Hello! This is my first Fanfiction, I have to say. Don't let that deter you! This story is the Pokémon equivalent of my brother's story and although it has happened to many people, I feel the need to share it with others. R&R! Umbreon is watching you all!

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon. Otherwise, I would use the anime to tell my stories instead of writing a Fanfiction.

The Siblings

There was once a young couple of Vaporeons who were called Trudy and Robert. They were a part of the Vaporeon clan and were highly respected in it. The couple had an egg at this point, something that they were pleased about.

The hatching day came and there was quite a crowd gathered to see. There were cracks at either side of the egg and a bright light suddenly shot at them. Out came two baby Eevees, one with unusual teal blue eyes and slight purple tinted chest fur, and the other with green eyes and red tinted fur.

The Vaporeons around gasped at the two and they were immediately shunned and ignored. The parents were indeed shocked and surprised, but they loved and nurtured them anyway.

The Eevee with teal eyes was male, so they called him Alex. The other Eevee was female, so they called her Selena.

As the years went by, the siblings were bullied, tortured and ignored. It didn't get better when Alex went into deep depression and shut everyone out – even his dear twin. Over the months, the depression got worse, and worse, and worse. He never came out of his room, and people only went in to leave him food.

It was the twins' eighteenth birthday and a party was held for them. I had looked at the sun back then, 6:59pm. Selena started to glow and change shape. The others had looked on in horror - Selena was evolving. Without a water stone. She stopped glowing and we saw her. A beautiful red Espeon with a green gem stood in her place and squealed in happiness, "I evolved... I actually evolved..." Another glow surrounded Alex. Wait... Alex was happy? I looked to the sky again, 7pm. The glow disappeared and there stood an Umbreon with purple rings and bright blue eyes.

Now, I believe I haven't told you who I was in this. I was the head Vaporeon of the clan and I regret saying this so much, because I was their Uncle.
