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Critical Analysis of Questionable Interpersonal Dynamics by ShiningAngelEyes Jeff gets called out on his abusive behavior towards Abed. Set in season 6.
K, English, Friendship & Hurt/Comfort, words: 1k+, 5/4, Jeff W., Britta P., Abed N., Annie E.
36Everything Is Better, Part Six » by CeleryLapel This is a continuation of the series, "Everything is Better the Second Time Around." If Annie Edison had a child before she entered Greendale and how this situation might have shaped her and Jeff's relationship.
T, English, Romance & Family, chapters: 22, words: 103k+, favs: 48, follows: 48, updated: 1/26 published: 4/27/2020, Jeff W., Annie E.
Spin Off » by AgentOfAngst Troy encourages a troubled Abed to get back in touch with Jeff months after the conclusion to "Season Six"
T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Friendship, chapters: 2, words: 2k+, favs: 2, updated: 1/1 published: 12/16/2021, [Troy B., Abed N.] Jeff W.
A Greendale Reunion by Racingpigeon03 Greendale is having a class reunion Jeff realised how good Annie and Abed are together
K, English, Romance & Friendship, words: 645, favs: 1, follows: 1, 12/28/2023, Abed N., Annie E.
13 Cadeaux en folie » by Almayen Voici le calendrier de l'avent 2023 ! Au programme, des textes cadeaux offerts à ceux qui en ont demandé (inscriptions encore ouvertes) Multifandom
K, French, Romance & Friendship, chapters: 5, words: 2k+, updated: 12/13/2023 published: 12/1/2023, [Annie E., Jeff W.]
3 Butcher, Baker & Friends » by CeleryLapel Shirley needs help with a case Crossover fic: "Community" and "The Butcher and The Baker"
T, English, Humor & Friendship, chapters: 15, words: 41k+, favs: 16, follows: 7, updated: 10/15/2023 published: 4/28/2018, Jeff W., Abed N., Annie E., Shirley B.
7Jeff Eats Pizza Weird » by ryuzaki4 Abed spirals out of control when he senses something is amiss among his friends. It's up to Jeff, who broke Abed in the first place, to fix his friend and realize something about himself along the way.
K+, English, Humor, chapters: 5, words: 15k+, favs: 11, follows: 10, updated: 10/10/2023 published: 5/22/2020, Jeff W., Britta P., Abed N., Troy B.
1 Normal Grâce à Elle by Mana2702 Abed apprend à être en couple depuis qu'il est avec Annie, il apprend ce que c'est d'être vraiment amoureux.
K, French, Romance, words: 772, 9/16/2023, [Abed N., Annie E.]
1 Lendemain de Soirée by Mana2702 Jeff se réveille et ne comprend pas pourquoi Dean est si en colère. Mais tout à coup il réalise qu'il a complètement oublié la soirée de la veille et il va devoir mener son enquête pour que son petit-ami lui pardonne.
T, French, Romance & Friendship, words: 2k+, 9/16/2023, [Jeff W., Dean C. Pelton] Britta P., Abed N.
Jeff et le Doyen (par Mana2702) by Comptoirdesauteurs Qui aurait cru que Jeff finirait par tomber amoureux du doyen ? Et pourtant c'est arrivé, et l'ancien avocat en est très heureux !
T, French, Romance & Friendship, words: 4k+, 8/15/2023, [Jeff W., Dean C. Pelton] Abed N., Annie E.
1 Le Malade Imaginaire by Mana2702 Le Doyen est malade, ça n'arrive jamais ! Jeff s'inquiète, il va donc aller prendre soin de lui, mais quelle ne sera pas sa surprise quand il va se rendre compte que tout ceci n'était qu'un stratagème du doyen pour qu'ils se rapprochent !
T, French, Humor & Friendship, words: 1k+, 8/11/2023, Jeff W., Britta P., Abed N., Dean C. Pelton
2 Conflict, Discourse, and the Effects of Change by AnthroQueen This isn't who he used to be; old Winger never would've let a girl get to him this badly, and never would've even thought twice about some of the shit he'd said. But then again, he'd never felt this way about any other girl before. Everyone before this had merely been mile markers on a roadmap that led directly to her.
T, English, Romance, words: 25k+, favs: 2, follows: 1, 7/30/2023, Jeff W., Britta P.
4 Six saisons et un film » by Almayen Quelques pensées de nos amis les plus étranges.
K, French, chapters: 2, words: 617, favs: 1, follows: 1, updated: 7/21/2023 published: 8/30/2022, Jeff W., Annie E.
1 Insomnie by Mana2702 Abed n'arrive pas à dormir, il se retrouve seul à Los Angeles et tout ça le perturbe. Il décide donc d'aller marcher pour se changer les idées.
K, French, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 7/4/2023, Abed N.
One Week Later (one shot) by btom624 Britta goes to Jeff's to talk after the Transfer Dance. He's not alone.
T, English, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 7, follows: 2, 6/26/2023, [Jeff W., Annie E.] Britta P.
5 Studies in Anatomy and Physiology » by AnthroQueen It's not like they're contractually obligated or anything; no one signs anything, no one shakes hands, it's not etched in stone or engraved in permanent ink. They don't define anything, or put a label on what they're doing, or even agree it'll happen again, but they both know it will, and it does.
T, English, Romance, chapters: 2, words: 21k+, favs: 3, follows: 2, 6/14/2023, Jeff W., Britta P.
A Spiderman For Everyone by AgentOfAngst Troy and Abed go see Into The Spiderverse together.
T, English, Family & Romance, words: 674, 6/2/2023, [Abed N., Troy B.]
9 31 Preuves qu'Abed Sait Aimer » by Mana2702 31 textes sur 31 jours, pour prouver qu'Abed sait aimer, et qu'il est justement fou amoureux de sa belle Genesis.
T, French, Romance & Humor, chapters: 31, words: 11k+, favs: 2, follows: 2, updated: 5/31/2023 published: 5/1/2023, [Abed N., OC]
6 Foundations of Human Behavior by AnthroQueen She doesn't know what this means. She's back on the dusty floor of the apartment, poring through pages of her textbook. But maybe the answer's not in the pages of this book, or any book for that matter. Maybe the answer is something she's not ready for, something she can't come to terms with yet, because it's much too real, and these things only happen to others, not to her.
T, English, Romance, words: 26k+, favs: 3, follows: 1, 4/23/2023, Jeff W., Britta P.
The Pieces and People We Lose Along the Way by AgentOfAngst Frankie and Abed talk about grief and moving forward.
T, English, Friendship & Hurt/Comfort, words: 390, 3/25/2023
1 The Hunger Deans: Catching Fire by capostrophe Season 4 Ending AU. When Jeffrey's summer classes are proven fraudulent, his extra credits are discredited, and he cannot graduate early after all. The Dean greenlights another schoolwide paintball game, and the stakes have never been higher. Some mild Jeff/Annie and some unrequited/ambiguous Dean Pelton/Jeff.
T, English, Humor & Adventure, words: 8k+, follows: 1, 3/11/2023, Jeff W., Abed N., Annie E., Dean C. Pelton
The Home You Made by AgentOfAngst After asking her to move in with him, Rachel breaks up with Abed, leaving Annie to help him pick up the pieces as to why.
T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Friendship, words: 1k+, favs: 1, 1/19/2023, Abed N., Annie E.
1 Library Science by WillDreamer The Soft Launch of the new campus Library takes an unexpected turn...
K, English, Humor & Crime, words: 1k+, favs: 2, follows: 1, 12/22/2022, Britta P., Abed N., Annie E.
The Troy Barnes Broken Hearts Club by AgentOfAngst Abed has a realization about his roommates.
T, English, Friendship & Hurt/Comfort, words: 604, favs: 3, 9/19/2022, Britta P., Abed N., Annie E.
Gay Dean by AgentOfAngst Abed has some questions about queerness.
T, English, Friendship, words: 680, favs: 2, follows: 1, 9/15/2022, Abed N., Dean C. Pelton
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