Disclaimer:DBZ: not mine.

A/N: Sorry for the wait... here it be, the last update. Let me know how it was.


Piccolo's current dilemma: Gohan, the boy he- isn't saying this just to be all sappy, it's the plain truth -loved was broken. Piccolo's solution: Fix him. How to go about it was open for serious deliberation. Forcing one's love, who doesn't know it yet, to exchange saliva upon the ending of a rather alarming mortiferous request might be a little out there, but one can't up and take such rash acts of sudden passion back with reevaluated wishing. So he decided the time was now or never, because if he couldn't give his fragile friend a reason to take back those forsaking words... he might not be long for this fucked up world. A world, no matter how undeserving, still needed him. A world that would cease to hold purpose for the Namek should Gohan leave.

He could- should -let the kid have it and deliver a slamming lecture on the stupidity of suicide, but seeing his friend like this... His laboring will wilting along with his strained mind as he lay shattered in Piccolo's desperate hold. Damp locks stuck to the sides of a perspiring, sunken face, slowing draining of peach colored life. It pained Piccolo beyond what should be endurable. Not only this, but he had plans for this amazing being. Those sweet, unrealistic, happy ever after endings the humans used their lives toiling so hard to achieve, only to land just short of. The selfless teen had spent the longer part of his life ensuring that others had the time to find their happy endings and this green man would be damned if Gohan couldn't have his... preferably with Piccolo.

Gohan's glossy eyes were wide with shock. This was his head trip! He should be in control of his mind's created Piccolo, and hoping the phlegmatic man, whom he called sensei, would kiss him was something even his dreams had given up on ages ago. Had he subconsciously wished for this? No, he couldn't have. All of thirteen seconds prior Gohan had been hell bent on relieving himself of the heavy expectations of his life and the entrapped, unstable evil determined to drag him down into the depths of insanity.

That could only mean... this was..

Manifestations of stark horror tried to come to being, but there were no tears left. All he could do was tremble and struggle with an unresponsive mouth and body to wail and fight to flee the Piccolo, of whom was most assuredly made of solid flesh and bone. A grim smile let Gohan know that Piccolo knew how utterly ruined he was and what he'd tried to do.

Before the kid could harm himself Piccolo lifted his sweet boy's fragile head with cradling hands and helped him stare into his own sincere, concerned eyes, bringing forth all the affection and care he could into them. As Gohan looked he attained understanding, and his hands found the animation to take hold of Piccolo's dark clothing and pull himself up to a broad, firm chest. The heartbeat he found there made him intake ragged gasps of relief and belated hope.

"Pi-ccolo! P-please," he choked out, "I'm s-s-sor-"

A long jade finger froze his stammering lips, "I know. Shhhh. I know."

No, he couldn't know the extent of his remorse! His shame was too great, his actions irredeemable.

"Your sorry, so very sorry, and I forgive you. I love you."

How could he forgive him like this? He was a wreck, a sick wreck.

"Let me show you."

He wanted- no needed to be shown!

"Let me know you. Let me touch you. Let me take you."

No words were uttered to convey his consent. Gohan's open eyes screamed it all.


Do not proceed if squeamish. If you are this is the end for you.


Heat threatened to set flame to Gohan's world. He'd never really kissed before, but the way those assertive lips melded against his own, moving them for him, suggested he was in loving hands. Piccolo kissed patiently, now that there was no rush, and teased by sucking in Gohan's bottom lip at unexpected intervals and dragging the tips of his fangs across the swollen flesh lightly. Gohan was so engrossed in Piccolo's mouth he didn't notice as one by one his Namek's clothing disappeared. He became aware when he went to remove a purple top and encountered warm skin instead.

Smooth as silk and hard as mountains. He shivered and felt a fresh bloom of desire.

Gohan's pulse quickened at the gentle care his mentor took to slowly lower him to the cool floor of the warm cave. His mind fogged over with anxious excitement and a morsel of conscious embarrassment as deft hands ran up his skinny sides, feeling his ribs through his gi, to meet at his chest's middle, then travel down, nearing his pelvic region. The boy's senses were heightened, his Ki flaring up, and he swore he could feel every miniscule ridge and curve on the prints of Piccolo's padded fingertips. His belt strings made a light rustling sound as they were unknotted and pulled away. Gohan held his breath.

Piccolo marveled at how thin the half saiyan's porcelain frame had become in the secretive weeks Gohan had hidden all this from him. He wasn't put off, he didn't care, but he heard Gohan suck in a nervous breath. To distract him from needless fear the big man leaned forward on one arm to lick at still full lips, and when Gohan took his tongue in, quickly shucked the tattered pants off. Smiling into the kiss at Gohan's whine of complaint for being tricked Piccolo began to trace light circles in the brush of curly pubic hair, fingers ever drawing near Gohan's sex. Gohan flinched and whimpered.

Piccolo broke away to breath in Gohan's ear, "Your beautiful."

And everything seemed made right.

The arousal dosed teen shifted his back and yanked his own shirt off, then wrapped insistent arms around Piccolo's thick neck and pulled him down as closely as he could and not cause him to fall, "Take me. Make me scream."

Piccolo groaned. Dirty talking Gohan was a very unexpected turn on.

Gohan spread his milky thighs and whispered almost urgently, "I want you inside fast and hard. Unprepared, hot, and pulsing. Fill me up till I can't know any other sensation."

Piccolo shook his head no, he wanted to show Gohan a better way, a safer way.

"Please? I need you to burn all traces of him away. Make me forget." Gohan's voice warbled on the edge of desperation and hurt.

Again, no.

"Please... Make me feel real." a shaking hand ran down emerald skin and pushed down on the alien's lower back till his hips met Gohan's. The weak boy rolled his hips up against a new length that had slid out from a slit between Piccolo's lowest pink pelvic skin.

Again Gohan bucked up and whimpered, "P-Piccolo."

For once the stubborn warrior caved. He drove into the tight entrance without warning and Gohan's mouth opened in a silent scream, his toes curling, and his fingers digging into Piccolo's muscled back. So thick. So hot. So good. All Piccolo.

The Namek snarled and swallowed the soundless cries, engulfing Gohan's oral appendage and sucking hard. Moving fast and powerfully, but smoothly Piccolo strove determinedly to give his boy all he wanted. The invaded teen's back arched up off the ground as his lover's impressive member drug along his most pleasurable spot hidden inside his constricting channel and remained curved up stiffly in the air, his hips jerking to meet Piccolo's pace of their own accord.

Gohan's insides burned so wonderfully awful. The mighty body above him was acutely intimidating, at any moment the stronger male could hurt him. Hack at his self esteem and demean him with spite filled words that would scald and gore his dignity. Piccolo could own him and twist the pleasure he gave into something ugly and controlling. But Gohan knew he'd never harm him. This odd man loved him. Desired him for more than a means of nefarious purposes. He could never touch Gohan again as long as Piccolo loved him.

Gohan was so close and Piccolo rode the overwhelming ecstasy of their heated coupling right with him. When the boy began to squeeze at an erratic rate around him, the Namek broke their facial contact to gasp for air and hear the climax Gohan's release. Sure enough with one more well aimed snap of his jade hips Gohan cried out his green man's name, his back arching even higher. Piccolo ended just as hard as Gohan milked him thoroughly and spent himself deep inside his lover. Gohan succumbed to his exhaustion and fell limply in Piccolo's ever vigilant arms. The tired but joyful Namekian lowered them both to the ground and tucked his boys delicate body into the warming curve of his own.

He traced the features of Gohan's sleeping face softly, "I'll fix you Gohan. That vile creature can't break you further. Your safe now."

He'd never been more right.

…...Even in your lowest hour, the hurt seeming endless, and everyone has gone on without you... You are never alone.

The End.