OKAY people one word...
Ok so I've tried my hand at action people, tell me what you think, but be nice about it okay
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Enjoy =)
Luffy looked around, examining his surroundings as closely as possible. After coming to the top of the staircase there was a single door. Seemed like a lot of trouble for one door, but that meant that there had to be something cool behind it right? So when he opened the door he expected great things, like maybe a magical plate full of meat that never emptied, perfectly seasoned and juicy… but instead there was a very surprised old man, wearing what looked to be lipstick- not that he judged much, he pondered that it was akin to the afro to those people who wore it!- as well as wearing a sort of military looking outfit of blue with yellow outlining the edges. There was also a cape and what looked like mascara. Other than that one man and his peculiar fashion choices…. sadly there was nothing of extreme interest here at all. Looking back to where they had entered, Luffy wondered if they could go back and go a different direction.
Unbeknownst to him though, Erza was gearing up beside him. Her clothes changing in the blink of an eye and becoming an heavily armoured battle ourfit, swords floating about her as though strung up on wires. When he did happen to turn his head toward her to check and see if she had seen something or if maybe she wanted to head back as well, Luffy was shocked to see that the place she had once occupied moments before was nothing but air. Looking to see where she had gone, Luffy was amazed to see her charging the black lipstick man. Even stranger, the black lipstick man was laughing. Did she tell a joke? Was it funny and did Luffy miss it? Bummer….
Because Erza's back was to him, he couldn't see her enraged expression, nor could he see that the lipstick man had no weapon and was blocking her with only a light purplish aura thing that was wrapped around his arm like a covering of mucus, much like a snail. Erza's muscles trembled with effort- her over powering effort to destroy the man before her and wear his hide as a trophy which could have been seen if she didn't have her back to Luffy.
So Luffy just observed as she stood there facing the man. What were they doing? how confusing…
Erza pushed with all her might, and yet no matter what she did, it seemed as though it was pointless.
The second she had entered the room, right behind Luffy, she had locked eyes with the master of the phantom lord guild; immediately she thought of the master, the kind man who had graciously taken her in and how she had failed him. He was practically dealt a fatal move while she had done nothing to prevent it. She was a failure as a magician, she didn't deserve the rank of S-class if she was so easily passed by; she almost couldn't breath with all the self loathing plaguing her.
She had seen red the second she had laid eyes on the evil guild master, and when he gave the slightest condescending smirk her rage was unrivaled; and she was ashamed to admit that she had no memory of actually charging the man. It was all a blur in that aspect. She even forgot about Luffy standing right next to her. Because of her emotion driven actions she now found herself in a dangerous predicament, she was no match against a guild master such as the corrupted Phantom Lord, and she realised this with a disturbing clarity the moment she clashed her blades with him. He was overpowering her without any real effort at all! He had conjured a small dark purple defensive circle reeking with malicious intent after initially blocking her, seemingly unwilling to even acknowledge her enough to move a finger. When he continued laughing at her she felt her pride cringe from the metaphysical blow. She would not let him get out of this unscathed! As she thought of this though, two arm looking appendages shot out of the magic circle aiming to latch on to anything they could. She lunged back and after throwing the swords occupying her hands she pulled two more with her magic. She went to attack him again when he feigned a yawn, therefore turning his attention away from her. It turned out to be the exact opposite though, for while she was distracted by this movement, a dark appendage snuck behind her and wrapped around her legs and flipped her over turning her upside down. She had no time to react as she was slung across the room back to her previous place right in front of Jose although the circumstances were noticeably more dire and crucial. Jose popped his jaw then turned his attention back to her,
"Truly talented my dear, perhaps you could join a guild more…suitable for such talent as your own? Hmmm?". There was an evil greedy glint in his eyes easily visible underneath his fake hopeful gaze. Erza felt cold where the dark magic around her legs touched her skin. Shivering she hid her fear and instead focused on her anger and disgust.
"Fairy Tail is my home, as well as the only place I ever plan on being a part of. Phantom Lord is petty in comparison." Was all she said her own condescending smirk firmly in place for maximum annoyance, she was satisfied to see his mask fall off and his face twist horribly in his anger and hate. The appendages wrapped around her legs got noticeably tighter, even she- despite how durable she was- was going to have bruises later. Erza winced, and when she felt Jose momentarily tense his muscles and his face twitch ever so slightly in a gleeful corrupted smirk, she tensed her body preparing for the undoubtedly painful attack coming. She was wearing her armor therefore it would do good to absorb most of the force behind whatever move he decided to use, then she could use that opening the moment of attack to get out of his clutches and use the momentary confusion caused by the action to… What. The. Heck.
Luffy watched the transaction. Debating in his head if they were friends or not. He had finally come to his conclusion when he heard them talking. It sounded as though they were friends. The way they were talking was a little weird though, but from what they said, perhaps the lipstick man was a member of Fairy Tail? He had complimented her and it looked as though they were playing around even if he reeked of something nasty. Heehee, Luffy was amazed at himself sometimes he was such an inciteful genius.
Going up to them, he asked Erza
"Heeeeeeeeey, who's this?" Luffy had his trademark grin stretched wide on his face. They both looked at him as though they had just at that moment remembered that he was there. Which was true.
Erza was the first to react, with a swipe of her sword at Jose's chest. The man's lightning reflexes was the only thing that prevented the blow from being fatal, with his dodge it was nothing more than a long shallow cut traveling from his upper torso to his abdomen. Erza escaped from the dark clutches and grabbing Luffy by the hat, she dragged the boy to the other side of the large castle throne like room. The cold unforgiving gray walls and rich carpets and tapestries attributed to the royale feel.
Landing on his back behind Erza, Luffy felt for his precious hat to assure himself that it was okay, at the same time he turned his angry face towards Erza
"What the hell?!" He got no response save for a withering cold gaze. She did not look at him for long though, turning her gaze toward the still man that she had sliced that seemed to be quivering with some intense emotion. The man she had sliced. Wait, if they were friends why had she sliced him? Luffy now had another question in his head to ask,
"Weren't you two friends?" did people here show affection this way? A little strange by his standards, but to each his own. He scratched his head and stuck out his lower lip. Jumping when she turned to him suddenly with the most disbelieving look on her face. He had pulled his arms up in a cross like defensive maneuver by instinct honed by many years sailing with Nami when the woman had turned to him so quickly whilst radiating so much annoyance.
"What ever gave you that idea?!" Her scarlet flaming hair seemed to be floating around her in the most demonic way possible. It almost rivaled Nami when she was upset about monetary problems. Moving slowly as to not provoke the beast, Luffy stayed on guard. She was about to say something but insane laughter, eerie enough to send shivers down even the most hardened of backs interrupted the thought.
"Ahhhhh, if only that were so… But i'm afraid that it is far too late to make amends, I made my gracious offer, and yet I was refused so cruelly. If only. Now I'm afraid that I must kill the both of you. Nothing against you boy, but it must be done… wait… weren't you the guy who blocked my cannon?! Oh this makes things all the better!" He continued to cackle, and as he was talking he moved his hand up and began shooting purple bullet flame things from his fingertips. A truly fascinating power...that gave Luffy an inspiration for his own new move! Notw given time to think over his new idea, Luffy stayed where he was and opted to dodge the oncoming projectiles, but Erza was jumping doing acrobatics all over the place. If Luffy had a sign he would have helt up a ten.
"Whooooooo! Nice Erza!" He held out two thumbs up, and whistled while still dodging the bullets using his Haki bending his body this way and that, still in the place he was when the shooting started. His comment seemed to make both the other people in the room upset. This could be observed by the increased number of bullets coming his way as well as the killing intent coming from Erza. He assumed the anger from her was simply her focus not actual anger at him; she was still doing acrobatics to dodge the bullet-things after all.
The attack was up-ed to the next level however when purple black arms started appearing out of nowhere, bright purple circles were the only warning before they appeared and it was a very brief warning indeed, hardly worthy of the title 'warning'. By this time Luffy assumed that maybe they weren't very good friends as he had previously thought. When one of the arm things appeared on the ground right below him, he jumped up, only to see that there was one directly above him as well. Trapping him in between. Or so lipstick lips thought! Taking a extremely deep breath, stretching his lungs and midsection to look like ball, Luffy exhaled and was shot backwards much like a deflating balloon causing the two purple abominations to collide and morp together as one before coming at him again with the rest of the attacks. Flipping back on to his feet, he continued where he had left off dodging, but he noticed that Erza was not faring as well as he was.
She was beginning to breath hard, and it seemed as though she was having more and more difficulty getting away from the attacks rapidly coming her way. When in a move much like the one he had just evaded with a arm appearing below her and lureing her in the direction of yet another arm she was about to get caught. Luffy stretched an arm out and grabbed her, yanking her out of the way a hairs breadth away from capture. Luffy slung her out the door of the room and out of the way before he made his way ever closer to the lipstick man. He would have to ask Erza for his name later. If he remembered, this was all so sudden.
Looking back to his opponent he noticed that his eyes had bled to black, and he had a open mouthed smile on his face. He looked the part of psychotic loopy head. All attacks ceased momentarily when Luffy was about two meters away. Extending an arm out to his side, a darkness seemed to charge and gather around his hand the power ghostly in appearance and spiraling like a hurricane of darkness with his hands as the center. He had his eyes locked on Luffy and luffy barely made his haki in time to defend the attack. He couldn't dodge it because Erza was behind him and he didn't know what this attack was supposed to do. Instead, Luffy just hardened his arms and torso, and used his rubbery consistency to make a ramp of sorts for the power to ricochet off of. If it didn't then he guessed that he could always block it the old fashioned way.
"Dead Wave!" Lipstick screamed as he released the attack straight in Luffys direction. Luffy could feel the nasty wrongness with whatever it was that had been thrown at him, and it wasn't even close yet. In a way the power reminded him of black-beard and his darkness fruit. Just thinking of the disgusting man brought Luffys anger to a simmer. Using that anger, he easily deflected the power coming his way, and, going into gear second, he moved right behind the man before he even knew that his attack had been deflected and double punched him in the back and the back of the neck. It all happened to fast for the average eye to even how to follow.
Luffy felt a little bad and wondered if maybe he should have used a little less force when the man flew forward straight into the stone wall to the right of the doorway hosting a living statue of Erza. He looked to be imbedded in there pretty far. Luffy chuckled a little, he was used to not having to hold back any strength. While he had been on the island with Rayleigh he had not had to hold back at all for the fact that the old man was so much stronger than Luffy. Then with all the giant animals, he never really attacked them unless it was for dinner. Why would he hold back when attempting to get dinner?
Luffy slowly returned back to Erza, who was still where he had left her in the doorway. He had opened allot of his injuries and they were beginning to take their toll on him. He was starting to get hungry and tired.
I'll probably be revising it later. I did not really proof read this one as much because it's late and I just want to post it and go to bed...reviews always well received
Revised yo ;) no telling if I might make more in the future or not but hey