steal wine from the wine cart. "And I think I have the perfect dish and I bet they also have a place for us to stay." With that she shot him a mischievous look. "Ah," Eric said catching on to what Pam was talking about. "You have always had an eye for lovely things." Pam smirked once again before raising an eyebrow.
"Well, there are a great many things one can do with lovely things, Eric."
Eric nearly stopped at the innuendo in Pam's words. Such remarks usually came out of his mouth, not hers, and he chuckled. He was definitely rubbing off on her and Eric relished in Pam's feisty remarks. "Care to demonstrate?" he countered and watched as a playful smile appeared on her face.
After a little glamour there new friends were happy to oblige them, before they split their ways promising to meet in an hour. Since then they had walked on, the whole time Eric had vehemently protested the use of taking the bus to, stubbornly insisting on taking the train. And Pam relented only because he had charmingly manipulated her into agreeing, much the same way he convinced her to go to the market at the start of the night.
They walked through a different part of the market, strolling down the crowded street, and looking at the wares lay out on tables. Pam lamented at all the wonderful furniture and paintings she saw, while Eric focused on Pam.
It was a Moroccan-style bowl that caught Helen's eye and her mind instantly flashed back to the tradition she and her mother had started, adopting the Bedouin philosophy. Eating pastille in ceramic bowls under the night sky – Pam had always wanted to go to Morocco. They never had the chance.
Pam let go of Eric's hand to pick up the bowl and instantly lost herself in that last time they were camped out in the gardens, a colorful tent around them lying on luxurious cushions, staring up at the night sky.
Pam turned to Eric, but to her shock he wasn't there. He wasn't beside her, behind her, and suddenly Pam felt very much alone in the strange crowd. Her hair flared wildly as she looked around her, trying to find his tall form she knew so well. There were people everywhere and it was amazing that only a moment ago, Pam knew only happiness.
Anxiety swamped her and panic caused her to clamp her mouth shut, trying not to call out Eric's name in a frantic, frightened tone. Never in her life had she felt this way. She knew he was an ancient vampire and able to take care of himself, but it didn't stop her unbeaten heart to shatter.
Had he left her do to her revile of her feelings? Was he forced to leave her? She knew they should have left earlier. Her eyes started to tear up as she continued to search for the man in question.
Pam turned to back to the market stall. "Excuse me," she asked in Swedish, her voice shaking. "Did you happen to see the man who was with me?"
The man looked puzzled. "There was no man with you, miss."
Her stomach dropped and Pam gave a shaky smile, turning around to hide the tears pooling in her eyes.
Suddenly, she felt so very vulnerable, something she hadn't felt in a very long time. The friendly faces of the native people morphed into cold, unfamiliar features of strangers.
"Oh there you are, come I want to show you something." Eric's voice had his usual mischievous tone. He appeared behind her, through a crowd, and grabbed her hand.
"Where did you go?" Pam snapped out, spinning to look at him with tears wavering in her eyes. She hurled herself in his arms, grabbing at his shirt, burying her face his chest. "I looked back and you were gone. I thought..."
Eric's smile faded at the hysterical note in Pam's voice and he wrapped his arms tightly around her. "I saw a shop around the corner. I'm sorry," he murmured apologetically, cursing himself for making her cry. He had gotten so caught up in his fun, that they had forgotten the potential danger they were in. "Hey, I'm sorry." He kissed her hair, ignoring the bustle and stares around him.
Pam inhaled Eric's comforting scent and fought back tears. In just a few short days, Eric had reclaimed a large piece of her heart. And to lose that feeling again was something that would destroy her. Eric continued crooning in her ear; his embrace tight. And slowly, slowly, her panic subsided. It had been such a long time since he had seen her so frighten and it unnerved him just as it did then.
"What store?" Pam asked quietly subdued, pulling away and taking a deep unneeded breath. She shook her head in disbelief. "What have you doing to me, Eric Northman?"
Eric's face softened. Reaching for her hand, he kissed her palm. "Just making up for a bunch of stupid decisions I made in the past." The corner of his lips quirked, "It was only a matter of time before I figured out how truly blind I was." He pulled her in another direction as she graced him with a small smile, after her panic attack.
Weaving through the crowd, Eric's grip on Pam's hand was tight, as if to reassure her that he would never again leave her alone. They left the main street and it wasn't long before he stopped at a brightly-decorated stall. "here we are" His grin was devious and as she glance at the sign she saw the reason.
"Doesn't it just take you back to the old days of beautiful London or the lovely evenings at fangtasia?" Eric asked amusingly. She shot him an unamused look. "These are not the type of corsets I wore in London and these are nicer than the ones I have at home." Pam looked around at the stall that showcased nothing but corsets. Some vintage, some new, of all designs, but she had to admit it did remind her of Fangtasia.
"True, the material there made of here is much more beautiful the cheap made stuff back home." A buxom-lady approached them and asked in Swedish, "Would you care to look at one in particular?"
Pam opened her mouth to refuse when Eric said over her, "Yes. She would like to see that one." He pointed at black one that appeared actually modest. It had a tasteful brocade design with a black tassel trim. It had detachable garters hanging on it.
The lady brought it over and Pam couldn't help the shocked on her face "I do remember a certain business woman I met a century ago that had one just like this. That's one thing I could never forget" Pam's panic attack was forgotten, replaced by bewilderment as Eric eyed her slow appreciative perusal of her body and the widening of his grin, bordering on predatory.
Glancing at the corset, Pam's mind joined Eric's in their past. She had been alive for one hundred year, but Eric had been alive for a thousand. He had seen and done things that would make people's toes curl and turn their hair gray, but he fondly remembered the corset she had worn the night of their union.
"Now why would I wear this, when I could ware nothing at all?" Pam shot back lightly, as Eric appeared utterly delighted at her return sauciness. She shook her head at the vendor, refused her politely, and took Eric's hand. "Now I do believe we have two very delicious playthings waiting on us." She finished and watched as Eric nodded and gestured for her to lead the way.
They made their way back to the starting point, when a nice car pulled up with the two young women inside. A man stepping out of passenger door held it open for them and smiled, tipping his head in response to their thanks. However, something caught Pam attention…a smell. It smelt almost fairy like, but with something else mixed in but she was too busy contracting on the two young ladies and Eric.
"I'm making a mental note to burn that." Eric looked calculatingly at his old picture that Helen had set aside when they were in the car. Pam shot him a look that dared him to do just that. He reclined on the leather seat and quickly one of the young girl was at his side, as her sister came to Pam's side.
"Ah, Amber and Chloe I'm so glad you decided to allow us to join you." Eric cooed before glancing over at Pam. "Yes, we are going to have so much fun." Pam offered as the car headed to its destination.
Her skin was as delicate as the snow falling outside the window, and Eric relished the feeling of her smooth body pressed against his as he kissed her sweet lips. Amber moaned into their kiss as Eric let his hands wander down her body. Soft, tender skin, so fragile to someone with his strength, was under his fingertips as his hand caressed her well-formed breast.
It had been a long time since Pam and Eric had done something like this, and as his eyes looked up to see his progeny enjoying herself made him wonder why? The sisters didn't disappoint either, inviting them into their home and down to a basement area filled with rope lights, black light, and the best part no windows. Their parents were gone also so the thought of being discovered was highly unlikely. Yes, Pam had picked wisely. Looking up he watched as Pam trailed her lips over Chloe's neck moaning at the beating pulse under the girl's skin, causing her fangs to slide out.
Though it wasn't as strong as it had been Pam felt his eyes on her and allowed hers to find his. He was watching her like she was the only one in the room. Eric was almost mirroring her movements. Or she was mirroring his, since he was the one who introduced her to the ways and delights of a woman's body. He watched as she lapped leisurely at her breasts, savoring the trickles of blood coming out from two delicate puncture wounds.
Pam's own arousal heightened when she saw the glint in his eyes. It was one she hadn't seen in a very long time. It held so much promise that it added to her vigor. Chloe moaned when she felt Pam's cold mouth and sharp teeth bite into the soft flesh of her breast, before she licked away the rich bouquet of flavor.
Her sister, Amber, wasn't far behind as Eric brought her to completion, and Pam knew without needing to look that he was more interested in her movements then the young girl. Pam sucked greedily. It had been a while since she had a good meal and the girls flavor was so rich.
Her vision hazed in red as she lapped at the punctures. Eric tilted his head as he watched her. Never in his life had he seen something so beautiful. Reaching down Eric grabbed Pamela's hand and tugged her from the girl, or at least tried to.
But before he could register anything Pamela had took over and slammed him into the wall, sending small glass objects crashing to the floor. He couldn't help the groan that left his lips as his back smacked hard against the unforgiving wall. Pain shoots through his body. However, he couldn't will himself to be angry at her especially as he stares into her wild blue eyes. She was beautiful, enchanting, fierce, and above all she was his. Wither it was her that made the first move or him he would never know, either way there lips met in a sensual kiss.
Before too long she was pulling his bloody shirt out of his pants and using it to tug him further into her. Never in his life had he willing played submissive, but for once he went willingly allowing her to pull him deeper into the little room the girls had called home, until a sold mass wouldn't allow them further access. When the back of her legs hit the small table the heated kiss broke. Using the distraction, he gained the upper hand grabbed her hips lifting her up on the small desk roughly causing her to knock into another set of shelves, sending items falling crashing like music.
A soft groan exited her lips causing him to pull back enough for her to rip his shirt open, with such aggressiveness that one of the button hit him in the cheek right below his eye. The shirt was quickly discarded, and pushed out of her way as she place open mouthed kiss to his chest before sinking her teeth into his skin. With a growl he shoved her backwards before ripping into delicate material that covered her body.
Almost every instinct burned within him to rip, to tear, to feed. But he fought against it. He pushed her back into the wall, pressing himself into her softness and reveling in her scent that now smelt like him and the sound of her sighs. She was everything delicious. She was everything. She was his everything. With her he felt like he could let loose from every fear. As the last scraps fell away from her body, he wanted to thrust his fingers into her, then his tongue, making her scream for him, beg him, but her legs were already around his hips and she wouldn't let him move far enough away.
""Pamela..." Are you sure? He wasn't bonded to her any more he didn't know what was going on and he need to know. A heartfelt smile slowly decorated Pam's blood stained lips and she slipped her hands into his. "Absolutely." she gasped, her nails sinking into the naked skin of his shoulders, his shirt hanging by tattered strips from his biceps. "I've been so lost without this…without us…I need you," she finished. How could he deny her anything? He slipped his hand into his waistband of his trousers and pushed them away and leaving his hard length to jut out against her thigh. She pushed a hand between their bodies and pressed him against her slick wetness, his length brushing against her nub causing her to arch into him. "Please, Eric!"
His name, oh, so sweet, so very sweet on her lips, with that voice. He pushed farther, aligning his hips and pushing in as slowly as he could, despite her nails and her pants begging for fast and hard. He had to savor it, make it last…He paused the moment he was sheathed within her, the sense of coming home so overpowering that he had only felt once a long time ago, but not this powerful. She groaned, moving her hips and forcing him deeper within, crying wordlessly. She needed more, and he would give it to her. He withdrew fast, almost completely, then ramming back in as fast and hard as she had silently begged. She screamed, bright and happy, clenching her sheath so tightly he almost saw stars.
Again he withdrew through her tight passage, her body unwilling to let him leave, her hips tilting against his as he made his escape, and then he plunged back in, her moans beckoning him, welcoming him, her legs wrapped around him, her feet pushing against the small of his back, her arms tight around his shoulders, her lips at his ear, whispering nonsense that meant more than the highest philosophical debate. Faster, harder, she begged and he gave, as her nails brought blood to his back. He kissed her jaw, her ear, burdened his nose in the wild tangle of her hair, her scent his scent it was everywhere, her voice ragged as she moaned her pleasure, the sounds becoming an exquisite crescendo.
She was shaking, her sheath tightening around him, and he was so close to erupting within her. He wanted to, but something was stopping him. "min skönhet," he cooed his mother tongue into her ear " Jag är din som du är min... för evigheten." he finished his voice soft and raspy. He knew he had caused so much pain and hurt in her that he wouldn't be surprised at her confusion, but then he heard her, whispering, crying out in the midst of her climax, words that he understood. He pulled back, his hips losing their rhythm as he looking into her face, searching.
"Love you…love you…" her eyes were closed and her blood stained lips smiled with bliss, her hands clutching his shoulders and her nails biting into his skin. Her eyes opened and she stared into his, "I'm your for eternity." He couldn't stop it as he bent to sink his fangs deep within her neck. The taste of her blood on his tongue was beyond description, bliss incarnate as her sweet blood mixed with his own and it was his undoing.
She screamed, before clamped down on his shoulder her fangs ripping into his skin, her legs pulling him close as they both convulsed with each erratic thrust, his climax prolonging hers. Her hand moved into his hair, not to pull him away but clutching him to her, keeping him pinned to her neck, drinking from her, taking her completely as she did him. Never had they felt such joy, such love
There in the darkness of that room in Sweden, locked in each other's embrace, Pam and Eric gave themselves over to something both had been longing for. Maybe it was the blood, maybe it was just destiny, but nothing felt as right as this did. After a while Eric woke the young girls before glamouring them to forget about them and not to come back, before drawing his attention back to his progeny.
As night fell into early morning, early morning fell into evening; their slick bodies twisted and writhed under the bed sheets, building up to their climaxes, and waves of pleasure sweeping over them again and again as the day darkened. Where one went, the other followed and cries of their names infused with love and ecstasy punctuated the room.
Years of want, of need and longing, drove them to reach for the other repeatedly as they lay gasping for unneeded breath, wanting to keep experiencing that ultimate joining when they became one and their world shrank to that intimate connection and the sensations exploding within their bodies.
When at last they collapsed out of pure exhaustion, satiated and spooned against each other; a smile of utter happiness playing upon both their lips. Eric's arm wrapped protectively around Pam's waist with their fingers entwined. "You know, that's the third person who thought we were married today."
Pam glanced at him. "A man and a woman traveling together -"
"And you can't seem to keep your hands and lips off me," Eric interjected devilishly.
" -it's easy to see why people would think so. And I am not the only one."
With a smile Eric turned her so he could see her face. "My point is, if you're truly going to play the part, then you should look it as well." With that he pulled out something from his abounded pants.
Pam glanced down and saw a beautiful old ring with a gold band and a single diamond surrounded by tinier diamond beads held aloft between his two fingers. Her mouth parted in surprise.
"Where...? How..."
"It's where I disappeared off too. I saw it and..." Eric trailed off. He couldn't look at her and instead stared all around the room. "It just suddenly seemed a good idea to me...at the time..." He cleared his throat. "The diamond is fake," he continued. "But no one's really going to be looking at it." With the gentleness she had only seen a few times, he took her left gasped and her blue eyes were wide in her face.
Eric kissed Pam's palm, letting his breath wash over the sensitive skin, and looked up at her. "What do you say, Pamela? Will you be my pretend wife?" He smirked lightly.
She stared down at the ring then back at Eric and he looked at her with such love that it stole her breath away. Swallowing hard and with blood tears wilding in her eyes, Pam shakily smiled.
Eric's face broke out into a wide happy smile that crinkled the corners of his eyes. Without taking his eyes off her, he tenderly, reverently, slid the ring onto her finger and kissed her finger-tip. Giving a sigh of happiness, Pam tilted her head up on his bare shoulder and Eric bent his, their lips meeting in a soft, sleepy kiss. Finally, when their eyes succumbed to sleep, and their last words echoing in their minds guaranteeing more than pleasant dreams.
It was only after, in their blissful haze, lying entwined in bed that Pam sleepily murmured, "I love you, Eric."
His arms tightened around her slender form and Eric's eyes blazed in the setting darkness. "And I have always loved you, Pamela."