Chapter 2
"Don't try to woo my girlfriend. She is not for you" Sheldon said in the most agitated voice he could muster while his look-a-like brought up both hands in mock surrender with a smirk. Amy was almost afraid to even get excited over the fact that her boyfriend was getting possessive as she had been disappointed on numerous occasions when she thought he was about to get a testosterone level – but oh well, she was used to taking what she could get.
"Chill, bro, I'm merely getting acquainted. I could never dream of snitching your girl. That's just not cool. Besides, with my good looks and charm, I can have whoever I want without going after those that are already taken" he smiled as he put his hand on Sheldon's shoulder for the second time that night. Sheldon effectively shrugged off the unwelcome contact. Cooper might be another him, but that didn't seem to affect Sheldon's unease with physical contacts. Just imagine how many unknown germs Cooper could be carrying from an unknown parallel universe!
Cooper didn't seem to mind though, as he just went to the couch and much to Sheldon's growing aggravation, sat on Sheldon's spot once more.
"So tell me, how did you two lovebirds meet?" he smiled wryly.
"Man, it's so freaky seeing a Sheldon like that" Howard whispered to Raj who nodded silently, still trying to figure out how he should seduce the other Penny.
"I don't know, he seem kinda like a douche to me" Leonard overheard his turtleneck-wearing friend and muttered the comment.
"No difference there then" Penny muttered which earned her a smile from her look-a-like.
"Well, it all started with a dirty sock…" Sheldon – who hadn't noticed his friends comments - began as he crossed his arms and started the tale on how he was blackmailed into meeting Amy through a dating website.
It felt as though Leonard's head had just hit his pillow before he was awoken once more. He groaned when last night's events came rushing back to him at the sound of his roommate's voice as the scientist argued with his double.
"But… They are my clothes" Sheldon almost whined, and Leonard wished nothing more than to go back to sleep even though he had work and it was almost time to get up. Penny's double had tried to fix the device that had brought her and Cooper to this Universe, but without any definite results, so they had all decided to sleep on it and try again the next day – today. Pen had come with Penny to her apartment, while Cooper had slept on the two physicist couch and everyone else had gone home to their own beds. Leonard was starting to regret he hadn't gone with one of his other friends, as he wasn't sure he could handle two Sheldons in the moment – not even if one of them was a bit more tolerable than the other.
"So?" came the voice of Cooper. It was actually rather easy telling the two apart, because even though their voices was the same… they really weren't. It was difficult for Leonard to explain other than the tone in which they spoke was so different from one another, that it was impossible to get them mixed up. Whereas Sheldon was overconfident on some parts, oblivious on others and straight out know-it-all attitude, and completely irrational to argue with. Cooper was confident in an entirely different manner and although he could carry a hint of smugness, he had something about him that Sheldon would never possess: that air that spoke about a lifetime of socialization and outright flirtatiousness that seemed to be ever present.
"So?!" Sheldon said with exasperation as if it was the most obvious thing in the world before continuing.
"You cannot borrow my clothes. That would completely ruin my entire order! If you wore, let's say, my Wednesday outfit, what would I wear on Wednesday? And you cannot wear those, they are my bus-pants!" he seemed on the verge of a having a fit at the last part. By now, Leonard had managed to shuffle out of bed, wrapped his robe around him before going to the kitchen. He had already given up on the idea of getting more sleep. He knew he had to down at least two cups of coffee before going to work if he was ever going to survive this day.
"Borrow some of Leonard's clothes" the person of subject almost dropped his mug, but somehow managed to catch it – rather ungracefully – and he found himself almost holding his breath. He did not want to get dragged into that discussion – or any discussion with Sheldon for that matter.
"Don't be ridiculous. They won't fit" Cooper answered incredulously and Leonard silently sighed in relief as he proceeded to make coffee.
"Now quit being such a baby. I can't very well keep wearing these clothes all the time – what would the ladies think. You'll just have to deal, amigo. I'm going to get changed" he continued. Soon after Leonard heard the bathroom door click shut and the shower turn on. He was surprised Sheldon let Cooper…
"Hey! You're messing up the bathroom schedule!" ahh, there it was.
"He took my Flash shirt" the tall scientist sounded almost deflated as he joined his friend in the kitchen.
"Which one" Leonard asked while trying to hide a smile behind his mug. It was fun seeing Sheldon riled up.
"The one with the lightning bo… That's beside the point! Leonard, he took my Flash shirt!" Sheldon whined and promptly sat by the kitchen counter.
"I still think it's unwise to let anyone see you. What are we going to say when someone asks why there are two of me?" Sheldon complained for the umpteenth time since Cooper proclaimed he was going with his double to work at the university. Leonard – once again – preferred to stay out of their argument. It was starting to get tiresome how the two of them bickered constantly. Sheldon was still pouting over the fact that Cooper was wearing his Flash shirt, while Cooper had made several complaints about Sheldon not owning any "decent" clothes, which he had promised to make up for. Leonard was already dreading how Cooper had planned on "educating" Sheldon on fashion, as he feared he was most likely going to have to drive the two of them to the mall at some point. Hopefully, he would be able to either wiggle his way out of it, or Cooper would be gone before being able to carry those plans out in life.
"Who cares, I want to see what my other self are doing. We'll just tell anyone who asks that I'm your secret twin or whatever" Cooper retorted with little commitment from the backseat as they were currently on their way to work – and of course, Leonard was driving. The shorter scientist had to admit he was both frightened and exited to see how work would be with Cooper there. No matter what, it was most like going to be entertaining.