Hey there fellow readers it's LaurenJr here with a new story written as a collab with Starskulls- if you haven't checked out her stories yet I would seriously recommend them- they're awesome, especially her series of one-shots called 'That is life!' and her story 'Tortured' complete with a sequel 'Recovery'.

Did I just blabber on? Again?! I do that a lot huh...

Anyway me and Star got chatting on Twitter (Follow us! Starskullsxxxx and WriterLaurenJr) and got this wild idea for a story and, due to my miserable lack of stories (sorry about that) it'll be posted here. Also we will alternate between writing, just to tell you guys :)

Hmm I'm trying to find something else to say...

Ooh! Lots of people are asking about Watching the Series and it'll be up soon, I just need to finish a story or find some more time on my hands (Ideas for How Hicca trains her Dragon? I have writers block and need it finished!) and recent obsessions are no assistance.

Read ya later,


And Starskulls says hi! Oh and that she'll hand out some jelly-bean cupcakes, gotta love cupcakes :D (Don't forget to check out her stories!)

North not-so-gently landed the Sleigh at the North Pole and jumped out, the other Guardians following as they all stepped into the Globe room, only to be met with cheering yetis and trumpet-playing elves who paraded around the five, sending a special congratulatory grin Jack's way.

Finally when the mini parade had settled back to the task at hand, the Guardians made their way to the sitting room where trays or Hot Chocolate and Eggnog was served along with a wide variety of cookies as the Guardians excitedly chattered. Sandy was (still) being hugged and Jack congratulated as the pair received pats on the back, hugs and more beverages and snacks. Finally the five were left in peace in the sitting rooms as they took seats on armchairs or sofas around the fireplace.

"Well I for one am glad that's over." Bunny sighs contently as he lounges back on the sofa happily nibbling on a carrot.

"Hallelujah!" Sighs Tooth as she anxiously looks around the room, seeming struggling to relax.

"Tooth are you okay?" Jack asks, worried

"Hm? Oh yeah I'm fine Jack just worried about the Tooth Faries is all, afterall there is still a major clean up after Pitch took the teeth, and the teeth still need to be collected, not to mention the children-"

"Toothy, relax we will have plenty of time later, I for one can lend you Yetis-"North soothes Tooth.

"I could give a hand if you like? I mean winter isn't for so long yet..." Jack offered with a timid smile Tooth's however was radiant.

"Really?! But... what about Bunny's tunnels?"

All the Guardians, but Sandy, stiffened. Nobody really wanted to face those again especially Bunny and Jack; really they had just hoped for a mutual agreement never to speak of it again however it seems not everything could go their way today. Infact shortly following Jack's departure at Easter the trio had quickly realized how wrong they had been, however in light of recent events they had never got the chance to apologise, an event Jack was hoping to never encounter.

"Um... I'll help with those too!" Jack offered, although he seemed to have adopted a rather timid stance as he sipped at his Hot Chocolate, Bunny looked at him before clearing his throat nervously not entirely sure how the spirit would take his apology however before he got the chance the Guardians were wrapped in a bright white light and vanished from the scene, the only evidence of them being there being the dents in the seating and dropped cookies and beverages.

"Just look at it." Sighs Astrid as she looks up at the magical sight of Dale's fire. Currently the Teenagers and their Dragons were all up on one of the cliffs off Berk looking up at the Dale's Fire as their Dragons rested. They had exchanged stories of their night, the Twins snickering a heck of a lot through their and Snotlout's own story although they were rather jealous of Astrid, Hiccup and Fishlegs adventure but they decided not to let it bother them, teasing Snotlout was adventure enough.

"Yeah it makes a nice change to being cooped up indoors while the Flightmare struck." Hiccup comments, head resting on his heads that were supporting his head as he lay down and stared up, Astrid nudged them with his elbow.

"What is it with you and sarcasm?" She sighs.

"Its fun."

"No it's annoying."

"Shut up Tuffnut."

"Woah hey that was Snotlout!"

"Hey don't blame me!"

"Actually lad it was me."

"Seriously Gobber?! How did I not notice the Scottish accent?!"

"Maybe the Flightmare scared some of your brain cells off."

"Haha hilarious Snotlout..."

"Again with the sarcasm!"

"Will you lot stop bickering?! Honestly Gobber your almost as bad as the Teenagers."

"Hey! 'The Teenagers' Have a name!"

"Oh shut it Astrid."

"If you lot are done being childish-"

"Like your one to talk Hiccup, you started it!"

"Woah, woah Gobber started it!"

"Don't drag me into this laddie."


"No buts Hiccup."

"... I feel like a kid again."

"Funny you're behaving like one too!"

"Oh shush Fishlegs you are too."

"Actually I think Fishlegs is more mature than you Hiccup."

"Not true!"

"Lad you've worked in the Smithy for years therefore I think I would be correct in saying 'True'."

"Wow Gobber 'therefore' big word for you."

"Why you little-"

"Sometimes you two are worse than Ruffnut and Tuffnut!"

"... That was low Astrid."

"Well I do try."

"Anyway what are you kids doing all the way up here? There's a celebration down by the Hall!"

"Is it wrong to say I just want to lie here?"

"No, no it is not Fishlegs."

"Lazy teens.."

"Sorry what was that Gobber?"

"Oh don't start."

Just then a bright, blinding white light flashed before their eyes as the 8 disappeared on the spot, dragons with them.

"How much longer?" Asks one feminine, excited voice as they stare around expectancy. The owner of this feminine voice had brown hair with pink tips, she wore a matching pink t-shirt and trainers with a pair of black leggings, she wore a pink, netted tutu around her hips. She brushed a few strands of hair out the way of her face, highlighting her vibrant green eyes. The girls was more commonly known as Starskulls, the honorable yet crazy author on who was more further referred to as Guardian of Cupcakes or Master of Cliff-hangers, take your pick.

"Be patient would ya Star? They should be here anytime now." Replied another feminine voice with a sigh. This time the girl had a dark blonde shade of hair which was tied up into a ponytail at the back held there with a deep-green hair-bobble and contrasting blue eyes. She wore a deep green matching t-shirt with dark denim jeans and ankle-socks over her feet. The ankle-sock wearer was best known as LaurenJr, yet another author on who had a nasty tenancy to day-dream especially during class. Always during class.

LaurenJr stood up from her armchair, placing the bookmark in it's respectful space and closing her book with a sigh, the peace had been nice while it lasted.

"Well why can't they come now? Everything is ready." Star looked up at Lauren, she was a respectable height of 5'4 but sadly that meant that she was slightly smaller than Lauren who stood at height of 5'5 and a half.

"You're the one who was in charge of bringing them here Star, you tell me."

"But... I thought you were one the in charge of transporting them here."

"No, I took location arrangement remember?"

"Yeah and I took event organizer."


The two stood frozen for a second before rushing to their respectful laptops and typing away at high speeds.

"Okay so do you remember, bring the Guardians and Pitch from the scene right after Pitch hit's North's belly."

"I know, I know stop nagging!"

"I am not nagging, just helpfully reminding."



"And you remember to take the Vikings right after the Season Finale of Riders of Berk."

Lauren rubbed her neck nervously "Yeah, about that..."

Star raised an eyebrow, it was rather impressive to Lauren who never had mastered that particular art "What'd you do?"

"Not me- time! The earliest we can get them here is after Fright of Passage."

"Ah that's a nice episode..."

"Star? Anyone home? STARSKULLS WE HAVE AN ISSUE HERE!" Starskulls jumped violently.

"Geez sorry, well I suppose they can come better than waiting till the next season finale right?"

"Right, hey since when were you responsible?"

"I take offense to that!"


"Meanie." Pouted Star as she grabbed a cupcake with one hand and typed with the other. "Well we missed Pitch hitting North's belly, what about after the Movie?!"

Lauren sighs, they really need to be more prepared in the future it may be worth checking the event notices just incase. "I suppose there isn't anything we can do is there? On three, ready? One-"

"Wait I want to count down!"

"Fine just do it!"

"Three, two, ONE!" The pair pressed on the enter button in perfect unison and grinned at each other before placing the laptops on the table in front of them and standing, waiting for their respectful guests to arrive.

"Say Lauren, how much-"

"Complete that sentence and I will fling a cupcake at you."


The two stood happily taking and eating cupcakes for about a minute or so before suddenly they were both blinded as a bright light fills the room. Now before them stands eight vikings, six dragons and six spirits and before any of them could comment on their change in atmosphere cries filled their room as they change their direction of focus (Vikings and Dragons to Spirits and Spirits to Vikings and Dragons) to two Teenage girls clutching their eyes.

"I can't see!" Cries one in a Green shirt.

"Oh the pain!" Cries another with a Pink tutu.

"Star! Where are you?!" Asks the green-shirted one as she puts her arms out infront of her in an attempt to find the other author.

"Over here!" Replies the one apparently named Star as she grabs the arm of a chair and pulls herself up from the ground.

"That doesn't help." The other says as she stops searching and puts her hands on her hips.

"Hey this is like Marco Polo!" Exclaims Star as she grins.

"Yes, yes very fun but I would like to have the option to see again." Sighs the girl.

"Aw come one it's only momentary it'll go in a second." Star smiles at air.

"How very optimistic of you." Drawls the other girl.

A few moments later after much blinking on the two author's part and curious silence from the guests their sight is regained.

"I can see! Oh Star I feared I'd never see you or your pink tutus again!" Cries the girl with the green shirts in joy.

"Yes my sight is back! Hey I can see you Lauren!" Okay so the Green shirted girl is Lauen, got it.

It was then that both girls froze as they realized they had company, they spun to face the group and froze for a moment just staring at them and not quite believing it. The Vikings and Dragons stared back at the two girls in curiosity, never had they seen clothes of that material nor furniture as it appeared it was all rather new to the natives on the Viking age. The spirits on the other hand were a further step more curious, they had lived through fierce times and seen both the Viking age and present age so why the two could be on one room together was a mystery not to mention these girls could very clearly see the spirits, and they were Teenagers, Teenagers never believed in spirits. As in ever. Star spoke first.

"Hey you guys are here! It worked... It actually worked! Hmm Stoick is just as fat as I imagined him being..."

Stoick spluterred as the Teenagers laughed behind their hands, Lauren looked at him consideringly. "Meh I imagined him wider." And here they were thinking she was the polite one. "Anyway hi! Um my names Lauren, LaurenJr, and this is my friend Starskulls."

"Call me Star." She shrugs as she flicks a sprinkle off a cupcake, it hit Meatlug on the nose by accident.

"What are we doing here?!" Questions Bunny.

"So much for being polite huh Cottontail?" Grins Starskulls, Jack laughs as Bunny mutters darkly under his breath.

"Nice to know your prepared to introduce yourselves too." Lauren drawls "And the reason? You're just going to have to wait!"

"One more question- who are they?" Asks Jack as he point at the Vikings and Dragons.

"Pointing is rude you know." Star says as she raises her eyebrow in Jack's direction.

"Okay this is Hiccup, Astrid, Fishlegs, Snotlout, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Gobber and Stoick with their dragons Toothless, Stormfly, Meatlug, Hookfang, Barf and Belch and Thornado." Lauren says as he introduces each Viking and Dragon before grabbing the bowl of skittles.

"And this is Jack Frost, North also known as Santa Clause, Bunny as in the Easter Bunny, Tooth the Tooth Fairy, Sandman and Pitch Black the Boogeyman." At the last one the Guardians swivel round to face the shadows as Pitch hides within them pitifully his power clearly already taken an effect on him however the Guardians do not notice this and begin to attack, Pitch feebly dodges the attacks before Lauren and Star get between them.

"Stop it." Frowns Lauren.

"Do you guys not think if Pitch was able to attack we would have by now?" Asks Star as the Guardians look fairly guilty as they notice Pitch's battered and tired state, man those Nightmares were not friendly.

"Fine we'll not attack, now what?" Asks Jack as Lauren and Star share a mischevious grin which would make those intelligent of their capabilities run however these innocent people (and reptiles) had no idea what awaited them in the future.

"Now what indeed." The two authors grin.