TITLE: Everybody Knows That We Are Going Down
RATED: T just to be safe.
CHARACTERS: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Sam Winchester, Gabriel and others.
WARNINGS: This is a Destiel AU story where Castiel, Gabriel, Anna, Michael and Raphael are still siblings but human, Sam and Dean have normal lives and their parents are alive. No hunting, no monsters.
PAIRINGS: Dean/Castiel, Dean/Lisa, Sam/Jess.
SUMMARY: High School AU. Everybody knows that high school is not easy, especially when everybody hates you for no apparent reason. Summer just ended, the senior year is knocking and all Castiel Novak wants to do it's to spend his last year unnoticed. But destiny has other plans.
A/N: This story is based on the song 'All The Right Moves', by One Republic. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy it.
New York City, NY
Summer 2013
Dean laughed to himself as he looked down at the letter on his hands that just arrived on the mail. 'LAWRENCE HIGH'S CLASS OF 2003 REUNION. THIS SATURDAY JUNE 21ST ON THE SCHOOL'S OLD GYMNASIUM. PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR PRESENCE UNTIL JUNE 20TH ON THE SCHOOL'S SECRETARY OFFICE.' He hasn't put a foot on that place since he graduated ten years ago. After the events of that last year, he promised himself to never ever go back there ever again. He moved to New York with his boyfriend – now husband – Castiel and forgot about their past. Yes, he still contacted his parents and his little brother Sam that still lived on Lawrence, but apart from them, he lost everybody's number.
Dean thanked the mailman and took the elevator back to the rooftop where stood his apartment. He opened the door and got in. He threw the correspondence on the massive kitchen's counter and walked to the living room. Dean lied on the big black couch and rubbed his hands on his face, sighing. He didn't want anything to do with that town anymore – except for his family – but he felt like it was time for him to go back. They couldn't run forever. He loved his life here. He was the owner of a huge enterprise related to cars selling; he had a huge apartment on the top of one of the most luxurious buildings in whole New York. Dean had a loving husband who was the best neurological surgeon of the state. He had two adorable children – Emma, the oldest, aged nine and Gabriel, the youngest, aged five. He had the life he's always wanted and everyone told him he would never had, but why did he have a weird feeling of emptiness inside him?
Dean was pulled out of his thoughts as he heard two pairs of tiny footsteps running down the stairs. He got out of the sofa to see Emma and Gabe running towards him. They hid behind him as he saw his husband run down the stairs laughing.
"Daddy! Help! Papa is gonna call the tickling monster to get us!" Emma said, pulling his sleeve.
"Daddy! Halp!" said Gabriel.
Dean smiled and picked his children up, each one with an arm.
"I told you to brush your teeth after breakfast." Castiel said as he picked Gabe from Dean's arms.
"But it's summer! Aren't we supposed to do whatever we want?" Emma complained.
"Of course! It's summer. You are supposed to have fun but you are not going to win money from the tooth fairy if your teeth aren't completely clean. Now, listen to Papa and go upstairs to brush you teeth." Dean said as he put Emma down, and Cas Gabriel.
"But Daaaaaaaad!"
"Emma. Go."
"Fine. C'mon, Gabe." She said as she grabbed her little brother's hand and walked up the stairs.
"You. Are. The. Best. Father. Ever." Castiel said as he sat down on the couch, sighing. "Those two will be the death of me." He said smiling.
"You're welcome." Dean said as he sat crouched next to his husband and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "I've got something to show you though." He said as he got up and walked to the kitchen. He got the reunion invitation card and sat down next to Castiel.
"Dean, what is it?" Castiel said as Dean sat next to him and handed him the letter. Cas got the letter out of Dean's hand and started reading it. Dean watched as his lover's blue eyes widened as he read the invitation.
"I was thinking of going back, you know." Dean said looking at Castiel. "It might be good for us." With that Castiel snorted and got up.
"You can't be serious?! Do you even remember what happened that year? That's the main reason of why we moved here, a-and now you are thinking of going back?! A-Are you nuts?!" Castiel shouted at his husband. He didn't realize he was crying until Dean got up and hugged him tight.
"Yes, of course I remember. Look, if you don't want to go back, we don't need to. I just thought it would be a good opportunity to visit our folks and Sam and you siblings, and I don't know maybe Jo , Ash and Chuck. After all, they were the only ones who stood by our side. I thought they deserved to know how we are doing, you know." Dean said as he stroked Castiel's hair softly. The other man stopped crying and pulled apart looking up at Dean. "We don't need to stay long. We'll go the day after tomorrow, the fourteenth, and we can come back home the day next to the party. Only a week. I promise. " Dean said as he stroked Castiel's cheeks with his thumbs.
"Only one week?" Castiel said, sounding convinced.
"Yep. I promise."
"Okay. I'm gonna get our stuff ready and tell the kids then." Castiel said. He turned around to leave but Dean grabbed his wrist and pulled him to his chest, kissing him softly. He kissed back exploring each inch of the blonde's mouth and after a few minutes they pulled apart.
"I love you." Dean said, still with his arms around the shorter man.
"I love you too." Castiel said smiling. He gave Dean a last peck on the lips and went upstairs to prepare his children to the trip. Dean sighed and sat back on the couch, admiring the view their apartment had of the city. A photo frame situated on the corner of the living room took his attention and he walked towards it. He took it on his right hand and smiled as he saw the picture. It was him and Cas. That was the day they first got together. Castiel insisted on taking a picture. 'Every second matters.', he had said. Dean had his hands around the other man's waist and their bodies were pressed together. Their foreheads were touching, their eyes were closed and Castiel had both arms around Dean's neck. Castiel's sister, Anna, had taken the picture. Dean sent his thoughts of that time away and went upstairs to help his family packing.
Lawrence, Kansas
Summer of 2002
Castiel groaned as his alarm clock woke him up. He turned his head to the left, turned off the alarm and looked at the clock: '7:00 AM'. He closed his eyes and turned to the other side, hoping to catch more five minutes of sleep. He heard his door being spun open and someone tip toeing towards his bed.
"Castiel." The voice said once. "Cassie." It said again. "CASTIEL, WAKE UP." It screamed and Castiel almost fell of his bed.
"GABRIEL, WHAT THE HELL?!" he shouted at his big brother, who had a grin on his face.
"It's your first day of school."
"Yeah, thank you for remembering me." Castiel sighed and lied back down, closing his eyes.
"Oh, come on. It can't be that bad." Gabriel replied. 'Yeah, because getting pushed against lockers and thrown at the floor everyday by the football team isn't that bad.'. School's never been good to Castiel. Since when he was a toddler. Apparently, being smart and part of a very religious family where all your siblings, including you, were named after angels wasn't normal. And when he got into high school, things got worse. Everybody knows that high school is not easy, especially when everybody hates you for no apparent reason. He only had three friends: Jo, Ash and Chuck. They've been friends since he got into Lawrence High School but they were way too cooler than him. Chuck was a writer. He spent his summer working on a new series of books about two brothers who were raised hunting monsters and spent their whole lives driving through the US ganging the sons of bitches. Castiel thought it was a good idea, but it wouldn't make much success. Who would even pay to read that? And there was Jo. She had blonde hair, brown eyes and very pale skin. Castiel had to admit, she was gorgeous, but they were only friends. Bestest friends actually. She was popular but she didn't take people's shit and would punch the nose of the first boy who tried to kiss her without her permission. She did that once on the 7th grade. Ash was Jo's half brother. He was the master when it came to computers but he wouldn't go out without a beer. They were good friends and stuck up with him even after all this time. They were the only good thing about school.
He had gone through name calling, being pushed against lockers, having his stuff getting stolen, being made fun off and even getting beat up, mostly of the time. He didn't tell his family though. Castiel lived in a big house with six bedrooms, five bathrooms and a huge kitchen. He was the youngest. First, they had Michael, the older brother. Then, Raphael and Uriel, who were twins and a year younger than Michael, but were adopted. Then, it came Gabriel. He was two years older than Castiel. After Gabriel, came Anna who was a year and a few months older than him. Their mother died on the day Castiel was born. The labour didn't go as expected and she died on the surgery table. He guessed Michael and Raphael blamed him for it because they made his life a living hell at home, mostly Raphael and Uriel. Gabriel and Anna were more comprehensive and didn't blame him for anything. They knew it wasn't his fault. They were the only ones who made his life worth living. Gabriel graduated from school two years ago and attends to the nearest college from their house. He felt like he couldn't just leave Anna and Cas alone with their older siblings. Michael was a salesman, just like their father, who was barely home. Since his wife died, he started dedicating his life to his job. Michael was daddy's favorite and he did everything their Father asked. Uriel and Raphael had just graduated from college. Uriel became a lawyer and Raphael got into the family's business as a salesman, helping Michael out. Anna had always been rebellious but she graduated last semester and was attending to the same college as Gabriel. She hadn't moved out either. She and Gabriel decided that they would wait until Castiel had graduated to leave. Leaving him alone at that house with their three older siblings, was the same as signing his death certificate. But Castiel knew that they wouldn't always be there to protect him.
For the past three years, people had made his life is school basically hell. Mostly the football team's captains, Lucifer and Crowley. Castiel was sure they had came from hell 'cause there was no way in heaven they were human. When Gabriel and Anna were at school, no one would mess with him in public because they wouldn't risk getting involved into a fight with either Gabriel or Anna. They were basically the king and queen of the sophomores and no one gave rats ass at their nerdy little brother. When they left, everything scrambled down. He had never told Gabriel and Anna about it, but he was sure they weren't blind. He lost count of how many times he had came home crying, locked himself on his room and had Anna or Gabriel or even both sometimes asking him what was wrong. He would tell them everything was okay and cry himself to sleep. Anna and Gabriel would drop it because they knew their little brother wouldn't want to talk about it either, but they weren't stupid.
"Helloooo? Earth to Castiel?" He was snapped out of his thoughts by the voice of his older brother.
"C'mon, little brother. What's up on your nerdy messy head?" Gabriel said as he sat next to Castiel and ruffled his hair.
"Nothing… I just… I don't wanna go back to school." Castiel said looking down. Gabriel sighed and put a hand on his brother's shoulder.
"Hey… It's going to be okay. You know that if something happens me and Anna will be there for you, right?"
"Yeah…" 'But you won't be always there to help me.'
"So cheer up! It's your last year. Put on your best outfit and nail it, little bro." Gabriel said smirking as he got up and walked towards the door. "Breakfast is out in five minutes." He said as he closed the door and left.
Yep. This was going to be a loooong year. Castiel got up and started to get ready for school.