Disclaimer: I don't own Demon Diary, but I do own the idea of Princess Luna
Chap 10: "Daddy's tears"
Daddy Wae made sad face.
Luna owey and hot. Daddy Wae's... eyes, like mine, he show Luna. Tessy dresses make Luna di-di-dizzzy- that word. Dizzy, like when Daddy Wae or Daddy Ikipse spin Luna or dance, but not same as then, this bad bad dizzy.
Daddy Ikipse lookit Luna, say to Daddy Wae and he look, then Tessy look too. Luna no smile, try say, say somefing, but mouth, what it called, breaf, no, no, hmm... breaththth not easy. Daddy Rae say loud, loud.
Daddy's faces sad. Daddy Wae look scared. Bad bad...
Eyes see again, Daddy Wae sad sad face, quiet say- talk to Daddy Ikipse, Luna see- saw, that word, Luna, I see Daddy's tears. Try try, I try say nice words to daddy, but but hot... tired.
Luna, my eyes see only Daddy Ikipse. He hold my hand, then nice voice, nice hmm sound.
Daddies want Luna, me feel better. Daddies make Luna happy, happy happy.
Daddy Ikipse tears too, Luna see. Luna no have tears, so so hot, dry, but wet on pillow, blanket, soft bed. Nice voice, nice voice... Luna love daddies.
"Very pretty blue dress" Luna say, very smile happy, when daddy Rae ask what wanna wear to go "For a fun outing", that what Daddy Rae say. Boots are comf... comftabul. Daddy Ikipse come fix Luna's hair all nice and preeetty, Luna feel sleepy when Daddy Ikipse brush hair, but need be wake. Daddy Ikipse wear dark, what called, black, always heehee; Daddy Rae wear "Blue as the ocean at night" Luna say like in books, like daddies.
Went someplace with daddies, fun way like "Go game". Different colors and smells; I no like smells, and daddies no go near smells. I hold daddy's hands
Luna so happy, happy, tell daddies, "Luna thinks this is so fun. Spending time with both daddies makes Luna happy!". Luna talk nice- it makes Luna so happy.
"We can buy something... pretty or fun for Luna?"
"Of course Moon beam" Daddy Wae say, and we smile. Luna feel so special with both daddies,
Daddy Ikipse stop walking, say "Be still".
"When we home-" I say nice- nicely, but Daddy Rae stop my talk.
Fast daddies moved, stood front and back of Luna. Heart try jump out. Scary scary...
Scary black, like what Daddy Ikipse use in kitchen, arrow- like in book- hurt Daddy Wae.
Luna member, memmber nonononono scary, scary no! Scary dark color, like when...
Scary black arrow hurt Luna shoe, no hurt Luna, but daddy hurt, daddy hurt...
Again again...
Luna scream.
Daddies talk loud- "Find them!", "Mylord we canot stayhere!..." Daddies, daddies, no leave Luna.
Daddy Rae bring home, not our room. Daddy's hurt daddy's hurt, "Nononono... notdaddynotdaddy". Luna tears, cry cry.
"Luna shhh MooonaLuna shhh" Daddy Wae put Luna on wrong bed, not daddy bed, not Luna bed. Daddy Wae h-hurt! Daddy Ikipse no come home, Daddy Ikipse hurt, hurt...
Daddy Wae fall, scare me. Luna boots he, he p-pull. Boot hurt, Luna wanna say, boot hurt, not Luna, Daddy Wae hurt, not Luna.
Daddy Rae kiss, then Daddy Wae pickup Luna, move like when trouble get to sleep. Luna no sleepy, Luna scary- scared.
"Luna is safe. Daddy Rae is alright. Daddy Eclipse will be home soon".
Long time, long time, Luna scared, black, and bad dark color find me again.
Daddy Wae hold Luna, warm, Daddy Wae.
Daddy Ikipse loud- "Raenef!" Daddy Wae loud, say "Eclipse". Daddy Ikipse home, daddies home, daddies safe, Daddies lay on bed, warmer Luna, blanket we share.
Daddies tears, Luna's tears, still scary, not so scary. Luna love daddies.
They are safe...
End of chap 10
Sheesh was that tough to write.