Disclaimer: Much to my great sadness I will never own or make mula off DBZ...so there!

A/N: Many thanks to my few but amazing reviewers. You are appreciated. I admit that I wrote this a little too quickly. Please feel free to critique and give me your opinions. I will get better so help me out. Please note the rating and the warnings of intimacy in previous chapters. I know it seems pointless to remind you seeing that you've read this far. I do have conscience. An irksome conscience. But a functioning one nevertheless. So with that out of the way...*whispers evily*...enjoy...!

9 . . 8 . . 7 . . 6 . . 5 . . 4 . . 3 . . 2 . . 1 . . Ficn' it up!

What would you do for the life of a friend chapter 3...

Oh, KAMI, this was happening! Amidst all the sharp electric-like pains molesting his innards Dende's moan wasn't pained, and the quivering words he breathed were laced with longing, " Piccolo...oh..touch me please." Piccolo was touching him. Barely managing to get past the barrage of feelings and disbelieving thoughts, Dende couldn't recall why or how they'd gotten into this position, but he could care less at this point. All his attention focused on the larger body pressing into his backside and the hand gliding down his abdomen. Piccolo, his friend, the only other Namek on earth, was bringing to light, in this darker time, a tingling along his body length that was unknown. His head became murky as he tried vainly to place this new sensation. If anything find it's name. The elegant hand started tracing circles into Dende's hips. Lightly brushing the oversensitive skin, making Dende forget all about the strangeness of this whole situation. "Oooh...what's..h-happening...to..t-to me?" he inquired, the soft caresses doing a number on the functions of his vocal cords, "I-I...ahh...Piccolo?"

Dende was talking to much and at the same time not vocal enough. The teasing treatments Piccolo administered were obviously distracting from the Cycle's merciless advances to force Dende to reproduce. The little gasps and sighs proof that Nail's suggested "antidote" did in fact work. The thing is...Nail hadn't bothered to mention just how much these reactions of the smaller Nameks would affect Piccolo so...drastically. He was, Dende's fogy perception noted, emitting his own pleasure in the form of deep growls and a lion-like purring. The beautiful pale nature colored flesh beneath his strong hands was so deliciously soft. The naturally indented lines of Dende's sides so smooth an inviting to the touch and, to Piccolo's immense satisfaction, quivered as goosebumps formed with every flick of his green digits. Touching his precious friend this way exited him. Hearing Dende's pleasured sighs aroused him. Piccolo saw this and couldn't help but feel disgusted with himself. It was one thing to save Dende no matter the means. Another to knowingly like and crave it. "Oh!...so..s-so good...hmmm..P-Piccolo... Piccolo whats wrong?" Dende's senses clouded eye's regarded the grimacing Namek questioningly.

"Dende," Piccolo rasped, responding to the lost tone of the guardian's voice, "Don't make this hard on me. Don't make me think about what I am doing. I...have already resigned the moral principles that I have built my reserve on to save you...don't remind me how wrong this would be if you weren't a hairs length away from leaving the position of Guardian destitute. I love you kid...please don't let me feel by asking questions." Despite the subjects matter, this came out as a desperate plea. What Dende said next blew the hinges holding Piccolo's door to the world of reality right the freak off. "But..ah!..I-It's not wrong..uh..and can't ever be...b-because this w-would have..oooh...eventually happened anyway," Dende rolled his hips up voluntarily, this action left the Piccolo's palm to rub lower than before, "Wh-what...did you expect?..Ohh..what were you thinking Piccolo?...flaunting..haa... that luscious body in f-front..o-of me day after..every Kami freaking day? It wouldn't ...have bothered me at all...ohhh!..if it was any other Namek...but no..ah! Ah! AH!..it h-had to be you!" The implications behind this string of frightening words, they did sufficiently shock the otherwise collected warrior, flitted dauntingly in front of Piccolo's face. The attentions to Dende's Cycle humped body ceased momentarily as he struggled to grasp their meaning. Dende whimpered as the pain returned. Piccolo started and hurriedly went back to stroking the softness of Dende's inner thigh. Piccolo's concern for the one in pain resurfaced ten fold. Dende made those enticing sounds again. That combined with the scent of the liquid pooling on the bed between Dende's legs made Piccolo forget his conflicted feelings entirely. Right now all he wanted was for Dende to be better. If that meant someone doing this then Piccolo preferred that somebody be him and no other. He found his voice. "Explain." is what he said. Dende tried to answer right away, but it was oh so hard to when Piccolo was lifting his thin right leg up to rest atop Piccolo's thicker one, spreading his legs wider. Dende whimpered needfully. "Explain Dende." Piccolo repeated. "I-I...found some older scrolls in the l-lower rooms...they..said some things that didn't make sense. So I made a wish to speak to Porunga." at this Piccolo's eye ridges lifted, "T-turns out Porunga...when he made us just wanted us to be resourceful...not miserable...we were also given..ways to..emotions t-to...It's not wrong for me to...to...l-lov...to care for y-...you know." Piccolo did know. And now all the thoughts, feelings, and crazy shit he'd been suppressing fell like the boiling glass of poisonous water they were and shattered.

"Dende I..I.." His deep voice thick with unbridled emotion.

"I kn-know Piccolo. Me too," Dende whispered. Then he cried out, tearing at the soaking sheets, his torso flew up off the bed as the Cycle doubled it's efforts. "As much...*sob*...a-as I want t-...to tell you more Piccolo...can w-we please...I think i-it's b-best if we...get back to..*gasp*...now!"

Truer words had never been spoken and Piccolo was going to do this right. He no longer feared to express how he felt about Dende. In fact, he was in a perfect position to show him just how much he cared. Piccolo held Dende as if he were a delicate rendering made of glass. Dende's pained shudders turned into anticipating shivers. Ever so gently Piccolo finally made contact with the softest most intimate part of Dende. "Oh! P-Piccolo...please..m-more..need you." he pleaded, as that jade hand we've come to know and love slowly coaxed the overflowing slit protecting Dende's entrance open. Dende was breathing fast and heavy now. A finger slipped in so easily, he was so wet. Softly it pumped in and out of him. Dende groaned, "Piccolo!"

The way Dende called his name sent sparks flying behind his eyes. "Piccolo...now..hmmmm..." the tone of Dende's urgency finally did it. Piccolo felt his male organ slide out of it's concealed spot from a place between his hips. A very long lavender appendage that resembled a fur-less tail. The Namekian teen felt it move against his back...and it was definitely thicker than Piccolo's pleasure delivering finger. Piccolo had never heard the sound Dende made right then from a Namekian, or human, before. A wetness trickled out from Piccolo's own private spot. His ache for Dende made known as he felt himself throbbing down there. A need to fill and be filled boiled in his gut. He wanted to take Dende and...for Dende to take him. His smaller companion must have read his mind because his own male sex was out and ready, another part of Dende smaller than Piccolo, but not by very much. (not very much at all.)

With great effort, Dende still very weak, he turned onto his other side and now their chests were touching. He wanted to be face to face as they did this. The tenderness in Piccolo's ebony eyes caused the young Namek's heart temperature to rise by several warming degrees. Dende believed he could happily get lost in those eyes forever. Big sheltering arms wrapped themselves around him. They were as close as it gets and still be able to feel comfortable. Everything about the Namek he held was driving Piccolo crazy. He wanted to lose control, but his newly released feelings kept the primary animal in check. He breathed in Dende. He was so warm, so precious, so soft, so sweet...hmmm. Dende was going mad by the sheer closeness of Piccolo. The bigger Namek took all the places left unoccupied in his heart and filled them to the brink of overflowing.

Piccolo's head swam. It was araging desire. Dende wanted to be his and all he had to do was... It was a pure intention. Piccolo wanted so badly to erase the pain Dende felt and replace it with something good... It was foreign. He had very little an inkling about how to make love to his cherished companion, what if he hurt him?... It was a shared thing. He could feel Dende's thoughts pattern his own... It was right. It felt sooo real, tangible, right where they could reach it together... It was Love... "You ready?" Piccolo asked the person who now owned his world. "Please...just do it!...I want you Piccolo. So much." Piccolo shivered upon hearing this and slowly slid up inside Dende.

The guardian forgot how to breathe. The one he'd been waiting for for so long was inside of him! He could feel every inch of the massive length as it buried itself deep within him. Piccolo felt so DAM good! "Oooh...y-your...I can feel..Oh! Gods your inside of me!" Dende moaned. Dende wanted Piccolo to feel the same and smoothly, copying his previous movements, penetrated him. Piccolo gasped. His eyes rolled up into the back of his head. They lay motionless for but a few short achingly sweet moments. Then together they moved. It wasn't a fast reckless, and rutting screw. It was smooth, soft, tender love making. It didn't didn't matter the circumstances that had brought them together in so short and painful a time. Dende was right. It would have happened eventually. As the newly found lovers moved in and out of each others slick tight love holes the pleasure of them both treasuring the other built up, leading towards something grand that promised divine release .

"I-I never thought...uh!...anything..like this...could..oooh." Piccolo said, wanting to hear only the sound of his love's voice.

"Pic-colo...nngh...Kami help m-me...I love you!" Dende's words brought about a picking up of the pace at which they rocked into each other.

"The pain?...hmm..is it there anymore?"

"N-no, oh! It's...gone..*sigh*..thank you.."

"Dende! Aaaah!"

"Piccolo?! Did I hurt you?!" Dende made a move to draw out. Piccolo stopped him right there, pressing his lips to Dende's. This loving action, this pure kiss, overwhelmed the couple. It ended so sweetly. For a moment Piccolo and Dende's spirit were in harmonious unity. Piccolo's being lost in Dende. Dende engulfed in the radiant center of Piccolo. When it was over and the Nameks were spent, each limp in the others arms, Dende couldn't help but stare in wonder at the creature next to him with total adoration. "I saw your soul Piccolo," he breathed in awe, "You...your beautiful." His smaller hand caressed an emerald cheek and his heart soared when Piccolo leaned into his touch. Piccolo's voice quivered, "I saw you too...Do you really think of me like that? Love me that way?"

"Yes. Always."

The second kiss they ever shared was followed by eternal bliss.

9 . . 8 . . 7 . . 6 . . 5 . . 4 . . 3 . . 2 . . 1 ...end of fic

A/N: many thanks readers...and now for a sneaky peaky at an idea I have as a sequel to this fiction...SNEAK PEAK!...!

…...Couldn't they see what was happening? What he was doing to him? His good friends, oblivious to Dende's distress, ate and conversed with abandon. He wanted for someone to call on his lover's insane actions. To make him stop. If he could just get a sound, a word, for Kami's sake anything out past his slack mouth to alert them maybe Piccolo would leave him be. Because if he couldn't...he knew he wouldn't tell him to stop...he would give in to the sensations his other half administered...and he wouldn't care that they were in public...that the others might see. Hot breath against the back of his neck graced Dende with an involuntary full body shudder. "It's your own dam fault Dende," the deep voice too close to his sensitive ears, "What were you thinking? Flaunting that luscious body in front of me?" The irony, even in his current predicament, didn't lose it dark humor on him. He'd heard those words before...Dende's intake of air never made it to his lungs. He felt the back of his robes being lifted...

. . . . …... . . . .. So, shall I write this sequel for you? Anyone interested? Review or PM me if it's what you want otherwise I'll be moving on to something new...HeHe