A twisted tale of two boys and one girl who are closer than triplets, yet so astoundingly different. Might be slash, not sure yet. Rating will go up eventually.
Neville Longbottom and the Golden Triumph
Chapter 1:
The Darkest Night
When Augusta Longbottom awoke to the wailing of her caterwauling charm, the last thing she expected to find was the Dark Lord on her doorstep!
All Augusta knew was that there had been a prophecy. Most who knew of the prophecy's existence thought it involved the young Potter heir, but Augusta knew it could also mean her grandson, the heir to the Longbottom fortune. Unbeknownst to most in the wizarding world, her grandson Neville had been born the same day as young Harry Potter, at the same moment even. The two boys couldn't be any more different though, young Harry was mischievous and happy, but little Neville on the other hand seemed more subdued as if he knew that their lives would soon take a turn for the worse. Little Neville clung to his parents and wailed constantly whenever they had to leave. The Longbottoms (Alice and Frank) began to wonder if their precious son and heir might be one of the Fabled Seers that sporadically appeared in the Longbottom line in times of great strife in the Magical World.
Young Neville and Harry might have drastically different personalities, but in many ways, they were identical. Neville had black hair from some long-forgotten Black in the Longbottom family tree, and brilliantly green eyes from his mother's side, many generations back, whilst Harry got his hair from his father and his eyes from his mother. Both boys were unnaturally pale, and had the highest magical readings of any child born since Merlin. This was far from the strangest thing about the two boys, magically speaking, as their magical signatures were nearly identical, which was just about unheard of, even in identical twins! This combined with their near identical looks, led to some confusion as to who was who. If Augusta hadn't known better she would have sworn they were twins, however Alice and Lily had given birth at the same time, in the same room no less, perhaps that and Magic's ever watchful presence had contributed to the boy's similarities.
Recently the Potters had begun to distrust their Secret Keeper and close friend, Peter Pettigrew, and as such had decided to move house rather unexpectedly without telling a soul, other than Augusta and Alice. James and Lily had decided to take their son and move into one of the many disused Potter manors, but upon hearing this, Augusta insisted upon them coming to live in the Longbottom Castle, where they could have an entire tower to themselves, underneath wards that had stood since the time of Merlin and Arthur, powered and fed by the blood and magic of generation upon generation of Longbottom family members.
Months of staying behind closed doors, out of reach of any who wished them harm and spending all their time with two cranky toddlers began to take their toll on both sets of young parents. One night, they decided that with the help of some Polyjuice potion, and a few hairs kindly donated by unsuspecting muggles, they could risk a night out. Lily, James, Alice, and Frank decided to have dinner out in a small muggle village just north of York, believing they would be safe in the muggle world. Alas, it was not to be.
They did manage to have a nice dinner, but things took a turn for the worse when they spotted the Dark Mark hovering in a sinister manner over the neighbourhood next to the cinema where they had planned on taking in a film to cap off their evening. Rather than continue on with their plans, they rushed to aid the poor muggles, and in doing so, assured themselves a place in the history books as true heroes and champions of muggles.
What they found was a scene of absolute carnage, Death Eaters long gone, not a sound to be heard but the ashes stirring faintly in the breeze… and the sounds of sirens in the distance, slowly growing louder. And then, the tiniest of wails, coming from a bright-blue sphere in one of the piles of rubble. Lily runs over and shouts back to the others "It's a child! And she's alive!" She picks up the toddler and cradles her in her arms, humming softly. The others begin frantically digging through the rubble for her parents. When they do find them, they find a man and a woman cut down in the prime of their lives, dying slowly from an entrail expelling curse. The woman tells them her daughter's name "Hermoine Jean Granger..." before slipping beyond the veil. The man tells them "Hermione is special, she has powers like you wouldn't believe! She tried so hard to save us, but her protection bubble fell to the onslaught. Take her please, and teach her to love learning like her mother, and books like her father. We saw you lifting the debris from us with those sticks, I dont know if Hermione's powers are the same as yours, but train her to defend others that she loves." And then, he too is gone… The four adults swear that they will not let Hermione forget and that they will raise her like one of their own. A quick "Accio the Granger's possessions!" nets them one heck of a library full of books, mostly unharmed, as well as some strange and eccentric looking equipment that James exclaims loudly over, "Look Lils! Just like on the telly in those science shows you love!" Lily, who know that it's a microscope and centrifuge, along with various other lab paraphernalia, simply shakes her head, and quickly packs the pile of the Granger's treasured books and all their possesions into her feather-light and undetectable expansion charm charmed bag with a simple "Pack." and a wave of her wand.
When they returned home, it was to find Augusta holding off Voldemort himself in the boy's nursery. Lily cleverly threw her bag in front of a killing curse, which caused the charms to fail and the contents of the Granger's house to neatly squish Voldemort under a tide of books and furniture. Lily hurriedly handed Hermione to Augusta and withdrew a silvery memory of the girl's parents dying and thrust it straight into Augusta's head. With that done she woke the boys and had them hold on to Augusta whom she handed an emergency portkey to St. Mungo's, given her by James. Just as Augusta vanished, the Dark Lord Voldemort emerged from the pile of things with an enraged scream.