My second chapters for Dragon Tail Z. Believe me, I didn't think I'd update this soon; I just had some extra time and decided to start this chapter. About choosing the pairings and what guilds should Trunks and Gohan join. Most of the reviewers and PM requested that I separate Gohan and Trunks into two different guilds. Some asked that I let Trunks joins Lamia Scale and Gohan join Fairy Tail and vice versa. However the majority of the requests were that Trunks join Lamia Scale with Gohan joining Fairy Tail and this is what I'm planning to do. As for the pairings, Both Wendy and Chelia will compete for Gohan affection while almost everyone asked for Trunks to be paired with Mirajane. Don't worry, I won't pair them up quickly I'll take my time till they actually pair together. Lastly, thanks to Alucard556 for the idea that almost solved a lot of problems in writing any upcoming chapters. He suggested that Trunks and Gohan hold back against any opponent to enjoy the challenge so I've decided that both Gohan and Trunks power will remain as it is. Now we can put that aside and start with the story. Oh yeah this story will start after the seven year gap from Tenrou Island so to precise this chapter is a couple of month before the Grand Magic Games.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, or Fairy Tail, someone else does.
Chapter 2: Guilds, Mages, Magic? Where am I?
Mirai Trunks Brief was currently inside the hole carrying an unconscious Gohan on his back. He kept looking around trying to find any exit. Although he was tired, his personal health was the last thing on his mind as he was by far more worried that Gohan won't make it if he didn't get any medical attention. He kept flying around in a pitch black empty space as he relentlessly was searching for an exit. "Dammit, at this rate Gohan will be history" Trunks shouted to himself. He had to find a way to save Gohan. He was already feeling that he was the reason that Mirai Gohan was dead and he didn't what another Gohan dying just because he couldn't save him. His Ki was dropping as injuries that were not fully healed started affecting his movement in every way possible.
While Trunks was fully focused on finding a way out, he didn't realize that two similar portals opened at opposite sides. Each portal was now pulling Trunks into it. The surprise of the intense gravity from each portal caused the young future warrior to loosen his grip on Gohan as they were pulled to the separate portals. "NO. GOHAN" screamed Trunks as he tried overpowering the gravity that was pulling him but his eyes widened as he Gohan was absorbed into the Portal. "GOHAN, HAAAAAAAAAAAA" screamed Trunks turning into a Super Saiyan. He started overpowering the gravitational force that was pulling him, however almost a couple of centimeters before being half way towards the left portal there he was almost out of Ki reverting to his normal state. Furthermore, his injuries weren't currently helping as he was now fully absorbed into the portal. As soon as he was absorbed the portals were closed as the area returned to the pitch black empty space.
Back in Dragon Ball Z world: Earth
Vegeta was flying around the battlefield searching for any similar portals around. "That brat had to jump into that damn hole without even telling me and with those injuries I'm pretty sure they won't be able to hold out for long if he came across any strong enemy" explained Vegeta to the rest of the Z fighters "Knowing that damned son of mine he will try to protect Kakarot's brat thus he won't be focusing on his battle" continued Vegeta in his usual gruff voice. "I have an idea" said a voice behind the Z warriors. Yamacha turned around as he saw Dende standing "Dende what are you doing here" asked Yamacha. "I came here to heal Trunks after that blast Cell released went through his body, besides-" replied Dende only for his sentence to be cut short by Piccolo shouting "Are you a fool if Cell detected your Ki he would've killed you without any mercy and if you die the Dragon Balls won't exist" Although Dende know what he did was dangerous and Piccolo had every right to be mad "I just healed Trunks without me he wouldn't be able to help Gohan beat Cell Piccolo, besides Cell was too busy with Gohan to recognize me" defended Dende. Piccolo sighed "You do realize that we could've wished Trunks back with Dragon Balls" Dende just stood there for a couple of seconds wondering how that idea didn't come to his mind. "Yes but I don't think Vegeta's blats was power-" Dende's sentence was once more cut sort as a small blast was heading his way. Dende jumped out of the way and looked up to Vegeta who had his usual glare and frown on his face "Kid, Don't you ever say I wasn't powerful enough or you'll be history understand" Dende gulped as he forced a yes out "Y-Y-Yes"
Piccolo now was being impatient "Dende, what's your idea" Dende turned to look at Piccolo who was currently standing behind him "Yes. About that, why don't we use the Dragon Ball and just wish them back here" said Dende with a cheerful smile however that smile soon disappeared from his face as Krillin said "What if they're dead" Tien was the first to answer "Then we can wish that all people that were killed by Cell back and then ask the dragon to return them here since they will be revived if they died" Piccolo only nodded in response "Let us go the sooner we do this the better" As they took off to Kami's Lookout.
Back to Fairy Tail's World: Earthland
With Trunks
Trunks grunted as he was trying to get up. For him it was easier said than done as he was barely able to move "Dammit" was all he could say as the amount of pain he was feeling was almost as bad as when Cell just blasted through his body with a Ki blast. After countless tries he was finally able to stand on his feet leaning on a tree which was next to him. Standing he took a good look to his surroundings. He realized that he was in a large crate that he thought was formed when he fell to the ground. He used some of the Ki left in his body and floated slowly upwards till he was out of the craters. As he landed on the soft grass he looked around, This was weird it was that last thing he had in mind is to find himself in a forest the last time he checked he was in an empty black space after being absorbed through a portal. After looking for a couple of minutes around he realized that something was wrong, he then realized that Gohan is missing. He pushed himself away from the tree as he slowly began walking though the forest. "Gohan" screamed Trunks "Are you there?" he asked to no one in particular. He hoped that Gohan had regained consciousness before he did so if he was there he could've answered. After a few minutes of limping through the forest he remembered that Gohan was sucked into a different portal. So he was probably further away from him. He tried to sense hi Ki but he couldn't sense him anywhere. "No, Gohan can't be dead. I'm sure. He is probably too far away for me to sense" reasoned the future warrior with himself trying to force away the thoughts of Gohan being dead. As he was about to continue his search for Gohan he felt two energies coming towards him. He limped as fast as possible and hid in a bush that was nearby. He was in no condition to fight and hoped that they won't be able to sense his energy nor spot him.
As he looked on through the bushes, he saw to figures walking towards the crater that was formed because of his landing… well he considered it ore of a fall than a landing and the new injuries on his body proved it. The two figures moved as soon as they were in sight from his location he took notice of their appearance. In front him where two girls, the older one had blue eyes and pink hair. She was wearing a black vest top and matching skirt. The vest sports a collar and tie reaching only to her mid-chest and aside from a light cloth band clasped above her navel, her belly and the under-inside portion of her breasts are exposed. She was also wearing a dark hair band with points resembling cat ears, and long black gloves reaching to her upper arms. Beside her was a shorter girl, she is a petite young girl who bears a resemblance to the older one. She has blue eyes with a somewhat innocent and childlike expression on her face. Her amaranth hair is tied up in two short pigtails with orange bows. She was wearing a pale blue mini skirt, a pink, sleeveless top with a dark blue center and a folded collar with yet another orange ribbon tied around it and a heart emblem on her left breast and an "X" on her right. She wears short white gloves coupled with orange wristbands, on top of a longer pink fabric that reaches her upper arms and is kept in place by armbands that match the ones on her wrists.
"Why did master have to force us into this mission" exclaimed the short girl. "Come on. Don't be like that Chelia someone could've needed our help and besides it will be a good way for us to spread our love" Trunks realized that the older girl was overacting as she said the world "love". "You're right Sherry my level of love is nowhere near yours so I should listen to you till I at least get close to yours" said the younger girl which he took notice of her name as Chelia and the older one as Sherry. Sherry merely nodded before looking into the large hole in front of them. She could stare with wide eyes along with Chelia at the whole. "Who or what made this hole has to be huge" exclaimed Chelia as she couldn't take her eyes of the hole. "Certainly not a lovely creature that's for sure" was the only reply as that came out of the Sherry's mouth she continued "Do you think we need back up for this". Chelia looked at her cousinr with full confidence in her eyes "I'm sure that both of our love combined can beat anything"
Their conversation was cut short as Chelia and Sherry heard a voice behind the bush that was on their left. "Do you think that he or it is still here" asked Sherry in a terrified voice. Although she could fight but she was nowhere as strong has her cousin "I don't know but we shouldn't let our guard down, I'll go and check that bush just watch my back and alert me if anything happens" Chelia whispered to her cousin to make sure that if anyone was behind the bush he won't hear it.
Behind the bush was Trunks as his Saiyan hearing helped him hear what they were planning. I have to get out of here. He thought. He wasn't sure if they were friendly all he knew that he was severely injured as someone was heading his way. It was his fault that he was currently in this situation he let his guard down as a squirrel was trying to get a nut from under his hand. After the squirrel realized that he won't be able to get the nut from under his hand, the small creature bit Trunks hand with all his might but Trunks body wasn't like any normal person as the squirrel made a low noise from the pain he was feeling trying to bite the saiyan's hand. Although the voice wasn't loud it was loud enough to get the attention of two girls in front of him. It then hit him; he reached inside his boot to find a small pack that once contained the Senzu Beans. He hopefully looked inside and he wasn't disappointed as he found one last Senzu laying in the pack as quickly as possible he took the bean before disposing it in his mouth feeling the sudden rush of energy as his injuries healed. He didn't wait for a second as he jumped with lightening speed on a tree branch before jumping one more time as he stood in his fighting stance in front of the two girls.
Chelia moved closer to the bush she took one last glance at her cousin as she watched her nod. Before she looked through the bushed she was able to see a blue blur jumping on a branch before landing on the nearby ground a couple of meters behind her cousin. She spun around as quickly as she could before quickly coming to her cousin side. "Who are you" demanded Chelia. Trunks didn't answer as he just stared at both girls. "Hey, he's cute" said Sherry next to Chelia. "Sherry you're engaged remember" Chelia had to remind Sherry that she is engaged every time they spotted a guy that her cousin consider cute. "I know I was just pointing out". On the other hand Trunks was having a hard try trying to stop the blush from creeping into his face but it was no use as his blush became visible. "Aww, and he's shy too" Trunks was totally baffled by her reaction was it normal for enemies to complement each other in that way. "You're not going to attack are you" asked Chelia as she kept her eyes on Trunks. "Not unless you'll start it."
Chelia stared at Trunks for a couple of seconds before responding "You aren't a bad guy are you" "Nope" His answers didn't give much information "Alright then, can you explain how did that carter form, please" asked Sherry. Trunks now let go of his fighting stance as he looked at both girls "Actually I woke up in the middle of the whole it could have been a result of the impact I made with the Earth" Both girls just stared at him how many meters did someone need to fall in order to make a hole that big. "Wait you don't have any injuries how can someone fall from the sky and crash to the ground with no injuries" pointed out Chelia. "I have used a bean that heals injuries instantly" replied Trunks. "Hey did you happen to see any 11 year old kid on the way here" asked Trunks. "No" Chelia responded looking at her cousin as he received the same answer form her "I'm sorry but we didn't see anybody on the way here" Dammit thought Trunks. Gohan was nowhere near him and it was all his fault for loosening his grip on him. Before either of Trunks and Chelia were able to ask any more questions Sherry spoke up "Chelia, we can spend the rest of the day here asking him or we can just discuss this matter in a lovely way back in the guild" Chelia merely nodded before smiling at Trunks "I'm Chelia Blendy and this is my cousin Sherry Blendy" That was a quick change in mood for the little girl. "My name is Trunks Briefs. I'm sorry but what do you mean by guild." Trunks asked rather embarrassed as the two girls looked at him like he was a crazy man. "You don't know what a guild is-" Chelia was interrupted by her cousin one more time "Splendid we will explain everything on his way to the guild, there isn't any better way for someone to express his love" Sherry continued "Just follow us and we'll fill you in on all the details" Trunks noticed how both girls were being overdramatic about using the world "Love" however the older one looked more obsessed with it. He merely nodded as he walked listening on into all the details.
With Gohan
Gohan woke up feeling rather good compared to what he felt fighting Cell. He looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings. This wasn't his room or any room in Bulma's or Kame's house. Memories about his father's death came rushing into his brain, how he could have killed Cell quickly without toying with of only he didn't get cocky he was about to cry however stopped when he heard footstep coming towards the door.
He turned so that his face faced the door as soon as he heard the door open, he looked to see a girl that is about his age standing there. As he took a good look at her he realized that she is a petite girl with long, dark blue hair that reaches down to her waist, and two bangs framing her face which reach down to her chest and brown eyes. She was wearing a simple dress with two wavy stripes running across the dress and ending in small pointed edges at the bottom. Around her arms and legs she is wearing wing like attachments. She has a weird stamp on her left arm. She was carrying a tray with food on it. Next to her was a small white cat that had a small frown on her face. "Oh thank god you're awake. My name is Wendy Marvell. What's yours" asked the girl named Wendy. "My name is Son Gohan" "Well Gohan, you're in our guild Fairy Tail. If you'd excuse me I'll call master from downstairs he'll be up in a couple of seconds." Gohan stared at the area that was occupied by the little girl. Where is he and what did she mean by guild and Fairy Tail.
He was too deep in thought that he didn't realize that a short old man was wearing light brown cape standing at the door. Clearing his throat to get the attention of the boy, Gohan spun his head to see the old man standing. "Sorry sir. I didn't see you coming" apologized Gohan. "That's okay boy, but may I ask you how you fell from the sky" hearing this Gohan eyes widened "fell from the sky" what does he mean. "I'm sorry sir, I just don't understand your questions." replied Gohan waiting for an answer. "According to the citizens of the city you fell from the sky and crashed just outside the city" Gohan furrowed his brows trying to recall what happened after fighting Cell but he couldn't remember "I'm sorry sir. I don't remember what happened" Makarov just sighed "Well where are you from Gohan?" "Well, I live a couple of miles just outside West City, Sir." Makarov started in disbelieve "Are you sure because I never heard about West City before" Now it was Gohan turn to look into the old man in disbelieve. "Well may I ask where am I" Makarov responded "You are in Magnolia Town in Kingdom of Fiore, Earthland" "Sir, I'm afraid I never heard of this place and what is a guild if I may ask" Makarov continued to look at the boy with disbelief "You don't know what a guild is" Was this boy serious. "I'm afraid not sir." As Makarov explained to him what a guild is, Gohan listened interested in every word the old man was saying. After what felt like hours, Gohan understood everything that the master has said "We'll it getting late know, I better let you rest know" said Makarov as he made his way out before coming to a stop "Oh, how rude of me My name is Makarov Dreyar" Gohan Smile "I'm Son Gohan" replied Gohan "Son Gohan, it's a pleasue to meet you" With that last sentence Fairy Tail's master left leaving Gohan in his thoughts as he stared through the window next to him. Guilds? Mages? Magic? Where am I?
With Trunks
Trunks was currently in Lamia Scale, both Chelia and Sherry had introduced him to a couple of its members such as their master, Ooba Babasaama, along with Jura Neekis, Lyon Vastia, Yuka Suzuki, Toby Horhorta. What was confused him was the speed that they all accepted him? He was actually happy that he met some nice friends instead of enemies. He tried to search for Gohan's Ki once more but he wasn't able to find it. Although he did understand everything Sherry and Chelia said along with what Ooba added. It was still too much to swallow. Gohan I hope you're alrightthought Trunks. All that he made out of this that the portal that he was sucked in transferred him to a new dimension. However he couldn't help but think Guilds? Mages? Magic? Where am I?
Well this is the end of the second chapter. Hope you like it. As I said before any ideas are warmly accepted. It can also help if you pointed out any typing mistake so I can avoid it in the future. Just as I said I'm pairing Trunks with Mirajane, don't worry although Trunks is in Lamia Scale he will meet Mirajane soon. As for Gohan I still didn't decide about the final pairing whether it will be with Wendy or Chelia. Most of the reviews said that they want both fighting for his affection but didn't point out your favorite or what you want. I will update every week at least once and don't worry I won't abandon the story. Sorry I updated the story as soon as ChosenOne358 pointed out that Chelia is Sherry's cousin not sister sorry.