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2Watchers' Diaries by KyliaQuilor For as long as there have been Slayers and writing, people have recorded the exploits of those Slayers. For the Council, they are the Watchers' Diaries. But Wesley, apart from the Council and without a Slayer, continues to write. Even he knows not why.
T, English, Angst, words: 798, favs: 4, follows: 3, 3/21/2015, Wesley W.P.
22Angelica's Lement: An Angel's Daughter Story » by dis-nerd-1313 Angelica had a normal life…until she found out her father, Angel, was a vampire, and the boy she fell in love with was turned INTO a vampire and she still had to go to high school...hey, no one ever said being a teen was easy. Sequel to Angel's Daughter.
K, English, Fantasy & Family, chapters: 10, words: 13k+, favs: 12, follows: 13, updated: 3/16/2015 published: 10/8/2010, Angel, Cordelia C.
5Closure » by CaptianPeroxideandDeadboy " You're grief hangs off of you like rotted flesh, I couldn't bear it from them as well" everyone needs closure.
K+, English, Sci-Fi & Angst, chapters: 2, words: 870, updated: 3/13/2015 published: 3/6/2015
2 How it should have ended: Billy by quarteralien Alternate ending to episode 3.06, where Fred is a little more persistent.
K, English, Hurt/Comfort, words: 934, favs: 3, 3/13/2015, Wesley W.P., Fred B.
28Deal with an Angel » by Michael Con Set during season 5, replacing the episode "You're Welcome". Lindsey plans to ruin Angel by forging a contract between Buffy and Wolfram & Hart which she can't help but break.
T, English, Drama, chapters: 11, words: 19k+, favs: 17, follows: 35, updated: 3/10/2015 published: 1/16/2015, Angel, Spike, Buffy S.
3 NFA by Nitrowugs My take on a possible ending for NFA.
T, English, Adventure, words: 1k+, favs: 3, 3/4/2015, Angel, Angelus, Spike
3 The Guttural Muse by sovery An unmooring. Angel searches for Buffy in Rome. 900 words.
K+, English, Romance & Angst, words: 1k+, favs: 10, follows: 3, 2/22/2015, Angel, Buffy S.
2 Cold as Hell by Cornerofmadness Connor doesn't think much of L.A.'s winter.
T, English, Drama, words: 350, favs: 1, 2/16/2015
1New World » by shadow wolf6 Wesley, Cordelia and Gunn are taken into another dimension where they are now the Champions for The Powers That Be. Xander and Tara from Buffy are included.
K+, English, Adventure, chapters: 4, words: 4k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, updated: 1/31/2015 published: 1/17/2015, Cordelia C., Wesley W.P., Charles G.
1 A Night Out by Cornerofmadness They're out for a little fun
T, English, Drama, words: 328, 1/30/2015, Wesley W.P., Faith
apocalyptic time by megadeanlove Takes place on the final episode, I just couldn't let Lindsey die.
T, English, Drama & Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 4, follows: 2, 1/20/2015, Angel, Charles G., Lindsey M., Spike
1apocalyptic tim by megadeanlove Takes place on the final episode, I just couldn't let Lindsey die.
T, English, Drama & Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 1, 1/19/2015, Angel, Charles G., Lindsey M., Spike
1 The Best Of Enemies, The Best Of Lovers by ChenfordsRollisi Do Angel and Spike really hate each other? Or is it all just for show? Warning: Contains SLASH.
T, English, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 7, follows: 4, 1/19/2015, Angel, Spike
4 Never Be Friends by TheFoxinator Buffy gets ready to head back home after swooping in to help save LA and discovers that saying goodbye hasn't gotten easier yet. Bangel. Post-NFA.
K+, English, Angst, words: 969, favs: 8, follows: 6, 1/17/2015, Angel, Buffy S.
5 Who Is Real And Who Is Not by Nitrowugs AU fic. Buffy hasn't been seen in California in years. She pays a visit to her old friends at Angel Investigations. Warning: In this story Faith is working for the bad guy.
T, English, Drama & Angst, words: 3k+, favs: 7, follows: 6, 1/13/2015, Angel, Buffy S.
2 Writing Wrongs by AlexWayne Set during S3 E6: Billy. In the aftermath of Wesley's possession, what went through his head before Fred came to visit?
K+, English, Angst & Hurt/Comfort, words: 2k+, follows: 1, 1/7/2015
2 King's Pet by TheFoxinator Buffy isn't just going to let Illyria take what she wants. Not without a fight. Post-NFA. Spuffy.
K+, English, Humor, words: 374, favs: 9, follows: 3, 12/31/2014, Buffy S., Illyria
1 Sugar and Spice Part 3 » by The Cat's Whiskers Everyone is having anxiety attacks over the fact that Angel has just handed over a human baby to the Fell Brethren like a sack of spuds on supermarket sale, Illyria is still being inexplicably tetchy and moody, and what Lindsey McDonald is up to is anyone's guess. Follows Shadowed Souls as the penultimate story in the series. Multi-part story set just before the episode Power Play
T, English, Fantasy, chapters: 5, words: 13k+, follows: 1, updated: 12/27/2014 published: 12/26/2014, Angel, Wesley W.P., Spike, Illyria
6 Always by TheFoxinator After everything they've been through, it's getting harder for Angel to imagine Buffy still loving him. Set during early season nine/season one of Angel and Faith. Bangel.
K+, English, Friendship & Hurt/Comfort, words: 507, favs: 9, follows: 5, 12/27/2014, Angel, Faith
3 Sugar and Spice Part 2 » by The Cat's Whiskers Everyone is having anxiety attacks over the fact that Angel has just handed over a human baby to the Fell Brethren like a sack of spuds on supermarket sale, Illyria is still being inexplicably tetchy and moody, and what Lindsey McDonald is up to is anyone's guess. Follows Shadowed Souls as the penultimate story in the series. Multi-part story set just before the episode Power Play
T, English, Fantasy & Drama, chapters: 8, words: 26k+, follows: 1, updated: 12/26/2014 published: 10/23/2014, Angel, Wesley W.P., Spike, Illyria
1 The Other Child » by amy.ward.906 Alana McKenzie otherwise known as Laney, leaves what is left of her foster home just as Los Angeles decends into hell. Finding a group of people in the middle of battle and helping them, she finds what pieces to her past she has been looking for and so much more.
T, English, Supernatural & Family, chapters: 8, words: 3k+, favs: 13, follows: 11, updated: 12/9/2014 published: 6/11/2014, Angel, OC
56 Lovely Ladies » by electrons A vengeance demon decides to punish Wesley for the events of 'Billy'. When an old acquaintance of AI's shows up she gets the chance to do so. Now AI has to team up with an unlikely ally to save Wesley from an even more unlikely threat. As the vengeance demon makes Wesley's greatest fear a reality AI must save him before they too become doomed. No time to edit. Message any errors.
T, English, Supernatural & Drama, chapters: 36, words: 158k+, favs: 19, follows: 16, updated: 11/17/2014 published: 4/8/2014, Cordelia C., Wesley W.P., Fred B., Faith
4 Never a Saint by Fluffernutter8 Angel accidentally wakes up with her one more morning. That doesn't mean that everything goes smoothly. IWRY AU.
T, English, words: 6k+, favs: 19, follows: 6, 11/13/2014, [Angel, Buffy S.]
Angel Season Six Episode One by lutherjones79 Picking up monthes after Not Fade Away, Angel finds his team detoriated and the Senior Partners somehow gone?
T, English, Adventure & Supernatural, words: 2k+, favs: 1, 11/11/2014, Angel, Charles G., Harmony, Illyria
4 Here Alone Together by TheFoxinator After the battle against Wolfram and Hart, Spike and Angel find themselves alone, but not alone enough. Post-NFA.
T, English, Humor, words: 1k+, favs: 6, follows: 2, 11/8/2014, Angel, Spike
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