Hello my too-faithful readers,
I afraid I deliver bad news, but I feel it is unfair to piss you about. Here's the thing: I have anxiety. Yep. I really enjoyed writing what I did and have hand-written a few scenes and ideas, but I just cannot find the time. I would love to keep writing this, and I hope I will, but I am just always so stressed and overworked, and so incredibly busy that I find it hard to sleep for more than a few hours and cope with school. I really wish I had the time and energy, truly, I wish I did and perhaps one day I will, but I feel as though I have to officially say that sadly A Long Time to Wait will not be updated for the foreseeable future. I have probably lost you all already, but I hope you all enjoyed what you read, and I really am sorry. I feel horrifically guilty. If I ever do manage find time to update I will message everyone who followed/favourited if you'd like. Gosh, I feel shitty about this. I want to do it right now, but that is the thing with my life; I have two tests on Wednesday, two books to read, math notes to write, stuff to study... and it is ALWAYS like that. I never have enough time to do more than recover and recooperate.
So sorry,
P.S. Out of curiousity, do you guys ship Wolfstar? Because I wrote a really cute scene and IDK if y'all ship it.