Hey guys we're back! Okay sorry for the late update, you can blame me (LaurenJr) for that I've only just gained access to a laptop to post Star's chapter :)

Okay anyway why has seen the new poster for HTTYD 2?! OHMYTHOR THIS IS GOING TO BE AMAZING! That and Catching Fire is FINALLY out, I can't wait to see it :D

Oh and I (LaurenJr) have a new story in the works because hey I haven't wrote for the fandom yet and I have a crazy addiction with it (Points if you can guess what fandom it is?)

Starskulls says that 11 reviews will reward you guys with more chapters and cupcakes (LaurenJr: Hurry and review- I want a cupcake!)

This chapter is brought to you by Starskulls ;)

"Yeah now what indeed. Hurry it up, I want to get back to my Warren!" Bunny said. Star scoffed at him.

"Why? You miss your googies already?" she asked. Jack and North burst out laughing and Bunny scowled at her.

"Watch it or I will knock you out" Bunny threatened. Lauren folded her arms.

"Hey, she is a child as am I. You are supposed to protect them, not hurt them" she pointed out and Bunny grinded his teeth in anger.

"Whatever" he mumbled.

"Can you tell us why we're here? I have undies that need seeing to" Gobber said.

"That's your excuse to get out of everything" Hiccup said.

"That is true" Fishlegs said and Gobber pouted.

"Yes, we should explain. Lauren, if you please" Star said, looking to her friend.

"With pleasure" Lauren replied, putting the bowl of skittles down and picked up her iPad and pressing the screen a couple of times. Star took a few out of the bowl and stuck them in her mouth and swallowed them. She smacked Fishlegs's hand when he tried to take some and she did the same with Snotlout.

"Mine" Star mumbled.

"What's that?" Tuffnut asked curiously, looking at the iPad in Lauren's hands.

"It's an iPad, it's a super piece of technology that can do anything, like made videos, draw and things like that" Lauren said, not taking her eyes off the iPad screen. Tuffnut and the other Vikings looked completely blank at what she said and Star face-palmed.

"Magical object that does magic things" Star said as if she was talking to a bunch of five year olds.

"I want one!" Ruffnut said, going forward to grab the iPad off Lauren but stopped when Star raised a red cupcake.

"I wouldn't" she warned.

"I really wouldn't" Lauren said, looking up as a something was projected on a nearby TV screen that was massive.

Pitch sneered at the girls. "Please, you cannot threaten me. I hold more power than you do" he said. Snotlout looked at the grey man in a judgemental way.

"I'm not being weird or anything but you look like something my dragon would cough up!" he said, earning a hard nudge in the back and snort from Hookfang.

"We seem to be having a technical error here so be nice and talk for a minute okay?" Star said, then going over to Lauren and the pair started to talk so fast, no one could understand what they were saying.

"Wow, so you guys actually ride dragons?" Jack asked, edging near Toothless, whose eyes narrowed at the newcomer.

"Toothless, be nice. Yeah, they're our friends now" Hiccup said, petting Toothless fondly.

"Now?" North asked.

"We used to kill them until Hiccup befriended one. He taught us all how to fly dragons and that they are friends, not foes" Astrid said, who earned a soft nuzzle from Stormfly.

"That is really something!" Tooth commented, then surprising everyone by flying over and sticking her fingers in Hiccup's mouth. "Wow, for a Viking, you have clean teeth!" she said, poking them in further.

"Hey, hey, no teeth inspections in here! This is a talking session, not a dental check up!" Lauren shouted over from where she was standing. Tooth then went away from Hiccup, quite embarrassed and Jack looked at Toothless.

"Can I pet him?" he asked Hiccup, who nodded in response.

"Sure" Hiccup said, then nodding to Toothless. Jack stretched out a hand and laid on hand on Toothless's head but as soon as they touched, Toothless let out a roar and got up on his hind legs. Jack had to jump back and almost got hit by a plasma blast. The heat of it did burn him on the hand though.

"Toothless! Bad dragon!" Hiccup scolded.

"Are you alright?" Stoick and North asked at the same time to Jack.

"Yeah I'm good" Jack said a little shakily. Sandy came over and gave him a pat on the back.

"Sorry about that, he hasn't done that before" Hiccup said with quite a surprised tone in his voice.

"Probably because I'm so cold" Jack said with a smile.

"That's being rather harsh on yourself isn't it?" Gobber asked.

"No, I mean my temperature is too cold. The clue is in my name" Jack said.

"Jack Frost? As in Jokul Frosti?" Fishlegs asked.

Bunny laughed at that and Jack rolled his eyes. "Yeah whatever, Jack is fine thank you" Jack said. He then rubbed his little burn that was then coated in frost which made the burn go away in a matter of seconds.

Toothless then came over and Jack tensed a little but relaxed when the dragon nuzzled against him and put his head under Jack's hand. Jack chuckled as he rubbed the dragon's head. Hiccup then came over and held his hand out to Jack.

"Well, nice to meet you, O great Jokul Frosti" he said with a smirk which made everyone but Pitch, laugh. Jack bit back as he remembered who this guy was but he took Hiccup's hand and shook it, sending a chill up his arm which made Hiccup jump back.

"Ah! Toothless is right! You are cold!" he said, then rubbing his hands together to make them warm.

"Nice to meet you too but call me that again and I can make it way colder" Jack said in a friendly tone, which made everyone but Bunny and Pitch, laugh again. Bunny didn't particularly like Jack's threat as he didn't like the cold. Not one bit.

"Alright, let's get this party started!" Star and Lauren shouted at the same time, making everyone jump in surprise.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats!" Star said, pointing to some bean bags and arm chairs. The teens took the bean bags and the adults took the arm chairs but Pitch didn't.

"I will not sit down near these incompetent fools" Pitch said.

"Hurtful!" the twins said together.

"Pitch, you will sit down in that arm chair or I swear to the cupcake gods, I will force you to sit in an electric chair instead! Take your pick!" Star threatened, her green eyes darkening. Pitch cursed something under his breath as he sat down grumpily near Gobber, who edged away instantly.

"Ha, you got told what to do by a girl" Tooth said with amusement, causing Pitch to curse again.

Star and Lauren then went to the front and stood in front of the TV. "Thank you! Now that you are all settled…" Lauren began but Star pulled her on the arm and whispered something in her ear. She snapped her fingers. "Oh I almost forgot!" she said.

"Yeah, like you always do" Star said.

"Shut up" Lauren said. "Now dragons, please go into that other room with Star. We cannot tell your riders why but trust me, you will like the idea" Lauren said, pointing to a red door that had appeared out of nowhere.

The dragons were hesitant for a moment until Star yelled, "There is a load of fish in the back!"

The dragons instantly darted into the rooms with the Vikings calling after them. Lauren looked at Star with a 'Are-you-kidding-me?' look. "What? Lying is the best way to get people to do what you want!" Star said.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Lauren asked.

"Oh, like me promising that I will do your homework correctly if you update" Star said, then dashing into the room and shutting the door. Lauren gave chase but when she tried to open the door, it was locked.

"That explains the F on my maths paper!" she yelled.

"Want me to knock it down?" Bunny asked.

"Nah, she'll get a punishment when the dragons find out there isn't any fish" Lauren said, walking back to the front and as if on cue, a yell was heard as was a plasma blast. "Told ya" she said, walking back to the front of the TV.

"So what is she doing?" Astrid asked, liking how mouthy Star was to everyone.

"Talking" Lauren said. The door opened again and everyone turned to see Star walking out with a black mark across her cheek and her hair looked as if it had been electrocuted.

"Not. One. Word. Jack. Frost" Star said, raising a finger and Jack shrank back down into his seat. "Same. To. You. Hiccup" Star added to the brown haired Viking, who was also going to say something but didn't.

"Nice look" Lauren said as her friend came to join her.

"Yeah, you look like Lady Frankenstein" Jack burst out and instantly regretted it when Star flung something at his face. Jack yelled as he covered his face with his hands and Lauren burst out laughing as she pulled her iPhone out and snapped a picture of Jack.

"That's one for Twitter and Facebook" she said and Star nodded as she shook her head several times and her hair went back to normal and she smoothed it down with her hands.

"Defo" she mumbled as she then wiped her cheek. "They agreed after a little quick persuasion" she added.

Everyone was laughing at Jack, even Pitch, who was chuckling, as the white haired teen managed to scrape the stuff off his face. "What was that?" Jack asked, his eyes now a light pink due to the burning sensation and all the rubbing.

"Chilli icing" Star replied. "One more comment like that, it will be super chilli icing. You may be my favourite Jack but I don't tolerate comments like that."

"Fine" Jack mumbled, a little pleased about the last bit.

"Anyway, here is why we brought you here. We came up with the Spirits vs Vikings Games. There will be about ten events of all sorts. Skills, fighting, running, you get the idea!" Lauren said, trying to hold her excitement back as big picture came up on the screen, saying 'Spirits vs Vikings.'

"Fighting? As with axes and things like that? That's brilliant, we haven't done that in a while" Snotlout said, flexing his muscles.

"Reason being that Astrid always whoops your big butt" Ruffnut said with a smirk.

"Carrying on! It will be in a big arena, seeing as this room is too small. Star and I of course, will be your hosts" Lauren said.

Everyone started talking at once. "This is perfect for Guardian bonding!" North said eagerly, patting Jack on the back.

"Yeah! And it will give me a chance to kick Bunny's butt!" Jack said.

"In your dreams mate!" Bunny retorted.

"This will be fun!" Tooth said and Sandy was showing his excitement by making various images above his head.

"Well son! I won't take it easy on you, son or not!" Stoick said with a smile.

"And I won't take it easy on you, old man or not" Hiccup said cheekily, earning a playful shove from Stoick.

"This will be very painful or very dangerous" Fishlegs said worriedly.

"Ah, stop being such a baby. It'll be awesome!" Ruffnut said and Snotlout nodded in agreement.

"Shouldn't we establish the rules?" Fishlegs said and that earned a groan from everyone, especially Jack.

"Thanks Fishlegs, there are only a few. First rules, no dragons allowed" Star said, earning more groans form the Vikings. "Secondly, this one is for Jack, Sandy and I would say you too Pitch but ermmm… you don't exactly have any powers right now do you?" Star said awkwardly.

"Thank you for pointing that out" Pitch said with a scowl.

"So no powers?" Jack asked and Star made an 'x' with her arms and made a buzzer kind of noise.

"Nope! We will have your staff too. That would be cheating and we won't play with it. We will stick it in a storage place where no one can touch it. But since we don't trust you since you will probably break the rules, we will have to scan you after. Sandy, we know you won't cheat, being trustworthy" Star said, not sure about the last but that she said.

"Ha!" Bunny said and Jack froze his ears for that. Sandy on the other hand, felt rather proud.

"Cool! Can you freeze my butt?" Tuffnut asked.

"Maybe later!" Lauren said, not wanting to see that image.

"Final rule, be a good sport and have a good time. Got it?" Star said and nods followed.

"Okay, the dragons are ready, so let's get going!" Lauren said eagerly, tapping her iPad again.

"Ready for what?" Hiccup asked, wondering what they have made Toothless and the other dragons do.

"Wait and see!" the authors shouted loudly and instantly after that, a flash of white light appeared and everyone in the room was transported to the arena.