I am so sorry. I know I've been gone for ages and you all must hate me, I'd hate me if I were you. Please forgive me, I just got so caught up with exams, holidays and Netflix that I never got round to finishing the chapter. I hope you don't hate me and enjoy this, your long awaited, much deserved update.

Disclaimer: Don't own Harry Potter but I do own the OCs and storyline.

Rose POV

The moment I leave Rox's room I break into a run, shielding my face so that no one sees my eyes leaking, my breathing is ragged and all I can think about is that everyone will know. Mum and Dad will want to press charges, that's obvious, then somehow the Prophet will find out because my parents make me some kind of B-list celebrity and ,before the end of the month, I'll be the talk of the town. I lean against the wall of a deserted corridor and try and clean my face up between sobs but it's no use, i collapse onto the ground and just cry for a while. But I don't have the time to be hysterical, Rox needs me, I have stuff to do

"C'mon Rosie pull it together" I mutter wiping my eyes, they're probably all puffy but James will find out soon enough anyway. I get up and start walking towards the Gryffindor Dorms when I slam into Alice. She throws a glare my way but it instantly softens when she sees how wrecked I look

"Tell me everything" she says simply,wrapping her arm around me

"What? We're not talking." I remind her

"Rosie, you've just been sobbing on your own in a corridor, even if only for the next hour, we're talking."

"But I have to talk to James, Rox needs his broom for today" I try to explain but the tears are back, stupid emotions. Alice pulls out her pass note and scribbles something down

"There, James knows, now let's go to the library" Alice demands, half pushing me down the hallway.

Once we're in our talking spot everything just seems so much more normal, it still takes a bit of coaxing but I manage to tell everything that's happened since we stopped talking, well, not counting Scorp. Alice didn't say anything for the longest time but eventually she just quietly mumbled

"I'm an awful person"

"Alice no, you had every right to be angry and you had no ide-"

"You don't get it Rosie, I believed Sam's stupid rumours and let you rot in the Req Room for weeks without so much as a pass note. I've known you all my life and I let some petty grudge match ruin everything. Scorp sat at the door every night for hours but I didn't even give it second thought and I am so, so sorry Rosie. Sorry I let you go through that without me." there were tears in Alice's eyes now and we looked like ridiculous, two girls crying alone in the library but we didn't care. I was happy to have my best friend back, I really needed tell about Scorp and me.

"Alice, I think I'm on a thing with Scorp" I blurted out before I could chicken out, her head snapped up.

"How did you finally figure it out" she asked

"Well, I mean he fell asleep in the Req Room when he was waiting for me to come back from Armstian's, anyway I guess his dreams were controlling the room because it wouldn't make another bed and it give me really sexy PJs and, Idon't really know"

"So, you got with him" Alice says, as if it's a clue in a mystery, I nod "And is is going to break up with Honey?"

"I don't know, we didn't talk much" I reply with a blush

"So you're his side chick." Alice says slyly, I can feel my jaw drop, she grins "I'm kidding, but you should really-"

"Talk, yeah I know." I cut her off "Shit, wait, what time is it?"

"Uhh, like half 9?"

"We have to go! the race is starting" I squeak in panic

"The challenge is a race? Well Rox has this in the bag!"

"That may be, but we're going to miss it at this rate!" I grab Alice and we run at full speed to the dark forest"


I glance anxiously into the forest I was always so sure I knew, Fred's obsessed with it, always has been. He would take me with him sometimes and I felt like I knew it but today it looked nothing like it ever had, the trees were all curved to make this weird system of tunnels that branch off in three directions, I had no clue what lay in wait for me beyond that point. I had speed, fastest broom of the world by far, but I also had a feeling it would take more than that to beat this weird tree maze. I listen to Armstian explain that this maze would be dangerous, all kinds of dark forest creatures and a few more imported for the occasion were roaming about. there is no catch or special rule you just have to get to the other side, where the school waiting, faster than anyone else. I glanced around, Saito was standing next to this massive white tiger which was more than a little unnerving since it could probably snap my broom half with one paw. I could see the tough little Durmstrang champ twitching nervously add she eyed up the massive creature, her broom wasn't very impressive looking but it was glowing slightly like it had been charmed which was interesting. At first I thought Anton hadn't prepared anything until I saw that he had gold sandals on with what looked like feathers wrapped around them

"Does he have Talaria?" I turned to see Rose standing behind me

"What took you so long? I've been freaking out on my own!"

"That isn't important, you should be worrying about is the fact that one your competitors is wearing shoes that are rumored to belong to a God!" Says Rose

"I'm sorry?" I mean, that's just ridiculous right?

"Talaria, from the Latin word for ankle, are the winged sandals that Greek mythology states to have given Hermes his speed" Rose recites, straight from a textbook somewhere

"Hermes is the messenger right?" I check

"Yes, and the sandals on Mr Anton look just like his"

"Well that's crazy, he must just have a replica" I insist "And even if they work, they can't get him far off the ground so I have the tactical advantage against attacks"

"I suppose, I can't wait to see what the charm on Von Gobel's broom is though I bet it's-" But before Rose gets the chance to voice her speculations I'm called to the starting line "Good luck Roxy!" Rose calls, her voice is the last one I hear before the whistle blows and I take off.

Ta da! I will try my hardest to get the next chapter up soon but in the meantime give me all the ideas for what you want to happen in the reviews.