I do not own digimon nor do I own Bleach, they both belong to their trade mark company's not myself. Now, like I stated in the original story. This story itself is not going to 100% follow the original storyline of season 3. It might have the similar structure but most of it is going to be writing itself.

Unlike my other story (Into ones unknown) this one if you have an idea through me a PM or leave it in a review. Both Bleach and Digimon thoughts are more than welcome and might make it into the story and the submitter will be addressed (if they want) at the beginning of the next chapter.

Also, I haven't watched bleach since Ichigo fought Azen so my knowledge after that is rather limited, though I have read a little manga so I have an idea of fullbring.

Quote: Why do we never admit it when we feel lonely? Because the jeers and teasing don't help rid you of that problem.

Letting out a final sigh I feel my toes relax before I'm quickly pulled backwards from my standing point.

The mental image of a smiling brown haired, brown eyed child slowly brushes past my still yet hazy mind as my body is pulled backwards and into a room of nothing but blackness.

I know I'd done something unforgivable but how could I not.

I'm so sorry…for everything….

-35 - years later-


"Anthony! Time to wake up, you don't want to sleep your whole day away do you?"

Groggily, a child who looked not a day over 16 opened his eyes, mumbling a raspy "I'm up mom" before dropping his head back onto the comforting embrace of his pillow.

Not hearing another peep from his mother, the child now named Anthony smacked his lips a few times as he turned over on his side, mumbling something about spicy bacon and peanut butter sandwiches.

"Anthony, come on get your sleepy butt down here already!"

The annoying yell of his older sibling instantaneously caused him to jump back into the harsh world of reality as his body instinctively made a gracious leap (more like stumbled… really) out of his bed before tripping right over his own blankets that had been strewn about the floor.

This then sent him into a hectic flail of waving limbs before a muffled uff could be heard as his head made quite the audible thud against his hard wood floor. Ouch…I….really…..think that's gonna leave a mark.

Rolling himself over he instantly clutched his pounding head in his hands, all the while trying to ignore the dancing digimon posters that now seemingly littered his bedroom walls.

Oh yeah, this was his life in a small nutshell. It would….just happen to be the day his older sister didn't have work today.

Pushing up to sit on the side of his bed Anthony's light blue tinted eyes stared across to a merrier hanging just above his dresser. Brushing away some of his spiky black bangs he could already see his shattered pride in the form of a shiny red knot….

*Dammit* he muttered inwardly. Moving more of the hair he tried to cover the bruise as best he could before sighing, this day was already off to a great start.

"Anthony! Mom already left 15 minutes ago. Don't make me and Reva come up there like last time."

Feeling an involuntary shudder run down his spine momentarily from the memory Anthony yelled back, but not before glaring daggers at his own door. "I said I was up already Trish!"

He heard a huff followed by some scuffling downstairs. *Now what the heck is she doing?*

Ignoring this for the time being he moved over to his dresser before pulling out a fresh set of cloths. *Fuck it. I just need a hot shower*, he felt the knot on his head throb lightly, *and maybe a pack of ice afterwards.*

Hearing nothing else from downstairs he walked over to his bedroom door before opening it. As soon as he had, the smell of his most likely cold breakfast instantaneously assaulted his nose making him remember how hungry he truly was. His stomach eagerly agreed with him as it made it known to anyone within a 10 foot radius.

Chuckling lightly to himself he was glad no one was around to hear that….his mortal enemy down stairs would never let him live it down. Lucky for him the shower was only right across the hall, so it wasn't going to take very long.

Down stairs, a few minutes earlier

A young woman with beautiful sea green eyes could be seen washing up what was supposed to be a family breakfast. She was currently scraping something off rather forcefully while growling something rather unladylike to herself as one of the plates slammed loudly on the bottom of the sink. Her jet black hair and long bangs covered most of her features as she continued to work relentlessly despite her brother's apparent laziness…..

Only a few moments later though she found herself taking in a calming breath, before exhaling gently, she never really could stay mad at her brother for long, no matter how much he really deserved it to begin with.

Ever since their father had passed away nearly a year ago, her once happy go lucky baby brother had seemingly started to keep his thoughts more withheld from the outside world. Where he had once been outgoing, he now found interests, such as playing with his play station 3 or his ever popular digimon cards. Though honestly she couldn't blame him, they were after all more or less outsiders here in Japan moving here only a few months ago, so making new friends wasn't always the easiest at the best of times.

While waiting for her brother, she involuntarily places yet another dish in the strainer. She couldn't help but think back, how all this ever began….

She had been 22 at the time and had just finished another grueling round of second shift at the local retirement home where she worked as a nurse's aid with her mother. The memories of how tired she'd been that day still laid fresh on her mind even now.

Her brother had still been in school at the time and wouldn't have been returning for a few more hours yet.

She had just finished pulling into the driveway out in front of the house, taking note of how her mom's car was still parked in the exact same place it had been just that morning.

Thinking little of it at that point, figuring maybe her mom had taken a leave of absence for the day, working a different shift. She had been complaining about stomach cramps earlier that morning on the phone anyways, nothing a hot cup of hot tea couldn't handle. Pushing the thought to the side for the moment she made her short trek up the front steps.

Surprisingly her hand had just barely traced the front door knob before it swung open suddenly revealing her mother….she hadn't even have the chance to ask what was wrong before she had immediately found herself being drug inside and into a fierce hug…..

They had stayed like that a good portion of an hour, her mother mumbling sweet nothings into her shoulder. She herself had been rather hesitant to ask seeing the distraught tear lined face her mother now supported. Even with that in mind she had been becoming more impatient and worried as she waited for her mother to even fill her in on what went wrong.

Just as she had been about ready to die of anticipation her mother spoke oh…so softly. She herself had barely even heard, while her mother's embrace had very loosened little.

"Trish…..I just got off the phone with your fathers head employer…" The brief silence that followed was broken as her mother choked on her next words. "S…something….has..hap….happened."

Trish didn't know why…or even how, but just them first few words seemingly felt like she had instantaneously lost any breathe she possibly held in her lungs.

Hearing her mother's breath break into another set of soft sobs ever so slightly brought another wave of emptiness straight through her body.

She just felt numb now….

She already knew what was to come…

(Bleach- os1 #19 never meant to belong)

Their father had worked for the National Guard cleaning out empty tanker drums for the last 16 years of his life. He always enjoyed his job even though he couldn't always be around them all as much as he would have liked to have been. But he always made shore there was plenty of food on the table and warm clothes for them all to wear.

Her brother especially looked up to him…it wasn't hard to miss the adoring glances he shot as they played catch over in the back yard over the weekends.

But what happened wasn't right…..

It would never be right….

Their father had been cleaning out an empty oil tanker with some type of corrosive acid. Now normally one would simply stand up just above the safety hatch while waiting for the tank to fill partially of cleaning solvent. Everyone knew he'd done this dozens of times before but someone had just gotten careless along the line.

The supervisor was strangely late to the job sight. The supervisor's –sorry- excuse was that something large was rummaging around outside in his trash cans. Their father had continued on with his work despite not knowing when his safety spotter would ever arrive. They were on such a tight time frame as it was.

The first few they say went well, not even a single problem, but upon the 6th one….the one that would have singled their dad's lunch for the day.

He had somehow yet still unknowingly slipped…falling into the large tanker hatch...

They told us he had been alive when they first managed to hear his fading pleas for help, but it had already been too late… Even though he had suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns on over 73% of his body, that being said… it wasn't that, that had gotten to him….honestly.

The gasses produced by the thick sludge already inside, combining with the heavy acid made for a heavy gas called Sewer gas or in other words, Hydrogen sulfide.

Their father was cremated shortly thereafter…they never saw his body at the viewing….

Using what money their mother had gathered in the life insurance, she insisted that they all move closer to some of their relatives despite either hers or her brother's constant pleas. It might have been selfish on their behalf but they were going to be moving away from all their friends.

Their mother only hushed them, and said they could always write, and possibly visit again over the summer break. Knowing they were resided to their fate the two of them quietly followed their mother without another question to be asked.

She could still remember all her tears that followed as she told all her friends. One could only know how her brother felt.

Shaking her head of such downward thoughts, Trish looked down and noticed she'd absentmindedly finished all the dishes and was just watching as a random bubble swirled its way down the drain.

Blowing some lose hair away from her one eye, Trish could hear her brother still in the shower upstairs. Though she knew the both of them had been through a lot the last couple of months it just wasn't like her to not form some type of rebuke for the way he had been acting this morning.

Slowly…a devious idea began to form.

All the while she couldn't help but begin to giggle mischievously to herself. Turning her head towards the direction of the front door, she spotted her white revenge its door already half way open for her...

Letting her petite hand glide over knobs of the sink Trish turned the hot water on full blast, watching as the steam began to rise.

Putting a hand over her mouth to hold back more of her giggling, Trish then walked over to the small bathroom and immediately turned on the hot water at the small wash sink as well. Still not hearing what she was honestly hoping for, desperate measures had to be taken immediately!

Moving over to the tub right next to her, Trish turned the handle all the way to the left. This was about to get fun…for her, obviously.

Pulling the knob out…She finally found the gratification she had been looking for.


Ah…music to her ears in the morning. Delightful, beautiful and most of all, satisfying….

Failing to suppress her laughter she couldn't help but enjoy the added bonus points…"Damn it Trish!"

Hearing something akin to thumping, or was that tripping? Trish heard the bathroom door open followed by heavy footsteps leading to Anthony's room. A few moments later she could hear her brother coming down the stairs, probably dressed in his normal maroon T-shirt and tattered black jean shorts.

Mentally smirking to herself while leaning against the sink she slowly began to count backwards in her head. Three…..two….one…..

"What's your problem anyway!?" *Predictable as always little brother*…she giggled internally.

Turning around while still letting herself lean against the sink she left a very innocent look etch her features…"I love you too ya-know little bro." She was definitely right about his most trusted garments.

This was the most fun she'd had in a little while, watching as her brothers face went from anger to confusion and then somewhere around flabbergasted before returning to anger all over again.

"You're a frickin dick you know that…" her brother spoke coldly.

"You know it's not nice not to talk about yourself like that…if you just happen to remember, I don't really have one there smart one." At this point she couldn't help but feel her smirk intensify.

She could have almost sworn his face began to taint itself a light reddish hue around his cheeks.

"Fine!" Anthony finally yelled back finally losing his temper with her. "How's Cunt rub off to you then?!"

Partially crossing her tight blue jean covered legs she couldn't help but visibly rub her thighs together in front of him for entices "sorry, that's been done a while ago…Today." Letting the last couple words slip slowly off her tong while turning her lips to that of a small dreamy smile.

She watched as her brother's lips made a sudden O shape, kinda like a fresh fish out of water for a few moments. Silence…. "You're fucking sick…." More silence….."No…better yet maybe it would just be best to get some air and just leave your sorry ass for a while."

Letting out another set of soft chuckles she couldn't help but continue to stoke his already blazing fire. "And maybe mom would like to hear a few more of your fine words, never mind the abuse I'm verbally being treated to." Sticking her tongue out at her brother for a few moments she continued "And another thing, I'm told my butt's just fine the way it is, thank you very much."

Hearing her brother growl under his breath she watched as he proceeded in walking over to the kitchen cabinet before opening it and reaching for some pop-tarts.

"You know your cold breakfast is just sitting here…on the table…"

She watched as her brother just ignored her completely before walking over to the front door of their modest house before quickly slipping on his shoes and opening the door, the sound of metal against metal roaming throughout the house followed seconds later.

"I'll just put it in the fridge for when you get hungry later then little bro." She intentionally chirped loudly before hearing the front door slammed loudly on her brother's way out.


Quickly slipping on a pair of fairly new dark brown steel toed sneakers he couldn't help but get them on fast enough. Finishing Anthony forcefully pushed the screen door open, hearing his older sister's continued laughter along with a second just barely audible feminine chuckles seemingly vibrating throughout the living room, followed by a couple words in this areas native tongue he couldn't understand.

If he ever got a girlfriend, the bedroom…yes please, but god…he'd never understand the opposite sex…ever

Walking towards the sidewalk right out in front of his house he briefly took notice of the lack of pedestrians walking up and down the sidewalks. Chalking it up to not really caring at the current moment along with most people probably sleeping in on such a dreary weekend day as it was.

With a fine mist lightly coating his cloths he began to walk with no real destination currently in mind. The only thing crossing his mind was just getting out of that house for an hour or two while he cooled himself down a little.

Too bad it did little to settle the rest of his thoughts that crossed his mind. He liked his sister…he really did…not that he would ever tell her that but…

She always seemed just…so perfect all the time while he could only watch while everyone congratulated her on her accomplishments. Yeah…she was 8 years older than him, her being 24 but still, it didn't help what little he had as pride a whole lot.

She was smart, outgoing and always funny to the point he just couldn't believe she hadn't dated anyone since they arrived here in this city. Closing his eyes briefly he could hear his knuckles pop a few times from the fist he was currently making.

He just hated how she could succeed in everything she possibly wanted to…even if not fully intentionally.

A good moment of this was right when they all moved here.

He hadn't wanted anything to do with anyone, just to be simply left alone with his thoughts. Heck…even if he wanted too he couldn't understand too many of the inhabitants, nor was there any motive to begin to understand them, even now he knew only a minimal amount to get by.

But either way, he did end up taking up what was supposedly the most popular game there was at the time…Digimon trading cards.

It had taken him almost a month to get a mediocre deck constructed much to his frustration at the time. He had thought he was doing decent with his first ultimate…a Neo-devimon that he picked up from one of his first booster packs...

His luck though…his sister despite being much older than him caught him looking over his cards one day when she came into his room. She took up an interest almost instantly saying how nice it would be for them to have something more in common…

Having a job helps to…it's just so unfair.

She just couldn't leave him alone. The next day she already had a small deck of her own and a two unopened booster packs. She handed him one to what he considered pity for his behalf while she kept one to herself.

He tried to give her a smile…he did if only just a little forced. Opening that pack he did get a little excited when a speed boost card popped out, along with mettle Greymons trident arm, something that he had been looking for in a stat change card.

His jaw might have as well been on the floor though when Trish opened hers, stupid Magnamon and pyro dart cards. He couldn't help but growl lightly to himself at the last thought.

Most likely he would have got over his defeat that followed in their card battle, but no…life just had to give another curve ball just a short month later. He was with her again at the time; they had just finished another one-sided card competition with each other in their living room while their mom was at work. Trish had been gloating in a supposed teasing manner saying what it would be like to have herself a (real feminine digimon, obviously) and how cute she could make it.

The card at the very top of her deck began to glow right after she spoke those cursed words before sliding itself through her dark red card reader that was set by the decks side. The sparks that began to shoot off afterwards were mesmerizing…even now.

They had both watched as the card reader glowed brightly for a few moments before dimming and showing its new shape to them….

A small rounded silver device with an oddly dark off white trim that almost looked like it could glow of its own accord if it so wished, and in a sense it did a few moments afterwards as the small dark screen at its very center began to glow a blinding white.

They both had to cover their eyes at the time till a rip of sort began to appear near the very back of the room out of thin air. The next thing either of them knew a tall shadowy figure with dark lavender eyes began staring back at them. Then as quickly as it had come, the rip disappeared completely to their shock.

Before either of them could even mutter a single syllable to the other the rip reappeared again, this time right behind them both. The outline of the figure was now much closer than it had before, showing the beginnings of a rather shapely being walking towards them and a large tail swaying behind it.

Other beings seemingly similar, or to what he thought were anyway could be seen almost like they were kneeling down to it as it slowly passed them by…

Returning his attention back to the world currently at hand he couldn't help but feel as though a slight layer of depression had started accompanying the rain that coated him, easily flooding away most of his anger. Why always her….

Bringing his head up, a few drops of water padded the ground beneath him and he couldn't help but notice one of his only friends Getty mart store coming into view around the corner.

"Maybe Jesus will have something good in his stash like last month." He mumbled quietly.

The guy was cool as hell when he wasn't out back trying to get high…off whatever was in reach of his hand…wait scratch that, he was just fun as hell to be around when he ended up that way. Shrugging to himself at that, he knew it was only after closing time the man got that bad anyway.

But much like himself he wasn't from around the area, being originally from portico about 10 years prior or so he had told multiple occasions by the guy himself.

Sense the place was only right down the road from his mom's house he had almost stopped in instantly right after the first week of moving here for a couple of the local sports drinks. He remembered the tanned and tall lanky man commenting about how different ones taste like crap in a can as soon as he got close to the counter making him chuckle lightly at the time.

After some small chat afterwards the two of them seemingly hit it off almost instantly, even if the older man was in his late 20s to begin with. He honestly couldn't really care less. It was always just nice hearing how someone else dealt with a newer place of residence.

He had just reached the Getty's front pavilion and was just within reaching for the entrance handle when a loud roar of thunder sounded off in the distance, lightly shaking some of the lightly formed glass windows. Whoa…haven't heard anything like that in a while…

Stopping a few moments, his palm still resting against the steel entrance bar, he couldn't help but wait for the rain coming to start rustling the tree leaves as it arrived. Nothing but another loud crackle of in the distance made its presence known to his disappointment…

Mumbling something about being stupid and needing something to calm his nerves he left himself inside without a second thought.

If he would have been paying the slightest attention directly above him, he would have seen as a small black sphere shot itself from a second slightly larger sphere before flashing off in a light stream of tainted light before the larger of the two imploded in on itself.

No one else even had the attention dedicated at the time to even notice in the suns early morning rays…

Chapter 2 complete

This chapter was rather fun to write honestly. I just simply love imagining the two siblings fighting like that. Anthony himself in this story I've decided to base off my oldest nephew personality wise, just because he basically was my best friend growing up, not to mention he just recently got himself into a fairly bad car crash. He got lucky and only ended up breaking two toes in the process.

Another little fact, the death of their father in this story as unlikely as it seems has happened and did happen to a member of my family.

Sentimental feelings aside I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter, because of this story being such an odd crossover means that so many ideas are untouched and flowing through my head, it's going to get good so just please work with me for the moment.

Thank you….Kn4sakura