AN: Okay, here's the next installment of this story. I did write a different version of it, but forgot to save it. My computer then decided that it would be a dear and shut itself off, therefore causing me to loose my poor chapter. Oh well, here's the new version of that chapter. Hope you guys like it. There may be grammar and spelling errors because I'm not an expert in that area. I'm human, I mispell things. Simple.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor will I ever (sadly).

Water dripped from the ceiling, hitting the water covering the floors, echoing throughout the dark tunnel.

Hinata gasped, eyes snapping open. She shot up from where she was laying in the water, head swinging around frantically to see where she was.

"So you're awake Kit."

Startled, Hinata swung around to see piercing blue eyes staring down at her. She let out a terrified shriek at the sight of the giant white fox, stumbling back and falling into the water.

"There's no need to be afraid of me, Kit. I can do you no harm." The fox said, looking down upon Hinata.

Hinata gulped, standing up shakily. She saw that the demon was behind a bared gate and hoped that the gate would not open.

"W..Who are you?" She stuttered.

The fox seemed to give her a warm smile, sitting down in front of the gate, all white nine tails pulled around her.

"Me? I am Kukiko, the white Kyuubi." The white fox answered.

"White Kyuubi!?" Hinata gasped. Wasn't the kyuubi the one who had attacked the village and slaughtered fellow ninja?

Kukiko chuckled and nodded. "I am not who you think, little one. For it was my mate, Kurama, who attacked your village all those years ago."

Now that Hinata thought about it, Kukiko didn't seem harmful. Actually, in all the pictures she saw of the Kyuubi, its fur was orange, far from the pure white that Kukiko possessed.

Hinata nodded shakily.

"And who might you be kit? I was not aware I would be sealed in yet another human." Kukiko asked, raising a paw to lick at it.

"M..Me? H..Hinata." Hinata gulped as the fox looked down to stare at her.

"Hinata eh?" The fox chuckled. "Haven't been sealed in one of those before."

"S..Sealed!?" Hinata yelled, something clicking in her mind.

"Yes kit, sealed. I presume you are not aware, are you?" Hinata shook her head.

"Well, I've been sealed inside of you, kit, so we're kinda one now. I can't be extracted from you because you'll die so I guess we're stuck together till death, eh?"

"Sealed!?" Hinata squeaked, hands shooting up to grasp at her hair.

Kukiko frowned at her reaction. "Yes. Sealed. Inside of you."

"…" Hinata's eyes rolled to the back of her head before she promptly passed out.


Hinata groaned as she came to. Surely it had all been a dream?

"Finally joined the world of living have we?"

Hinata squeaked at the voice and tears gathered in her eyes when she saw that it had not been a dream.

"Kit? Are you okay?" Kukiko asked, concern laced into her voice.

Hinata shook her head.


"It's because of me, isn't it?"

Hinata nodded, head down. Kukiko sighed.

"I didn't ask to be placed inside of you, and you didn't ask for me either, so we're both just going to have to deal with it. I know it's hard, but it's neither of our faults. If anyone is to blame, it's the people who sealed me inside of you."

Hinata nodded though she was still upset.

"You should go back and wake in the real world now, kit. I'm sure there are things that need to be taken care of."

Hinata nodded numbly and the scene of her inner made faded.

Hinata sighed as she stared out the window of her room, twirling a piece of hair nervously. It had been a few hours since her talk with her new…. "friend". She was distressed at first, but figured she would save the tears until after she heard what her father had to say. She was told he wanted to speak with her….

To be honest, Hinata dreaded speaking with her father. He wasn't an understanding man and was known to act rashly. He had already chosen her younger sister over her for the title of heiress, deeming her too weak. He acted out of spite and Hinata didn't know if he would except her at all now.


The voice drew her from her thoughts and she turned to see a servant of the main house standing in her doorway.


"Hiashi-sama has requested to speak with you."

Hinata gulped and nodded, walking over to follow the servant out.

She walked nervously down the deserted hallways, heart pounding frantically. Stopping in front of the door, she took a few deep breaths.

"E..everything thing's going to be okay." She told herself quietly before gathering the courage to push open the door.

She had expected to see only her father, but to her shock, all of the elders were there, including most of the main branch.

"Hinata." Her name was spoken so harshly that it made her cringe.

"Y…Yes?" Hinata stepped nervously into the room. Her heart felt like it was going to explode from her chest. Panic was slowly rising up within her.

"Hinata Hyuga, first born of Hiashi Hyuga, leader of the main branch. Step forward." The voice wasn't that of her father, but of an elder, an elder highly respected in her clan.

Hinata walked to the middle of the room, feeling every eye on her. Her father stood, glaring harshly at her.

"We, the elders and I, have come to a conclusion about what action should take place regarding your … change."

"Change?" Hinata questioned, but instantly remembered she wasn't to speck during such an event.

"The White Kyuubi has been sealed within you. We first opted for extracting the demon, but found it would take your life. We are not a cruel people and therefore decided to spare your life. However, there's no telling what you will become. You are now a monster, a shame to the hyuga clan." Hiashi spoke, a cold, harsh tone in his voice.

Hinata felt tears gather in the corner of her eyes. No! She would not cry. She was stronger than this. Naruto wouldn't stand here crying, he would stand strongly and fight back.

"NO!" Her sudden shout startled everyone in the room. Hinata whipped her head around, her eyes scanning over every single body.

"I am not a monster, nor am I a shame to this clan! It's not my fault a demon was sealed within me!" Hinata opened her mouth to continue but was cut off as her father's angry voice boomed.

"IT IS YOUR OWN FAULT THAT THE DEMON WAS SEALED WITHIN YOU! YOU WERE TOO WEAK TO FIGHT OFF THE ENEMY AND PREVENT THIS FROM OCCURING!" Hiashi yelled before continuing with a slightly quieter voice. "A hyuga is not weak. We are a strong clan and the most respected in this village. A hindrance like you will not be accepted any longer." Hiashi clenched his fists, glaring at her.

Hinata quivered under his menacing glare, her boost of confidence long gone.

"You have been a burden to this clan, but now our burden is about to be lifted. The village has influenced our decision as well. The villagers no longer accept you as one of them and we agree. You are a freak, a monster. The hyuga clan will not accept you. " Hiashi looked over his shoulder to the elders and received a nod.

"Hinata Hyuga, from this moment on, you are no longer one of us. You shall be stripped of the title Hyuga and thrown from our clan."

Hinata froze, staring at her father in shock.

"I, Hiashi Hyuga, leader of the main house, hereby disown you, Hinata Hyuga. You are now stripped of the title Hyuga and are now banished from the hyuga clan. You will have five minutes to gather what little you have before you will be escorted off the Hyuga lands. Dismissed." Hiashi said.

Everyone rose and followed Hiashi out of the room, each casting Hinata a menacing glance.

Hinata stood frozen. Her father's words echoed in her mind and she finally allowed the tears to flow freely from her eyes. She collapsed to the floor and sobbed.

Hinata's pov

I barely remember being escorted from the Hyuga grounds, everything seeming to be a blur after my father … no. He wasn't my father anymore.

I could feel new tears forming in my eyes, but quickly wiped them away. I shouldn't focus on that now. What I should be focusing on right now is finding a place to stay.

As I walked through the village, I noticed the harsh glares and heard the whispers. Suddenly, someone bumped into me causing me to stumble backwards. They were about to apologize before I looked up and they saw my face. Their concerned look quickly turned to one of disdain and a sneer grew across their features.

"Freak." The person shouted before shoving me to the ground and walking away.

I kept my eyes on the ground as I got up and made sure to keep my head lowered. I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of seeing how much their words and actions hurt me.

I felt weak. My body hadn't fully recovered from having this … this thing sealed inside of me. A sudden pain erupted inside of me and I screamed.

My arms wrapped around my stomach where the pain was emitting from. The pain was intense. I felt like I was being ripped apart from the inside out.

People ignored my screams of agony, choosing to walk away. Panic surged inside of me, sweat beading on my brow. What was happening?

Stumbling, I managed to collapse in an abandoned alley way, laying face first. Screams tore from my throat as my body shook with tremors. It suddenly occurred to me what was happening. The clan had stripped me of my Hyuga name, finalizing my disownment.

The pain left as quickly as it came and I was left panting on the dirt floor. Exhaustion settled over me and I quickly succumbed into the darkness, welcoming it with open arms.

I didn't know how I would manage anymore, my life had changed drastically. I didn't know how I would survive or go on with life. But what I did know is that I would never give up, not now, not ever. I will stand by what I say. Because my ninja way.

AN: This chapter didn't turn out quite how I expected, but I'm pleased. I hope you guys liked it.

Oh, and for those who don't know, right now this story is set between the three years that Naruto left for training.

Review please? :)