I can't believe that my last update was in January and I'm now updating it in October. I...no. I have no excuses. I'm just lazy and I'm sorry for being like that but at least I never discontinued it like my last story. Well anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter unlike the last one that only got 9 reviews which I will be proud to give thanks to. So I better get more reviews. So lets start. After the disclaimer.
Disclaimer: I don't own a damn thing other than Akira. Okay? Okay.
You can go now.
Chapter 3
The Past Connects with The Present
(New students pt.2)
~Rin's Pov~
All they did was stare and laugh at me. They mocked and sneered with pure judgmental jokes that felt like knives digging through my skin making scattered jagged cuts across my body and the worst thing I could ever feel was pain that would continue to live and haunt me. In reality, I knew Rei and Rui couldn't protect me forever. I had to walk down paths alone even if it meant getting hurt along the way because I was already used to being hurt and also having dead hopes with buried dreams. With every step I took, the laughter grew louder and it never ended and to add more fuel to the fire of the sneering was a boy that came up to me and purposely dropped my sketch book out of my arms. In situations like this, I was used to it but the only thing that I didn't know was going to 'scare' me for life. A girl came up behind me and kicked me down on the floor. I fell on the floor with a loud smack on my hands. I turned my face to the left and caught a glimpse of the girl through the small opening of the mask made for the eyes. Even though the mask itself had no mouth, I smirked behind it and then I felt her hand grab me by my hood and force me to look at her.
"You think you can just show up in here with a mask on your face and steal the attention away from me?" She said with a high pitched voiced that sounded closely to Barbie like the ones seen in the commercial.
Is she really serious right now? Did she really just kick me down on the floor all because I stole 'attention' from her?
"Answer me!" She yelled. I turned my head to the left side and suddenly dropped it. Gathering the strength I had, I backwardly kicked the back of her knee causing it to give in and make her fall. I did a backflip and landed perfectly next to my sketchbook that was thrown away from me. I picked it up and continued to walk but little did I know that little miss Barbie wanted to get even. Screaming at the top of her lungs, she pointed at me with her perfectly plastic manicured finger and stood up angry and proud.
"Y-you little bitch!" She screeched. I glanced and saw her hand ball up in a fist and come straight at me. I waited for the impact but it never came. Standing in front of me was Rei holding her fist and glaring at her with unemotional eyes.
"You know, you shouldn't do that. If you want attention so badly, I could help you. In fact, I wouldn't even mind stripping you right here, make you masturbate yourself, and force you to crawl on your hands and knees throughout the entire school and also put it on the internet. Now, is that the attention you want?" He dropped her fist and continued to glare at her.
"R...Rei-sama, you wouldn't even d-" Rei interrupted her by putting his finger on her lip and suddenly his emotionless demeanor started to darken. He sneered and placed his hand on her check and started to caress it.
"Akira, you shouldn't try me if you know what's best for you." He coldly stated as he continued to caress her cheek. Letting go of her cheek he took some of her hair hair and held it.
"Such nice eyes, soft cheeks, and gorgeous hair you have."
"T-th-thank you?." She muttered hesitantly.
"It would be such a pain to watch them gouge out your eyes, rip off everevery inch of your skin, shave your hair off, and leave you with nothing but your bones perfectly assembled as if you were already dead...it would be painful indeed."
Wow, isn't he thinking some bright things today...(note the sarcasm)
The girl turned pale as Rei let her go and walk towards me.
"Let's go." He stated before walking ahead. I followed him but then glanced at the pale girl who was left horrified and frozen to the tip of her fingers. Turning around and looking at Rei, I stopped walking and waited for him to look at me. He stopped walking but he didn't turn around.
"You want me to apologize to her, don't you?" He said. I nodded and he sighed.
"She almost hurt you-" I walked up to him, patted his shoulder and took his hand. I looked for an empty corner and then I started to run. Turning to the unoccupied corner, I stopped running and stood trying to catch my breath. I looked up at Rei and started to talk without using my sketchbook.
"It scares me when you threaten someone just to protect me. Unlike Rui, who wouldn't even mind beating the hell out of the person who touched me, you scare me."
"Why...how do I scare you?"
"Well for starters, your face. It's like looking at the face of death. Your eyes change a certain way that I can't even describe it and the way you talk. They're pretty gruesome you know. You describe someone's death in a way that it feels like they're already dead and it scares me the most when it hurts that person so badly it's like they don't want their existence to be known anymore...I've seen you do it once like this and it ended up having us get homeschooled for 3 years. All I'm going to say is be careful of the way you use your words because the past has a way of repeating itself." After saying that, I walked away from Rei and headed to my next period which was AP English.
Rei's hiding something...something that he doesn't want anyone, not even Rui to know, but why? Doesn't he trust us?
Sighing as I thought, I reached my classroom earlier than I had expected.
Let's start the second class of the day, shall we?.
*~Rui's Pov~*
Walking around the school in circles, I still couldn't find the class I belonged to. No matter how many people I asked, I just couldn't find it. Having a little bit of hope left inside of me, I turned on the corner but sadly I didn't see it. Groaning in despair, I fell on my knees and began to sulk. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked up. I saw Rei with a smirk on his face as he stretched his hand out. Glaring at him, I smacked his hand away and stood up.
"Don't smile at me like that. I don't need your mockery right now." I stated while dusting my skirt off. I walked passed him and turned around sighing.
"So where's Rin?" I asked Rei while his back was turned towards me.
"I scared her away." He answered with a tone that I've never heard before.
"Scared her? Nothing ever scares Rin. She said so herself." He looked at me with strands of his hair covering his face. Catching the color of his eye, I realized that his eye was no longer golden yellow but dull black. It carried no emotion in it. It was dead.
Just like that time...
"Rei...your eye...it'sits black." I said with worried expression. He looked away.
"Ignorance was always a bliss for you in a sense. That certain things that Rin or I say passes you by like you never even heard it. Well, things like that scare Rin and hurt me because you've never carried any agony that made chains that surrounded our hearts. If you continue to be ignorant to the smaller things then it'll be harder for you to fix them in order to save her." Rei said. I continued to stare at him. He looked back at me and smirked.
"Instead at staring at me, look for your classroom 'cause 2nd period already started." He advised me. He smirked and I hit his shoulder.
"If your smart ass wasn't preaching to me, maybe I would've found it already!" I shouted. Taking my hand in his, he looked at me with a smile.
"Would it hurt my smart ass if I told you to skip 2nd period with me?" I smiled at him and shook my head.
"What kind of corny question is that?" I asked laughing. He looked at me with a smile still on his face ready to hear my answer.
"Fine, I'll go with your dumb ass." I said to him with a smirk.
"So I'm a dumb ass now?" He asked.
"Yep, 'cause youryou're my adorable little brother I can always pick on."
"You do know that we're twins and it's me that's older than you."
"Can you not take the pride and joy I had a few minutes ago?" I scoffed. "Talk about being an older sibling." He laughed as I playfully pushed his arm.
"Whatever, so where do you want to go?" Looking at him, I put on my 'are-you-serious' on him and he looked the other way trying to contain his laughter.
"You're asking me? You were the one who asked me so figure it out yourself." I replied in annoyance.
"Fine, fine. Hm...how about we go to the rooftop garden?"
"Okay. Seems fair though."
"What's fair though?" I looked at him and grinned.
"When you're in trouble, I'll be there to back you up." He smiled back and we left.
(A/N: Well isn't that sweet! ReixRui twincest moment...well kinda but you never guess who's pov is going to be next!)
~Len's Pov~
Ugh! First day and you see another girl desperate for attention. How much more conceited can they get?! Anyway, since I was blocked by a big crowd circling the little fight that was going on display, I decided to stick around to see it.
"You think you can just show up in here with a mask on your face and steal the attention away from me?" Akira said. Seriously? If she wanted more attention, she should've gone to the Mcdonald's convention. I'm pretty sure they had another spot for a clown think she has enough attention with a clowned up Barbie face. Sighing, I continued to watch the fight unfold. I stared at the person dressed in nothing but black with a mask on their face.
"Answer me!" Akira shouted. The person in black turned their head slightly to catch a glance at her. Without looking at her the person in black she managed to kick the back of her knee to make her legs give in so she could fall down.
That's one smart move.
The person in black stood up, did an amazing backflip, and picked up the sketchbook that was on the floor. She started to walk again but she stopped when Akira stood up and yelled at her. Not knowing, Akira ran toward the person in black with her fist aimed to punch the person in black in the face. In a quick second, the punch didn't touch the the the person but it hit a hand. Surprised by the quick move, I stood in awe waiting for the next move to take place.
"You know, you shouldn't do that. If you want attention so badly, I could help you, in fact, I wouldn't even mind stripping you right here, make you masturbate yourself, and force you to crawl on your hands and knees throughout the entire school and also put it on the internet. Now, is that the attention you want?" The boy said as he dropped her fist and continued to glare at her.
Oh my God, (sorry God.) he's seriously not joking.
I started laughing secretly to myself as I looked at Akira's face.
Man, she is soo screwed right now.
"R...Rei-sama, you wouldn't even d-" the boy puts his finger on tip of her mouth and then his left eye turns death black. He put his hand on her cheek and started to rub it.
"Akira, you shouldn't try me if you know what's best for you." He coldly stated as he continued to caress her cheek. Letting go of her cheek he took some of her hair hair and held it.
"Such nice eyes, soft cheeks, and gorgeous hair you have."
"T-th-thank you." She muttered hesitantly.
"It would be such a pain to watch them gouge out your eyes, rip off every inch of your skin, shave your hair off, and leave you with nothing but your bones perfectly assembled as if you were already dead...it would be painful indeed."
Wow. That's one way to describe someone's death, wait a minute. I know who that is. It's-
I discontinued my thought as some girl bumped into me. I glared at her while she left passing through some of the other folks in the crowd. I wouldn't blame her if she was pushing herself through the crowd but at least she could have said excused me. Gosh, the people our generation lives with. Lucky that the girl made the crowd to make a little path along the way and I crossed through. I looked at my watch and realized that there was only 5 minutes left to get to class. I reached my class in under two minutes and took my seat next to Mikuo.
"Hey Lenny." Mikuo said.
"Hey." I slumped down in my seat with my head laying on the table. Mikuo looked at me and questioned my attitude but I sighed.
"There was a fight between Akira and a masked person." I stated while my head was still on the desk.
"What was the fight about? Money? Makeup? Sex? Boyfriend problems/issues?" I lifted my head of the table and leaned back in my chair.
"Nope, none of those. This time it was for attention." I said with a laugh and closed my eyes. Mikuo smirked and questioned me again.
"Really? Well, this is interesting. And who was she against?"
"I don't really know but all I could seecatch was a mask.?"
"A mask?"
"Yeah, you couldn't really tell the gender or the face but all that person wore was nothing but black."
"All black? Give me a detailed description of the masked person." I opened my eyes and looked at Mikuo.
"I can't." I said with a sad tone.
"Well, why not?"
"I...I." Looking up front I noticed the person and gasped.
"What? You figured out a way to give me a detailed description?"
"No I don't need to give you one." I said.
"Why not?"
"Even if I did, you'll porabably say it's too vague."
"Just tell me! I'm sure that-" Mikuo was interrupted by the irritating nailchalk streak made on the board.
"It seems now that I caught your attention with that, I can finally tell you that we have a new student in our class." The teacher said.
Mikuo looked at the person then turned to me.
"Is that the masked, all-dressed-in-black, person?" He asked. I nodded as we both watched the person flip pages in the sketchbook. The person finally found the page it was looking for and turned it around.
"My name is Error. Thank the devil for having me in this class? What does that mean?" I whispered to Mikuo, who looked just as bemused like I was.
"What? Who would ever thank the devil for someone so good? Whoever this person is behind the mask, I need to thank them." Mikuo said with a laugh. I tried to stop Mikuo from standing up to embarrass himself but it was too late. Mikuo was clapping with a wide grin on his face. Walking up to Error, he laughed and grabbed his hand. He kept smiling like a Cheshire cat shaking Error's hand firmly with aggression. Error quickly pulled away and shook his hand slightly from the pain. Mikuo dropped his hands and abruptly grabbed hold of Error's shoulder. Ms. Sato looked Mikuo and stood up.
"No sexual harassment to the new student, Mr. Hatsune." She stated.
"Oh, fuck off Helen. Can't you see I'm trying to give the new student a warm welcome to our class?" Mikuo replied back in a rude nonchalant tone. It looked like Ms. Sato was fuming in anger but said nothing and sat back down. Mikuo smirked and turned his head back to Error's face.
"Anyway before I was rudely interrupted, I just wanted to say…" suddenly he wrapped his arms around Error and screamed. "Thank you! You are the only basic person to ever stand up to that big, hideous, clown freak show! Cheers to our school hero!" Mikuo and the rest of the class stood up shouting in excitement except for me. I knew that this would happen but it was my fault for telling him in the first place. Sighing, I put my arms on my desk and rested my heard on my arms.
All this yelling and we haven't even started class which is about to end in 20 minutes.
~Rin's Pov~
Walking in, I noticed that all the students didn't see me but the teacher did. She walked over to me with a smile.
"So you must be the masked new student huh? Can I see your schedule please?" Nodding, pulled out my schedule that was in my sketchbook and handed it to the teacher. She glanced at it and gave it back to me. Smiling, she told me to wait while she got the students attention. She went to the black board and placed her nails on the board. Suddenly she dragged her nails across the board which made a shrieking sound but all the students' attention.
"It seems now that I caught your attention with that, I can finally tell you that we have a new student in our class." She said. I walked to the front center of the class room and pulled out my sketchbook trying to find my introduction I wrote. I found the page I was looking for and turned it around. Everyone read it but they started whispering until a boy with blue-greenish hair stood up.
No way. Is that Mikuo?
He started clapping with a wide smile as if he was congratulating me for something but I didn't know what it was. As he made his way to me. I slowly moved back and stop. He, then, grabbed my hand and wildly shook it. I removed my hand from his and shook it from the pain that was heated in my hand. Mikuo grabbed my shoulders scaring me slightly from his hard grasp. The teacher noticed this and called Mikuo out.
No sexual harassment to the new student, Mr. Hatsune." She demanded.
"Oh, fuck off Helen. Can't you see I'm trying to give the new student a warm welcome to our class?" He replied back arrogantly. Nothing about this felt warm or welcomed. He looked at me still smiling. It was really freaking me out. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he hugged me.
"Thank you! You are the only basic person to ever stand up to that big, hideous, clown freak show! Cheers to our school hero!" He yelled out in gratitude. He and all the other students clapped for me except this one blonde guy with the little ponytail. Mikuo stopped clapping but he never stopped smiling.
Is his face glued like that?
He looked at me and turned his head to the blonde guy with the little cute ponytail.
Did i just think that his ponytail was cute?
"You have to meet my friend Lenny. He was the one that told me about your victorious fight against that Barbie clown, Akira. Taking my hand, he led me down to the guy. The blonde dude, named 'Lenny', lifted up his head and looked at Mikuo with an irritated face.
"Class is about to end in the next 15 minutes." He stated. That was funny. He reminded me of a friend I used to have 11 years ago who always cared about the time that he was dedicated to being the time manager in our class.
"Stop being such a worrywart about time, Lenny. Anyway, introduce yourself to Error, our hero." Mikuo said with a commanding voice. I think it hit Lenny with irritation that his eyebrows twitched. The more I kept hearing the name Lenny, it kept bring back pictures of the young boy I knew.
It can't be him. I left everyone I knew 10 years ago. He couldn't be here….could he?
"Whatever." He stood up and forced a smile on his face. "Hi Error, my name is…"
No, stop playing tricks on me. I left him and everyone else back in the past. It can't be…him. No…
"Len Kagamine. Nice to have you in our class."
I dropped my sketchbook in my hand and looked at him in shock behind my mask.
Ohhh... What did I tell you? I told you. Yes a Cliffhanger which was really unneeded but I grew tired of letting you guys wait a year for another update. I want to give thanks to those 9 people who reviewed my last chapter.
Thank you soo much for reviewing. It means a lot to me. Well. I gotta go. Hope you see me in the next update? I guess, i get very lazy quick but if you have any questions about this chapter just dm me or review but you have to have an account for me to reply back but I hope you enjoy this chapter!